"We don’t have to ask about how to rescue you for the time being. We are already a lot behind schedule. Everyone hurry up. I don’t want to delay here for too long."< /p>

"Oh, okay."

In fact, these people are also terribly scared. Of course, I said they would not refuse to leave, so they immediately followed me. But after leaving here, I unexpectedly found something very interesting in the back.

This is an Eight Trigrams Mirror, which is just about the size to hold it with one hand. The Eight Trigrams Mirror itself is very simple and does not seem to have any special features at all, but this Eight Trigrams Mirror is automatically activated when we pass below.

Because of the existence of that group of people before, many people can help distract the ghosts, so I always only let the king protect the czar, and other familiars are used to summon, but now I follow We only have so few people left, so naturally we can't distract those ghosts as well as before. Therefore, in order to strengthen security, I not only let the king be outside, but also let Sha Yezi, Demon, and Demon.

With the four of them, you can immediately keep the super crispy czar from being killed if you encounter any problems. However, just as I took the four ghosts and the Tsar and they passed the back door, the Eight Trigrams Mirror on the door suddenly shot out a yellow light beam, centered on the king who was walking in front among the four ghosts.

The speed of the light beam that appeared suddenly was too fast, and the king was hit without any response at all, but the king was only frowned and knocked the thing down with a sword. Because I was under the door, I caught it easily. When this thing got into my hand, it didn't shine anymore, but immediately quieted down. After that, we did a few experiments to prove that this thing has the ability to attack the existence of ghosts autonomously, which is very similar to the legendary Magical Artifact, but this thing is not exactly the same, because it has no attributes.

As a piece of equipment, it should have attributes. After all, this thing really attacked the king. Although the formidable power is not great, after all, it is effective. After this, I will also test it. pass. As long as there are ghosts within 30 degrees of the up ahead of the mirror, this thing will attack autonomously, and once the target is locked, it can continue to attack even if the mirror rotates, unless the mirror rotates at a large angle to move the target behind the Eight Trigrams Mirror. This will stop automatically.

Because I can't see the attribute, there is no way to identify it on the spot. I put this thing on my body, and I found that this thing seems to have a ghost-repelling effect.

At first, we didn't know what was going on, but we discovered that we haven't encountered any ghosts since we came out of the big house, and even the surrounding fog seems to have faded a lot. With this convenience, we quickly bypassed the big mansion in the middle of the village to the back of the village, and we only need to cross a few more streets to get out. However, this weird situation disappeared after I couldn't find out the attribute of Eight Trigrams Mirror and threw it into the Phoenix Dragon space. I used to hold that thing in my hand, and now I was cut off immediately after throwing it into the Phoenix Dragon Space, and then we started to return to the previous situation, which was constantly hitting ghosts. First, we met a house in a house. Head ghost, then came across an evil spirit wearing a leather skirt and holding an iron fork, and finally came across an extremely difficult Evil Spirit. Of course, it's relatively difficult to deal with, and it will soon be over when you meet me. However, this time I also realized that there is a reason for this phenomenon, and soon we found out that the reason was the Eight Trigrams Mirror.

However, although we found that this thing has a ghost-killing effect, we did not have any other research on this thing, because this thing is really eyeless and has a real effect, but it even has an attribute panel. Nothing, this thing how do you let me study?

After helpless, I threw this thing to the czar and let him hold it by himself, so that it can be used as a body protection symbol. At least we can relax a little.

After we brought the Eight Trigrams Mirror back on, our task became super simple again. We successfully found the house that passed through to the last street. After passing inside, we entered a relatively wide one. Streets. This street is the main road in this village, that is, the street that passes through the village. If it weren't for a huge ghost house in the middle of the village, we wouldn't dare to enter it.

After choosing the direction, we continued on the road, and after a short walk, we saw the exit of the village. There is a small bridge here, even if you walk over it, you will completely leave the area where the village is. However, just as we crossed the bridge, the Eight Trigrams Mirror in the hands of the czar could not be taken out as if it had hit some barrier. There are no obstructions here, we can go in and out at will, but the Eight Trigrams Mirror seems to be stuck by something as soon as it gets on the bridge, no matter how hard it is, it is completely motionless.

After trying for a long time to determine that there is really no way to take this thing over, we can only helplessly throw it at the entrance of the village. Finally, our summary of this thing is that this 80% is a task item, which is the kind of small reward that can reduce the difficulty of the task. This thing is actually included in many missions. For example, in some underground maze missions, there will be some talking NPC guides. If the player ignores the past, the subsequent missions will be quite difficult, and if you find out, That can save a lot of things.

This Eight Trigrams Mirror is 80% of the same thing. If we don’t find it, the task can still be completed, but the difficulty will become very large, and with this thing, it will be much easier. But unfortunately, the effective range of this thing is obviously only useful in that village, and it is obviously useless here.

After leaving the village, we went back to the woods again. The village was originally built at the foot of the mountain. It was originally wrapped in a large forest. After we passed through the village, we walked less than 500 meters and started. Enter the mountain road up the mountain, and this mountain road is not the same as the general mountain road. Say it is a road. It is too narrow, and there are no obvious traces of the road on the ground. It can only be said that the vegetation on the ground is slightly looser, and it is a little bit longer than wading a road directly in a pile of shrubs and weeds. It's easier. Of course, it is not appropriate to say that it is not a road plane, after all, it is better to walk than other places.

In fact, this kind of road is basically the animal trail in the forest, which is the kind of road the animals step on. Because animals don’t wear shoes like humans, they do less damage to the ground. In addition, when animals move, they instinctively avoid surrounding plants and do not go back to watch them, so the way animals come out is far from the way people stepped out. So obvious.

This trail is almost like this. Not only is it not obvious, but it is also slippery. The ground is full of dead branches and leaves. The soil below seems to be full of moisture, and it looks nothing. Print out the watermark.

"Is the road behind this always the same?" I asked the people behind, they are the living map here.

One of the mage players said: "The road ahead is a little better than this one. This section is the most difficult to walk, but there will be a lot of ghost activities in the beginning, so this side is actually It’s a good way to go."

I nodded to express my understanding, and then looked towards the front and said: "The Tsar, you ride my mount."

The Tsar was still looking around after hearing my words. , But when he turned his head, Ye Ying appeared directly next to him, shocking him. But this guy quickly recovered, and then stroked Ye Ying's body with a greedy look. Ye Ying was obviously quite dissatisfied with his behavior, and a large group of fire stars spewed out of his nose with a loud nose, which shocked him again, but now it seemed that the guy loved Ye Ying even more.

"Touch something, hurry up." Seeing that guy is always there to touch him, almost as if water is dripping, I just walked over and grabbed his collar with one hand. Throwing on Ye Ying's back, then she said to Ye Ying: "Protect him. If you are in danger, take him away first. This guy is a crispy skin and will die when you touch it. Be careful."

Ye Ying glanced at the czar on his back contemptuously, then nodded and said: "I will put a balloon on my back."

"Yes, that's what it means."< /p>

"Am I that vulnerable?"

"Yes." Ye Ying and I said in unison.

The czar was struck by us and stopped talking, because he also found that he did not have much opportunity to argue. Compared with us, he was indeed a fragile balloon, which burst at the first touch.

The group of people in the back showed envious expressions when they saw that the czar had a mount to travel, but they did not complain, because they all knew that the czar was my client, so it’s normal for the treatment to be different. .

After throwing the czar on the back of Yeying, our speed of action was obviously much faster. Once Yeying took him, I was not so worried, and I could move forward with confidence. Secondly, this guy uses a trumpet. The attribute is the worst here. The movement speed is naturally very slow. Even the physical attributes of the mage and priest girl in the team are much higher than him. Now he doesn’t need to be here. After walking on the ground, we don't have to accommodate his speed.

After speeding up the trip, we quickly passed through this section of the most difficult uphill road. After passing this section of the road, the mountainside road is really much easier. Although the mountain road here still has a small slope, it is no longer the kind of steep mountain road, and this mountain road is obviously artificially traced, the big trees on the roadside have been rested, and the ground is also obviously paved with stones. Traces of the past. Of course, obviously this place has been abandoned for a long time, so it is basically overgrown with weeds, but after all, it is a place where roads have been repaired, and it is much easier to walk than a beast trail no matter how bad it is.

According to the introduction of the few surviving players, this road should have been to the bottom of the mountain, but since the village below turned into a ghost village, no one has walked on this road, and then it was gradually abandoned. Lost. When the section of the road just went up the mountain, the original road was washed away because of a landslide. Later, the animal stepped on an animal trail again, so it was so difficult to walk. Because the terrain is relatively flat and there is no landslide, there are still some traces on the road.

Of course, the above information is not the player’s own experience, but the information provided by the NPCs in nearby towns. According to the information provided by them, the Chaotic Burial Mound in this mountain is nearby. Chaotic Burial Mound shared by all towns. This road into the mountain was still very good before, and it can even be used for carriage. Now it is just because it is so deserted that it has become like this.

I am not very interested in the situation on the road. What I am interested in is how big the previous piece of Chaotic Burial Mound will be. From the information I have heard before, I only know that this piece of Chaotic Burial Mound is very big, but there is no intuitive concept to what extent it can reach, so I want to know about this so-called super Chaotic Burial Mound now. How big can it be?

My thoughts have not been realized yet, but first let me see the special monster here-ghost.

We were walking well, and suddenly we found a rope hanging from the branches of a big tree on the side of the road, and there was a corpse hanging from the bottom of the rope swaying in the wind .

To be honest, with this dark jungle and the corpse hanging on the tree, normal people will stand up when they see it unconsciously, but we don’t have much reaction now. The key reason is not that we are brave, but because the previous ghost village has already adapted to this environment. Although the people were still scared, they were much better than before. After all, this was just a corpse hanging from a tree, not too scary.

Our team quickly walked to the corpse. I turned my head and took a look at the corpse. When I looked towards him, the corpse hanging from the tree suddenly opened. I closed my eyes and glared at my eyes fiercely. Unsurprisingly, there were screams from around, and there were two of them. It was the two girls who made the sound. It was obvious that it was still difficult for women to adapt to this environment.

"OK, OK, stop arguing! Hanged Ghost, nothing more, you will scare you away when you call ghosts!"

The two girls will be scared away as soon as I say it. Stopped, it was a sudden situation before, and after reacting to it, they had adapted to a period of time, but they quickly controlled themselves.

I made sure that these two girls were quiet before I re-looked towards the Hanged Ghost. This guy is white clothed, he can have half chi long hanging from his neck, his face is completely blue and purple, and his eyes are bigger than those in Riman. Of course, this kind of glasses doesn't feel cute at all, but it scares people to death. The kind, after all, the eyes appear big because they stare out, not because the eyes themselves are big.

I looked at this Hanged Ghost for a while, and sensed the energy level of this guy, and then I assured the people behind me: "Don’t be afraid, this guy is a new ghost, mana It’s too weak to even move. Unless you go up and die, there will be no danger."

"It sounds weak."

"Originally It’s weak, okay!” After I finished speaking, I lost interest in this Hanged Ghost, and then started to move forward. But this place deserves to be called the Super Chaotic Burial Mound. After passing the Hanged Ghost position, I walked less than ten steps, and suddenly I felt something was stepped on under my feet. I looked down and found that it was a broken foot, only the foot. And half of the calf, the upper part is gone. I kicked the broken foot into the bush next to me, and I continued to walk forward. The people behind were not surprised because I didn't see it.

After walking forward again, I saw a small graveyard a few meters away on the side of the road, and beside the graveyard there was a barefoot wearing one. The little child in the tattered pants and hairpin is squatting there playing in the mud. Of course, there will be no child in this kind of place. This is obviously a kid, because he is pale all over his body, and when he feels the sound of us approaching, he even looks back at our side.

It was better for him to squat and stay still, but this time he rang the two tweeter detonators at the back. The reason is that the child’s eye sockets are actually two black holes, and there is nothing inside. . The pale skin of the little ghost formed a sharp contrast with these two black holes, and it was quite scary to see it suddenly, especially in this environment.

Fortunately, although the other party glanced at us, he did not rush to commit the crime. Instead, he jumped up and hid behind the grave bag, but he did not disappear, but kept Hidden there, stretched out half of his head and looked at us, as if the little child was afraid of seeing strangers.

"It’s pitiful to see you, it’s up to you." I turned to Sha Yezi behind and said: "Go and bring him here. We need a guide."

" I'm going?" Sha Yezi looked towards me and asked in surprise: "Aren't you afraid to scare him away?"

"Are you a woman anyway? Can you coax a child?"

< p>Sha Yezi shook his head decisively. "You let me scare the little child. It's okay. Just coax the child. When I die, I'm still a big girl. I don't have this experience!"

"Damn, is it possible that let me go by myself Huh?"

"I'll come." The king walked over without waiting for my answer.

Initially, I thought that the heroic spirit of the king should not know how to coax children. After all, the normal thinking mode is to think, this heroic spirit must remember all the information related to the war, and the king is still a Men, such a heavy heroic murderous aura, of course, is impossible and of course related to things like bringing a child.

However, in fact, the king proved to us with facts that the heroic spirits born on the battlefield are actually very good at coaxing children, and they are very good to young children. As for why... My analysis is like this. The heroic spirit is the soul assembly of all the unyielding souls that died on the battlefield, so the main emotion that the heroic spirit finally has should be the final thoughts of the warriors who died in the battle. Because warriors are fighting when they die, things related to the battle must be dominant, and at the same time they will leave a lot of perseverance and character to the heroic spirits. But don’t people miss home when they die? Obviously impossible. Before death, most people should miss their wives and children at home, right? Therefore, the heroic spirits actually have hidden attributes-good father.

After the king passed by, the little devil really avoided him, but he didn’t know what the king said. Anyway, with a few simple actions and a few words, the child walked to him timidly. Then after the king squatted down, he walked into his arms and laughed happily.

I have to say that the image of the king at this moment completely subverts our perception, but it seems reasonable to think about it.

After a brief exchange, the king took the little devil back. This little fellow was quite scared to see us, but I have a special attribute for negative energy creatures, any negative energy creatures. , In a non-hostile state, there will be two emotions of awe and fear for me at the same time, that is, my affinity for undead creatures will be very high, and it will make them a little afraid of me.

In order to make this kid our guide, I made full use of my affinity attribute, and then used the magic weapon to deceive little children-lollipop. Of course, the kid doesn't eat sweets, at that time he liked black liquid crystals. I directly took out a black liquid crystal that was big for him, and handed it over. "Come on, Uncle will give you some sweets. Lick it, it's very sweet."

"Are you going to turn into a monster Uncle?" The girl behind was quite scared, she saw After my performance, I felt that there was no horror at all.

The little ghost is a little ghost after all, and his thinking is relatively simple. Under the persuasion of the king, he carefully took the black liquid crystal and licked it, and then instantly fell in love with the taste. Just as herbivores cannot refuse salt, undead creatures cannot refuse black liquid crystals.

The little fellow is like a Little Squirrel holding this black liquid crystal, which is smaller than his head, and licking desperately, looking at the chubby little face and cute movements, if you don’t have eyes The two holes on the top are exactly like a cute little neighbor next door. It's a pity that the two holes are so conspicuous, even I am impossible to ignore them completely.

"Okay, kid, you know Uncle now. Uncle My name is Purple Moon, what is your name?"

"Ball ball." The kid is sweet black liquid Jing's gap quickly reported his name.

I nodded and asked: "Then Ball, Uncle wants to ask you some questions, can you tell me, OK? Just tell me, and I will give you another piece of this delicious thing."< /p>

As soon as I heard it, the kid stopped licking this piece in his hand immediately, then looked at me and asked: "Really?"

"Of course." I directly He took out a piece larger than the previous one, and said: "Look, I took it out, how could I lie to you?"

"Well, what are you asking, Uncle?"

"I want to know, which ghosts do you know here?"

"I don't know ghosts!" The little child said innocently.

I was taken aback for a moment, and then I realized that 80% of this child still doesn't understand what death is. "Well, just to ask what kids you know around here, or Uncle, Aunt, grandfather, grandma, etc."

"Well, I know a lot of people!" The kid said: "Over there A little bit lives in Xiaojiang, and there are cocoa, king dog eggs..."

The little child had no focus at all, and he reported a series of names in one breath. It took a lot of time under my guidance. I probably understand some basic information.

This kid has not been dead for a long time, but it has been several decades. I have known many ghosts here, but they are all very low-level existences. Like people, this ghost has class differences. This kid and the ghosts he knows are both the lowest level ghosts. They are both solitary souls, unbound ghosts with no strength. They just can’t reincarnate. In fact, they don’t have much mana. There is no such thing as anger. Higher Level 1 are evil spirits or wraith. These guys are dead wronged or unwilling to exist. They are too strong in obsession, so they turn into ghosts and evil spirits after death. The battle strength is relatively high, but they are basically ignorant and have been in a semi-crazy state for a long time.

The third rank layer is those Ghost Soldiers. This kind of existence is more complicated. Some are solitary souls, unbound ghosts who have been dead for many years, and they will serve as mana gradually accumulating, and some are avenging evil. Ghost wraith regained some consciousness, and some of them simply absorbed Yin Qi and reached a certain realm. Anyway, this level is more powerful.

Level 4 is Ghost General. This level is an enhanced version of Level 3. The battle strength is very strong, but to be honest, for the people behind me, this level is more letting them An Xin, because at this level, Ghost General is actually not scary anymore, but the battle strength is very strong, so they can completely treat it as a powerful monster, and there will be no psychological fear.

Level 5 is Level 1 above Ghost General, but the kid’s level is too low, so I don’t know what kind of ghost it is. Anyway, he knows something more ruthless than Ghost General, but he didn’t see it. pass.

After knowing the general structure of the Chaotic Burial Mound from the kid, I also asked about the general situation here. Generally speaking, the ghost that attacks people has nothing to do with their level. This is the same as a living person. It does not mean that people with high martial power value bullies, but it depends on the personality and character of the person. The ghost in this Chaotic Burial Mound is the same. Some are solitary souls, unbound ghosts, but they accept their fate, so they will wait for their natural demise or gather enough Yin Qi one day to reincarnate or be here as Ghost Soldier Ghost General to embark on the path of cultivation.

Similarly, although some ghosts are also solitary souls, unbound ghosts, but they are not willing to die, they want to find a replacement for the dead, and then they will attack the living people that can be seen everywhere. According to the introduction of the little ghost, the ghosts of these two mentalities are basically half to half here, and there are generally more ghosts on both sides. As for wraith evil spirits, there is nothing to say. This level is all lunatics. It is normal to jump up when you see people. As for the higher ones, then go back to the previous situation, it depends on the ghost, it has nothing to do with the level. But the ratio is mostly one to one. As for the Ghost General level, it's different.

After reaching the level of Ghost General, a ghost will basically attack people, but they will not attack every time because they already know how to weigh the stakes. If they find that you are strong, they will probably not move you, but if they are not as good as them, then I am sorry.

After understanding the social structure here, I learned from the kid again that this place seems to be more than just a lot of ghosts, there are also zombie and Demon. The number of zombies here is not too much, but not too many. After all, Chaotic Burial Mound is too big and the base of corpses is very high. In addition, this place is where Yin Qi gathers, so it is normal for zombies to crawl all over the floor.

As for Demon... this category belongs to the minority here, and the number is small, but the battle strength is slightly stronger than the other two branches. It can be seen that the Demons' single battle strengths are relatively good. , If it weren't for too few people, they would be the complete boss here. Of course, even now it is still part of the superstructure.

After all the information I could ask was asked, I took this kid and walked with me, but how to get there was a problem. It would have been best to let him sit on the back of Night Shadow, but the problem was that the czar was on it, and it was a crispy skin. Although the little devil behaves very well now, I dare not let him be with the czar, because even the little devil has the ability to strike certain kill for the czar. Who told him this trumpet entered the high level zone!

If you can’t ride the night shadow, you can only go with the king, but you can’t let the king hold it, because the king may need to fight. In the end, I thought about Ling Ling to summon.

Not to mention, Ling is also very good at coaxing children, and in less than five minutes this little fellow is very enthusiastic about her. As a mage, Ling can stand in the middle of the team and attack, so it's okay to bring an imp.

The team went back on the road, and the woods became quite sparse after going around the small grave. Looking forward from here, you can see a not-so-tidy mountain valley. The hill on the left is higher, and the hill on the right is lower. A large area of ​​densely packed graves extends from the edge of the line of sight, and it fills almost every inch of the land here. Moreover, the road is completely gone to this side. If you want to continue forward, you can only go from this piece of graves. Go through in between.

It’s fine if it’s just a few grave bags. The key is Chaotic Burial Mound. Everyone may not understand it. It is completely different from a modern cemetery. It’s called Chaotic Burial Mound because the corpse was buried indiscriminately. Some are not even buried simply. The better one has a simple tomb bag, which doesn’t even have a stele. The common one is to dig a pit and bury it directly. Others are placed in a coffin and are still under the open air. Worse, there are some that have not been dealt with at all, which is basically the same. Throw the corpse directly, and ignore it.

However, in fact, except for those buried in a coffin, everything else has the same ending. Most of those who directly took the soil and buried them would be planed out by the wild beast during the day, and then the corpses were dragged everywhere. It’s better to put it in the coffin. Although it’s not buried, the coffin can ensure that the wild beast can’t get in. However, the wood will rot over time, and the corpse will still be exposed. It’s just that the corpse is against the wild beast at that time. It is not attractive anymore, so it is usually not destroyed, at most it will be exposed to the outside.

Of course, it’s not that the coffin is definitely better, because sometimes people who throw the corpse at Chaotic Burial Mound will open the unburied coffin to see if there is anything inside. Things, of course, can be thrown here by the poor, so there will be no funeral objects, but there are always clothes. Those who can come here to throw corpses are also impossible. Rich people are all suffering haha, so they sometimes won’t let go of clothes, even if those things are on the dead.

If the slums are the dark side of the living world, this Chaotic Burial Mound is the dark side of the dead world, and dirty, messy, rundown is the portrayal here. Of course, dirty, messy, and rundown are for the dead, and the living people are probably left with fear when they come to this place.

After seeing this side, the four people behind me paused instinctively, and then quickly started to stand in line. Obviously, the few times they have been here before were not in vain, at least they know how to deal with this. Kind of place. Of course, this Chaotic Burial Mound is actually more terrifying than the previous village in terms of horror, but it is often not so easy to scare people here. The key is that this place is relatively open, and there will be no things that suddenly appear to scare you. It is just dead people or ghosts. Although it is quite scary, players can overcome it if they adapt for a long time. It is for this reason that the latter ones performed a lot better than before, at least one of them appeared to be tasked.

With this group of people moving on, we had to watch our feet move carefully, because there was no normal road on the ground, so we had to find our own way. I only walked less than five steps before I came across a dirt pit dug by a wild beast. There was a corpse looking at the sky below, and when I appeared at the entrance of the corpse, the eyes of the corpse turned and looked at me. , Obviously this is a living corpse. But I didn't care about this guy at all, because not only his lower body was completely gone, but he also had one missing arm. He couldn't get up anyway with one arm alone.

After crossing this big hole, there is a grave bag in front of it, which looks very old. I carefully harassed from the front, and then found a skeleton frame on the ground on the other side of the tomb bag. Pulling it aside carefully with my foot, I had to step back for a short time because I couldn't go ahead. Just now I looked down at my feet earnestly. I didn’t notice that the front was actually a big pit, half a basketball court full of corpses of varying degrees of decay. They were thrown into it in a mess, looking like a corpse throwing pit. And many corpses inside were moving, obviously it was also a concentration of living corpses.

After stepping back a little, I could only walk around the edge of the pit, and then I saw a pretty female ghost sitting on a grave bag side by side and beckoning to me: "This Lord, come and sit down?"

When I heard this, my first reaction was not the past. Instead, I looked back towards those people and asked, "Why are there ghosts doing this in this place?"

The mage said embarrassingly: "Maybe I did this when I was alive, I'm used to it!"

If I couldn't figure out shook the head, I could only continue to approach it because I was going to To go forward, I had to pass by the female ghost, and I had no choice but to pass. Fortunately, although this female ghost has been using words to lead us over, she has always been sitting on the grave bag and never moved. To be honest, I regret not taking gold coin with me now.

It was obviously a mistake that the czar came to me for this task, but this kind of mistake is understandable. After all, he is Russian and doesn't understand our culture. For the Taoist priests, in foreigners' hearts, they are probably the magicians of the East. After all, Chinese culture is too complicated, and it is not easy for foreigners to know a little about it. More people just rely on guessing. Therefore, the czar heard that this mission was related to ghosts and zombies. The first reaction was that it was an undead mission, so I should find a strongman from Dark Element to complete it, because I have a good command of dealing with undead.


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