"Look at who this is!" A rather proud voice suddenly appeared behind the crowd. The people who were unfolding the divine technique in front suddenly stopped, and then respectfully. The ground retreated to the side and gave way to the middle road.

Of course, only the Lord God can have this status in the Holy See. Sure enough, after the crowd dispersed, I saw Jehovah walking in from outside the crowd. After seeing me, he immediately said with a laugh: "It's really long time no see! President Purple Moon?"

" It is indeed long time no see, but am I here?"

"Listen to what you mean, is there something looking for me this time?" The Lord is not a fool, I can be here In this case, I came to him, of course, I asked him.

I know that Jehovah is quite angry with me, but this time I am not here to settle grievances with him, but to negotiate business with him, so I think this guy It shouldn't be too Care about this personal grievance.

"You are really smart. I just said a few words and you guessed my purpose. I did come to you to discuss things, but some things seem inappropriate to say here."

"Then come with me." After the Lord finished speaking, he turned and left. Those temple warriors and priests would not be able to deal with me anymore after hearing what the Lord said. They can only be obedient. Let it go.

Originally standing in the vicinity watching the lively crowd, a player pulled the person next to him and asked: "Who was that just now? He looks like a good cow, so many temple warriors are restrained. "Hey."

"Are you here with fire star?" The person next to him patted this guy: "Don't you know Purple Moon, the president of the Frost Rose League?"

< p>"He is Purple Moon?" The player said in amazement: "Sure enough, he is really good, and even the high level NPCs in these temples dare not do anything to him."

"The real gods I’ve killed them all. Will they care about these temple guards? Are you kidding me?"

The heated discussion outside became more and more heated, and the Lord and I had already entered the interior of the Temple Mount at this time. Since I brought down the Temple Mount last time, all the temples on it have been rebuilt. In this process, Jehovah simply hollowed out the interior of the Temple Mount and built an underground temple inside. This underground temple is different from the outside. It does not accept players' visits. Only a few special players can come in, and usually they can only come in when there is something to do.

The inner temple of the Temple Mount is now mainly the place where the Holy See is stationed. Almost all the members of the Holy See are stationed here. Of course, many of them are his god-born angels.

After entering here with the Lord, we turned to a very huge hall, but although this hall is not small in size, the layout looks like a bedroom, not like a receptionist. place. I estimate that this 80% is where Jehovah himself lives, because it seems that the boss of Divine Race likes this tune, so he loves to make his bedroom into a hall that can hold a dance party.

"Sit as you like. No one but me can enter here casually, so you don’t have to worry about the things outside here." After the Lord finished speaking, he went to his lazy chair with no image. I leaned, and looked towards me and said: "You guy has a big hatred with me, it's not an important thing. I think you will definitely not come to me, and this thing must be good for me, otherwise you will be convinced. I can’t do it. Instead, I will fight with me because of previous grievances."

"You know someone."

"Actually, I understand a lot, but I can sit in this position. Above, you have to pretend to be confused if you just understand some things. What I do outside to show others is the image of God, that is the face of our Holy See, but here, I am me, so if we have any problems, we might as well let go Say, you and I can die anyway, no one can prove anything."

I know what Jehovah means, and I didn't intend to play a guessing game with him.

"Since you have said so, then I am not welcome." Looking at the Lord, I asked, "I don't know how much you know about the Siberian Divine Race?"

The problem that the Lord heard about me is obviously frowned, not because he was upset because of what I said, but because he didn't expect my words to jump so much, and he jumped from a conflict of interest to the Divine Race in Siberia. More importantly, this Siberian Divine Race seems to have nothing to do with our current problems. But Jehovah himself is very shrewd. He knows that since I have decided to tell him clearly, I won’t say something trivial to go around in circles. Then this Siberian Divine Race must be related to the content of the future, so he soon calmed down. I thought about my feelings carefully before answering.

"I have heard some news about Divine Race in Siberia before. I probably know that they are a newly established Divine Race in Russia. Since you killed the original Divine Race forces in Russia, The remaining stragglers and some wandering Divine Races re-established a completely new Divine Race under the integration of a very motivated little fellow. This Divine Race is the Siberian Divine Race. However, I know only a little bit. It’s just something. I basically don’t know anything about the Siberian Divine Race. After all, this Siberian Divine Race has been established in too short a time. Even if I want to collect their information, I don’t have time. Let’s talk about the area controlled by the Siberian Divine Race. I can’t fight with the controlled areas of the Holy See, why should I spend my energy to collect their information?"

I nodded and said: "You don’t know the situation of Divine Race in Siberia, so are you? Do you know their approximate strength?"

Jehovah shook his head and said, "As I said, I don’t understand this Siberian Divine Race. Naturally, I don’t have an intuitive judgment on their strength. But from what I listened to. According to some information, this Siberian Divine Race should not be very strong. After all, it is a newly established Divine Race force. Inner Members are estimated to be very few, and it seems that since the establishment of the Siberian Divine Race, your Frost Rose League has been working with you. They fought. The complete system of the Northern Divine Race was dismantled for life. Now the Siberian Divine Race is just a new Divine Race that has just been established. Naturally, it can’t stop your attacks. So I think the Siberian Divine Race. The strength of the Race should be terrible, and it may even be in a precarious state. However, I think their boss should be a very good guy, because their new Divine Race is actually not under the pressure of your Frost Rose League. The collapse and disintegration is a pretty good result in itself. In my opinion, if it were not for your powerful enemies, as long as they were three to five hundred years, this Siberian Divine Race could definitely develop into a very powerful Divine. Race forces."

From the analysis of Jehovah, it can be seen that Jehovah really has a few brushes. This analysis is actually infinitely close to the real situation. In other words, even if he did not deliberately collect information, he could accurately infer the details of the Siberian Divine Race by relying on some words he heard. This ability is not something ordinary people can have.

"I have to praise you. Your inference is really accurate enough. This is the current situation of Divine Race in Siberia, and it is basically the same as your inference."

said with a smile: "But what do you mean by suddenly running over and telling me this?"

I first reached out and took out a small thing from my body and it was still on the ground. The thing here is very small, probably slightly larger than the old-fashioned pocket watch. The shape is also very similar to that of a pocket watch, except that there is no watch strap and a knob with a fluctuating pointer, and it is a disc in the center. There is a prominent blue spherical crystal in the center of the disc, and there are three smaller crystals distributed in an equilateral triangle around the main crystal.

This thing was separated from the middle as soon as I was still on the ground, and then the upper part bounced up for a short part, exposing a luminous outer edge around it. After this luminous band lit up, the crystal in the center suddenly lit up, and then a cyan planet was projected in midair among us.

Although Jehovah has not seen the Earth model, he knows what Earth looks like, so he recognized it at first sight. "Is this Earth's projection model?"

I nodded, and then I walked over and reached out and grabbed and pulled the projected Earth. The Earth was instantly enlarged, and then moved with my fingers When it turned, it quickly turned the area where Russia was in the direction where Jehovah was. Then I zoomed in on the map again, and let Jehovah clearly see the area of ​​Italy and Russia.

"What you can see now is the world map. This is the area where your Holy See is located, and the actual control area of ​​your Holy See is probably this area." I pointed it, and then said: "However, Russia's land area is such a large area." I once again highlighted the Russian region. "Have you seen? Your control area is actually less than one-eighth of Russia, and Russia is such a large area, in fact, all areas controlled by the Siberian Divine Race."

"Yours It means that our Holy See has such a strong strength but can only control such a small place. Their Siberian Divine Race only has such a small strength to control such a large place, so it is very unreasonable, isn’t it?"

I nodded and said: "Yes, that's what I mean, and what I want to tell you is that the population under the actual control of the Holy See is actually far less than the population under the control of Divine Race in Siberia, so your Holy See is nesting here. In fact, it was a very unwise decision."

"Then you mean let us go to Siberia Divine Race to grab the site?"

"Yes, this is my purpose "

After the Lord heard my words, he didn't immediately appear very excited. Of course, it didn't matter, but he didn't respond at all, as if he hadn't heard my words. After a short pause for a few seconds, Jehovah stretched out three fingers. "First, what benefit can you Frost Rose League get for this? Second, how to solve the problem of the disconnection between us and Russia. I don’t want to cross the sphere of influence of the Divine Race in those places, otherwise it would not be our Holy See and The war of Divine Race in Siberia, but this area is about to break out of religious wars. There is a third and final point. What benefits can we get from the Holy See?"

"About your third The question, I think you should be able to figure it out. The area controlled by the Siberian Divine Race is so large and the population is so large. As long as you snatch this land from the hands of the Siberian Divine Race, your Vatican forces can get these places. Power of Faith, and Power of Faith is the most precious thing to your Divine Race. This simply does not need to be discussed."

"But we can also get Power by invading other Divine Race spheres of influence. Of Faith?"

"Yes, you can also snatch Power of Faith from the Divine Race sphere of influence you have invaded, but you have said that it is the sphere of influence to invade other Divine Races. These Divines Races have their own territory and their own battle strength. It is true that some of the Divine Race forces are very weak, and they are not opponents of your Holy See power, but don't forget that their land area is also small and the population is small. Your Vatican forces spent so much effort and finally grabbed a small piece of land and got the insignificant little Power of Faith. Is this a good thing for you? Don’t forget the land area and population of Russia, the Divine Race of Siberia. Divine Race is stronger than those small countries, but the strength is limited, so if you grab the site from the Siberian Divine Race, your investment will only increase a little bit, but the profit can be increased by dozens or hundreds of times. The good thing I really don’t understand what your reasons for refusal are."

"Well, even if you solve the third problem, what about the second and first problems?"

"Regarding the first question you mentioned, that is, the so-called question of what benefits we can get from the Frost Rose League, my answer is... we are basically impossible to get any benefits from the Siberian Divine Race. "

When the Lord heard what I said, the corner of his mouth turned up, and then said with a mocking smile: "Purple Mo on President, are you doubting my IQ? "

After hearing the words of the Lord, I immediately said with a smile: "It's just a joke, don't mind. Of course, what I said is not wrong. We can't get any benefit from the Hosiberian Divine Race or even Russia. Even if you defeat the Siberian Divine Race, the Power of Faith won't fall on us at all, so it doesn't make much sense to us. However, in fact, our Frost Rose League is impossible, there is really no benefit at all, otherwise I won't be here anymore, am I? "

After hearing the first half of my words, Jehovah kept sneering until I said the second half of the words, and then Jehovah’s expression returned to normal. Then he looked at me and waited for me to explain what this so-called benefit is. .

Anyway, I didn’t intend to hide it from him, so I just said it straight. "Although we are impossible to get any direct benefits from the Siberian Divine Race, you can send troops to attack the Siberian Divine Race, but you can frost for us. Rose League brings many indirect benefits. "Speaking of this, I suddenly asked: "Do you know what our Frost Rose League is doing recently?" "

Jehovah nodded and said: "The movement you made is so big, I don't want to know, I have to do it!" The guys in God World went crazy, saying that you are looking for trouble with the free Divine Race, and the Siberian Divine Race was beaten by you. "

I said with a smile: "Those are just exaggerations, but we are really fighting them. But the problem now is that the fight between the free Divine Race and us in the United States requires the chaos and order of our Frost Rose League Divine Race to fully invest in it, so that our Frost Rose League has a higher chance of winning. But you also know that some time ago, because we developed a development zone on the Russian side, we entered a state of war with players on the Russian side. Although our country’s Celestial Court has promised to help us guard this development zone, they can only assist in defense. Impossible is fully involved, that is, the power is still not enough. "

"So you want us to be able to fight the Siberian Divine Race, so that once the Siberian Divine Race fights with us, they will have no time to harass your development zone. And your development zone is protected by Celestial Court. Without the support of the Siberian Divine Race, Russian players alone are impossible to threaten your development zone. In other words, our role is to help you share some of the pressure, so that you can free up your hands and concentrate on dealing with the free Divine Race, right? "

I nodded and said: "As long as you Siberia Divine Race fight, we can free up our hands to show off and get down and free Divine Race. Although we won't get any benefit from Divine Race in Siberia and you during this period, the strategic value of defeating Divine Race in Freedom is of great value, so our Frost Rose League has enough interest to accomplish this. "

I explain this way to give Jehovah a reassurance. Before, Jehovah asked us what benefits the Frost Rose Alliance can get from it. In fact, the purpose is to measure whether we will really contribute to this matter, because we The relationship between the two parties is not very good. So if there is no strong interest to temporarily connect us as a bond, neither our Frost Rose League nor the Holy See of Jehovah dare to carry out such large-scale cooperation. But , Once it is determined that this matter is good for both of us, it will be different. As long as you are not a fool, you will certainly not give up your own benefits, so we will definitely try our best to ensure the success of this matter, because in this way we can get ourselves Therefore, the greater the benefits that both parties obtain in this matter, the more we can be assured of each other’s cooperation intentions. After all, if the benefits are large enough, it means that the bond is strong enough.

Look at the Lord. I nodded and said: "Now I believe in your sincerity in cooperation, not for your credibility, but because of the huge benefits. So, can you solve the last problem? As long as you can solve this problem, I don't mind getting another piece of land for our Holy See. "

"With regard to this question of borrowing...Don't you think it is a problem for you, but it is not a problem for me? "

The Lord looked at me with some doubts and asked, "Why?" "

"Of course it's because the ring of discipline is in my hands. "I said as it should be by rights.

After hearing what I said, Jehovah was obviously taken aback, and after a little thought for two seconds, he immediately nodded and said: "I have to say that this kind of thing is still It's really just as easy as you can say. If it is another person, even if the boss of your Celestial Court is here, it might not be easy. "

"It's not that it's not expected to work, but it's definitely not workable. Although Hongjun Sect Lord was the boss in Celestial Court, and the Celestial Court in our country is first-class among all Divine Races, you also know the limitations of Divine Race in your place, except for your special one. Besides, everyone else cannot do without their piece of land. It doesn't matter if it borders the Celestial Court's control area. The Divine Race and Celestial Court in these small countries are not at all in touch. "

The Lord said with a smile: "You're welcome!" "

"Do I need to be polite?" "

"That's true. "After speaking, the Lord immediately said: "If this is the case, I will immediately begin to gather troops, and you will help me apply for a passage. Only you can do this. Let me know when you get it done, and I will dispatch troops immediately. "

"Okay. "I stood up and wanted to leave, but I was pulled as soon as I got to the door.

The Lord grabbed my arm and said, "Wait, I just forgot a very important thing. "

"What else is there? "I looked towards the Lord suspiciously.

The Lord said with a smile: "This thing is that besides helping me to make a way out, you have to go to the two great temples of Heguang and Dark and Mount Olympus. Help the guys ask for a guarantee that they will not attack the territory of our Holy See during the war between us and the Siberian Divine Race. I don't want to grab the land on the Divine Race side of Siberia, and I will be taken over again here. Although the Siberian Divine Race has a large control area and a large population, this side is where our foundation lies, and the development is relatively high, so I choose to live here more comfortably. "

"This is no problem. "Although Jehovah is very worried about this, I am not at all worried.

There are many Divine Race forces around Jehovah’s Holy See, but there are actually only three that really threaten them, namely, Jehovah. Let me guarantee those three. However, although there are three Divine Races, in fact I only have to convince one.

Needless to say, the Olympus Divine Race has been eliminated since Zeus was killed. , The current Olympus Divine Race is basically becoming a subsidiary Divine Race of our guild, although it is not as obedient as the real subordinates, and there is no actual affiliation, but because of the newly established Olympus The Divine Race was completely supported by us, and the great gods in the original Olympus Divine Race were all taken away by us. The remaining ones were killed in battle and stayed in the current Olympus. There is only a small part of the Divine Race. This leads to the fact that the current Olympus Divine Race is actually very weak. Of course, because Hera is a strong woman, the current Olympus Divine Race is using unimaginable Speed ​​to restore strength, but after all, it’s a future thing to grow up. At least now, the Olympus Divine Race still needs our help to post it normally, so I don’t even need to go to anyone this time, and send them a message. Just let me know.

Among the remaining two temples of light and dark, the Light God Palace is inferior to the Olympus Divine Race. It is an independent organization, but the European Light God Palace is already real. It is about to become a department of our guild. Now at least one tenth of the genuine Divine Races in the Light God Palace in Europe are loyal supporters of our guild, although most of the remaining 90% support them. Lord Goddess, but the problem is that there are now two European Light God Palaces, and I am maintaining the balance of these two European Light God Palaces, so the two Goddess are now wondering how to make me fall to my side. .If it weren’t for the fact that I didn’t come to the Light God Palace often in Europe, I would have almost become a concubine.

So, the Light God Palace in Europe is nothing to me at all. , It’s done with a notification, there is no need to go there at all. The only place that needs to go is the Dark God Palace in Europe. After all, the Dark God Palace is an independent organization, and it’s a mess. It's not much worse than Celestial Court, so this still needs to be negotiated in a formal way. Of course, I’m not worried about this. After all, I still have a good relationship with the Dark God Palace. I have offended the Lord in some ways because of the darkness of the two temples, so this time I’m here to ask Their words will be rejected for no reason.

My promise here is very happy, and Jehovah is also very relieved. Divine Race is not as many as the player powers. There are only a few hundred Divine Race powers in the world, and more than half of them are trivial. The truly powerful Divine Race powers are actually only so many. What happened between these Divine Races is really known to the whole world in an instant, so it can be said that there are not too many secrets between everyone.

Although Jehovah certainly doesn’t know that both Light God Palace and Olympus Divine Race in Europe will listen to me, but he at least knows that I have a very good relationship with both of them, so I agreed. He is not surprised at all, because he knows this kind of thing, I will definitely get the promise from the other party immediately, simply not a thing. However, although this guarantee is that I will be able to get it as long as I speak, but it is absolutely impossible not to do it.

After making sure that there was nothing else, I left his residence with Jehovah and went outside. As soon as the Lord came out, he called two angels, a man and a woman, all of whom looked good. These two are absolutely scarce resources in the power of Jehovah.

I said before that among the Divine Race forces, especially those well-known Divine Race with certain strength, the gods under them are all handsome men and women concentration camps, even if there are some who are not beautiful or Handsome, there must be other special beauty. For example, some gods are muscular men. Although they are not handsome, they are masculine and beautiful, or very temperamental. For another example, some women in Divine Race may not be very beautiful, but they may have a good body or wild beauty. Anyway, even if it is not mainstream beauty, there must be an alternative beauty. However, the gang of angels under Jehovah's hands didn't know how they did it, and they were basically just the same as they were caught in the street. It's not that they are all very ugly persons, but the proportion of handsome men and beauties is very small, and many of them are really ugly. Basically, the distribution law of appearance is similar to that of natural human groups.

The standard of this kind of equal distribution shouldn't be too awkward. After all, natural persons are just like this, so they should look normal. But don't forget, this is in the game. After entering the game, most players will choose to make some fine-tuning of their appearance, and this kind of fine-tuning actually has a great impact on their appearance. Just look at the appearance of the beauties on the Internet after removing their makeup. Just simply draw an eyeliner and add some powder, a little touch up, and the beauty of a woman can be tens of minutes away, but the appearance of the game in the game does not change much. But this kind of change is the same as plastic surgery, it can really change the muscle line and skeleton structure and the modification of the skin material, which is much more amazing than any makeup. Besides, players in the game can actually put on makeup in the game, and there are even shops that sell beauty sets. Those things are similar to cosmetics in reality and can be used for female players as well as some male players.

It is already a game world that is equal to a full facelift, and you can also make up. From this you can imagine what the player's appearance is in the game. Unless you are really the ugly level that can scare Sadako into tears, as long as the face is still human, it will not be too ugly after adjustment and makeup.

This is still the state of the player. Not to mention the NPCs of Divine Race. These guys are simply the result of glamorous design tournament. They come in all kinds of beautiful forms. They are all beautiful and not like people. Of course, they are gods. Therefore, the god within the realm is originally a monster except for Anubis. As long as it has a human face, it must be very beautiful. Wonderful flowers only exist in a few individuals. For example, Hephaestus.

Because the patriarch images of the gods in the whole world are very perfect, so in comparison, I feel that Jehovah’s men are super unsightly. Although it is not really ugly, it is completely useless when compared with other people's Divine Race.

These two are absolutely rare among Jehovah’s Holy See powers. Although the male angel only looks more sunny, and the female angel can only be regarded as cleaner, but it’s like those crooked melons. I feel very good-looking right away.

Sure enough, beauty needs to be set off!

"Purple Moon, these two are my capable men, you can be my representative when you take them to find those Divine Races."

I nodded and said: "Understood, then please speed up here. I believe it won't take long on my side."

"Then it will be faster than seeing who else." Because of the Siberian Divine Race comparison Rotten, so Jehovah can already foresee the outcome of the battle between his side and the Divine Race in Siberia. Therefore, when he thinks of the vast land he is about to acquire, Jehovah's mood is very good, and his attitude towards me has become enthusiastic.

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