"Well, well, that's it. What do you think?"

The conference center of Isinger Mobile Fortress, I will take everything I have so far The information was summarized, and all the leaders of the guild and Haiwangdian were informed.

"In order to save time, I think it would be better for me to do a directional analysis first." After speaking, the military god said directly: "The current situation is quite obvious. The Rainbow Alliance has actually controlled the entire United States. Most of the resources and population in the environment, therefore, the longer the delay, the more disadvantaged it is for us, because the opponent’s subsequent renewable battle strength is gradually accumulating, and the recovery speed is much faster than the ability of the Neptune Palace. Although our Frost Rose League’s violent abilities We are still above the Rainbow Alliance, but we are mercenaries, impossible to intervene in war without restrictions, and your Sea King Palace can’t afford this price. Therefore, it is foreseeable that counterattack will become inevitable and must be fast. Please don’t When wasting our brains to consider defenses or other issues, what we need is a simple counter-offensive plan, and it needs to be completed quickly. Even if we can’t regain control of the entire United States, we need to guarantee at least 50% of the resource points and urban population. Occupation rate, otherwise there will be no motivation and achievable goals for the follow-up plan."

Rose immediately followed after the military god said: "Okay. The military god has just analyzed the current situation, then, Based on this situation, let’s make a simple analysis. First of all, as the God of War said, a counterattack is inevitable, and since the Frost Rose Alliance takes over this list, then we are the main counterattack. But I hope that the sea king’s palace Everyone can understand the actual situation. Although our Frost Rose Alliance took the money, it is your war after all, so it is best not to consider this war with the attitude that you can completely ignore it after paying the money. In addition, there is a reality The situation exists, that is, our Frost Rose League is currently at war with Russia, so we are impossible to extract all the battle strengths into the war in the US War Zone. Therefore, in order to deal with the future battles, you still need to do your best Put in your strength. Of course, we are not shirking our responsibilities. Our Frost Rose Alliance will also invest as much as possible in what we can do."

Seeing those players in the Sea King Palace want to say Hu, I knocked on the table and suppressed them and said: "This time the situation is a little bit tricky, so our Frost Rose Alliance does not intend to make much profit in this incident. Don't doubt our sincerity, otherwise it will only lead to internal failure. Working together, the Rainbow Alliance is in vain. However, I also know that you don’t have any sincerity when I speak such empty words. Then well, I will show my sincerity to you." I said from a man behind me. The angel took a list and said: "This time your Sea King Palace has invested 10 billion crystal coins to purchase our armed intervention services. In order to show my sincerity, I have reported to Celestial Court in China, Dark God Palace in Europe, and Divine in Egypt. Race and Olympus Divine Race are also under NPCLe Gion’s order. This time our Frost Rose League does not plan to make money anymore. It is to help you to preserve our credibility. Therefore, the total order amount this time is as high as 8 billion crystal coins, and all of this money will be used to purchase NPC soldiers. I have a fund usage certificate issued by system. If you are in doubt, you can download a copy from me and see for yourself. "

As soon as my words came out, the people in the Sea King Palace immediately started talking. The scene was a mess, but these people had a clear attitude immediately after downloading the system guarantee materials I handed over. looked towards my side. One of the guys stood up and said: "We have seen the sincerity of President Purple Moon, and we can say anything afterwards. We promise to obey your orders. "

"This sentence is what I want. Okay, now I'm listening carefully. "

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