"Looking at this, it is clear that we are not allowed to pass!" Looking at the wall in front of me, I can be sure that this is not another wall, but the front door of the yard. Therefore, no matter whether we continue forward or backward, we will eventually return to the lotus pond before. Of course, the problem may not lie in the lotus pond, but there must be a mission location in the yard that must be visited.

"Should we move forward or go back?" the young man asked me.

I took a look at the front wall and said: "Go forward."

"Why?" another player asked.

I explained: "First, we can make sure that we are actually looping back to this mansion, rather than guessing. Second, we can start from the beginning and explore all the rooms. , Try not to miss any place."

"so that's how it is. Then let's go in."

I looked at the people around and I knew they would not dare first Go, so I had no choice but to go first. However, when I stepped in, the surrounding situation suddenly changed. As soon as I entered, I found that the back was quieter, and when I looked back, it was not the backyard, but the street before. That means that group of people are gone.

Fortunately, what reassures me is that the king is entangled with the czar and is behind me, so it is still there, only the group of players who followed us disappeared.

Although I don’t need to take any responsibility for the group of people, I still waited for a while, because I wanted to confirm whether they were teleported to a space different from me or just It's because the front door itself doesn't have a loop connection, so I can't see them.

It turns out that the ghost house seems to have deliberately separated us, because I waited for five minutes without seeing any of the people.

Those people are very afraid of this ghost house, and I am their spiritual sustenance. When they watched me go through the gate, they disappeared. The first reaction must be to chase in immediately, but it took five minutes. In the past, none of them showed up, which can only show that everyone was separated. The door may be cut and transmitted based on the number of people passing through or based on time slices, anyway, different numbers of people will be transmitted to different locations. Of course, it may also be teleported to a parallel space, that is to say, it is very likely that everyone is at the gate now, but we are standing at different gates.

The facts are actually pretty much the same as I guessed. At this time, the group of people behind me stood at the same gate as me, but their team became a three-person team, every three people in groups, except for the three people in their own group, the others No one is whereabouts.

They were already quite upset because they lost my powerful existence, and now they are divided into three groups, which makes them even more upset. The most unlucky thing is that the last remaining two girls in the team are actually in a group, and the result is that the two girls and a male player make it even more insecure. Of course, the male player is also quite distressed now. What? You said that there are two girls, and it is such a horrible scene, should we hurry up and get stuck? If it was really possible, he wouldn't be upset. The key is that this group of people all know each other. The two girls in the team have masters, and they are all acquaintances. Besides, the premise of thinking about those is that you are not afraid, but the problem is that this guy himself is almost scared to death.

Don't think that all male children are bold. The fact is that not all men are bold, and even if they are bold, it depends on the situation. The virtual reality technology in the game makes the environment and the real world no different, which is much scarier than the previous horror games, horror movies and the haunted houses in the playground. Don't forget that no matter what game, movie or haunted house, the ghosts in it are impossible and have any direct effect on the player, but the game is different. These ghosts can really come out to attack you.

"What can we do about this?" The three people gathered together and did not dare to move at all. Although this part of the wall is not necessarily safe, sometimes people just like to deceive themselves.

A few people here are too scared to move, but I have already bypassed the wall. Even if everyone is separated, what I can do is to crack this ghost house as soon as possible. The greater probability is that after the ghost house is cracked, everyone will return to a world. Another kind of probability is that you need to crack the ghost house you entered, but I can't help in that situation. Anyway, they and I are not teaming up, so I try to do my own thing as much as possible. If they can help, they can help me.

Without the group of drag oil bottles, our speed is obviously quite high. Going around the wall and entering the front yard, I waved my hand directly, and the king and Sha Yezi rushed into the rooms on both sides respectively, while I was standing in the middle with the czar without moving.

The king will come out soon. There is nothing unusual over there. Sha Yezi also came out soon, but he flew out. It wasn't that Sha Yezi was shot out, but she rushed out after chasing a dark shadow. The black shadow rushed towards me immediately after landing, very fast, almost in front of me in the blink of an eye. Although this black shadow is fast, I am faster. I took a step back slightly, and moved up, pressing the middle of the guy’s eyebrows with one hand, and then just like before, the guy slowly fell down, and then Fell asleep.

Looking at the black shadow on the ground, we also released the previous black shadow. After we let the shadow fall asleep, we didn't let it go, but took it with us. Now I put out a comparison and found that the two look very similar, both of them existed in flesh and blood, and their abilities were the same as the shadows that had been shrouded in the body before falling asleep. However, the black shadow before was a woman, very beautiful, wearing black tight clothes, the kind that looked very sexy. But this one in front of me is a man, very thin, average-looking, and a popular face. This guy is also black clothed and looks like an assassin, but he certainly isn't, because he attacks with fists instead of daggers.

After careful observation for a while, I didn't find too many clues. I could only seal it up and throw it into the gate of the earth for the time being like the woman. After we got here, we continued backwards, passing through the living room to the lotus pond before. At this time, the lotus pond has restored calm, but it looks more scary than before, because the bodies that originally sank under the lotus pond have all floated up, looking very scary piece by piece from above. I don't have much myself, but I can think of those people who might cry when they pass by here, right?

Walking on the bridge over the lotus pond, I stopped when I got to the pavilion. After looking left and right, I summoned the dart directly, and then asked him to look at the door that went out, and the dart came back in less than a second. This distance is too short for the speed of light to move the dart.

The information reported by the darts indicates that the circulation space still exists, and the back is open, but what we see from the inside is the wall in the front yard instead of the street in the back, which means that we have just controlled it. The dark shadow of is not the key to the circulation space, at least not all.

Since the space is still closed, it is useless to move on. We can only check the two yards on the left and right sides of the lotus pond that we haven't been to before. In the past, in order to pass quickly, we didn't look at any yards or houses on either side at all, just ran all the way forward, but now we can't help it anymore.

For the first time, we chose the yard on the left. In order to save time, I directly let a large group of Death God guards in and thundered over the entire yard. It took less than fifteen seconds. Let us find a Hanged Ghost hiding in a tree. This guy was obviously a hapless guy. He was dragged down from the tree by a group of Death God guards and beaten violently, and then the soul flew away and scattered. Although Death God Guards are not a high-level unit, these guys are Anubis's men. To ghosts, these guys are like policemen. Of course, the Death God Guard is a foreign policeman, but the profession is the same, so it's a brisk job.

After we got this Hanged Ghost, we quickly ran to the yard on the other side. Unlike the previous yard, this yard is much smaller, with only two rooms and a well inside. According to the Haunted House Law, there are probably ghosts under the well, so we didn’t wait for the ghosts to come up and scare us, so we directly let Xiaochun throw a holy light bomb from the wellhead. Seeing that the wellhead was flashed by white light, we heard a scream. , And then it was completely silent.

Xiaochun stretched her head and glanced inside, then nodded and said: "Well, the purification is very thorough."

We still use the same method in the next two rooms. Use the holy light bomb as a grenade, and throw one in after opening the door. For ghosts, this holy light bomb is not inferior to an incendiary bomb, so it doesn't matter if there is a ghost in it, you can throw one in first.

The first of the two houses did not react at all. After throwing the holy light bomb, I let the Death God guards go in and take a look. It was indeed empty. The second room is different. As soon as Xiaochun's holy light bomb entered, the window cracked open with a click, and then saw a silhouette flying out of the window, hitting the ground with a bang.

It is different from the previous situation. This time it is obviously not a ghost, but a zombie.

Although this guy does not wear official clothes, the zombie is definitely correct, because his characteristics are exactly the same as the zombie in our country’s legend. This thing moved towards me immediately after it appeared, obviously knowing that I was a leader-like existence here. But it is a pity that zombie such low-level goods are completely abused here.

As soon as the guy jumped up, he was pulled by the ankle by the king, and then a group of Death God guards swarmed and pressed him to the ground.

"Do you think I should kill you? Or kill you? Or kill you?" Looking at the zombie still struggling on the ground, I asked with a smile.

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