After arranging things on the Russian side, I am also a little worried, but it is useless to worry at this time, so I can only do my best to let the players and NPCs here do well. Preparations for the war, but there is still no remaining personnel to be transferred. After all, there is only a possibility of fighting on the Russian side, but fighting on the US side is determined.

When the Divine Race members arrived in the United States with a large group of chaotic and orderly members, the Free Divine Race had already begun to fully intervene in the war. Because of the tactics of the Rainbow Alliance, our guild is now regarded as an invader in the United States, and the free Divine Race has thus obtained an excuse to do it against us. At the same time, because of our battle with Free Divine Race, Sea God Temple, our ally, will also be attacked by Free Divine Race. This means that Free Divine Race directly intervened in the American Civil War, and it was an extra-standard intervention.

According to the system’s guidance plan, Divine Race is reasonable to provide support for its own players in the battle against the soil, but the intensity of this provision should not be very strong at first, but should be step by step. This is the original design standard of system. However, because of the free Divine Race and our Frost Rose League or the personal grievances between the free Goddess and me, the current free Divine Race not only participates in this kind of civil war, but also directly and fully intervene. The entire free Divine Race almost came out of the nest, and the huge Divine Race army instantly reversed the battle that we had so easily reversed before.

Faced with this situation, the people in the Sea King Palace and the high level players of our guild are quite distressed, but there is really no good way to do this. The other party has already obtained an excuse to intervene in the war, and no matter what we can do, it is impossible to change the fact that the other party has begun to attack us. Once the army starts fighting, it is not so easy to stop. Therefore, what needs to be discussed now is not how to prevent the free Divine Race from participating, but how to defeat them.

"Purple Moon, you are back!" Terry was almost crying when he saw me appear.

"I've been away for more than ten hours, right? Are you so exaggerated?"

Terry complained: "Do you think we are here but Great sin! Now the free Divine Race is fully involved in our battle with the Rainbow Alliance. Divine Race troops are everywhere. The elite troops in your guild can barely fight them. There are only a small number of people in our guild. Most of the forces that competed against them were turned into cannon fodder, almost like cutting melons and vegetables, and they were cleaned up in pieces. Also, the undead Legion you bought with a lot of money didn’t seem to have much in the face of the free Divine Race. It’s cheap. Although it’s a little bit more resistant than our ordinary troops, it’s not much different."

I nodded and said: "It was originally prepared for the Musketeers, but it wasn’t to compete with Divine Race. Fighting. To deal with Divine Race, you still need high-end martial power."

"Speaking of high-end martial power, how much does your guild use mobile angels for Divine Race? Can you sell us some? We really need Peak battle strength too much here."

"For Divine Race, using mobile angels is the equipment of our guild trump card. How can it be sold out? Besides, we have all the right The Divine Race mobile angels are already on the battlefield in the United States. If there is a new one, it must be immediately pulled over to participate in the war, so it is the same whether you buy it or not."

Terry That is to say, I just asked casually. After hearing that I did not sell the mobile angels for Divine Race, I immediately changed the subject and asked: "The twelve behind you should be the Star Gods of the zodiac? They are really starlight!" /p>

"We are not just good-looking." Leo walked out and asked: "Where do we need our support now? I have been holding back for a long time, and I have long wanted to vent."

< p>"hey hey hey, you all pipe down for me." The twelve Star Gods behind my one-sentence exit quickly bowed their heads and stepped back to stand in a row behind me and stopped talking. Although their current strength is very strong, I gave them this position in the final analysis. If I don't let them guard the Ring of Discipline, they will also be impossible to increase their strength so quickly. And if I have other ideas, it will be a matter of minutes to remove them. So, even though my personal strength may have surpassed me, these Star Gods are still respectful to me.

Terry looked at me and said, "In fact, we do need a lot of high-level battle strength to join the battle. If your gods don’t mind, I really hope they can join the battle right away. The free Divine Race threatened us too much, and because it was almost a side-to-side carnage, their advancing speed was too fast, at this speed they would be able to drive us all back to the beach before the night. So the best thing is I can ask these great gods to frustrate their spirit."

"Of course I brought them here to do this, but I don't plan to let them go and put out the fire for you."

Rui was stunned when I heard what I said, then looked at me and asked, "What do you mean when I said Purple Moon? Our situation is so urgent here, do you want to leave us alone?"

"Of course I don't care about you, I won't come if I really don't care about you. Have you heard of our Chinese art of war?"

Terry nodded and said: ""The Art of War" , I know, and I have read it. It’s really difficult to deal with."

"You know it, but the art of war is not limited to "The Art of War" this. There are many art of war in China, among them There is a sentence called-"Catch the thief first, shoot the king, shoot person first then shoot horse."

"Don't understand!"

"I have no time to explain to you a foreigner. Anyway, you only need to know that I brought them here this time for the free Goddess."

"Free Goddess? You don't want to...?"

I nodded and said: "Yes, I just want to kill her first, then free Divine Race is not a problem. After the Lord God is killed, Free Divine Race will fall into chaos, and then we can take the opportunity to push back."

"If your plan can be successful, it can indeed solve our problem immediately, but are you really sure that you can get Goddess free?"

"How do you know if you don't try it? Let's talk about it With them, I think it’s right to worry about the free Goddess."

Terry looked at the Twelve Star God again with some disbelief, and then said: "I have confidence in their strength. , But free Goddess is after all the main god in our U.S., impossible is as simple as yours. Even if any one of them is a big Divine Grade or other existence, but facing a main god, they may not be so good. Let’s do it?"

"That’s because you don’t know him Our battle strength, you'll know when the fight really starts. To be honest, I brought the twelve of them together this time for a double insurance. In my estimation, as long as six people are enough to get 100% free Goddess. Bring twelve Star Gods together, as long as external factors are needed. No problem, I can guarantee 100% free Goddess. "

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