"Can you go out for activities?" It was the most cheerful Golden Ox Star God among the twelve Star Gods. This guy really looks like a cow, and he is not The general ox is a rhino.

The height of Star God in Golden Ox seat is more than two meters and three meters, the shoulder width is close to one meter, and the two arms are two times thicker than my thighs. The proportion of that figure is simply not human, of course he It's Divine Race, it's not a human originally, but in terms of humanoid creatures, this guy is at least a monster-level existence.

"Are you feeling bored here?" I looked at Golden Ox and asked.

The other party faintly touched the horns on the helmet, and then said: "It's not very stuffy, it just feels a little stiff to stay in one place. But the speed of improving strength is really fast here. , I feel my strength is going up. And I recently discovered that I have developed a second time, and I feel obviously a little higher than when I first came in."

"I rely on, How tall are you already? How long do you make us live?" Cancer Star God jokingly said.

"Okay, okay, this is the end of the joking, I really have something for you this time. You guys will go with me after a little bit of rectification."

Twelve Star God nodded, and then said: "We have nothing to rectify, we can go now."

"Then, come with me."

Star God left the innermost seal pillar, and then the outer city wall, and when we walked out of the fifth city wall, the two angels outside immediately noticed us. Looking at the twelve Star Gods behind me, these two angels immediately bowed their heads as a salute. After all, these twelve Star Gods were already world-famous gods when they were on the Olympus Divine Race. Now they are here. After this side, the strength is the growth of advanced by leaps and bounds, and for these two angels, this is already the existence that they have to bow their heads.

"Light God Palace people?" asked the Aries Star God who followed me after seeing the two angels.

I shook my head and said, "No, this is from the power of the Holy See of the Lord. Don't ask. These two are special cases." I know they must ask why these two angels are so beautiful. In fact, after knowing that they are from the power of the Holy See of Jehovah, most Divine Races have this expression. The main reason is that the average appearance of the angels from Jehovah's Holy See is really too terrible, so occasionally the two of them look good and nobody believes them.

After a brief introduction to both parties, I took them to leave the city of commandments, and then to the place where Jehovah’s Holy See powers are located. I have to say that Jehovah really works hard for Power of Faith. It only took a few hours for me to negotiate. He had already assembled all the troops here, and they started to set off without waiting for me to come.

Although the route has not been determined before, as long as they don't leave the border, they still have the final say on how to go? So in order to save time, the fellow Jehovah directly let his men drive to the border line first.

Star Gods and I did not come back, but returned by teleportation. If the twelve Star Gods are separated, it will be twelve super fighter machines. The battle strength is very strong, but as long as you are not alone, you can use the special ability. For example, when the Star God of Gemini and Star God of Aries are together, Space Jump can be used, and it is possible to take a large group of people to jump together, and they don’t want Transmission Formation to make mistakes. Their ability is extremely accurate. , And don't consume much mana, anyway, Gemini and Aries didn't say there was any burden.

Because we jumped back directly, the speed was relatively fast, and we arrived at the headquarters of Jehovah’s Holy See power in the blink of an eye, but even so, it was still much slower than Jehovah.

When Jehovah saw us appearing, he was just a little stunned, and then he immediately asked excitedly: "The route is done?"

I nodded and said: "It's done. First. To Austria, then into the Czech Republic, then into Poland, and finally into Russia from Ukraine."

After the Lord heard my words, frowned: "Why did you go around such a big circle?"

"You are content! There is a way to be good."

Thinking about it, Jehovah himself, unless he launches a war and rushes through, he will definitely not be able to talk about it anyway. . This shows how big our Frost Rose League is between the Divine Races.

"Since the route is determined, it should not be too late. I will take someone there now. However, this section of the road is not short. It is estimated that we need to walk one day to Russia. What about your side... "

"You don't need to worry about our problems." I pointed to the twelve Star Gods behind me and said: "Isn't there a great god who sits? The free Divine Race is powerful, but it's not one. Let’s face it. Besides, as long as you are on the road, we can send the members of the chaotic and order Divine Race stranded on the Russian borders to the United States, so we don’t have to wait until you fight the Siberian Divine Race before we can transfer our forces."

"This is also true." After the Lord had finished speaking, he suddenly said: "Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you something before."

"What's the matter?"


"It’s okay for you to let us play the Siberian Divine Race for you, but we had no intersection with the Siberian Divine Race before, so I did not deliberately collect information about the Siberian Divine Race. This will be right away. I’m going to go to war with them. You always want to let me know what the enemy is like?"

"Oh, sorry, my negligence on this matter." I said, I took out a bunch of things from my body. The crystal ball passed. "There are scenes of our guild fighting with the Siberian Divine Race. You can probably know the battle strength and battle method of the Siberian Divine Race by researching it."

The Lord nodded and said: "But we except This still needs to have a forward base on the Russian side! I can’t fight with them on the border, right? I didn’t know. The Russian border blockade is a blizzard barrier. The attribute is good for the Divine Race in Siberia. If we are in Fighting on the border, we will suffer."

"You don’t have to worry about this." I said: "In fact, our current operations are completely confidential. The Divine Races I invited before The forces have taken our Power of Faith, which is considered as a hush fee. So they don’t go back and tell the Divine Race in Siberia, and the agreement between us is only known to us, and the one who will not leak the secret."

The Lord said: "That is to say, they will not know that we are here until we really meet the Divine Race in Siberia on Russian soil?"

I smiled nodded and said:" Of course. Don’t you think that the Siberian Divine Race can be a prophet? The language department is not something that the Siberian Divine Race is good at."

"If this is the case, then it would be fine." The Lord nodded said that there is no other problem.

Since the Lord’s side is fine, I briefly explained to him, and then left the Lord's side with the two angels he gave me.

With Gemini and Aries, it is much easier to move. We teleported directly from the Temple Mount to Russia. The reason we came here was not to fight the Siberian Divine Race, but to send the two angels over.

The power of the Holy See of Jehovah is going to fight the Divine Race in Siberia. This is a major event. It is impossible to fight. At least some early intelligence support is needed. Although I have given them a lot of things, there has never been too much intelligence on the battlefield. Of course, the more detailed the better, so the power of the Holy See of Jehovah also needs its own intelligence support. The mission of these two angels is to carry out some simple investigation tasks here before the great army of the Holy See of the Lord arrives here. Of course, one day is too short, and of course they can't get any results on their own. But this time Jehovah’s Vatican forces are fighting the Divine Race in Siberia. In the final analysis, it is the foreign aid we invited, so of course our Frost Rose League is obliged to help them get some trivial things.

Although our Frost Rose League’s intelligence network in Russia is also a mess, it is at least much better than the fact that Jehovah’s Holy See has nothing here, so I plan to connect these two angels with our intelligence agency first. After that, the intelligence collection and other tasks will be completed by the intelligence agency of our Frost Rose League to help them together.

Of course, I came here to lead them to take the lead, and they discussed the following matters by themselves. I have no time to be an investigator for Jehovah.

Because we will have a communicator, it is very convenient to contact. I easily found the intelligence personnel here and handed the two angels to them, and then explained the tasks that followed, and then I left the wasteland here with the help of Star God. Of course, I did not leave Russia directly, but sent it to the development zone of our guild in Russia.

Considering that the United States needs to work with the free Divine Race right away, the chaos and order Divine Race must be brought over. But using Transmission Formation to transfer is too slow. Just because Gemini and Aries have the ability to transfer, don’t waste it. Just take away a part of the battle strength, so that on the one hand, you can leave some chaos and order here. Divine Race Guard against the Lord The Holy See's forces have not yet been attacked by the Siberian Divine Race during this empty window. On the other hand, they can send a batch of chaotic and order Divine Races to the United States in advance to resist the free Divine Race.

"I said, boss, you just drove away the Isengard mobile fortress, and now you are also taking away the chaos and order Divine Race, what should we do here?" Responsible for the defense mission of the development zone The player from the guild said to me crying and said: "I also know that the United States is in trouble, but we can’t leave it alone! You have taken everyone away. If the Russians attack, what shall I do with them? Fight?"

"Aren't there Japanese allies there?" I said with a smile.

The member was stunned by me, and then whispered: "I said the boss, you don’t need to mention this, and I’m even more worried when you talk about this. That’s a Japanese, we can do it. It’s okay when the battle strength is on this side, but you have taken people away. Now Isengard Mobile Fortress is not on this side, you will also take away the chaos and order Divine Race, the rest of the players are all For these second-line personnel, there are not many NPC troops left. With just such a little battle strength, there are not as many people under Masaka Matsumoto! What if they think we are weak? We need to know that we and Japanese players not long ago It’s a mortal enemy!"

"Don’t worry about this issue. I have something inconvenient to tell you. Anyway, you only need to know that Matsumoto Masaka will never betray us halfway."

< p>"Boss, what do you mean...?"

"Don't be scared to guess, anyway, you only need to know that Masaga Matsumoto is absolutely credible. But his Japanese players still need to be a little wary , But there is Matsumoto Masaka suppressed, they do little things at best, they will not come up with any major events, for the sake of harmony, you can bear it, if there is anything, the communicator is open anyway, just contact us. There is also , Let me give you a bottom line. I’ve hired a bunch of foreign aid for you. Now I’m on the road, I can enter Russia in about 20 hours. When the time comes, they will be responsible for the Siberian Divine Race, so only these 20 The Russians will not attack within an hour, and then their Siberian Divine Race will not be able to count on."

"What foreign aid is so good? Can it hold the Siberian Divine Race?"

" It’s not to hold back, but to completely wipe out the Siberian Divine Race."

"Boss, I’m honest, don’t fool me!"

"I’m fine, what are you doing? "I slapped him angrily, and I said directly: "Don't publicize this matter, keep it secret for the time being. We want to give the Russian players a surprise. This foreign aid is much better than the Siberian Divine Race. When they arrive at the Siberian Divine Race, powerless to defend himself. When the time comes, Russian players not only can’t get the support of Divine Race in Siberia, they may have to allocate a part of their strength to help Divine Race in Siberia, so as long as there is no problem in these 20 hours, absolutely not Something will happen."

"But what if something goes wrong in these twenty hours?" the other party asked.

"If something goes wrong within these twenty hours, it will depend on you and our allies." I said seriously, "Although the probability of this kind of thing is not high, it cannot It is guaranteed that it will not happen, so if the Russians really seize this time gap, then you must defend me desperately. As long as you are not completely driven out of this development zone, once the reinforcements arrive, you can counter Push back. In addition, I have already said hello to Celestial Court. Although the chaos and order Divine Race I have taken away, Celestial Court will prepare a reinforcement unit on standby at any time. Due to system regulations, they cannot be directly on our side. Stand on duty, but the troops will be assembled in advance. If you have anything to do, report it up. I will notify Celestial Court. Reinforcements will arrive in ten minutes at most."

"How many reinforcements can there be in Celestial Court?"< /p>

"Anyway, it's enough for you to block the enemy. Of course, you must work hard, and I guess that if there is a fight before the reinforcements I invite arrive, your losses will be great, but if you don't make a major mistake, It’s definitely okay to hold on."

"For Mao, I feel that you, the boss, are you trying to cheat my rhythm?" The Chief-In-Charge in that area looked at me with a miserable look, but finally Sigh helplessly: "Forget it, who told you to be the boss! If there really is a battle, if I am brave, can I be reimbursed for the equipment exploded?"

"Of course, I I'll be reimbursed for you."

"That's good, but I hope the Russians don't know that our defense is empty during this period of time. It's best not to attack."

Despite our wishes It is beautiful, but the truth is... fundamentally impossible.

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