The first thing Poseidon did after entering the water was to release his pet, the sea squid.

Poseidon’s sea squids are not just one or two, but a large group, and they are all rare beast-class species. The abilities of these guys are terrifying. Unlike octopuses, squids have shells and are very protective, and their parrot-like mouths can cut steel plates like tofu. Any battleship in front of these mouths will be tofu dregs.

Poseidon’s purpose is to drive the battleship of the combined US-Russian fleet, not to sink them. In fact, her squids can only play a little role. After all, the US-Russian combined fleet also has its own underwater defense forces. Therefore, the US-Russian combined fleet will not be directly sunk by these sea squids. They just After discovering an impact line here, he was quite surprised and instinctively started to slow down.

The ice-bound Banshee is in the command cabin, so you can’t see the outside situation. She and the gun god are in fact not in any battleship of the US-Russian combined fleet. After being attacked by me, Banshee Frozen moved to this submarine together with the Gunslinger. Yes, their location is a submarine rather than a battleship, and in a naval battle of this scale, as long as the submarine does not rush forward, it is basically safer before the fleet is over.

The ice-bound Banshee and Gun God stay here are not that they are afraid of death, but because they know that the fleet needs command now, and they can stay here to keep the fleet's overall battle strength to the maximum, otherwise If they both hang up at the same time, the US-Russian combined fleet is likely to split. After all, the Americans and Russian players are not so friendly.

Because the ice-bound Banshee and the Gunslinger are in the submarine, they cannot see the outside situation. The information they currently get is the information seen by the battleship directly above them. There is a special communication device on the battleship that can contact the ice-bound Banshee in the submarine. Although the distance is not far, as long as the submarine does not run around, it can still meet the needs.

According to the information reported by the ship above, Banshee Frozen soon discovered that the heading and speed of the fleet were not right, so he questioned loudly. The personnel above quickly replied to her that a large number of sea monsters approached them in Southwest, and the battleship in the fleet had to turn to Northwest in order to meet the enemy.

This kind of thing is actually easy to understand. The battleships in the US-Russian combined fleet are modern battleships. Besides, even for sailing battleships, the strongest firepower is the sideboard. Therefore, when facing the battle, the sideboard of the battleship can be used to exert maximum firepower against the enemy. Those squids do not attack long-range, and they are all sprinting floating on the surface. In this case, unless the US-Russian combined fleet ignores the battleships at all, if they want to attack, they can only turn to Northwest, and then turn sideways. The side is aligned in the Southwest direction, so that the maximum firepower can be exerted.

However, although the steering itself is not a problem, the problem now is that the combined US-Russian fleet is moving in the Southwest direction. The purpose is to leave the course and not to cross the Sea Territory near the island. However, In order to meet the enemy, they had to adjust their course to the Northwest direction, so that they moved towards the island.

Frozen Banshee discovered this situation when the fleet had already started to turn. In a normal naval battle, after discovering the enemy, it should be reported to the superior first to ask what to do, but the problem is the naval battle in the game, the command The system is not as powerful as the command system on battleships in modern naval warfare, and because our side is always sniping the ice Banshee and the gun god, they have to hide in the submarine, and the information needs to be transferred through the surface ship. , It becomes more troublesome. Therefore, in order to ensure a quick response during the battle, Banshee Frozen specifically delegated the command, allowing the captains of each battleship to make their own decisions without destroying the overall formation of the fleet.

Because of this self-determination, the captains unanimously decided to turn right. After all, the enemy is coming. It is a normal standard tactic to aim the sideboard at the enemy. There is hardly any dispute. So they just started to turn without thinking about it.

Actually, the wrong command of speaking of which cannot be blamed on these captains, nor can I blame the ice-bound Banshee and the spear god. Those captain's orders were based on tactical actions, so they were right. The orders of the Frozen Banshee and the Spear God were based on campaign operations, so they were right. The fault was that the command was out of line. Frozen Banshee's intentions were not communicated to the captains in detail. After all, the command system of the US-Russian combined fleet is very backward. They can only simply carry out tactical command transmission, and there is no way to communicate and chat like us to explain everything clearly.

Because of this situation, the US-Russian combined fleet has gone completely wrong this time. The battleship was already very slow to turn, but now the entire fleet turns, so naturally it is even slower. Even if they adjust back now, they can't avoid the Sea Territory near the island in front.

"Very well, the opponent started to turn, Poseidon cheered and drove them into the ambush circle." Seeing the combined US-Russian fleet below began to turn, I spoke loudly to Poseidon in the communicator. Come on.

Poseidon did not answer my question underwater, but only increased the control of the ocean. Those in the US-Russian combined fleet did not realize that the seawater around their battleship was actually not normal. These seas are pushing these battleships towards which island direction. However, although Poseidon can control the sea, because the enemy has too many battleships, she has no way to pull them all at once. She can only form a force field near each battleship and try their best to go there. Side pull.

Frozen Banshee and Gunslinger did not notice the abnormality of the sea like other players at first, and they were busy correcting their course at this time. Because the fleet has already turned right, turning back at this time will not only rush into the squid group, but also cause the fleet to crash into the dangerous Sea Territory. Therefore, after a brief consultation of one minute, they thought of one The method is to let the fleet continue to turn right, and then go north.

Because the fleet has already started to turn right, as long as the status quo is maintained, it will be able to turn its course to true north soon. In this case, the fleet needs to head upwards, wait until it exceeds the dimension of the Sea Territory where the island is located, and then turn left, draw an inverted U-shaped turn, and bypass the Sea Territory near that island. Although this will increase the voyage a lot, in order to avoid that unsafe place, they can only do so.

Although the plan of freezing Banshee and Gun God is generally good, they soon discovered the anomaly.

Poseidon is now in chaos and order. Divine Race gives her pure divine force behind her. Of course, the force is very powerful. Therefore, when the bow of the US-Russian combined fleet points to the island, she wants to continue to the right. There seemed to be no response when turning.

At the beginning, Banshee and the Gunslinger hadn’t noticed. After a few minutes of sailing, I checked the chart update and found that they were still moving towards the island straight ahead, which was obviously wrong.

"What's the matter? Why are we still heading towards the island? Didn't you make you turn right?"

"It's not our reason, the boat is already full right rudder , But the turning speed is very slow. It seems that the ocean current is pushing us to that island."

"Why is this?" Suddenly hearing this answer, the gunman immediately felt a little not knowing what to do. .

Compared to the spear god, the ice-bound Banshee was surprised for a while but suddenly stared towards the spear god and asked: "Could it be Water Element forbidden spell?"


"Are you talking about a Legion-level spell?" The spear god did not come out of the mountain. Of course, he knew what a forbidden spell was. However, after receiving a sentence, he hesitated and said: "No? We have two thousand battleships here! How much power is necessary to use spell to reverse our course? Besides, we really need that kind of strength. , It’s better to come directly to a large-scale offensive forbidden spell to destroy one-fifth of our fleet. Isn’t it more cost-effective?"

Ice-bound Banshee heard the gun god’s words also make sense, but in a Russian player After saying something in her ear, she suddenly woke up. "Damn it, how can I forget this!"

"What did you say you forgot?" The gun looked puzzled towards Frozen Banshee.

Frozen Banshee explained: "Poseidon. The great god of Olympus Divine Race, don’t you know it?"

Since the Holy Lance League is going to be with us After a decisive battle, he naturally needs to figure out the intelligence of our guild, so he naturally knows what power our guild has. The ice-bound Banshee is now directly clicked out, and of course he immediately thought of that kind of probability. "You mean Poseidon used his Water Element control to grab our fleet and drag us in that direction?"

Icy Banshee nodded and said: "It should be his Strength, but I don’t think it will be able to drag us over. At best, he will force us to reverse our course and make us turn to failure. But even this is a very serious problem for us."

"Then how do we crack it?"

"Let me think about it!" Frozen Banshee frowned and thought for a while and found that there seemed to be no way to crack this situation. Their fleet is now aligned in the direction of the island, and Poseidon’s power is roughly the same as the power turned by their battleship. In other words, if they and Poseidon turn their forces in the opposite direction, the battleship will Will keep the current heading and cannot turn. Then, if they cannot turn, all they can do is move forward or backward.

If you move forward, you will eventually enter the Sea Territory near the island, and if you move back, you do not need to enter that area, but their ultimate goal is to complete the landing near the coastline of China, so if you step back, It will extend the landing time, and the long-range artillery of our fleet has never stopped. In the process, their battleship is constantly losing. The longer the time is, the more disadvantaged it will be for them. Therefore, going backwards is actually even less feasible.

After combining the pros and cons of various aspects, Banshee finally clenched the teeth and said: "Notify the ships, leave the propellers alone, go forward at full speed, even if the engine burns out, it’s okay, moved towards the direction of the island. Open, and rush over with assault speed."

"Huh?" The gun god didn't expect Frozen Banshee. After weighing for a long time, he would actually issue such an order and immediately stop him: "Are you crazy? Obviously, it is the ambush circle of the Frost Rose League. Aren’t we rushing forward in courting death at this time?"

"No, there is the only hope in front." Frozen Banshee compares his speculation with the spear god I talked about it roughly, but the gun god just frowned, and finally decided to follow the arrangement of the ice-bound Banshee, because he also understood that they had no choice. If you retreat, you will die, and there may be hope to move forward.

We noticed their changes shortly after the US-Russian joint fleet's order was issued. Zhenhong put down the telescope and yelled at me: "Boss, they are speeding up."

"I knew they would definitely do that." After I finished speaking, I picked up the communicator and said, "Poseidon, start Second. Step."

Underwater is Poseidon's home field. Of course she knows that the opponent's battleship speeds up, and at this time she has already revoked control of the opponent. Although the control method just now can temporarily suppress the steering capability of the US-Russian combined fleet, it is actually very difficult for Poseidon. Now that they didn't plan to run anymore, she naturally didn't need to continue to compete with them.

After Poseidon stopped controlling the opponent’s course, Poseidon began to gather divine force, waiting for the enemy to enter the Sea Territory near the island. Must gather energy first. While the enemy is now moving towards the designated area, gather energy in advance, and when the time comes, you won’t be in a hurry.

Ice-bound Banshee They certainly don't know that the fleet can actually be turned. After all, the battleship itself has no sense. They are just rushing forward as ordered. Therefore, Poseidon completed the energy gathering work without the US-Russian combined fleet knowing, and the US-Russian combined fleet has one third battleship that has entered the target Sea Territory.

"Poseidon, you can start the Third Step." After seeing the position of the combined US-Russian fleet, I reminded again that Poseidon immediately released his divine technique.

Under the originally dim sunset, the combined US-Russian fleet was advancing at full speed, but suddenly a large number of dark clouds appeared in the sky, and more and more, although this time zone is actually only about 5 pm. , But the sky became pitch black within a few minutes.

ka ka Boom... A winding lightning snake traverses in space, as if it is the prologue of a stage play. The originally calm sea is violent wind erupted for a moment, and the waves are even more severe. It is up and down like a wall. The lightning in the sky began to flicker criss-crossed, and from time to time, thick lightning pillars hit the sea surface and formed a large blue flash in the water.

"Damn, I knew there was a trap here. Purple Moon won't let us reach their nest so smoothly!" The Gunmaster couldn't help complaining after learning of the changes outside.

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