At this step, even if the gun god and the ice-bound Banshee already know that this is a trap, it is useless, because the vortex has been formed, and the forward fleet of the US-Russian combined fleet has rushed into the vortex Among them, at this time, even if they wanted to avoid it, it was impossible.

Watching the fleet gradually move into the huge vortex that is rapidly taking shape, the last thing Banshee can do is to order the ships to make every effort to get out of the vortex. As for what kind of battle Don't even think about the formation of the formation.

Although after the shelling from our side, the combined US-Russian fleet now has the size of 2,000 battleships, and these battleships will all be restricted to a circular area with a radius of 300 kilometers by vortex. Among. Don’t think that this area is very large. Although this space is really big and boundless for people, it is definitely quite crowded for a fleet of two thousand battleships, and these battleships are not. It's still, but it's still spinning while orbiting around the central island. It can be described as extremely chaotic. Under this circumstance, the collision becomes inevitable.

"Ahhh...dodging and avoiding, the right rudder is full, the four cars are at full speed." A captain shouted in the bridge for the battleship to evade, but the battleship was completely in the chaotic ocean current. Out of control, despite the helmsman’s desperate rounds, there was no way to change the course. The battleship was still unavoidable to hit a battleship on the other side with the sideboard moved towards the other side.

Boom...With a loud noise, the two battleships slammed into each other, and all the people on the boat fell to the ground in an instant, but this was not the worst. Accompanied by the sound of sour metal twisting, one of the battleships broke off from the middle and folded towards the opposite battleship. The two battleships actually formed an arrow shape, and then they were entangled and began to slide towards the center of the vortex.

Actually, after making such a big vortex, Poseidon has no power to control the strength of vortex, so as long as these battleships have full power and control the direction, they can use the acceleration of vortex from a suitable angle. charge ahead. Of course, there is definitely no way to control the position that comes out, but it is certain that it can come out. However, the above premise is based on the premise that the battleship horsepower is fully opened, the direction can be controlled reasonably, and the tangent is selected to make full use of the acceleration of the vortex. After the two battleships collided, there was no control and speed at all, so they were dragged by the power of the vortex to their central area almost instantly, and this vortex was not a normal vortex, its center It's not a hole but an island. The high-speed rotation battleship washed up on the reef around the island, and all fools knew the result.

"Full rudder left, reverse at full speed!" When the two battleships slid from the outer circle area to the center area, they would inevitably invade other battleship channels. The captain of one of the American creature battleships looked at the two damaged battleships rushing forward to the right, and he pushed the helmsman up and furiously directed the battleship to turn. Relying on the reversal of the propellers finally reduced their speed, and then everyone in the bridge watched with cold sweat as the two damaged battleships rushed past their starboard side, and one of the ships' bow was unexpectedly The words were scratched to their side and there was a harsh metal rubbing sound, but fortunately, it was just wiped and nothing was lost.

The captain who just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief looked at the two battleships far away before he really relaxed, he heard the crew shouting: "Left...Left..."

< p> With a sharp turn, the captain found that a battleship was moving towards his port side, and he rushed straight towards him. If he didn't deal with the course, he would definitely be hit right, and this time the captain was aware of it. The battleship to one's own has invaded the channel of others. Just to dodge the two ships, their battleship has switched to full-speed reverse mode. Although the power of the battleship is not enough to stop oneself in this vortex in an instant, the slowdown is certain. As long as the speed of this battleship is fast enough, it can rely on centrifugal force to resist the pulling force of vortex, but this slowdown is not the case.

Just because he avoided the two battleships and didn't pay attention, the captain who suddenly remembered now understood that he had slipped from the original course to the inside of the vortex. This captain is considered to be a relatively capable captain in the Holy Lance League, otherwise the collision would have killed them with the two ships. Seeing the battleship coming across from the left line, the captain did not panic at all. The steering wheel in his hand still kept the full left rudder. I turn it on."

The propeller that was reversing instantly locked, and then began to reverse. The speed of the battleship descending suddenly rose, following the pulling force of the vortex, it accelerated towards the center area, and at the same time the bow left The turn just rounded the port side of the battleship that was coming straight, and then the two battleships collided with their sideboards, as if they were performing a veneer dance, and they leaned against each other with their sideboards and turned a full one hundred on the sea. They separated again after eighty degrees, and the people on the two ships were frightened into a cold sweat. It was not until the two battleships separated that they realized that they were all right.

"Boss, you are very awesome!" The helmsman hugged the stiffeners in the bridge and stared at the little stars, watching his boss stretch out his thumb and start to pat flattery.

Deserving of the experienced captain, hearing the compliments from his subordinates, this man said without expression: "Don't get lost. Avoiding that is an escape."

Listen When the captain reaches the captain, everyone starts to look in the direction the captain’s eyes are looking at, but it doesn’t matter if they are uneasy. In this look, they almost didn’t pee their pants directly. After the previous two evasive actions, the battleship actually rushed to the core of the vortex. In front of them, there are two black reefs protruding out of the sea like two pillars. What’s more terrifying is that there is a battleship hanging on one of the reefs, which causes the gap in the middle to change. Narrower.

"The engine room, no matter what happens, give me all the motivation, not a single trace. All those who have nothing to do should find a place to hurry up, we are going to fight hard."

battleship this When he was already in the inner circle, he needed to fight against vortex to climb out, and there was no guarantee that there would be no more wreckage from the collision accident, so the experienced captain thought of a way, that is to accelerate directly. Rush to the core area, then use the power of vortex to accelerate, and then venture through the periphery of the reef area, so that the battleship can rely on the previously accumulated kinetic energy to directly rush out of the inner circle and re-enter the outer course of vortex, and then there will be enough power Get out of here, otherwise it will be useless for them to struggle no matter how much.

"Hurry up." The captain, who was staring at the passage ahead, suddenly slammed the steering wheel up ahead, and then the battleship rushed to the gap between the two reefs at full speed, without any slowing down, battleship The speed at this time has even exceeded the normal speed limit. After all, this is the speed accumulated by the battleship's own power and the power of vortex, and it is normal to be higher than the normal speed.

The crazy charging battleship suddenly rushed into the gap between the two stone pillars of the reef, the bow passed smoothly, and then the front turret area passed smoothly, but at this time the hull began to become wider and wider. , The gap on both sides becomes smaller and smaller. Finally, the right side of the ship's side suddenly scraped to the side of the reef. Accompanied by the harsh rubbing sound, everyone in the battleship covered their ears, but the battleship continued to rush forward at an unabated speed, and the port side also ran into the battleship wreckage. , But at this time the hull has reached the limit width position, and then began to shrink toward the tail section, so in the end, it just squeezed hard after rubbing it abruptly. However, just after most of the battleship rushed over, the battleship had a sudden violent stop. The speed of the ship dropped abruptly. Many people on the ship were thrown out by this unexpected deceleration. Fortunately, the deceleration was only a moment, but Few people know that there was a violent explosion in the cabin at the bow of the ship, and at the same time a row of cabins began to flood, obviously hitting something.

In fact, the captain knew very well that they had hit a reef. It’s not surprising that there is a reef in this place. Of course, the captain knew this possibility, but he had no choice but to take the risk. Fortunately, his luck was not bad, the reef was not big, and it was broken by their battleship. So the battleship stabilized after only shaking. However, just a few seconds later, what made him didn't expect the battleship to shake again, and then he found that the acceleration effect of the ship had dropped significantly.

"Engine room, what's going on? Why is the power down?"

"An external impact occurred and the shaft of the second impeller broke."

"Other machines Are you okay?"

"The output of steam turbine No. 1 is affected by the explosion, and the output is very unstable, but it is still insisting. No. 3 and No. 4 are on the other side of the separation wall and are not affected."

"You try to ensure that the No. 1 steam turbine does not lie down." The captain who ordered the engine room immediately shouted to the controller next to him: "Blow up the No. 2 thruster."

" Huh?" The people in the control room were surprised and forgot to answer yes directly.

The captain roared: "The main shaft is broken. There is no magic cultivator here. The propellers can still affect the speed of the ship. Didn't I tell you to blow it up?"

"Oh, yes...yes the captain." The operator hurriedly began to operate. A ring of bubbles suddenly burst from the root of the battleship's No. 2 propulsion propeller. The twisted propeller broke away from the ship and rolled into the rock. The battleship rushed out directly, and then began to climb outward in the direction of the vortex. Po, although one thruster was missing, the previous speed was still there, so they eventually rushed directly to the outer circle area of ​​vortex.

"Hoo, it's dangerous!" Seeing that the battleship finally got rid of the vortex's traction and started to use the vortex area, the captain was finally relaxed a little. The acrobatic driving just now made him tired enough. However, when he wiped the cold sweat and turned his attention to the surroundings, he suddenly froze. Just in front of them is a large fleet of densely packed fleets, and all the battleship cannons are pointed straight at them. At that moment, the captain did nothing, but slowly closed his eyes. His skills are very good, but he is not a god, and in this case even a god is useless. With the shining fire light on the opposite side, their battleship was instantly submerged in the fire sea.

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