"Kill!..." With the roar, blood was sprayed everywhere like money-free, even the picture in front of us was completely covered, so that I had to Switch to another video signal to see the picture again.

In fact, Terry and the high level players in our guild are basically not on the front line, but watching the live broadcast in the conference hall of Isengard Mobile Fortress. The live footage comes from the helmet-mounted video collectors of those players who are equipped with video capture devices. The collector itself is not complicated, just like a small invention that combines a pencil and an eraser. We already have a record crystal that can collect video signals, and the crystal technology provided by Atlantis can transmit a large amount of data. Therefore, combining the two can get a video transmission signal. This is a very simple design, and Very practical.

Through the screen, our commanders can have an intuitive understanding of the battle situation even if they do not arrive at the battlefield in person. Of course, this system is mainly for the service of the military god, because the on-site command is the military God is doing it.

The picture we are seeing now comes from one of the resource points. This place was originally the site of the Holy Lance League, but it is now controlled by the people of the Rainbow League. Because it was just received, the Rainbow Alliance players here are not very comfortable with the defense here, so the attack went very smoothly. With the advantage brought by the sudden attack, the players of the Sea King Palace easily broke into the small village where the resource point is located. At present, the battle has entered the final stage. The players and NPCs of the Sea King Palace are cleaning up the remaining remaining enemies. It shouldn't take long for this place to belong to the Sea King Palace.

"It looks like your people are doing pretty well." Switching to another battlefield again, I said while watching.

Terry Wei said with a smile: "It is a surprise attack. The enemy has not reacted from our surprise attack. It is normal to have such a record."

"You It's modest." I asked again as I said, "That's right. Are your people arranged?"

Terry nodded and said: "They are all arranged. Once I find those two National weapon holders or other Rainbow Alliance high-level personnel who are difficult to handle will immediately notify us."

"That’s good, can you successfully intercept the opponent’s national weapon holder relationship though It's not very big, but if we can successfully intercept, our chances of winning will increase by at least 10% in the subsequent battles."

"I know this too. Don't worry, our people are all in every possible place. The place has specially set up observers. As long as the other party’s national weapon holders appear, we can immediately know."

Just after Terry finished speaking, we suddenly heard the alarm sound, and then Seeing that the projection screen in the center of the conference hall suddenly started to operate automatically. The screen I was watching suddenly disappeared, and then a map of the United States was mortgaged, and a red flashing bright spot appeared on it, and after a few flashes, the location of this bright spot suddenly enlarged, and then it appeared before. Similar battle screen. However, unlike the one-sided people we saw before and the people from the Sea King Hall to jointly slaughter the people of the Rainbow Alliance, this place here when the opponent's people were slaughtering the people from the Sea King Hall was completely upside down. Moreover, after only a few seconds of displaying this picture, the camera suddenly cut to another picture.

This picture is obviously also from a player’s helmet monitor. In the picture, we can see that the variable Vajra-like guy was smashed down from mid-air, and then hit the screen. The picture Disappeared instantly.

Obviously, the player who was just switched out has died. The shot that looks like the opponent hit the screen is actually the player who rushed to us in the air and knocked it over. In the scene on the ground, as for the signal after that, it was probably that player bode ill rather than well.

Although one of our players died, the last shot in the screen clearly showed us the two national weapon holders of the Rainbow Alliance. In fact, in addition to this deformable guy who bumped into our player, the other guy like the Indian chief was also on the screen, but it was far away from the screen and passed by in a flash.

Since these two guys appear on the same battlefield at the same time, it's time for us to play. Before, we didn't go out to fight directly on the battlefield, in fact, we were waiting for these two national weapon holders. These two guys are the key to the Rainbow Alliance's counterattack. As long as these two people are not there, the battle after the Sea King Palace will be much easier.

"Where was that just now?"

"The high-end magic crystal mine behind St. White Mountain." The god of war replied.

"Very well, let's go."

Although there are only two national weapon holders on the Rainbow Alliance, our side is not divided into forces, but all Action, all high level players rushed out of the meeting room together. After coming out from the balcony outside the conference hall, the players on our side immediately summoned out to guard the long spear and jumped up. As for the group of people in the Sea King Palace, they can only hitchhiker. Fortunately, there are not many people, but they are also divided.

In fact, we are not surprised that the two national weapon holders of the Rainbow Alliance attacked this place, but we have a feeling that it is true, because we have probably predicted it before the start of the battle. Now, this mining area is estimated to be the first place to receive their support, and the reason is very simple, because the output of this advanced magic crystal mania is very high, and almost all the magic crystals produced in it are red pattern magic crystals. At the above level, whether the reserves are large or the quality is good, it will naturally get more attention.

Because the value of this mining area is high enough, the Rainbow Alliance finally dispatched the two strongest battle strengths without the slightest hesitation after receiving the attack reports from everywhere. , Because they know that saving this mine is equivalent to at least saving more than a dozen ordinary mining areas, so in the case of intelligently saving one, they naturally can only choose here to start.

Because it has been predicted in advance that this may be the first mining area where the opponent’s national equipment holders will rescue, so we put a lot of troops in this place, and there are several high level Players, the two national weapon holders arrived here and thought they could quickly solve the troubles here. Didn’t expect encountered two ruthless characters as soon as they landed. After the two sides have passed more than a dozen moves in two pairs, although that The two national weapon holders feel that they have a clear advantage, but they also know that they can't handle each other in a short period of time.

"Don't struggle, you are not opponents." The two American national weapon holders looked at the two players in our guild and said, trying to rely on language to destroy each other's confidence. But what made them didn't expect was that the people in our guild were even more arrogant than them.

"haha, fool, I don’t know when the time to die is not far away! You will know how you are going to die in a while."

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