Normally speaking to zombie is nonsense, because zombie’s intelligence is basically zero, even if it’s a high level zombie, it just has some primary level intelligence, wait until the Heaven Defying Level. The intelligence of the zombie will rise a lot, but that level of zombie is still dominated by violence, which is completely different from the thinking mode of normal creatures. So, zombie is actually a very difficult existence to communicate.

However, the zombie who was pressed on the ground in front of him is a bit strange, because after his appearance, although his behavior is not much different from a normal zombie, his eyes are very smart. There is a big gap with the general zombie. So I decided to swindle and see if I can ask something.

The zombie on the ground didn’t answer my question at all at first, just struggling desperately, still holding on to the ground and trying to stand up, but a circle of Death God guards pressed him by the side and was able to get up. It's so strange. After trying helplessly many times and finally realizing that he was impossible, this guy finally had the meaning of communication.

"Intruder, die."

The voice is very low, this is the characteristic of zombie, and the content of this sentence does not seem to be a big problem, but... this guy speaks The way is wrong. If zombie wants to talk to people, he will say at first, and now, it can only be said to be a contingency measure after weighing the current situation, and zombie just has no ability to respond. So, this guy completely exposed the fact that he is not an ordinary zombie.

Let the Death God guards on both sides move away a little bit, and I stepped directly over the zombie on the ground and sat on his back, then stretched out my hand to the side. "Lingling, let me use the holy sword."

Lingling quickly handed the holy sword over, and I stuffed the sword blade into the guy's head from below. As soon as that zombie saw holy sword, he lifts the head desperately to avoid it. After all, he is a zombie, living on Yin Qi, holy sword is a negative energy nemesis. For zombie, holy sword is just like a soldering iron. Like wood, it doesn't have to be touched, but it's okay to burn a large piece of black.

The zombie raised his head with difficulty to avoid the holy sword under his neck, while I slowly lifted the holy sword up a little bit, and then the opponent could only raise his head harder. However, zombie’s body was originally inflexible, and now he was pressed on the ground, so he quickly reached the limit, his head couldn’t move back at all, and the holy sword I was holding finally touched that guy’s chin. .

& He struggled even more violently, even though I was sitting on his back, and the suppression of a circle of Death God guards was almost overturned by him. It can be seen how violent the struggle was at that time.

Although the resistance was fierce, but we had too many people, we still fixed it firmly on the ground. However, I did not continue to burn him with the holy sword, but put the holy sword down again. However, even though the holy sword left that guy's skin, it still glowed and heated on its own as if it felt something, so that guy should be able to clearly feel the holy sword under his neck now.

Seeing that the guy has almost reached the limit, I asked again: "Are you willing to talk to me now?"

The other party said very hard: "Yes, I'm willing!"

"Very well, count your acquaintances." I took Eternity out, but did not return it to Lingling, but stuck it on the ground next to his face, and then asked: "Now tell me who you are."

"My name is Wang Dali."

"The name is normal, but your identity is not normal!"


I didn’t ask carefully after I finished speaking, the other party immediately said, “The reason why I am different from the normal zombie is because I got the master’s and don’t take care of me. I was rewarded with a small piece of cold wood. ."

"Master? Yin Han Mu?"

"The owner is the Ghost King in this area. Yin Han Mu is a special kind planted on the mountainside Chaotic Burial Mound. The big tree of this tree, the bark of this tree carries a lot of cold power, which can make me wait for the existence of ghosts and ghosts to increase cultivation base, but more importantly, this cold wood can make me wait to find what I was before my death. Memory and thinking ability."

After hearing this guy's words, I even understood why that guy can become a Ghost King. The reason seems to be in this tree. In the low-level period of ghosts, their intelligence is very low, such as skeleton soldiers and zombies. They are almost instinctive, and even the stress reflex is not obvious. Therefore, the greatest limit to the evolution of negative energy organisms is not their energy, but their intelligence. Just like the demons, the cultivation itself is not difficult, but the difficulty is to have enough intelligence to understand what cultivation is. So the most important step before monsters become Great Demon is to open up spiritual wisdom.

The same goes for this undead creature. They have no brains at first, so it is difficult to improve, because simply will not aim to improve themselves, this is the biggest obstacle to evolution. And compared to those monsters, the problem of undead creatures is even greater. Most of the monsters were animals and plants before they were alive, and somehow they had some basic reactions, which were much better than those undead creatures that didn't even have a stress reflex.

Because the key to spiritual cultivator training is this intellectual problem, the cold wood that can open the way of undead creatures’ wisdom has become the Supreme Treasure of ghosts. What's more, this thing itself can also increase the cultivation base, which is even more remarkable.

"Okay, next question. Are you the manager here?"

"Yes." zombie replied: "This yard is under my control."


"Then you can undo the sealing effect of this space, can you?"

"Yes. I can."

"Then remove it for me now."

"Okay, okay." Under my pressure, the other party happily closed the strange space restrictions in this mansion, and then I asked Darts to verify it. Not only did I find that the back door could go out, And also found the people who were separated, but in such a short period of time, the team was actually attenuated, and it was a big attrition.

"Fuck me, why are you left?"

When I took the zombie and found other people together at the back door, there were only four people left on the scene. The two were the girls, but the male player with them died. But hero saving the beauty, it's normal for male players to hang up quickly in this scenario.

One of the remaining two players is the middle-aged mage who has said two sentences before, and the remaining one is a warrior player who has not spoken before. Anyway, the boss of the team is dead. Dropped, and most people are dead.

"Purple Moon, how did you rescue us?"

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