"The Rainbow Alliance has now mastered most of the resources and population. Therefore, their power will only get stronger and stronger. Do you have any opinion on this?"

The group of people in the Sea King Palace were nodded and expressed no opinion.

After seeing this group of people nodded, I continued: "Then, let’s consider the next question. Since we are sure that the opponent’s strength will become stronger, we must launch a counterattack as soon as possible, but , The previous battles have fully explained that you can't beat the Rainbow Alliance on the frontal battlefield."

The players in the Aquaman Temple below were silent for a while, and it took a long time for someone to stand up and say: "We were mainly attacked before, and the two national weapon holders invited by the Rainbow Alliance were so strong that we had a one-sided collapse. Now that we have regained our strength, Coupled with the support of your Frost Rose League, I think our Sea King Palace is not really much weaker than the Rainbow League."

I moved towards that player and gave a thumbs up, and then said: "You In fact, there is nothing wrong with your idea, but you still underestimated the strength of the Rainbow Alliance. During this time, I used our guild’s intelligence gathering ability to make a simple summary and comparison of the various information that appeared in your battles. , And then I came to the conclusion that the overall battle strength of the Rainbow Alliance is higher than yours. Even if you add the battle strength of our Frost Rose League, it’s just evenly divided."

"No way Is the Rainbow Alliance so strong? Our Sea King Palace is tied with your Frost Rose Alliance to tie them?"

I looked at the player who stood up excitedly and said: "If everyone It’s okay. If our Frost Rose League and the Rainbow Alliance come to an all-out war, of course our Frost Rose League can crush the Rainbow Alliance. But, I want you to pay attention. Our Frost Rose League is still at war with the Russians, so we I can’t spare much energy to participate in your battle. In addition, the Rainbow Alliance is a local battle, but we have to cross half of Earth to fight in the United States. In this case, the battle strength that our Frost Rose League can exert is actually The above is only a small part of our actual battle strength. In fact, the strength we can put into this war is not as high as the overall battle strength of your Sea King Palace Virtue. That’s why I said, your strength plus us The battle strength invested by the Frost Rose League is just an equal share with the Rainbow Alliance."

"Then we have no chance of winning?"

"I didn't say that. "I quickly corrected the guy’s point of view, and I continued: "War is not about fighting the overall battle strength output. This is a very complicated behavior. There are many things to pay attention to, except for the overall strength of both parties. In addition to this hardware, the method of war and some other environmental factors can affect the settlement of the war. Therefore, Using the weak to defeat the strong This kind of thing is actually very easy to happen. "

"Then how can we achieve this effect? "

"This is what I want to say. "I gestured for a moment, and the military god quickly projected a detailed map of the whole of the United States in the center of the Conference Hall. Then marked the control area of ​​both sides, Level 1 and some thoughts such as the control area of ​​the third force. I mean. Holding this map, he said: "You can now see the distribution of forces on both sides from the map. The green part is the control area of ​​your Sea King Palace, the white part is the control area of ​​the third-party forces, and the yellow part is the area mainly controlled by the system NPC such as NPC forces or leveling areas. As for the red part, that is the control area of ​​the Rainbow Alliance. It can be clearly seen from this map that the control area of ​​the Rainbow Alliance covers almost the entire territory of the United States, and your Neptune Palace has only so little left. "

"We have known this before. President Purple Moon, what do you mean by showing us this map distribution?" "

"What I want to show you is not the distribution of forces, but so that you can fully understand the power balance between our two sides, and then let me explain my tactical arrangements. After I finished speaking, I turned back to the content on the map and said: "You have also seen that on the front battlefield, you can be said to have been a complete defeat. Millions of troops were driven all the way to the lair, and they were almost driven into the sea. However, on this map, you can still see many dots of your influence control area. Why is that? "

"Because players in certain areas are still resisting, and the Rainbow Alliance has concentrated all the main forces together, resulting in insufficient troops in some places, allowing our people to successfully defend those areas of influence. "A player said.

"Wrong. The problem is not here. "I directly rejected the other party's words, and then said: "This is the problem. "Following my words, the screen suddenly changed, and then there were screenshots of two people and some information.

Seeing these two people in the screen, the players in the Sea King Palace immediately stood up. They all know these two people, because these are the two national weapon holders who caused them to lose their battle.

"I believe everyone here should know these two guys. Even if you didn't know each other before, after this battle you probably want to forget but can't forget. That's right, this is your holder of the national equipment of the United States. "Speaking of this, I suddenly raised my voice by an octave, and shouted loudly: "But how do you see these two national weapon holders?" They just have a particularly strong battle strength, which caused a lot of trouble to you. Is that simple? Wrong, this is your biggest mistake, go to fight a frontal war with Legion, who has always had a national weapon holder. Thanks to the Rainbow Alliance unhurried swallowing you, otherwise I can say responsibly, you will definitely be driven into the sea and become the real Sea King Palace. "

"What the hell did we do wrong?" "Terry couldn't help it at this time, and asked aloud: "Why is it really wrong to say that we are playing head-on with each other?" "

"Have you still not reacted yet?" "I looked at Terry and asked, "Why does our Frost Rose League's army be invincible every time as long as I'm there?" Is it because I can fight? No, it's not like that. There are many times when I simply didn't participate in the battle. I just stood in the back and watched them fight. The battle strength of our guild was still bursting. Why? Because I am the national weapon holder, and the national weapon holder is the team battle amplifier. "

My last words were like a heavy hammer hitting the foreheads of all the Sea King Hall personnel, and instantly awake the Sea King Hall people who were a little dizzy because they were beaten all the way back to the nest. .

What is the holder of the national artifact? It is a symbol of a country and a flag representing a country. The personal attribute of the national artifact is actually similar to some Divine Items, even like me The original full set of Divine Items is a bit weaker than that. For a country, two or three sets of Divine Items won’t have much impact on the situation of the war, but one or two more sets of national equipment are totally another matter. Now. Why is the national device so different? Isn’t it because the national device has a Legion-level attribute?

The biggest difference between the national device and the general equipment is that the national device can increase all the nations on the battlefield. The battle strength of players of the same nationality and the same faction of the weapon holder, and this battle strength is accumulated according to the number of people. That is to say, the more people from the national faction next to the national weapon holder, their battle strength will be It will become more and more terrifying. When a national weapon holder goes on the battlefield alone, he is not an opponent of a Divine Item holder at all. But if both sides bring a hundred national players, then the overall battle strength comparison will tend to It is equal to each other, and then, the more people the two sides bring, the stronger the strength of the national weapon holder will be, and the battle strength of the group of people he carries will continue to increase, and it will overwhelm the other player. Sexual advantage.

Although the Sea King’s Palace has encountered the impact of the two unexpected situations of the Holy Lance League’s persistent battle and the sudden intervention of the Rainbow League, in my opinion, the bigger problem is still there. On the national weapon holders. The Rainbow Alliance has two national weapon holders, which means that their personnel directly have a few more attributes than the people in the Sea King Palace when they go out, and the additional values ​​are not low. Although the Ocean King Palace is also an American player, because the player in the Rainbow Alliance is in a hostile camp instead of an ally, even if the nationality is the same, he won’t be able to enjoy any additional attributes.

Without the addition, the gap will naturally widen. Coupled with the previous series of unfavorable factors, it is not difficult to understand the defeat of the Sea King Palace.

When I did not mention it, all those people were Falling into a misunderstanding of thinking, because the players of the Sea King Palace have never experienced co-operation with national weapon holders before, so they simply did not think of so many things for a while. However, although they have no experience in this area, this is not the case. It means that they don’t know the value of the holders of the national equipment, so when I asked this question, they immediately responded.

< p>A player of the Sea King Palace exclaimed: "I said that I didn't think the people of the Rainbow Alliance are much better than us. Why did I feel that their people were all dreaming of a mess during this battle! It turns out that the problem is here! "

"Yes! "Another Sea King Palace commander who is in charge of commanding NPC troops also said, "It's not so strange!" He’s grandfather. At that time, the NPC units we used on both sides were obviously the same, with exactly the same level, attributes, and so on. As a result, as soon as we came into contact with us, we were pressed and beaten by the opposite side. So the problem lies here! I thought NPCLegion had fakes too! "

"..." "..."

Next, like the complaints conference, these players in the Sea King Palace began to talk about the strange phenomena they discovered during the previous battles. Now I think that these things are actually all due to one reason, that is, they did not realize the problem of the national equipment holder in time. The attribute bonus is very serious when the other party has the national equipment holder. In this case, if you fight against the other party, It is simply impossible to win victory without multiples of the opponent’s strength advantage. What's more, there were fewer people in the Sea King’s Palace than the opponent at the time. This is obviously a loss for the occasion.

"It doesn’t count if you react now. Too late, at least you have not completely failed. "I comforted everyone's emotions and said.

Terry suddenly asked at this time: "But even if we know the reason for our previous fiasco, the opponent's national weapon holder is still blocking The stumbling block in front of us, we are impossible to bypass these national weapon holders and go directly to war with each other? As long as we launch an attack, the opponent's national weapon holders will definitely be there, so even if we know why we are losing, aren't we still going to lose? "

"Isn't it a fool to hit him if he knows that the other party has a national weapon holder?" "I glanced at Terry and said, "You have to use your brain!" "

"Sorry, we are really not good at this. "Terry this guy directly admitted that he can't do it, and the rest of them are just like their bosses, all of them focused on me, making it impossible for me not to say anything.

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you. Be optimistic about this map. "I recalled the previous power distribution map, and then said: "As you can see, most of the maps on the map are reds representing the occupied areas of the Rainbow Alliance, and your green markers are very few. And these reds are the confidence that the Rainbow Alliance dared to encircle you without fighting, because they know that they control the resources and population, and the longer the delay, the better for them. "

"You have said this before. "

"But I didn't have high-speed you before. If you control these resources and population in turn, the Rainbow Alliance will start to be anxious. "

"The other way around? How can this be reversed? "Obviously these guys still don't quite understand.

I tried to explain as clearly as possible: "Why can't you beat the Rainbow League? It is because of the attribute bonus brought by the holders of the national equipment. However, there are only two national weapon holders. Even if they act separately, they can only take care of two battlefields. Therefore, you cannot concentrate the battle in one place, so that you will be completely in the opponent's national weapon holder. Under the disadvantages caused, this is the reason for your previous failures. Do you know guerrilla warfare? What you have to do is to disperse your actions, bloom more, and then let the holders of the national equipment exhaust their lives. Even if they can save the next two attack points, as long as you open more than five attack points at the same time, then you have an absolute advantage to regain these resource points or cities. "

"But if we snatch it, they can't snatch it back?" "

"I didn't say not to let them grab it. "Looking at the guy with a question mark, I patiently explained: "Your purpose is not to grab resource points, but to consume their vital power. You are the offensive and the other is the defensive, so the initiative lies with you. You can decide when to attack and where to attack. You don’t need to take care of all the resource points. As long as you concentrate your superior forces to attack dozens of them and then annihilate them, the Rainbow Alliance will inevitably send people back to grab them, and you don’t need to defend. Just throw it to them. What you have to do is to keep moving, always maintain a local strength advantage in a mobile war, and force the opponent's map national device holders to be unable to take care of the overall situation in a multi-point manner, thereby offsetting their attribute bonus advantage. When this kind of battle continues for a period of time, you will find that the opponent's strength is getting less and less, but your strength will gradually begin to take advantage. Once the gap between your two forces is reversed and you gain an overwhelming numerical advantage, it is time for you to counterattack. Of course, I don't think the other party will wait until that time. They will start to take the initiative to take countermeasures after discovering that the force loss is too large, and I will take further plan changes based on the countermeasures of the other party to ensure that you are always under a strategic advantage. "

"But what if the other party realizes that our purpose is to start a general offensive attack on our main city? You also know that the main city is left in our Sea King Palace. What if it is flattened again...? "

"The last thing I worry about is that they do this. If they do, then I want to congratulate you, and Scales of Victory will directly fall to you. "

"Why? I do not understand. "A player in the Sea King Palace asked.

I wrapped my hands around and said, "Where are you?" Isinger Mobile Fortress. I don’t know how your sea king’s defensive ability is, but my Isengard mobile fortress is definitely a fort in the fortress. They are going to capture your sea king’s palace under the protection of Isengard’s mobile fortress. It definitely won't work. However, once they concentrate their forces, then I can activate the super weapon under the Isengard Mobile Fortress and reimburse all their forces at once. Of course, if the Isengard Mobile Fortress uses city-level weapons, most of your Sea King Palace Lord City will probably be destroyed, and although we can notify your people to evacuate in advance, and because part of your forces will be harassed outside The opponent's resource points, so your loss will be smaller, but in order to ensure that the opponent's troops cannot be successfully separated, you must still lose a lot of troops. However, I estimate that you only need to lose 20% of the troops to ensure that the Rainbow Alliance loses more than 70% of the troops. Good luck 90% is also possible. Therefore, if they really dare to concentrate their forces on the city, then it will be their turn to realize what a defeat is. "

As soon as I said this, the players in the Ocean King Palace shouted excitedly to express their excitement. Obviously they also realized that, as I said, if the Rainbow Alliance After discovering that our tactics are only consuming their forces, and taking the method of stake all on one throw to launch a general offensive, then what awaits them is not victory, but complete defeat. Of course, even if they do nothing, neither It will be too easy.

"I have to say that President Purple Moon, your plan is quite perfect. "Terry said: "As long as you follow this plan, you can perfectly complete the Rainbow Alliance. However, I have the last three questions. If you can explain clearly, I don't think we have any problems here. "

"You speak up. "

"You said let us harass the resource points and cities of the Rainbow Alliance, and we need to bloom more. What I want to ask is: What should we do with the coordination of forces? So many places are blooming at the same time, we can't command effectively, and once the troops are scattered, we can't collect them even if we want to collect them. Also, our troops are now blocked in the main city. How can we sneak out to bloom more? Third, if the opponent sends a high-mobility force to pursue it, we might not be an opponent after our forces are dispersed, right? Do not know what are your thoughts on these three questions? "

"You have a question, I think you should already have a general guess, otherwise you won't be so calm. "

Terry nodded and said: "I know that the crystal communicator of your guild is very easy to use, it is comparable to the digital command system, so if you are willing to provide this kind of command, then the first one The problem is not a problem. "

"Of course I will provide this kind of command, otherwise, wouldn't the scattered troops all become real guerrillas? We are engaged in a large-scale three-dimensional crossing operation, but we are not really planning to play a protracted battle with the enemy, so I will be responsible for the command system to ensure that your troops can be dictated by your arms. As for the second question... don’t you know what our Frost Rose Alliance has the most? "

"Don't you Frost Rose Alliance have the most money?" "Someone said jokingly.

"Which bastard is talking nonsense! The most in our Frost Rose League is the Air Force. "I said resolutely:" Our bank will have a special leapfrog tactical auxiliary unit. First, we can use a small aircraft to airlift the Field Transmission Formation to the vicinity of the attack target, and then transmit troops on the spot. At the same time, the enemy will immediately initiate space interference after the enemy finds us. The system prevents the enemy from obtaining reinforcements through Transmission Formation. When the other side's reinforcements rushed to the scene by other means, our people had already evacuated. They only have to follow behind to eat ashes. As for the issue of the enemy sending high-mobility troops to pursue our squad, I don’t think it is a problem. Let’s not say that our leapfrog tactics are so fast, the opponent can't keep up with our rhythm, just commanding the system can keep the opponent busy. If the opponent wants to form a pursuit team, he must know where he was attacked, but we will use space jamming devices to restrict transmission, which means that the other party’s information transmission will be greatly affected, even if it is through offline information communication, the speed is also low. Will be greatly reduced. When the other party receives the attacked information and sends out troops to pursue it, it is estimated that most of them will not be able to catch up. Even if the opponent is really capable of catching up, we can completely rely on our Frost Rose Alliance's control advantages to wipe out this highly mobile force. "

"If the other party assigns a high level commander with arbitrary command to this high mobility force, and let the two national weapon holders act casually, what shall we do? "

"I said that the reason why the national weapon holder is powerful is because there are a large number of people around him, so that the attribute of the national weapon will double the battle strength of the national weapon holder. This is why the holders of national weapons on the battlefield are often invincible. However, if the opponent wants to pursue our guerrilla unit, it can only use those highly mobile lightweight units, and this determines that most of the opponent's strength cannot be brought by the opponent, and only a few people can be dispatched. At this time, the number of opponents is not enough, and as long as there are not many opponents, the formidable power of the national equipment holders will not be too large. You saw it when I intercepted the two national weapon holders by myself. At that time, there were nearly tens of millions of troops supporting the two of them. If it was a small team action, I could definitely kill them. Besides, I was the only one before, and now all the experts of our guild have arrived. It's okay if their national weapon holders don't come, and if they come, they just do it directly. "

"Purple Moon, your plan is really good. "Terry said: "Then the rest is up to you." "

"It's not for us, you have to contribute too. "I continued: "Well, what I just said was tactical and ideological guidance, not a detailed plan. Then, Military God, can you please make detailed plans and arrangements? "

Military God quickly replied: "This is no problem. The idea of ​​leapfrog tactics is good, but the target needs to be carefully selected. You can't attack too many targets at the same time, otherwise it will put too much pressure on the command system, and if you can't achieve the advantage of troops, you can't guarantee the effective consumption of the enemy's vitality and the greatest possible guarantee that your own losses can't be too much. In addition, the number should not be too small, otherwise the enemy will not be able to harvest enough enemy troops before the enemy discovers our goal. In addition, the attack point also needs to be accurately calculated, and it cannot be close to the opponent's large-scale troop point or too far away. If necessary, we can even use this distance to design several rounds of support, which can eat up a lot of the opponent's forces without having to bear too much loss. In addition, the reaction time of the opponent, the pressure response ability of the command system, and the psychological quality of the personnel need to be considered, and whether the morale of the NPC can be used. Finally, it is necessary to set aside mobile forces to deal with emergencies. Also, our air transport capability is also a problem. We need to build a data model for these data, and then analyze and calculate. "

"But we don't have so much time! "A player in the Sea King Palace shouted.

The god of war followed closely and said: "It's already done. The tactical target has been projected on the map, please take a look. "

Everyone was stunned and looked at the western points marked by arrows in the picture, and then there were detailed offensive force arrangements and some detailed explanations besides them. It’s just a pity that the text is too small. Gone.

The voice of the God of War rang in due course. "I have a specific plan for the record. I will guide you step by step according to the plan when you are in command, so you don’t want to pay too much attention to this The map is just a rough idea for you to look at it. In addition, the force allocation table has been prepared, and I will immediately send it to the personal crystal terminal used by the commander this time. You can check it by yourself. "

The efficiency of the military god caused the people in the Sea King Palace to not close their jaws until they exited. These people all left the Isengard Mobile Fortress holding the new crystal command terminal one by one. The conference hall. The terminals they got looked like tablets. The difference was that they were fully transparent. Only in real things could you see some characters and variegated colors. They are usually transparent.< /p>

In order to ensure that these commanders can adapt to our command system as soon as possible, we have also arranged two mobile angels for each of the people in the Sea King Palace, on the one hand to protect their safety, on the other hand, it is also convenient Instruct them how to use these crystal communicators. After all, although this thing is simple, it does not say that it can be used as an exaggeration by an individual.

After the people from the Sea King Palace left, the people on our side quickly became busy. , Because we need to help the offensive troops of the Sea King Palace to allocate the forces first, and we also need our guild’s flying battleship to participate in this mission.

Although I said before that it is necessary to use Transmission Formation, the Transmission Formation Everyone knows that the cost is very high, so this time we actually mainly used airlift to project troops, and Transmission Formation was only used as an auxiliary method.

Before in the US-Russia combined fleet. When Isengard was attacked, there were not many flying battleships in our guild. It was not that we did not have so many flying battleships at the time. The main reason was that we didn’t want to expose it too soon. As for now... we still don’t intend to expose all of us. It’s a flying battleship, but it’s okay to take out part of it as a troop carrier.

According to the plan designed by the military god, this battle is definitely called fire everywhere. I guess Yusina sees By the time the damage is reported, it might be crazy, because the military god directly set the number of targets in the first group to 2133. This many targets were attacked at the same time, Yusina. After about ten minutes, she will begin to receive reports of attacks, and then she will continue to receive such reports one after another. It is estimated that after more than two thousand reports of attacks are sent, Yusina will be stunned.

This number has far exceeded the limit of the number that the Rainbow Alliance’s command system can handle, and the Ocean King Palace is completely impossible to command so many battles at the same time, and only the perverted military god can We can handle so many battles at the same time. Of course, we can’t say that to the outside world. We can only say that our guild will have a command team coordinating this command work.

Because there are more than two thousand attack points. , And we can’t do more than two at once It’s a flying battleship, so it can only be done in the same way as laying eggs. Let the flying battleship fly all the way along the planned route, drop the Transmission Formation and a part of its troops every time it passes near an attack target, and then go to the next location and unload a part of its troops. After the first round of attacks, these people will definitely have casualties. Some of the remaining troops with slower speed will directly use Transmission Formation to evacuate, and the remaining fast ones will flee according to the designated route. Those spaceships who sent them will fly all the way according to the pre-set route, just enough to pick up all the remaining personnel back.

This kind of sophisticated battle method has only appeared during spy operations before, but it is a response operation after a single agent infiltrates and steals intelligence, and a battle of our size uses this It is the first time to evacuate in the game, whether it is in the game or out of the game.

Relying on our guild’s powerful airlift capability, it took only half a day to finally complete the deployment of the first attack force before dawn. At this time, the Rainbow Alliance still knew nothing about it. Even the people in the Sea King Palace didn't know all the plans. After all, it is absolutely inevitable that there is a spy from the Rainbow Alliance in the Aquaman’s Palace. You don’t need to guess, so we deliberately didn’t tell everyone, only the person responsible for the team in each area knows, and everyone else is only told that this is. Special action, just ask them to follow the command when the time comes.

At 5:00 a.m. local time in the U.S., the dark night sky has begun to fade with a hint of whiteness. After a busy night, our transportation has been exhausted, but the people in the Sea King Palace have been resting. The transportation process is all mobile operations, and they can complete the deployment of troops while resting, so at this time these people in the Sea King Palace do not say how excited they are, at least they are not tired.

Looking at the time last, I looked up towards Terry, and then said: "OK, all troops listen to my orders, the action...began."

Boom...that In an instant, you can see from space that many red light spots suddenly appeared throughout the United States, and the flames of war ignited throughout the United States within a second.

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