The dark shadow did not answer my question, but suddenly moved towards the back with a sway of his body. Seeing the other's actions, I knew that this guy is not unable to communicate, but has not been subdued, so he refuses to be obedient.

When I saw that guy avoiding, I didn't chase him, but snapped my fingers. Because the other party was facing me back quickly, so I kept watching my movements and found that I snapped my fingers and immediately became alert. After the whole body's senses were concentrated, the guy immediately realized that something was approaching behind him, and he quickly bent forward, and with a loud sound, a beam of black light passed over his head, cutting off the black shadow behind him. After the black shadow fell to the ground, it immediately retreated from the outer cover and turned into a bunch of hair.

One shot missed, the king quickly turned around and followed up with two swords. After the opponent bowed his head, he immediately propped up on the ground and straightened his body, followed by a backflip. The king’s long knife rubbed the guy’s chest. After cutting it, it's only a tiny bit difference. Two knives missed, the king directly gave up the blade attack, his elbow fell down, and the opponent was somersaulting. Didn't expect the opponent's attack was so fast that he was hit in the chest with a bang, slammed through the roof and fell into the room below. in.

"Death God Guards."

As I shouted, the gate of the earth opened suddenly, and then a group of Death God guards rushed up and threw the flying claws in their hands. Hooked on the wall of the house, and then a group of Death God guards pulled back together, only to hear a loud explosion sound, and the wall of the house facing the street was pulled down and hit the street outside. In the dust filled with dust, the king flew out of the house with a group of shining blade light, and the black shadow in front of him flipped to the ground several times in succession, but it was not hit.

"Sha Yezi."

"Yin and Yang formation, Feng." Sha Yezi who had just arrived at the scene pressed one hand to the ground, and a huge light array suddenly appeared on the dark shadow. Under the feet of the opponent, the opponent immediately flew back, but although the light array could not leave the ground, it was accurately fixed on the opponent's front like a shadow, and no matter how the opponent moved, he could not get rid of the slightest.

After the big formation appeared, Sha Yezi immediately made a strange gesture with both hands in front of him, and then pointed to the guy: "The ghost is bound, go."

See Sha Yezi’s In the action, the other party thought it was Sha Yezi who was about to release the attack, but the attack was correct, but it did not come from Sha Yezi, but from the magic array under that guy. I saw a group of twisted faces with long things like comet tails swarming out of the magical array on the ground, and then these things quickly caught up with the black shadow and entangled him. , As if it was a python strangling its prey, it quickly wrapped this guy up.

The opponent started struggling desperately after being bound by the ghost, but the king quickly followed, jumped up and slashed. The blade light flashed past, but the result was surprising. Sha Yezi's ghost was divided into two parts, and those ghosts that had been released by summon were all cut open at once, but the black shadow that should have been trapped in the middle was gone.

The king looked around in surprise, but didn't find the target. Even Sha Yezi looked towards me in confusion.

"Ghost lamp."

As I called, a familiar that was rarely summoned by me appeared by my side. This is my beloved-green and red light. Cyan Red Lantern is a monster gathered by Yin Qi. Although it has no battle strength, it is the first auxiliary creature of the soul system. Among those hobbyists who play ghosts, it can be called a Supreme Treasure pet.

With the appearance of ghost lights, the surrounding purple black space suddenly brightened up a lot. Although it is not the same as daylight, at least the light is enough for everyone to see a lot of things clearly. Moreover, with the appearance of the ghost lights, the surrounding environment has become a cyan-green. Although it is brighter, it looks more gloomy than before.

Just after the ghost lamp appeared, we immediately found a silhouette behind the king. The opponent has actually raised the weapon in his hand, seeming to be attacking the king, but the appearance of the ghost lamp completely destroyed the opponent's plan, directly exposing the opponent to the rays of light in azure.

Seeing the sudden appearance of black shadows, Sha Yezi immediately raised his hand to point to the guy, and then the magic array that had lost its target because of the disappearance of the other party actually moved under that guy in an instant, and then moved away from the magic array. A large number of evil spirits gushed out again, but this time they did not entangle the other party, but started to bite and bite directly. Obviously this restriction technique can also be used as an attack technique, and it seems to be quite easy to use. of.

The place was entangled and bitten by the evil spirits, and had to start struggling, trying to get rid of those evil spirits. With his excellent battlefield intuition, the king felt the anomaly behind him. He quickly turned around with a knife. The guy was embarrassed with his sideways and many arms. A wound was still taken out on his arm, and a string of red blood beads was slashed with the blade. Got out.

The Royal General put the blade in front of the nose and smelled it, and then frowned: "The other party is a living creature, and it's a woman."

"Does this smell too?" I He glanced at the king in surprise, and then said: "Just know that it is alive. Ling, Lingling, Xiaochun, help."

"Holy light ruling." Lingling immediately made a big move as soon as she appeared. There are many people on our side, and it is a siege, so we don’t need to be cautious. We just need to make a big move. The hit is just right. Failure to hit can also make the other party hurried. At the same time, we can buy time for other people on our side to attack and prepare.

When the black shadow on the opposite side saw the huge Great Saint sword like a white beam of light, he instinctively felt extremely disgusting, and then desperately tried to avoid it, but if the holy sword ruled that it’s really easy to avoid it. It's not called a ruling. Accompanied by a strong white light, the holy sword crashed down, and the house that had just been demolished with one wall and the row of houses behind were completely purified into white light particles in the white rays of light and disappeared into the air. In the middle, what is left is a large passage that traverses three streets.

The group of people and the czar not far away have completely entered a sluggish state. Originally they could not see clearly because of the obstruction of the fog, but after the green and red lights appeared, they found that their sight range suddenly It was back to normal, and Lingling's holy sword completely destroyed the surrounding fog, and forcibly blew away the purple black fog.

Because everyone's sight range has returned to normal now, those people clearly saw Lingling's destroying heaven extinguishing earth-like blow. Only then did they fully understand the description of my peak state that they had seen before. It was really destructive power at the map gun level!

The black shadow rushed out from the smoke and dust of the ruins, with wisps of blue smoke on his body. It was obviously wiped by the skill just now, but it was obvious that the other party also hid. Open the main part, otherwise it will not be as simple as a little smoke.

Just when the other party was tumbling out of smoke and dust, he was taken aback, because at this time there was a woman standing in front of him, a woman who looked very beautiful and noble. However, although the woman in front of her is unusually beautiful and noble, the black shadow instinctively feels that the other party is abnormally annoying, because she discovered that the other party is actually surrounded by the holy light power, which is surrounded by layers of soft light waves. For a natural creature, it seems to be soothing, but for an existence like her, it is almost the same as the sulfuric acid vapor spraying on her body. Although it is not instantaneous, the pain is absolutely explosive.

Xiaochun looked at the black shadow in front of her, smiled and stretched out a hand, and said softly with a very kind smile: "Don't refuse the comfort of holy light, she can liberate your soul , Don’t resist me, you will experience the ultimate happiness."

"Damn, get out of my mind!" Sombra yelled for the first time, and then desperately wielded his weapon and retreated in embarrassment. But after just two steps back, the other party couldn't move, because she felt that she had hit someone.

The shadow turned around slowly and mechanically as if his muscles were stiff, and then saw a woman who was more beautiful than the one before. No, it can't be said to be more beautiful, but it should be said to be more attractive. The woman with holy light all over looked pure and beautiful, with a holy charm, but as a pure woman, she was slightly green. But this one in front of her is full of mature charm. Although she seems young, Daquan is full of mature aura, especially the surging dark energy, which makes her instinctively feel cordial.

"If you don’t like her, would you be willing to be my dependent? Don’t resist my child. Darkness is the eternal shelter. I am the darkness, and the darkness is me. I become one with me and plunge into the darkness. In the arms of you."

"Dark...desire...I..." The black outer protection on the shadow is fading rapidly. In our eyes, Ling Zheng stretched out a glowing finger to point. At the position of the black shadow's eyebrows, while the other party was holding her legs gradually weakened, and finally fell asleep at her feet.

"What kind of situation is this?" The czar squeezed to my side boldly, and then asked aloud: "Your pet can hypnotize such a high-level existence?"

< p>"It's not hypnosis, it's spiritual induction." Ling turned around and glanced at the czar, then looked towards the ghosts over there who were still in a daze, and said: "These all are good souls, are you considering letting you do something? Something?"

I glanced at the ghost over there, and then said: "Maybe the king and Sha Yezi also want it, you can discuss it yourself."

The king doesn't care. shrugged. "Give me all the leftovers. If you need it, use it first. I'm not picky." Sha Yezi was not polite. He grabbed a ghost and squeezed it violently, turning the opponent into one. The black pearl was then thrown into the mouth just like eating jelly beans. After that, she successively turned the ghosts of 2/3/2021 into the kind of black pearls, gave half of them to the king, and then said to Ling: "Big sister, the rest is yours."

Ling smiled and used the staff to touch the ground, and the surrounding ghosts immediately turned into one after another black beam and flied into the staff and disappeared.

Originally, a large group of evil spirits disappeared in the blink of an eye. The group of players over there looked at us in amazement, and then they sighed together that, indeed, constantly comparing oneself to others will only make one angry.

After seeing the task, Xiaochun walked to me and hit a summon, and returned to the training space with Lingling. After all, the environment here is a negative energy area, even if it has no effect on Xiaochun’s this level. , She didn't want to stay here, after all, this is not a place she likes.

Seeing that Xiaochun went back, Ling and Sha Yezi also returned to the training space, but the king and the ghost lamp were left by me. The king needs to protect the czar. The ghost lamp is comparable to a full-screen radar in such a place, and it is very effective to stay outside.

We started to move on after we were sure that there were no problems here. This time, the section of the road did not recur. Some people even suggested that I summon the sword-wielding pet. It's okay to open the passage all the way, they don't want to think about who told me before that they can't hit the wall. However, it seems that we smashed the wall and didn't attract many monsters?

With this question, we continued to move forward, and soon we found the ghost house with the door open. Of course, the work of exploring the way into this place is still mine, but because of the special ability of the ghost lamp, the ghosts in the house can't hide at all, and they can be seen from the outside. However, it is completely different from the previous situation. When we entered this ghost house, what we saw was a row of five kneeling on the ground in the backyard holding signs, and the signs they were holding each had a word on it, and they were connected to say "Please pass by, please".

Looking at the performance of the five ghosts in this room, and comparing the location here, I know that they must have seen me fighting the dark shadow before. This is scared. After all, the destructive power that we had with the demolition team before was really scary. These ghosts already knew that fighting against me was purely courting death, so they were very wise to throw away the rhythm directly. Kneeling to welcome us passing by with a placard.

"I said Purple Moon, stay a little longer and watch you scare the ghosts!" The czar even knows to make fun of us.

I glanced at the guy with a weird expression, and then walked through the room helplessly. The five ghosts slumped to the ground as if we had all gone out suddenly, and then one of the ghosts began to pant desperately, trying to create an atmosphere of avoided a catastrophe. The guy next to him helplessly slapped his forehead directly: "You dead ghost is okay to breathe? Why do you think you are alive?"

Don't mention the strange ghost in this house, here we are. Shi has once again encountered a haunted house with the door open. The location of this haunted house is not far from the cowardly house of the previous house, so we almost saw this door when we got out there.

Probably it is getting closer and closer to the central area of ​​the village. The environment here is obviously different from the previous one. The surrounding houses began to grow taller and larger, and the spacing began to grow larger. Originally, the width of the frontage of a house was only 6 to 10 meters, but now every house has a width of more than 20 meters, which is already quite large. Don't compare it with the palaces in those costume dramas. This is just a village. How big can a farmer's house be? With a frontal width of 20 meters, this is not a place for farmers to live.

"It looks like we have entered the high level zone!" I said, looking at the house in front of me with an open door.

The leader of the team of players who followed immediately said: "This is indeed a bit more difficult than the previous house, but we usually still choose this side. I just came to the house and we There are two options. One is to go to the right, which is the core area of ​​the village you enter, which is the house in front of us. This way the ghosts you encounter will be more powerful, but you can walk less. The other option is Move in the opposite direction and go to the outskirts of the village, so that all you encounter are ordinary ghosts. In that case, the delay on the road will definitely be longer, but it is safer. But we think you probably don’t need to pay attention to safety."

I smiled and nodded and said: "Yes, I like this road here." As I said, I moved towards the gate and walked over, but I was stunned as soon as I crossed the threshold, because There was a wall behind the gate, and there was a painting on the wall. There is nothing wrong with the painting itself, but all the things in this painting are demons and ghosts, and I can accurately sense that these demons and ghosts actually carry Monster Qi on their bodies.

With Monster Qi's paintings, it is no ordinary thing, not to mention that the volume is so big, at least it is a high level commodity.

I haven't had time to confirm, the Demon on the painting can't help it. I saw that one of the monsters, who had a strong body and looked the same as Ox Demon King, stepped out of the painting. This monster was originally in the center of the painting. The content of this painting is that a large group of monsters are charging outside the screen, and this bull's head is standing in the center of the screen, wearing a leather armor and holding it in his hand. A big knife similar to Azure Dragon Falling Moon Blade, at first glance, the existence of Monster King Level 1. I originally thought that the little monster would come down first, but who knew it was the big boss who came down first.

The Minotaur began to grow rapidly after coming out of the painting, and then when his first hoof stepped on the ground, it immediately made a loud bang, and felt the ground shake. . Originally in the painting, due to the style of the painting, plus this guy was originally in the distant position, so he couldn't see the size of his height, but after he came out, we realized that this guy turned out to be a big guy nearly four meters tall.

"Where are you sacred? You came to me to make trouble?" Unexpectedly, after the Ox Demon King appeared, he didn't start the fight immediately, but started to ask.

"Will you let me go if you know who I am?"

"Of course not, I have to go..." The sword hit the ground for a while and then said: "Unless I defeat the sword in my hand."

"Do you mean I want me to defeat you or defeat the sword?" I confirmed.

The other party immediately said: "Of course he defeated me."

"Understood. Since I'm going to fight anyway, don't talk nonsense." I directly took the eternity in my hand. Separate the surfaces of the various weapons attached to the body again and prepare for battle.

This bull monster is obviously a tank type existence, and the speed should not be fast, so I didn't plan to fight with him to disperse Eternity directly, and soon win by short-playing.

"Where's your weapon?" The other party didn't even take advantage of me, and asked me where the weapon was. This was quite surprising to me.

Although I was surprised, I quickly realized that I lighted up the back blades on my armor. "We are all on my body, let's start fighting."

The other party is not nonsense, nodded directly swipes the big knife is a sweep, I jump directly, and then a little on the side of the opponent's blade, the whole person stepped on it. The pole with a long-handled knife ran towards the guy's head.

The battle ended very quickly. I ran directly onto the guy's shoulder, and then the claws popped out, punched in the guy's eye socket, and instantly killed the guy. However, although the battle ended quickly, the result was quite unexpected. Although I killed this guy, and that guy made a cut during the entire battle, this blade actually made us attrition, and if the king hadn't been by the side of the czar, my mission would have been almost finished. Because the Blade Qi swung by the Minotaur actually penetrated the gate, and then engulfed the crowd and the czar who were watching the excitement on the street. If it weren’t for the king’s reaction, he would stand in front and help the czar take the blow. Now the czar must be as dead as the guy next to him.

I looked back at the fallen door, and I was also very surprised. Although I guessed that this guy is of that tank type, I didn’t expect his attack power to be so high. Thanks to my lack of force, it would be really difficult for this guy to master the battle rhythm. , After all, this guy’s attack power is too strong. Once he is continuously attacked, to offset his power will inevitably force me to have a stiff time, and that little time is enough for the other party to keep pressing on me and continuously attack. I don't want to be dragged into the opponent's attack rhythm.

Although it was unexpected, the battle was over after all. After that, I checked the other monsters on the screen and found that there was no movement. Later, I simply took off the hanging paintings that occupied the entire wall. After I got this thing, I realized that it was actually a piece of equipment.

This painting is called "Monster King Expedition", which is similar in function to Summon Scroll, which can inject magic power, and then the monsters on the summon come out to help fight. However, there is a problem. Although this thing does not limit the number of summon monsters at the same time, it will increase the mana consumption due to the plural summon. If you only summon one monster, you only need to pay the corresponding magic value of this monster. However, if you want to summon two monsters, you need to multiply the sum of the corresponding mana values ​​of the two monsters by two. Anyway, if you want to summon the number of monsters, you need to multiply the sum of the corresponding mana values ​​of these monsters by the number of monsters.

If there is one summon alone, the monsters here are not expensive, so this scroll is very practical, but if there are two summons, the mana consumption is almost the same as that of ordinary summon, and at the same time The three monsters of summon are basically at a loss. Therefore, although this thing is very practical, it is only aimed at low- and middle-level players and has limited use for high-level players.

Although it is not the equipment I need, it is equipment after all. I put it away and started to walk forward. The people behind didn’t mean to grab it with me. I knew I couldn’t grab it. , Secondly, I also understand that this should be mine in the first place, and they are not qualified to divide it. After all, they are just following me to observe, not teaming up with me to complete the task, I have no obligation to assign spoils of war to them.

Bypassing this wall is a large garden. Of course, this is relative to the small courtyard of the farmers. There are houses on the left, right and in front of the garden. We are going to go from here, not looking for things, so we didn't care about the houses on both sides, and we walked over to the house in the middle.

This house is really like a living room, with doors on both sides. There is only a large carved round table made of red sandalwood and a circle of stools. There are also a few seats and some candlesticks around it. There is nothing extra to it. Although the room is not very bright, it can be seen very clearly because the ghost lamp is next to it, but the rays of light of the ghost lamp are blue, and it looks scary even if it shines on a human face.

Because there are no ghosts in this room, we just walked through it. Although the existence of ghost lights can't help us eliminate monsters, it does greatly increase our movement speed. After all, ghost lights allow us to confirm that there are no hidden ghosts in a place. Unconsciously, it will give everyone a lot of peace of mind. The fundamental reason why we can't move faster in this place is that these people are timid and afraid to go fast, and they slow down immediately after a little turbulence. Since the appearance of ghost lights, everyone's speed has obviously been much faster.

After passing through this room, there is a Dao Academy wall behind, but after passing through it is not the street, but to the backyard. This yard has been hit more than the previous haunted houses. This backyard is directly a square garden, and the area is really not small. It is certain that this place has a compressed space or illusion, because the width of this garden is already the same as the width of the front yard, and the left and right sides of this garden are actually connected to other yards, which is not quite right.

Because the garden is an open area, the rays of light from the ghost lights will spread out here, so the brightness is reduced, but the ground can still be seen clearly. You can't walk a few steps down the path and you arrive at a Jiuqu Bridge. This bridge is connected to a small pavilion in the pond in the center of the garden.

After walking on the Jiuqu Bridge, I frowned because I accidentally glanced down the pond. Originally, I took another look because I saw a lot of lotus growing in the pond here. I didn't expect that because the rays of light of the ghost lamp have strong penetrating power, I directly saw the situation under the water. Under those beautiful lotus and lotus leaves, I actually saw many pale faces and arms with azure in them. The pond is actually full of floating corpses, and it goes without saying that all of them are water ghosts.

For this kind of place, I also feel that there is nodded skin tingling. It's not that I have never seen a dead person. The key is that the atmosphere is too scary. People’s fears often come from our own associations. People with better imagination and richer people tend to be frightened by the unknown. On the contrary, fools don’t know what fear is, because his intelligence still cannot understand that kind. thing.

Of course, knowledgeable people sometimes act boldly, because they understand the nature of some phenomena, so they will not be afraid, but once they encounter the unknown, they are more likely to be afraid.

The pond here is actually quite beautiful from above. There is a small pavilion in the middle of the small pond. There are a lot of lotus flowers in the pond. There are some carefully arranged rockery and other things around it. It is exactly the design style of the courtyard in the south of the Yangtze River. It is very beautiful. However, under this beautiful lotus pond, the azure human face and the pale arms occasionally exposed with lotus leaves contrast with this flower pond, accentuating the horrible atmosphere, so that even my fearing nothing in Heaven The guys at or Earth are beginning to feel a little nervous.

I feel uncomfortable, and the reaction of the group of people behind can be imagined. Those people were already just pasted together at this time, and it was almost enough to say that they were huddled together. However, being close together obviously does not increase their sense of security, because the nine-curved bridge itself is not wide, even if it is crowded, it can only allow two people to run side by side. If there are three people in a row, the people on both sides It's almost next to the bridge. In this case, naturally no one wants to walk next to the bridge.

" are we going to get there?" Looking at me pitifully, the youngster behind asked.

I can't help them with their psychological problems, so I can only shrug my shoulders helplessly: "This is up to you. I can at most help you block when something rushes out. You are afraid of what I can do!"

Several people think about it. Although they are afraid, everyone is grown up. So while they are constantly comforting themselves, they stick to each other closely. People still reluctantly followed me onto the Jiuqu Bridge.

This kind of lotus pond full of dead corpses, if nothing goes wrong, I don't believe it myself, so I can imagine what will happen afterwards. We had just walked three bends when the surrounding pond suddenly reacted. First, the lotus swayed a bit, although it was very slight, it made the hairs of the people behind me stand up. These guys have been staring at the lotus pond, and of course they immediately noticed any disturbance.

Because they discovered the anomaly here, everyone stopped and looked at the lotus pond together and did not dare to move. However, after they stopped, calm in the lotus pond was restored. Everyone waited for a while to find that there was no movement before moving on, but they almost didn't scream as soon as they raised their heads. Not because of some monsters, but because they discovered that I didn't stop and wait for them. They were too nervous just now, patronizing the lotus pond, not paying attention to the situation on the bridge, and when they calmed down again, they realized that I had actually been inside the pavilion in the center.

The only people who followed me were the Tsar, because he was brought over by the king, so I kept the king and never stopped, he was also brought over by the opportunity, but the other gangs The guy is not so lucky. They could get a little sense of security from me before, but now they don’t have that sense of security anymore, so this group of people immediately couldn't control their emotions. I don't know who moved first, anyway, this group of people seemed to have said something, and suddenly yelled moved towards me and ran over. That speed is definitely an effect that can only be achieved after the potential has exploded.

In fact, I deliberately thrown off these people, not to be annoying, but to use them as bait. To be honest, I'm worried about leaving these water ghosts under the water. I'm not worried about myself but about the czar. After all, this guy's level here is just a crispy skin, and it's over if I touch it, and the space on the bridge is narrow. I There is no depth to protect the czar, and it is easy to spread to him in battle, so I simply took the czar to throw these people away and went to the pavilion first. Although the pavilion is not big, it is at least much more spacious than the bridge.

"Wait for us!" The group of people screamed and galloped up, and their reaction unexpectedly caused the water ghosts in the lotus pond to react.

I don’t know if the lotus leaves in the lotus pond moved slightly before. I don’t know if it was the wind or something else, but this time it was definitely a water ghost riot. Just when those people were rushing over, under the Jiuqu Bridge in the lotus pond, pale palms stretched out from the gaps in the lotus. After these hands reached the surface of the water, they buckled the bridge rails, and then started Climb up hard.

In fact, the bridge deck of the Jiuqu Bridge in the lotus pond is less than 20 centimeters from the surface of the water, plus the fences and bench guardrails on both sides are no more than 50 centimeters in height. That's all, after all, the lotus pond below is not a big river, it is not so dangerous when it is designed, so the railing is not high, and the bridge deck is not raised. At this time, this low design is obviously created for the water ghosts. After those ghosts' claws grabbed the railing, some started to climb directly, and some just didn't move, so they extended their claws from the gap in the railing. The bridge began to scratch left and right.

A girl over there was touched by the paws of a water ghost, she immediately screamed with a cry, and then ran while crying, but she didn’t fall down, but she was scared anyway. Crap.

Thanks to the fact that the bridge is not long and the potential of this group of people is exploding at this time, the speed is really almost the same as that of flying, and it rushed to my side in a few strokes. The one that was touched The girl jumped directly on my body and wrapped me up and said that she would not let go, and she cried as she hugged me.

"Hey, let go!" I was dumbfounded looking at the whole girl hanging on me. I said that if you hug me, why are you holding my hands together! What do you mean by helping those water ghosts beat me together?

"Don't let go!" The girl didn't open her eyes at all when she heard what I said. She held me tightly and kept calling her to die.

Seeing that many of those water ghosts have climbed onto the bridge, I helplessly said: "You don't let it go? Then I can go into the water."

"In the water?"

"Well, go and play with those water ghosts."

"Ah!" This trick really works. The girl screamed, let go and sat on the ground, then her eyes The staring boss looked at me and kept crying. She was not angry, sh

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