"Not bad, good shot." King Chuang said with satisfaction as he watched the enemy ship caught in a fire sea below.

The player next to it said with a laugh: "The main method of the president is better. Look at the battleships of the US-Russian combined fleet. They rushed out in such a mess, one by one. , Isn’t this clear for us to be a target."

"hahahaha, this effect is what I want." King Chuang said while laughing, and then looked at the head of the ship. The big hole of smoke disappeared in an instant.

Speaking of this big hole, the main reason is Jixiang Ruyi. Before the plan started, I deliberately asked the guild to send Jixiang Ruyi over, and then went to operate the rapid-fire cannon to completely fix the US-Russia combined fleet. However, although the lucky value of Jixiangruyi is infinite, the lucky value this thing will only take effect when there is a probability problem, but no matter how high the lucky value is, there is no way to change the rules. This is the only weakness of the lucky value.

When Jixiang Ruyi first started operating the two rapid-fire cannons, it was indeed similar to my imagination. Although the two pandas had never studied ballistics or used cannons, as long as they buckled in the end. The cannonballs will definitely hit with the trigger, and almost every cannonball can just hit the weak part of the enemy, and then one shot into the soul, directly blasting the entire ship into the sky.

Looking at the two live treasures firing guns there, the enemy ships below turned into flying debris. We were really shocked by the spectacular scene. However, the good times did not last long. The self-designed multi-barrel assault guns were not used for combat against ships. Their original design purpose was to clean enemy strongholds for ground forces or to remove obstacles. In other words, when this thing was originally designed, it was not intended to allow it to continue to attack. After all, with a caliber of more than 400 millimeters, the formidable power is already horrible. Coupled with this rate of fire, the general target only needs to fire at it for a few seconds to blow up the dross. However, because Jixiangruyi's lucky value is too high, and they don't use this cannon at all, the two of them just grabbed the trigger and didn't let go.

Although all the ammunition fired by this rapid-fire gun hit the target due to their lucky value, without any deviation, this continuous shooting mode quickly caused the cannon itself to overheat. Even if the lucky value is high, the laws of nature cannot be changed. A cannon with a caliber of more than 400 millimeters produces unimaginable heat when fired. The general large-caliber naval gun one minute fires only five shots and eight times. Don’t worry too much about fever. But the speed of our rapid-fire gun was too fast. The cannon itself simply didn’t have time to dissipate heat. As a result, the cannon collapsed due to overheating in less than two minutes. Finally, the shell was stuck in the barrel and blasted directly, and the entire turret was blown out. Big hole.

Of course, although the fort exploded, but Jixiangruyi was nothing. When the two of them exploded, they were just blocked by the steel plate that flew from the side. The impact was carried down by the steel plate, and they were only sent out of the fort by the shock wave. In other words, the entire turret was gone, and they didn't even have a bruise. Only this kind of freak with infinite lucky value could encounter this situation. If it is changed, it will definitely be dead.

Although the two forts were turned into big holes, they killed a lot of enemy battleships. Fortunately, one of the shells actually caught the core of an enemy’s biological battleship. With just one shell, the creature battleship that was originally capable of being carried directly blew up.

"Are we really hopeless this time?" Because of vortex, the ice-covered Banshee and their submarine have lost contact with the battleship above, and now they have to surface by themselves to observe The situation outside. However, everyone knows that the submarine is relatively low, and the observation position is far less than that of the battleship, so it can't actually see the outside in this downwardly sunken vortex. However, although they can't see what's outside the vortex, they can see what's inside the vortex. When they saw their own battleship crawling out of vortex from all directions and rushing outside, Banshee and Gunslinger knew they were hopeless.

Even if the ice-bound Banshee and the Gunslinger cannot see the outside situation, but his fleet is separated from the vortex in this all directions impact, is it unknown to give the enemy food? So even if I don’t look at the situation outside, Banshee and the Gunslinger can probably guess what’s going on outside.

Hearing the question of the Gun God, Frozen Banshee said somewhat sullenly: "It's still like this after all!"

When I heard the Frozen Banshee's words, the Gun God was also sitting on the bottom. On the steps on the edge of the central podium of the submarine command module. "Does our previous efforts of the Holy Lance League have to be burned? What did I do wrong?"

"You didn't do anything wrong, you just lost the bet." Frozen Banshee at this time Has been relieved from the depressed mood just now. To become the de facto leader in Russia, Banshee Frozen is no ordinary woman, so she returned to normal after a moment of depression. For this battle, she and the gun god have completely different ideas.

For the gun god, this is a battle of fate. If you don’t succeed, you will be benevolent. However, for Frozen Banshee, this is only part of her strategy. If this action fails , The Holy Lance League will lose the future, and what Russia loses is just a defeat in a battle. Therefore, the mentality of Frozen Banshee and Gun God is completely different.

Of course, even without the pressure of the gun god, Banshee has to bear the responsibility, so she still hopes to win this time, but the battle is like this ghost, she actually already knows We have no chance of winning.

Just when the ice-bound Banshee and the gun god were there lamenting, the turbulent vortex suddenly began to slow down. Although it was still spinning, the slowdown was obvious. All the US and Russia The combined fleet battleship has noticed that the sea is gradually returning to calm, and their direction has finally become freely controllable.

"Huh? Poseidon, why did the vortex stop?" I asked aloud after finding out the condition of the sea.

Poseidon replied after a while: "I can't hold on! Supporting a vortex of this scale is more labor-intensive than expected, and the area we chose is actually not very good. , Although the island in the center was so angry that it could act as a smasher, its existence prevented vortex from being fully formed, causing my mana consumption to skyrocket."

I was also taken aback when I heard Poseidon’s words. After thinking for a while, he said, "Forget it, it's the first time for you. Everyone is inexperienced and won't be anymore. You should go back to rest and replenish your strength. It is estimated that Hades and others are almost the same as you. Just absorb some Power of Faith and add it. Let us here."

"Good president."

After cutting off the communication, I watched the following gradually calm down. Over the sea, I hurriedly shouted to the communicator: "Attention all battleships, the vortex is about to stop. Now, hurry up and fire the gun, and it will be in a state of opposite shooting in a while!"

Although reminded Take a look at the battleships of my own guild, but I am not really worried about the development of the battle. After the vortex interference just now, the fleet on the US-Russian combined fleet has become a chaotic situation, and the formation of the fleet basically no longer exists. Moreover, in just such a short period of time, our battleship performed superbly. We sank more than 500 enemy battleships in total, and the enemy’s own collision and other accidents were reimbursed for almost two hundred ships. In total, about 800 battleships were over.

Before entering vortex, there were nearly 2,000 battleships in the US-Russian combined fleet. Now there are 800 less battleships, and the rest is less than 1,200. Compared with the number of battleships on the US-Russian combined fleet, the current remaining number of battleships on our guild side is 13,88 ships. It sounds like it's not much more than them, but don't forget that the battleship of our Frost Rose League is very powerful. To know that the total number of battleships in the US-Russian combined fleet just merged was more than three times ours, but now even our number is not as good as ours. If this can still allow them to win, it would be a hell.

After hearing my voice, our battleship speeded up significantly, and soon another batch of battleships were sunk, and when the sea around the island calmed down, the total number of battleships of the US-Russian combined fleet There are only one thousand and one hundred ships, and we magically didn't sink any of them during this period.

After just regaining control of the fleet, the first thing Banshee did was to let the fleet focus its firepower on the large battleships on our side, because it wanted to improve before. The hit rate, so our battleship was a little closer, but now the US-Russian combined fleet has found a chance. Before, our guild had been taking advantage of the range and continuously used various methods to prevent the battleship of the US-Russian combined fleet from exerting its own firepower. As a result, such a huge battle loss ratio appeared. Now it’s easy to catch the opportunity, and it’s impossible to let it go. Therefore, the US-Russian combined fleet almost burst out all the strength that it held before, and immediately used shells to rain on our ships. The large battleship was reimbursed.

Although the quality of the battleship of the guild is very good, it is not invincible. The battleship cannot withstand the number of shells.

Although there were a dozen or so battleships that were sunk, our battleship did not stop there to be beaten. When our side was attacked, the US-Russian combined fleet was also violently attacked. Attacking, the battleships on both sides are rapidly depleting. After all, now that everyone is so close, there is basically no problem of missed shots. It's just that you punch and kick me better than anyone else. Of course, the battleship of our Frost Rose League is indeed of better quality. If the enemy sets fire, it can often survive two rounds of shelling before sinking.

"hey hey hey, inform the captains, don't fight like that! I want people not to ship!" Seeing the battleship of our guild below is so tenacious, I am not happy but distressed.

This person's thoughts are different depending on the situation. For example, if you see someone dying, if it is your relative, then it must be grief, but if it is the person you hate the most? It is estimated that some people just set off firecrackers to celebrate. Therefore, the same thing, different elements, will naturally have different attitudes. If you are a normal admiral of the fleet, it will be very gratifying to see that your fleet is fighting so bravely. But the problem is that our Frost Rose League is about to change to battleships, so these ships are simply meaningless to us. Anyway, they have to be dismantled when they go back. Even if they are sunk, they will lose some ore resources. , Don't worry about it at all. However, although we don’t care about battleship, I really care about the NPC on board!

The guild’s fleet crosses all over the world, and there have been large and small battles of different scales all over the world, and these NPCs who followed the battleship have been honed in the battle of life and death. , They have not only advanced many levels due to EXP, but many NPC seamen have already brought skills. This is no ordinary NPC.

It’s important to know that players are not the only ones who can acquire skills in the game. NPCs can actually have skills, but compared to players, their skills are more monotonous, but as long as they have With skills, it must be much stronger than ordinary NPCs.

These NPC seamen in our guild are all trained by little by little in previous naval battles. Because our guild’s battleship is relatively strong, we are usually the victor in naval battles, and because we at first use a fully enclosed battleship, so even if a ship sinks in a naval battle, the personnel damage will not be too high. As a result, the NPC seafarers in our guild have a higher probability of being retained, so that if they live for a long time, the level of the NPC seafarers will naturally increase. This is why only the NPC seamen of our guild have such a high level.

The various attributes of these NPC seafarers will be upgraded when their level is now high, and the basic abilities of the upgraded NPC seafarers, especially their corresponding work abilities will be greatly improved. However, all of this is not as strong as the effect of the skill.

For example. Among the NPC seafarers in our guild, there is a very common skillful NPC seafarer who is the damage manager. Because the damage management personnel are non-combatants, the casualties will not be too large, and naturally more will survive, so there are especially many skilled ones. Some of these NPC damage management personnel have evolved a skill called "emergency plugging". Damage management personnel with this skill can quickly block the seawater when the cabin enters, so that the battleship will not be flooded.

In addition, many of the NPC seamen in the engine room will evolve a skill called "maintenance". This skill can repair the related parts of the battleship's thrusters in the normal non-combat state, and then keep the battleship's thrusters in a very good state during the battle. Regardless of our guild’s battleship technical condition is good, but usually does not break down much, in fact, the bigger reason lies in this "maintenance" skill rather than the problem of construction technology.

Because our guild’s battleship has so many NPC seamen with skills, our fleet will have such a strong battle strength. If all these NPC seamen are replaced by ordinary NPC seamen, then The battle strength of our guild fleet will drop by at least one third. The performance of the ship is important, but it is still people who sail the ship, so NPC seafarers are very important to a battleship and the entire fleet.

Battleship's manufacturing technology is constantly updated, so the newer the battleship, the better. After all, the new ship has new technology, which is naturally better than the past battleship. However, NPC seafarers are like old wine. The older the age, the better, because the older the seafarer, the higher the level, and there will be more skills and attributes. This is too important for a fleet.

Because these NPC seafarers are so important, I am worried about seeing our fleet playing so bravely below, because I don’t love battleship, but those NPC seamen! These guys are not players, they are gone if they die, and if they retrain, they don't know how long it will take. Therefore, it is most important to keep these talents. As for the combined US-Russian fleet, I am not worried anymore. Their battleship is only this little bit. Even if our side is not as desperate as they are now, we are still confident enough to ensure that the number of their battleships will be reduced to less than 500 ships before the enemy docks.

The ultimate goal of the combined U.S.-Russian fleet is still landing operations, so as long as they don’t let them bring all their personnel to the shore, as long as their battleship does not have 500 ships, then the personnel who arrive will be It is not enough to pose a threat to our left-behind personnel, and as long as there are no accidents on our homeland, then we do not need to deploy personnel from the Russian front to return to defense, then our strategic goal is considered complete. Therefore, our goal is not to completely prevent the enemy from landing, but to ensure that their landing forces are not enough to threaten our safety.

After my order was given, our fleet immediately began to adjust its structure. The fleet that had been blocked in front of the combined US-Russian fleet began to move towards the two wings, giving them a way out. Of course, the shelling will not stop. The two sides are still firing at each other in motion, but the US-Russian combined fleet's hit rate has not been very good, because our side has already opened the battleship again.

Frozen Banshee and Gun God have moved out of the submarine at this time, and moved to a battleship with a special shape. This ship is actually a troop carrier, but it also has strong firepower. After all, they already knew before they set off that the operation was definitely from start to finish. If a simple troop carrier was used to transport people, it would be estimated If they can't get past the central Pacific, all their troop carriers will be sunk. Therefore, the US-Russian combined fleet uses battleships to transport troops, with only minor internal adjustments.

Because this troop carrier has always been hidden in the fleet, and because the surrounding battleship has been protecting him intentionally or unintentionally, it has only been hit by shells twice and the damage is minimal. Frozen Banshee and Gun God stood in the bridge and looked at the surrounding battle, both of them were a little depressed.

Before they had a large number of battleships, it was not obvious how many battleships they lost, but as their total number of battleships dropped, each time they lost more than a dozen battleships, it was obvious that the fleet was shrinking, and , Because their firepower density is not as good as before, so we dare to get closer here, and naturally the speed of killing them will increase. This change has caused the Gunners to clearly realize that their chances of success in this action are almost gone.

"Do you have any other chassis?" The gun god looked at Frozen Banshee feebly and said, "If there is anything, please take it out quickly! We won't have a chance to use it if we don't use it anymore!"< /p>

Somewhat unexpectedly, the ice-bound Banshee actually looked back at the gun god and asked: "Are you sure you want me to take it out now?"

"Why? You guys really have it. "The gun god originally asked casually, didn't expect Banshee's answer was actually true.

Frozen Banshee nodded said: "We still have the last hole card that we haven't taken out, but this thing is for us to use at the end. If you think it’s the last moment, I don’t mind. Take it out a little earlier."

"Isn't it the last moment?" The gun god looked at the ice-bound Banshee and asked, "How many ships are left in our fleet? You haven't seen it yet. , Relying on this battleship, even if we rush to the door of the Frost Rose League now? Isengard is not a small fishing village."

"Why did you set the target on Isengard? What?"

"To attract those who invaded your country’s territory to return, you have to hurt the Frost Rose League. If we attack ordinary cities, we will only gradually weaken our own strength, and finally The Frost Rose Alliance only needs to free up a small amount of troops to kill us. Therefore, we can only attack Isengard in a spurt of energy when we have the most troops, and this is the only way to save them."

Frozen Banshee looked at the gun god for a long time before asking: "When did you start thinking about us?"

"From my fleet to this When I started."

The words of the gun god are not very direct, but Bingfeng Banshee heard the overtones. This is a sign that the gun god has given up on the divine spear alliance. Just now, the gun god said that this thing started like this from his fleet, which means that the loss of the fleet allows the gun god to see the end of the holy gun league, and once the holy gun league is finished, the gun god needs to find another place to go. . Of course, with his strength, the world is so big, as long as he is willing to join, basically few guilds will refuse. Even if he says he wants to join our Frost Rose League now, I will definitely need to think about it for a while. After all, this is also a ruthless character who can squeeze into the top ten of the battle strength list. Of course, such a person will have no worries about where no one wants it.

However, although the gun god is not worried that he will become a lonely person in the future, he is the gun god after all, the one who used to sit on an equal footing with me. Therefore, he has his pride, and he does not want to become a straggler in the future, so he needs to plan for his future.

The failure of the Holy Gun League can be said to be caused by the mistake of the Gun God’s own decision-making, but the thing that human beings are best at is to find excuses for their own faults. Despite a series of mistakes in the decision-making of the Holy Gun League, after venturing to attack Russia and then sneak attacking our Frost Rose League, the two most powerful forces in the world, they both provoked it. If this act of death is not dead, it would be really unreasonable. NS. So, this is no wonder someone else. However, the gun god himself does not think so. He felt that this was caused by our Frost Rose League, or simply, it was caused by my Purple Moon. After all, even if he made a mistake in decision-making, after all, the force that finally executed the death penalty was the Frost Rose League and was my guild. Therefore, the Gunners calculated all these things on my head and set us as his. Enemy.

According to this situation, the Spear God will definitely need to retaliate against us in the future, but the Frost Rose League is too powerful, so there is no way to rely on ordinary guilds or individuals to retaliate against us. How is it. Therefore, the only hope of the gun god is to find a guild that can break the wrist with our Frost Rose League, and then become one of them, so that he can hope to complete his revenge plan someday in the future.

To find this kind of powerful guild, there are actually many goals, but European guilds are more independent, and depending on the situation and our Frost Rose League conflict is not very difficult to deal with, so the gun god thinks It's not much use in the past. In Asia, the Frost Rose League is the uncrowned king, basically nothing. The remaining guilds that can hopefully become candidates are the Banshee House on the Russian side and one of the remaining two of the three major guilds in the United States in the future.

Originally, the United States was a situation where the three major guilds were side by side. This is like a kind of check and balance. If A attacks B, then C will pick up a bargain for nothing. Everyone is wise and understands the truth, so now no one wants to be this A, but wants to be C. This has caused the three major guilds in the United States to remain in a stalemate there and remain tepid and indistinguishable. One, two, three.

However, the previous mandatory BUFF mission has led to the fact that countries in the world do not want to fall behind, they must separate their strongest guilds as soon as possible, that is, avoid national guilds to complete the merger war. As a result, the three-legged situation in the United States will become unstable. Now more thoroughly, the Holy Lance League killed itself because of its own demise. The remaining two are in that state of checks and balances. As long as they rush to get each other out, they will be the final winner. Therefore, as long as the battle of the Holy Lance League is over, the remaining two will definitely start to enter a decisive battle immediately. In other words, the hegemony in the United States will soon emerge.

The gun god when the time comes wants to fight our Frost Rose League decisively, if you return to the United States, you can only join this hegemonic guild, but the gun god himself is relatively arrogant, so let him send someone to do it. Not. This led to the gun god not wanting to return to the United States, because this would be a joke, so the only choice left is the Banshee House in Banshee, which is frozen in ice.

Although Banshee House is not such a huge guild, the ice-bound Banshee has united Russian guilds around him through various means, which means that Banshee House is actually Russia The overlord's guild. In this way, if the gun god joins the Banshee house, it is not too talented, and there can be a presence of ice-bound Banshee with a strong martial power value to deal with me with him.

After the previous battle gun gods have already understood that relying on him alone cannot beat me, so the ice-bound Banshee's revenge plan for his future is a very important existence.

Because of the above reasons, the gun god quickly decided where he would go after this defeat. He wanted to join the Banshee House. Of course, if you want to join someone's guild, you need to ventilate with Frozen Banshee. Although the battle is not over yet, the gun god already knows that there is no chance of winning this time. So he has now begun to hint at Banshee Frozen, which is to remind the opponent in advance, so that it can slightly reduce the difficulty of the opponent to accept himself.

Frozen Banshee is not an idiot. Of course, she can hear the overtones of the gun god. So after looking at the gun god with a little surprise, she suddenly said, "Thank you for your international spirit. , Our Banshee house will remember your good."

This sentence is obviously wrong when used here, but the gun god knows that this is actually an alternative answer, so he is satisfied Nodded, the two have completed their initial transfer intentions. However, although the matter of this transfer has probably already been made, the battle is not over yet. In order to have a better position in the future, the gun god must ensure that this battle exerts the greatest effect, and it will produce the Frost Rose League. Enough kills so that Banshee Frozen can face up to the strength of his gun god, otherwise, even if he is allowed to join, he will only be regarded as a thug. That's not what the gun god wants.

The determined Spear God is obviously more relaxed than before. Although the battle situation is still unfavorable, he at least has a way out. The poor thing is that the players of the Holy Spear League still don’t know himself. Has been sold.

The gun god then discussed with Banshee Frozen about the battle afterwards, and by the way asked what the other party’s last resort was, but Banshee Frozen refused to tell her the end. What is the means, just say when the time comes, he will know.

Since Frozen Banshee is reluctant to say, the gun god is not too tight, after all, now he and her are already not in the same level. From the moment he decided to join Banshee's house, the gun god was already half his head lower than the ice-bound Banshee.

Just as the fleets of both sides were fighting and walking, the final voyage was coming to an end. At this time, the foreign aid mentioned by Banshee and Gun God still had no intention of appearing. , Both people know that 80% of foreign aid has given up cooperation after seeing their situation, so they are impossible to have foreign aid. However, although the foreign aid has not arrived, their fleet has finally reached the outer circle area of ​​Isengard, and they can even see the huge shadow of Isengard's twin cities.

However, although it has successfully approached the outer circle area of ​​the Isengard Twin Cities, the US-Russian combined fleet has now completely turned into a crippled fleet. At present, the total number of battleships in the combined US-Russian fleet is about six hundred and fifty, which is more than we expected. However, there are actually fewer than two hundred battleships that can still be battled among these battleships. Most battleships are just barely supporting their navigation on the sea. Even if we no longer attack them, these battleships can only be scrapped when they reach the port, and there is no repair at all.

Of course, although these battleships are seriously damaged, the people are at least saved, so the ice-bound Banshee and Gunslinger are a little bit excited. After all, the number of landing personnel will exceed their original expectations. NS.

Compared to the US-Russian combined fleet, our guild’s fleet losses are much smaller. At present, there are more than 1,000 battleships in our fleet. In other words, after the opponent leaves the vortex, there is almost no major loss on our side. After all, I previously ordered to protect the NPC seamen, so the subsequent battle intensity is not as strong as before. This is also the reason why the combined US-Russian fleet can have more than 600 battleships reaching the vicinity of the Isengard Twin Cities. If our fleet has maintained a desperate attitude, let alone 600 ships, there can be 60 battleships. Floating on the water is even if the US-Russian combined fleet is tenacious in fighting.

Seeing that the Twin Cities of Isengard are about to arrive, the Gunslinger couldn’t help asking Frozen Banshee again: "What is your secret weapon? It’s all this time, you should always be able to tell Me?"

"I said that when the time comes, you know it naturally. It's useless to tell you this in advance, but I suggest you prepare for antifreeze in advance."


When the gun god heard the word antifreeze, he immediately thought that Banshee's last secret weapon was 80% related to temperature, but he still couldn't figure out what it was. . However, this answer will soon be revealed.

In fact, the reason why our guild fleet saw that the battleship of the US-Russian combined fleet approached the twin cities of Isengard and did not go up to desperately, not entirely because of my order to save our NPC crew. , And more importantly, because everyone has confidence in the defense of Isengard Twin Cities.

Isinger Twin Cities is not a cake, do you think anyone can go up and take a bite? If Isengard’s Twin Cities had to be compared to a kind of food, everyone thought that the most suitable thing was iron walnut. That's right, the wealth and all kinds of good things in the Isinger Twin Cities are absolutely as attractive as the delicious walnuts, but to eat this nutritious and delicious walnut, you have to have a good mouth. , Or else there is a set of handy tools. However, the current US-Russian combined fleet obviously does not seem to be able to chew this walnut.

There are more than 600 battleships, but nearly half of them have no battle strength anymore. As for the twin cities of Isengard, although the battleship has come out to intercept these combined US-Russian fleets, the turrets on the city wall and the large defensive facilities in the city are still alive. When these things become powerful, there is no battleship with more than a thousand ships, and you can't even think about getting close to the city wall. Therefore, we are not at all worried about the US-Russian combined fleet approaching the Isengard Twin Cities. Anyway, even if the fleet does not let go, they will not be able to rely on it.

However, the fact is that Banshee's final hole card of Frozen Banshee is indeed quite amazing. Not only was the gunman shocked, but we were also shocked.

"hmph hum, Purple Moon, you bullied us all the way, it's time for us to recover the interest." Frozen Banshee stood in the bow holding a small metal ball and laughed wildly and said with a smile.

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