There are not many Divine Races that have just entered, and there are only less than 20 people in total, but this is quite a large group of Divine Races, because this time The invited Divine Race is invited according to the standard that each Divine Race force can only send two gods to participate, which means that the number of Divine Race on the scene divided by two is the number of Divine Race forces. Therefore, although there are not many gods present, they represent a large number of Divine Races.

Seeing us sitting inside, the Divine Race gang who just came in immediately greeted me very politely. Not because these guys are enthusiastic, but because they, like the two angels I reached out, were frightened by the situation in the City of Commandment.

Although the City of Discipline does not participate in the very small Divine Race, the slightly more formal Divine Race forces have sent people to station, but this is after all a foreign organization, and every Divine The number of people sent by the Race is just a few. The small Divine Race may only have one or two members here, and there are no more than ten members. These people are not only small in number, but once they are stationed in the City of Commandments, they become a semi-independent existence, and there is very little communication with the Divine Race. Therefore, although it is said that the forces of the Divine Race who are present are all here, they themselves don’t know much about the City of Commandments, and this is the result that the leaders of all parties hoped after discussing them, because they know the Commandments. The fewer people there are in the city, the safer it is.

Because of the intentional or unintentional information blockade, most Divine Races actually don’t know the City of Commandments. They came here to do business this time and they suddenly discovered that the City of Commandments was such a terrifying one. place. Gods like them are usually aloof and remote within their own sphere of influence, but when they arrive here, they find that the weakest in the entire city is them. Other personnel, whether they are guards or patrols, are even moving. The existence of things that look like handyman exudes terrifying power fluctuations.

Because they have seen too many powerful and scary people along the way, these guys are not even proud to have the slightest sense of pride. They feel that they are here like Small Fox among the wolves, surrounded by people who cannot afford to offend, so they can't think of any other way to deal with them except to behave with their tails.

I didn’t care too much about the reactions of these guys. Instead, I greeted them politely, and then said, “I’m so sorry to call you up at this time. It’s really for everyone. It’s troublesome."

My words here are very polite, but the gods over there are more polite than me, and all of them are busy saying "You’re welcome, no effort at all." "Things like this, anyway, it's a super-speaking type.

After everyone’s politeness, I started to arrange for these people to sit down, wait for everyone to sit down, and then the guards went out and closed the gates, then I said, “I’m calling everyone here this time. It’s because I have some personal matters that I need to ask for your help, and this matter requires the help of multiple Divine Race forces. If only one company agrees to my request, it does not have any practical meaning. And this time the matter is more urgent. , So I can’t go door-to-door to communicate with you one by one. This is my poor courtesy, so please don’t mind."

"Where and where." A deity present. Hearing my words, he immediately said: "Purple Moon has something to do. Of course, we have to help. We are afraid that we are too weak to help! As for etiquette, it is for outsiders to see. There is no need to pay attention to these in between."

I have to say that these gods are all gods, the elite of the gods, and they are called gods for short. Just a few words directly say that we are our own people. The ability to build relationships is really first-class, but this kind of thing is good for me anyway. Of course I will not confront others, but follow his words. Said next.

"You’re polite, since you don’t treat me as an outsider, I’m going to tell you all. This time I’m not asking everyone to contribute, but to borrow a way from you."

"Borrow the way? How can I borrow this way?" A deity asked suspiciously: "Purple Moon, you have to pass through our sphere of influence without saying hello? Did we say no? Let you live! Normally those foreigners are also in our sphere of influence back and forth, we didn’t say anything? What's more, it’s your President Purple Moon?"

Of course, I know that the other party will be puzzled. So I immediately explained: "If I myself, of course I won't bother you to run. This time I mainly borrowed the way for others."

"Others? I don’t know what President Purple Moon said. Who is this other person?"

"Jehovah’s Holy See power."

"The Holy See?" A Divine Race asked in surprise: "You mean to let us Open the border to let Jehovah’s Holy See forces pass through our sphere of influence?"

"I know this is not easy to handle, otherwise I will not find you. In fact, this matter Although it is difficult to say that it is difficult, it is also simple to say that it is simple. The power of the Holy See of the Lord is not for themselves this time, but at the request of our Frost Rose League to go to Russia to help us do something, but you are all in this piece. It should be clear that there is a place between the power of the Holy See of Jehovah and Russia, and these places are the jurisdiction of all of you. Therefore, if the power of the Holy See of Jehovah is to go to Russia to help us, we can only ask for your help. We have a passage. Although the entry of troops is a very memorable issue, we are just passing by and will not stay within your sphere of influence, so there is no loss for you. Of course I know that although this matter itself will not It will have a bad influence on you, but the heart of letting others is always necessary. It is really strange to let other forces enter the territory of your own country. All said, I know you are impossible. What you say is what you say, but what I want to say is that if you are willing to help, I can come forward and sign a guarantee agreement to ensure that the power of the Holy See of Jehovah is just passing by and will definitely not have any impact on your sphere of influence. In addition, if there is any The forces are willing to lend us a way, we can give a certain benefit, which can be regarded as a toll."

My words have silenced the Divine Race gang present, not because my words are strange and can’t be accepted, but It is because they are calculating the risk value and the rate of return after implementation.

Although the people present are all from the small Divine Race, there is not a lot of intelligence. At least we know that the Frost Rose League is currently fighting the Free Divine Race in the United States, and our guild in Russia is fighting Siberia. Divine Race is also a bit dirty. At this time, we use the way to let Jehovah’s Holy See power run to the land of Russia to help our guild. Needless to say, everyone knows that we must go to the Divine Race in Siberia. There is no need to talk about this kind of thing at all, and basically everyone present can analyze it.

Because everyone can analyze it, these guys all know that Jehovah’s Holy See will not have much influence along the way. After all, our purpose should be very clear. For this kind of large-scale strategy, normal people will definitely give up those petty profits, so basically I can be sure that what I say is the truth, because according to normal reasoning, this is the case, we have no motivation to deceive them, and there is no such condition.

Since we can be sure that we are really just borrowing the road, it means that they don’t need to pay anything for this matter. So, this matter itself does not require any effort for these Divine Races. However, at the same time I have promised that there will be benefits later, that is, they don't have to pay anything practical, but they can get benefits.

A little measurement of this kind of thing will know that it is definitely possible to do it, but it is a matter of knowing how to agree to us. All the people present were all spirits, so they calculated their own situation in detail, and finally they all started to exchange opinions with each other. Of course, because I was still here, I didn’t dare to be too obvious. It is there to analyze how and how to be more appropriate.

The speed of these guys is very fast, and a Divine Race spoke in less than thirty seconds. "Our Anke Divine Race can allow Jehovah's Holy See powers to pass through our control. We will provide you with guidance and necessary supplies. However, we want to know how President Purple Moon intends to compensate us for the risk of opening the border." /p>

This is a clearly priced transaction, so I didn’t intend to cover it up. I said directly: "Regarding the compensation of Anke Divine Race, my opinion is to directly settle with Power of Faith."

"What? Do you use Power of Faith for settlement?" The other side heard us actually use Power of Faith for settlement, and stood up directly from the position.

I looked at him pretending to be puzzled and asked: "Why? Don't you accept Power of Faith? Then we change..."

"no no no, we need it very much Power of Faith, this is a good suggestion, but I don't know how much you are willing to give?" The other party was afraid that we would really change payment by another method, so he interrupted quickly. You know that for Divine Race, everything can be bought, only Power of Faith may come by with luck, but not by searching for it, so Power of Faith is above all else. For Divine Race, this thing is Hard currency in hard currency, and absolute value preservation.

"So you accept Power of Faith? It scares me. If you don't accept it, then I won't have anything for you." I said, "We are in the hands of the guild." The number of Power of Faith is not very large. This time I asked the Holy See of Jehovah to come forward and paid some Power of Faith as a reward. And you also know that our guild is at war and needs Power of Faith to supply the chaos and chaos of our guild. Order Divine Race, so this Power of Faith is currently not much. But for this strategic plan, we have to squeeze one million units of Power of Faith from the total budget as the transaction quota. However, this The million units of Power of Faith are not given to someone, but used to pay for the value of the entire channel. That is to say, all Divine Races that we have promised can only be distributed from it. Impossible has so much Power of. Faith."

Although the Divine Race who was present after hearing my words calmed down a bit, it did not calm down completely because it was a huge sum of money for them. You know that Power of Faith is a rare thing for most Divine Races. Our guild can produce so much at once, which is beyond the expectations of these Divine Races.

The first Anke Divine Race that was nodded immediately shouted: "We can accept this agreement. As for the allocation of quotas, I propose to divide it according to the length of the route, and within whose sphere of influence has the more distance traveled. Just give him more."

Here, Anke Divine Race just finished talking about other Divine Races and immediately quarreled, because this Anke Divine Race is the Divine Race of Ukraine. Everyone will know by looking at the map of Europe. If you want to pass through the least countries from Italy to Russia, Ukraine is a country that you must pass through, and because Ukraine is much larger than the surrounding countries, it must be them on the journey. It accounts for more than half. In this case, fools are willing to divide them according to the distance.

Another Divine Race shouted: "I suggest to divide it equally according to the number of participating countries."

This is Divine Race from Slovenia. Their country is among these countries. The area is the smallest, and more importantly, from Italy to Russia, the road does not necessarily need to pass through Slovenia, it can be bypassed, and it does not increase the distance, so of course they are willing to divide according to the head, because then they will take a big advantage.

These two are typical for their own sake. Regardless of the type of others, they are too extreme. Of course, other countries are not doing it. So these Divine Races instantly became a porridge.

The two angels behind me from Jehovah’s Vatican forces looked at the Divine Race in the venue and couldn’t help whispered: "This is too shameful? Is there any Divine Race? Is it dignified?"

I couldn’t help but turn back and said with a smile when I heard the angel behind me said with a smile: "You are too little involved in this kind of thing. This is much more powerful. At that time, your boss was crying poor and cute, and you have done anything more embarrassing than this."

The male angel just stood there as soon as I said something bad about Jehovah. When I got up, I didn't have any reaction. Instead, the Divine Race over there was taken aback and found that his goal was not for himself and started quarreling them again.

I smiled and looked at the angel and asked, "It’s all here, haven’t you figured out the situation? God doesn’t say Supreme, even the Lord God is not. If I’m willing, at least I can Here are more than one hundred master gods. There are at least one slap in my hand that can destroy the Lord. What do you think the Lord can be arrogant? Besides, you are just a subordinate of the Lord. To be honest, I Let you sit here because of Jehovah's face. We are a group of high level Divine Race to discuss the problem, you are actually not even qualified to come in."


"Think clearly about your own position, don't always hold your shelf. This is not a place where ordinary people live, here Divine Race is also an ordinary existence. If you have any comments on this, then go out and find someone to challenge it. . As long as you can beat anyone in this city, even if you are responsible for sweeping the floor, I count you as great."

My words are very exciting, but the more exciting thing is that this is actually the truth. Like I said, although this guy is an angel, and is considered a high level angel among Jehovah’s Holy See powers, but here is really a fart, it’s not even a Divine Race here. The super thugs who come out, he really can't beat anyone here. It's not bad if he doesn't clamp his tail, yet dare to be arrogant. I now teach him a meal because I have to cooperate with Jehovah's Holy See, or I will let him die.

Although he was very unconvinced, the angel calmed down after being ridiculed by me, because he really didn't have any confidence! Although my words are awkward, it is the fact that the cleaners in this place are better than him. If he goes out to find someone to challenge, it is basically equal to courting death.

I just laughed when I saw this guy calm down, then turned to the guys over there who were still arguing about the distribution problem and said, "Okay, you guys will have no results like this, so you might as well listen to me. What’s your opinion?”

These guys all know that this time is equivalent to our Frost Rose League’s mission. They are taking the mission, which means that our Frost Rose League is the employer, so our opinion is absolutely is very important. The guy nodded and said very seriously: "If this is the case, let's listen to President Purple Moon's advice."

When everyone was quiet, I said, "Okay, Regarding this incident, I can only say that it is a little bit beyond my expectations. Originally, if Jehovah’s Holy See powers were allowed to go to Russia, it was not necessary for everyone to agree to borrow the way on the way. The reason why I called everyone here is because I was worried. Some people are unwilling to let us pass, but have no choice but to prepare more backup plans, so that even if there is a detour, at least I can go around, but what I didn’t expect is that everyone is so good to talk, and they all agreed to let. We borrowed it and made myself sorry, because we can be impossible to go to every country."

"Then what is the opinion of President Purple Moon?" asked impatiently. .

"My opinion is very simple. We first plan out a few routes, then connect the countries that the routes need to pass through and write them on the paper. Then we will draw lots in groups and draw which route , Then I will draw one hundred thousand units from this million units of Power of Faith and give them an average of 100,000 units to those countries that have not been drawn, which is regarded as a compensation for everyone to run for nothing. The remaining part is from the countries on the route. Discuss. After all, there are not many countries that the route passes through. It must be faster than the current large group of people. What do you say?"

After I finished talking, those Divine Race representatives began to think about it. , Because it is still unknown who will get and who will not get, so it is not easy for everyone to determine which side of their own interests are, so they can only discuss the matter. From the perspective of fairness and justice, there is no problem with my proposal, so those guys feel that it is not bad when they cannot substitute themselves for any party, so they all expressed their support for my proposal.

After getting everyone's confirmation, the rest is simple, just plan the route directly. Although there are many routes from Italy to Russia, there are actually only a few shortest and best routes. In this case, our route is really simple. In the end, we made a total of five routes, except for two. The routes are completely independent, and the rest are crossed.

After the route is selected, the remaining part is the lottery. Because I am the leader of this matter, there is no conflict of interest between Divine Race in these countries and me, and I don't have to favor anyone, so I came to draw the fairest. A simple lottery method quickly determines the best route, and the route decided is the worst of the five best routes, but after all, these five are relatively good routes, so even the worst of the five plans One is pretty good.

According to the selected route, this time Jehovah’s Holy See power will leave Italy from northern Italy, then pass through Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Ukraine and finally enter Russia. This route is the longest among the five alternative routes, and the road needs to cross a mountain range. The route itself is not easy to follow. The most important thing is that the four countries are not well coordinated. According to the best route, you can get to Russia as long as you pass through three countries. In this case, one less country will make the distribution easier. But since it has been said before, there is no way.

Of course, the countries that have not been drawn are quite frustrating, but because they have been said before, now it is not easy to quibble, and it is not go on an errand for nothing, at least one hundred thousand Power of Faith can give them points. Of course, after these Divine Race forces are divided, each force can get 10,000 units less, but just run and get so many Power of Faith. It was pretty good, so they didn't complain, even though they were not reconciled, they could only divide the Power of Faith and then left the City of Discipline.

After these irrelevant Divine Race forces are gone, the gods of the remaining four forces obviously have flying expressions on their faces. After all, there are 900,000 units of Power of Faith that make them four Family points, such as Ukraine, which can get at least 250,000 units of Power of Faith, can't be happy.

"The only four of you are left. Let's talk about how to divide it?"

"What the four of us said will probably quarrel again, so I think Purple Moon will do It’s good for you to decide.” The Ukrainian god said: “Neither you nor we have conflicts of interest, so it’s up to you to decide. We think it’s the most fair and just. We can’t get a result from our own quarrels. It’s not as good as you. Come on."

I think what the other person said is reasonable, so I didn't shirk it. "Since you all believe me, then I'll talk about it. Actually, I have already decided on this allocation plan before. The area and size of the four of you are different, so there must be someone who doesn’t know the distance or area. Convinced, of course equal sharing is also impossible, so I just want to combine your ideas. Let’s use both methods."

"What does it mean to use both methods? This allocation is either equal or press Is there a compromise plan for the distance division?"

I nodded and said: "You are right, you really have it. My idea is like this. The four of you don’t want to divide the 900,000 units. Power of Faith? I just thought, let’s take out 400,000 of them and divide it equally, one family of 100,000, and the remaining 500,000 of them on the route according to the length of the route. If the route is long, we will divide it a little bit more. In the end If there is an inexhaustible imminent one, I will give you the best one. Anyway, you won’t care about a bit of it?"

After listening, everyone just thought about it for a while and they all agreed. Because my method is indeed that everyone’s situation has been taken into account. Those Divine Races with a small area know that they are impossible as much as countries with such a large area, and those countries with a large area also know that impossible really makes They accounted for so much, because in essence, they just opened the border, and the distance actually didn't have much practical meaning. So, my method has actually taken care of them.

After the four countries here are nodded, the rest is simple. After we drew the route on the map, we asked the four of them to go back to arrange the guides. Then I left the conference hall with the two angels beside me. However, we did not leave the city of commandments, but rushed directly to the city. Go to the center.

Originally, I just felt a lot of pressure on the periphery of the city, but after passing the outer city wall, the two angels in the inner city began to sweat. The ground in this place is full of messy traps rune. Even the patrol team has to avoid the array of traps carefully, because these things are large traps designed for Divine Race, even if these high level gods step on them. Half-life is going to be removed too. Such a trap of terrifying, even if the formidable power is halved in the standby mode, no one wants to try it. It is definitely not a happy thing.

After walking through the second city wall, we entered the area where the third city wall was located and entered a large maze after passing through the third city wall. When they got here, all the magic traps were suddenly gone, but the two angels weren't relaxed now, but were nervous and even had difficulty breathing.

Although there are no traps on the ground in this place, the almost materialized energy fluctuations in the surrounding air and Law Aura leaked out of the more terrifying ring of precepts made the two angels feel that they were about to be held back. died. The breath that is so powerful that it suffocates them is constantly strengthening as we move. Whenever they think this is the limit of energy, they can immediately find that the previous step is nothing at all after taking a step forward. , The next step is the real limit.

Such constant spiritual shock makes these two angels really difficult now. Finally, the male angel couldn't help asking, "Purple Moon, where are we going? If I move forward, I'm really afraid that I will collapse. Can we wait for you here?"

The originally arrogant angel is now actually using honorifics, which shows how scared he is now. But I did not agree to him, but said: "Don't worry, you will be there in a few steps. And didn't you find it?"

"What did you find?" the other party asked hard.

I stretched out my palm and took a deep breath in an upward imaginary posture, and then said: "Don't you find that all the energy here is fused with Law Power in it?"

The male angel at first hasn’t reacted yet, but the female angel next to him said in surprise: "Huh... actually... this, this..."

this The girl is already surprised by what she found, but this is also a normal reaction, because when I brought the group of guys over, they were like this, and they were not even as good as this female angel.

In fact, although the energy pressure of this place will make the energy sensitive Divine Race feel great pressure, it is actually the same as the gravity training room in the science fiction movie. If a person has been exercising in an environment of double gravity, once he adapts to that environment, when he returns to the outside world, he will feel like he suddenly becomes a superman. You can jump to the roof with just one jump, and you can pick up a few hundred catties with one hand. This is because the pressure brought by double gravity forces the body to continuously strengthen to adapt to the side effects of this pressure.

The energy field in this city of commandments is the same as the gravity training room for Divine Race. On the surface, it looks uncomfortable, but as long as you adapt to this environment, you will find that you are The understanding of divine force and the intensity of divine force will rise by several levels. More importantly, the energy field here is not pure energy. It is also mixed with trace of Law Power fragments, so staying here for a long time can not only accelerate the growth of your own strength, but also The important thing is that there is still a chance to comprehend some law-like abilities. Although Low God is impossible to master Law Power like High God, they can comprehend some fragments of the law, and then acquire some laws-like abilities. For example, the main gods of each Deity Clan almost have one or two kinds of law-like abilities, and this is where they are different from the general Divine Race.

This kind of thing that can be said that only the bosses of various races can hope to get, unexpectedly appeared there, can you say that this angel is not excited?

Ignoring their reaction, after the female angel understood, I turned around and moved on, and at the same time I called my hand and said, "Keep up, don’t get lost. Going the wrong way here will have consequences. It’s very serious."

The angel with that face hurriedly followed me as soon as he heard what I said, but his heart completely changed. They were all paying attention to collecting the information of Law Power in the surrounding energy, although these The fragments are not complete, but a little fragment can also give them a certain inspiration, which is very important for their growth.

Just when they were busy collecting Law Power information, we suddenly left the maze area, and then the 4th city wall appeared in front of us.

"There is still a 4th city wall in this place?" the male angel asked in surprise.

"This is actually not a 4th city wall." I said, "This is actually a very special device, but it's a crowd of bosses. You two don't want to be silenced and just don't ask. Sometimes It’s better for people to be confused."

"Understood!" Both angels were nodded and agreed, although they were not stupid even though they were hard-hearted.

Seeing that they understand, I continued: "You are here to wait for me, I will enter and call a few people, and come out immediately. You just use this time to cultivation here, which is very helpful for your strength improvement. "

"en. "The two angels were not polite to me at all, they sat down and started to cultivate.

I smiled and shook my head and turned around and walked towards the city gate on the huge city wall. The city gate on the fifty-meter-high city wall is not the kind of gate that you see with a hole in the city wall, but the entire City Wall section itself is the gate. When I walked to the door, the center of the City Wall section suddenly separated a seam from the middle with a click, and then the city walls on both sides began to fold and shrink one by one like a deformed Vajra, and quickly opened a section in the center enough for me to pass. Channel. After I passed by, the city walls on both sides immediately reopened to completely close the gap. The two angels outside just glanced at it and didn't pay attention to it. After all, I said this was a secret before, and it would be no good for them to know more.

When I walked out of the city wall, the first thing I saw was a circle of 108 towering pillars. These pillars are all made of some kind of alloy and are more than fifteen meters in diameter. They are big enough to build a house on them. The height of the metal pillars is uniformly 120 meters, which is much higher than the outside city wall, but the strange thing is that these pillars are not visible from the outside, and you have to come in to see them.

Densely packed rune is painted on the surface of these pillars, and the rune on each pillar is different.

There is a small altar at the top of each metal pillar, and a high-level Divine Race must stand or sit on top of each altar.

In fact, the gods on the one hundred and eight pillars are not only guards, but also cultivation here. What I said to the angels before was not a joke, it was true. The ring of precepts represents the World Source. Around it, you can always experience the source state of everything in this world. Therefore, the improvement of cultivation, especially the realm and understanding, is very exaggerated. What's more, what the two angels didn't know was that the fluctuation they felt outside was just the slightest fluctuation leaked out here.

These one hundred and eight pillars are actually a seal. They are defensive weapons when the City of Commandments are invaded, but their main function is to limit the energy leakage of the Ring of Commandments. In fact, the entire city wall of the City of Commandments is used for this. These city walls are like noise barriers, blocking the internal energy one by one, so that the power of the ring of discipline can only exist in the city of discipline, and will not spread everywhere.

Although the five city walls are used to isolate this energy, the energy of the ring of commandments is too strong, so the five city walls are far from enough, and this circle of pillars is used To weaken the strongest seal leaked by the power of the Ring of Discipline, they can say that ninety percent of the energy leaked by the Ring of Discipline is sealed within this circle, and the remaining 10% is blocked by the five city walls outside. It was barely suppressing the power fluctuations of the ring of discipline to a normal level. What the two angels sensed was the fluctuation outside the fifth city wall, which was less than half or more than 10%, and the intensity was only about 4% at most, but they almost couldn't stand it, so it can be seen here. How much pressure is there.

However, as I said, this pressure is like the effect of a gravity training room. Although the energy intensity outside is also useful, it is at most the effect of twice the gravity. The intensity here is at least equal to the training room ten times the intensity, so the effect can be said to be outrageous.

According to the information provided by the Divine Race here, if you cultivation here, your strength will increase at least fifteen to twenty times faster than outside, and this increase will not be like that kind of energy backflow. The expert that is forcibly promoted by the method of realm is unstable, but it is abnormally solid, because the cultivation here is based on understanding. The energy of the Ring of Discipline is to let people around you understand the power first, and then the understanding will

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