After bidding farewell to the Lord, I took the two angels and left the Temple Mount directly, and then we went to the Dark God Palace first. Of course, if you want to go to the Dark God Palace in Europe, you must first pass through Tianyu City, from here to cover the players in charge of our club here, and then let them inform the European Light God Palace and the Olympus Divine Race on their behalf. I ran directly to the Dark God Palace in the eyes of the two angels with puzzled eyes.

As soon as we left Tianyu City, the male angel couldn’t help but ask: "President Purple Moon, the Lord God said that you will get the guarantee of three Divine Races, but you are just sending People send out notices, isn’t this different from the requirements of the main god?"

"What your boss needs is to ensure that your hometown is not harassed when you go out to fight. The two Divine Races and I have special Relationship, so just let me know. If I’m perfunctory, I won’t take you to the Dark God Palace. Just send me a notice, right?"

The male angel Something else to say, but was held back by the other female angel. The other party said to the male angel: "The Lord God said, we are now an ally with President Purple Moon. You can't bring in your emotions and affect the actions of the Lord God. You and I can't afford it."

The male angel suppressed his unhappiness after hearing the words of his companion. Obviously this guy had a bad impression of me, but I didn't bother to care about it. Such angels are just thugs under the hands of Jehovah. I am not even afraid of their bosses. How can I care about a pawn like him?

The things going on at Dark God Palace are not so complicated. When he met Titans, he was busy studying the magic array. I just talked to him briefly about the situation, please He promised not to attack the sphere of influence of the Holy See during the war between the power of the Holy See of Jehovah and the Divine Race of Siberia. Ditans didn't respond to my request. He simply asked the reason, and nodded agreed to it after listening to it.

Because I have a very good relationship with the three Divine Races, there is no oath or the like for this matter, just a simple verbal guarantee. But I really signed an agreement with Jehovah, so if these three companies violate the agreement, our Frost Rose Alliance will come forward to help Jehovah’s Holy See power settle this matter. So from another perspective, this verbal guarantee is actually not a guarantee to Jehovah. , But promised to me.

Because the guarantee is actually aimed at me, I know that the three Divine Races will not default, because they all know the result of fighting against our Frost Rose League. Besides, it’s a good time for everyone to cooperate now. Need to fall out.

The verbal guarantees of the three Divine Races are confirmed and we will start to deal with the Divine Race channel problem, but the Divine Race forces on this route cannot be handled by our family. It must be solved at once, otherwise The time wasted is too much.

In order to solve this problem quickly, I took the two angels back to Isengard, and then diverted to the City of Commandments.

When the three of us walked out of the huge Transmission Formation in the City of Commandments, the male angel with a haughty expression before turned into a demented face, and left with us With this Transmission Formation, this guy’s expression has also been changing, and he is getting more and more careful. In the end, he almost followed behind me cautiously like a quail, not the arrogant look he had before.

I saw the change of this guy, but I didn't say anything, because I was deliberately scaring him. It was this guy when I went to see Titans before, with an aloof and remote posture. If it weren't for my face, Titans almost stripped off his feathers and stewed chicken soup.

However, even this angel who was quite arrogant in the face of Titans was completely dumb after arriving in the City of Discipline, because the breath here was too terrifying.

Because the City of Discipline stores the Ring of Discipline, although the city is nominally an industry of our Frost Rose League, it is actually managed by the Divine Race of many countries. Therefore, the guarding forces here are all from The respective Divine Race forces.

There are so-called places where there are people. This Divine Race is actually similar to humans. Originally on their respective grounds, these Divine Races are all aloof and remote existences. They overlook this world and can manage the birth, aging, sickness and death of living beings, which can be described as Supreme existence. However, after arriving in this city of commandments, they discovered that they can no longer aloof and remote here.

Because all the Divine Races have sent their own guards to manage this city of commandments, there will be a larger number of people, and in order to ensure that the organization is not too bloated, so see in our Frost Rose League At a glance, all Divine Races have eliminated those annoying miscellaneous soldiers, and only stationed a squad composed of several Divine Races as a guarding force.

The people sent by these various Divine Races have to be on duty with people sent by other Divine Races, so there is a comparison. Therefore, in order to maintain the face of their respective Divine Race forces, and at the same time themselves It is also to ensure the safety of the City of Discipline, so all Divine Races have concentrated the strongest power they can mobilize here. Of course, this strongest is not a particularly famous existence, but a hidden expert of various Divine Races. After all, the City of Commandments itself is not something that can be promoted, even though this place is not a secret to the Divine Races. However, Divine Race still thinks this thing is very important, so all the secret experts are sent out.

Compared with the hidden experts of these various Divine Races, the biggest feature is that the murderous aura is heavy. Their divine force may not be stronger than those famous gods, but murderous aura is much heavier. Moreover, these people are almost all ruthless characters, unlike those gods who have to pay attention to image or something. These gods feel like the Shadow Guard beside the ancient emperor.

The angel was very arrogant at first, but when he got here, he found that he was walking on the road. The walls were all gods of this level, and his imposing manner was quickly suppressed. Especially when passing by one of the gates, the guard glanced at the guy inadvertently, and the angel almost didn't sit on the ground directly.

The reason why this door guard is so good is that all the door guards are members of the large Divine Race force that is countable, which means that the guards guarding the doors are not the same as the patrolmen. Although the Divine Races patrolling are also well-known figures in their respective Divine Race forces, they are all from small Divine Races, and their strength is not very good. Even if the strongest existence is selected, they will not be as strong. go. However, the guards of these important passages are different. These people are all full-time deities responsible for killing in the large Divine Race, and they are basically super strong. Therefore, the angel almost peeed when the other party glanced at it.

In fact, apart from the problem of guards, there are two things that make this guy timid, or two breaths.

First of all, in this city of commandments, a strange fluctuation can be sensed if there is nothing. This kind of fluctuation is very weak, but very strong. It is weak because the fluctuation is very slight and not obvious, and it is strong because the source of this fluctuation seems to be a super powerful thing, and its energy intensity level makes this angel feel that his bones are in his eyes. Take a chill.

The reason why he can feel this way is because what he senses is actually an array of city defense demons in the City of Commandments. Because this city of commandment protects the ring of commandment, the object of defense here is actually the Divine Race themselves. A city dedicated to the defense of Divine Race, can you lift it without some restraint on Divine Race? The answer is obviously impossible. The ground here is actually a connected magic array that is jointly arranged by various Divine Races. This magic array can produce super strong restraint ability. When it is not activated, there is only a small amount of fluctuation, but once activated, all Divine Race individuals within range All divine force will be lost, and the physique will drop to the status of an ordinary person. In other words, once this magic array is activated, even if the existence of the level of Hongjun Sect Lord comes in, it will become the same existence as a free NPC, and any new player can knock him off.

Divine Race's senses are very sensitive. This angel sensed this kind of fluctuation, although she didn't understand what it was mentally. But his body had already begun to fear this thing instinctively.

In addition to this magic array, what scared this angel the most was another power. This power envelopes the entire city like a cloud. It does not possess offensive or any power. However, this thing is better than the fluctuations caused by the murderous aura of the Divine Race fighters and the magic array that restrained the Divine Race. Even more frightened him.

Although this power is quite peaceful, and even gives people a feeling of wanting to plunge into its embrace, it makes the angel extremely terrified, because he found that his belief in Jehovah was in this way. The breath began to waver. This is a boundless power. The angel feels that it is the sky, the earth, the universe, and the entire world. Can one person be the enemy of the entire world? Of course it can, but the result is bound to be a disastrous defeat, because no one can defeat the whole world. Angels are certainly not humans, but even they cannot be enemies of the world, because this world does not only refer to human society, but actually refers to all things in the whole world literally.

In fact, what the angel felt was nothing else, but the restraint in the center of the city of commandment was fixed with the ring of commandment, and the ring of commandment was the support of the world of the game, and it was the law of the world. It can be said that it is the concrete embodiment of this world. This shows how terrifying the ring of precepts is, it is almost equivalent to the god of creation.

What the angel sensed is actually a trace of World Strength spread out from the ring of discipline. This is the flow that maintains the operation of this world. For this angel, this is already higher than him. I don’t know how many The power level of the stage is now, and the gap between them is no longer a matter of quantity, but an essential difference.

Because of the huge gap, this angel was completely dumb when he sensed this breath, because he felt that he was not even as good as an ant in front of such a great power. What can be proud of if an ant is inferior?

The male angel who was trembling by these forces carefully followed me all the way to the Conference Hall. This place was specially used to receive the Divine Race from outside. This foreign Divine Race refers to the members of the various Divine Races other than the guards stationed here. Because this is the place to guard the Ring of Discipline, the Divine Race fighters stationed here are directly under the dispatch and command of our Frost Rose League. Our restriction is that they cannot be allowed to leave the city, and that they cannot be allowed to kill each other or commit suicide. They must unconditionally abide by other orders.

Because of these restrictions, although the City of Discipline is co-managed by Divine Race, in fact, the Frost Rose League has the most power here. Only in this way are those Divine Races most at ease, because they are not worried about us robbing the Ring of Discipline, after all, we are not Divine Race, and grabbing this thing will not threaten them.

After entering the Conference Hall, I directly found a place to sit down, and then asked the two angels to find a place to sit by themselves. The female angel is a little better, the male angel is almost directly limp in position. Obviously the atmosphere of this place puts him under a lot of pressure.

"This is the legendary city of commandments?" The female angel sat down and said to me before the person who saw the other party arrived.

I nodded and asked: "Have you heard of it?"

The other party nodded and said: "I heard Lord God said that this is the safest place in the world."

"Safe? I was almost scared to death." The male angel next to him said.

I said with a smile: "That's because you are hostile to me. Didn't you find that your companion is in a much better state than you?"

Originally I'm not saying that he didn't pay attention. Now when I said it, the two angels noticed. The female angel asked in surprise: "Yeah! Why didn't I feel too much pressure? I shouldn't! My strength is not as good as him! If there is pressure, I should react more strongly here?"

The male angel next to him was also surprised and said: "Yes! You said it was because of hostility. What is the reason?"

"Because this city has a Guardian Spirit, this Guardian Spirit has been in Under the nourishment of the World Strength of the Ring of Discipline, I feel that there is a certain World Strength. Although it is very weak, because this Guardian Spirit can mobilize the defense facilities in the city, any existence that is hostile to me will be affected from the soul level. The suppression. Although you are an angel, you are much weaker than this soul with World Strength."

"No wonder!"

We are talking Then, the door was suddenly pushed open, and then two guards led a small group of Divine Race walking in. This should be the guest we are waiting for. The other party didn't expect the speed to be quite fast.

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