When the ice-bound Banshee and the gun god realized that the trouble was big, it was too late, but of course they couldn’t sit still at this time, so the ice-bound Banshee and the gun god chose the simplest one Approach.

"Let all the combatants go on the deck and prepare for the battle against the enemy." Although the US-Russian combined fleet does not equip all the battleships in the fleet with a large number of marines, even the number Little is better than none at all, so soon the people on the battleship that received the order began to rush to the deck. However, their actions were not as smooth as expected.

Just when the marines of the US-Russian combined fleet plan to go on deck to prevent our people from boarding the ship, our fleet is also making final preparations to cooperate with the actions of our guild personnel. .

"Attention to all gun positions, use shotguns for the personnel, targets, and enemy ships against the first-line and second-line arrays, and prepare for fire coverage."

"No. 1 gun position understands."< /p>

"No. 2 gun position understands."

The gun positions on each ship were ready in an instant, and the loaded shells were retreated, and then re-inserted to disperse the personnel. bomb. This kind of shotgun has almost no damage to the battleship, because a small-yield shotgun cannot penetrate the hard steel armor of the battleship, so it will not cause any damage to the battleship. However, this kind of shell will explode in the air, and then disperse as many as tens of thousands of submunitions, covering targets within the size of about two basketball courts. This formidable power is not a big deal for battleship. , But the personnel is definitely unable to carry it. After all, not all players have the same battleship-level protection as me.

The combatants of the US-Russian combined fleet who just rushed onto the deck saw a piece of shells flying over before our landing crews climbed up to their battleship, but these shells did not Landed on the battleship, but exploded directly above them diagonally. Then the exploded shell immediately spread a large amount of sub-munitions around to form a brass bell-shaped barrage, instantly covering the battleship from beginning to end.

Because the explosion is very dense, although there is not much formidable power for the battleship itself, it still looks quite scary. The battleship on the US-Russian combined fleet was covered by artillery fire in an instant, and then the personnel on it were blown up to pieces. Not to mention that there are not many who survived, but there are definitely not many.

Because there were not many people on the battleship, more than half of them were killed this time, and there were even fewer people on the battleship. After our guild and Japanese guild players and combat NPCs climbed onto these ships, they quickly began to invade the main departments of these battleships. Although the personnel on the opponent's battleship had resisted desperately, the number of personnel was too far apart. In addition, the people on our side are indeed high in battle strength, so they were quickly suppressed.

In the outer circle area of ​​the US-Russian combined fleet, those battleships that were successfully landed drove and suddenly a battleship broke into two sections with a bang, and huge flames spurted out along the crack. , The mid-section of the entire battleship has become a pile of fragments flying around.

"Fuck me!" Masaka Matsumoto, who was fighting on another ship, was taken aback when he saw this situation. The battleship he is now in is very close to the battleship that exploded, so many of the debris from the explosion hit the ship, shocking Matsumoto. There was no doubt about what happened to that ship, because he knew that the other party must have detonated the ammunition depot.

The navies of all countries deal with the battle in the same way. Basically, the marines are fighting everywhere on the ship, and once the engine room, the fort and the bridge are occupied, they will notify the player in charge of the ammunition depot to detonate the ammunition depot and sink the battleship, so as not to be captured by the enemy. .

Because of this arrangement, it is basically not the first-line battleship that may be captured in naval battles, because the more important the battleship, the more complicated the settings to prevent capture, but those Unimportant battleships may cause accidents and cause them to fail to sink and be captured by the enemy.

The battleship just now has been determined to be unable to fight the invaders, so we simply self-destruct and perish together with our invaders.

In fact, we are not surprised at this situation. It would be strange if the other party did not self-destruct and let us occupy the battleship.

Looking at the battleship that exploded over there, Masaga Matsumoto looked down at the battleship deck at his feet. After thinking for a while, he suddenly reacted and turned on the communicator to call the god of war. "Military god, tell all the landing troops not to attack the turret and engine room first, but to grab the ammunition depot first!"

"I have already thought about it, but the enemy's ammunition depot is very tightly guarded, and we are going to occupy it. It's very difficult."

"I know this, but if you want battleship, you can't give up the ammunition depot."

"Don't worry about this, we are thinking of a way here." Military God After speaking, he almost continued without pause, "The suggestion of the think tank came out. We will immediately mobilize some special combat personnel to help you capture each other’s battleship."

"Hurry up!"

Because these battleships are now in a battle, the US-Russian combined fleet and ours have given up the attack on these battleships. We are thinking that we can grab these battleships and then attack other battleships of the US-Russian combined fleet, while the US-Russian combined fleet is not good at attacking our own people. After all, if you directly sink your own battleship before the outcome of the battle, this will cause considerable internal conflicts.

Because the people on both sides did not care about these battleships that were in a battle, the navigation direction of these battleships also began to go wrong. Because people on both sides are constantly grabbing control, no one on the battleship can concentrate on fighting, causing the course of these battleships to be messed up, the artillery stops firing, and some battleships even start to spin around.

Looking at the situation of these battleships, Banshee and the gun god are worried, because they both know that most of these battleships will sink in the end, because the number of combatants carried on their battleships is far Not enough for us.

Actually, what Banshee doesn't know is that although there are really few people on their Russian battleship, there are actually many people on the battleship of the Holy Gun League. The reason why so many people came out was mainly because the Holy Lance League needed to land and fight after defeating our navy, so their battleship here brought a large number of marine troops. For the Holy Lance League, this battle was originally a back-to-back battle. They naturally wanted to use all their strength. Although this army is useless at sea, once it gets ashore, it still needs the army to make a decisive victory. of.

These battleships that lost control quickly fell from the front of the main fleet to the rear because of their chaotic course. The dispatched special fighters soon arrived on the battleship that was being robbed.

"Are you the special fighter that Purple Moon sent to us?" Outside the ammunition depot of one of the Russian battleships, a few Japanese guild players looked at the NPC beside them and asked unsurely road.

This NPC looked like a very ordinary combatant, and didn't see any special features, so they didn't think this guy could handle the people inside. In fact, these Japanese players are not unable to attack, but are afraid to charge.

The player inside who is in charge of guarding the ammunition is sitting on the ammunition pile with a bomb in his hand. As long as people outside dare to rush in, or he receives the command tower, the turret, and the engine room The news of the loss will detonate the bomb, and then the ammunition depot will explode. As a result, the battleship will be blown into two pieces, and there is no way to save it.

Because this guy is holding a bomb and standing in the middle of the ammunition pile, the Japanese players outside simply dare not rush, they will definitely detonate directly after they enter. As for the person we sent, it doesn't look much different from theirs, and it doesn't look like a very difficult to deal with. For this kind of guy, those Japanese players are of course very distrustful.

Just when the Japanese players expressed their concerns, the warrior-like guy in front of them suddenly seemed to be leaking and began to weaken down, and soon became a big one. The beach is covered with black grease-like substance on the ground. Although this thing looked like oil, it moved quickly on the ground, and quickly flowed down the corner to the door. The surrounding Japanese players immediately understood what they were doing when they saw the opponent's reaction. They quickly moved to the door and started shouting at the players inside to distract them.

The strange substance quickly flowed from the corner of the door to the inside of the ammunition when they attracted the attention of the opponent, and the ammunition was filled with automatic ammunition feeders and a large amount of ammunition. Therefore, it can be said that there are debris everywhere on the ground. This complex environment is very suitable for the hidden movement of things like liquids.

Just when the Japanese players attracted the attention of the opponent, the thing quickly moved to the opponent's side with the help of obstacles, and then appeared a little bit of deformation from behind the player, and finally It turned into an octopus-like thing that appeared behind the opponent, and the attention of the previous Japanese players at this time also shifted to that thing, which caused the player to also notice the situation behind and turn back to confirm. Unfortunately, although the Japanese player's eyes exposed the existence of the special creature behind him, at this time, even if he found it, it was too late to react.

As soon as the guy turned his head, a black octopus-like thing suddenly opened in the center of a mouth that was big enough to fit in a whole person, and the densely packed big white teeth inside. People instinctively want to retreat. However, at this time he has nowhere to go.

The moment the guy saw the monster behind him, the monster moved, and the guy’s tentacles ejected instantly, and five or six of them penetrated the guy’s body and poked it. Five or six holes came out, and the other one hit the bomb in his hand, and then quickly solidified and transformed into a solid physical substance, sealing the bomb and the player's hand in it like cement.

The bomb in this guy’s hand is the type that will explode as soon as he releases it after pressing it down, but because now the entire hand and the bomb are blocked by the solidified part, although the bomb is still In his hands, but he can't let go. The space outside the finger is all filled with those things, and it is impossible to move it.

After discovering that the bomb in his hand could not be released, the guy’s eyes were about to stare out, but this didn’t change the monster’s movements. The thing directly used its own tentacles to simulate a blade. The shape cut off the guy's sealed hand, allowing the bomb to separate from him, and then the remaining tentacles directly stuffed the player into his mouth.

Looking at the player who was eaten by the monster, several Japanese players here reacted and quickly took out the communicator and shouted: "The ammunition library is in hand, you can act."

Because of the lack of self-destruct capability, other departments on this ship were quickly captured. The outside combat players are all dead. Except for the remaining players, they are all technical NPCs. The combat capability of these people is almost zero. It is basically impossible to block our invasion.

What is different from this ship is the battle method of special combatants arriving on other ships. It can be said that myriad is omnipresent, but their common feature is that they can infiltrate behind the enemy silently. Launch a surprise attack, and then control the bomb in an instant. This ability determines that we can completely control the battleship without worrying about self-destruct.

As the first battleship was controlled, some battleships of the US-Russian combined fleet were controlled successively. Of course, it is said that it is the combined US-Russian fleet, but in fact it is the Russian battleship that is actually controlled. The battleships of the Holy Lance League have all become biological battleships. The shells of these biological battleships are very annoying, and the inner rage also has living tissues, so it is very troublesome to enter such battleships. For this reason, these battleships of the Holy Lance League are basically not listed as landing targets.

Just when our fighters are busy landing these Russian battleships, in fact, the Russians and the players of the Holy Gun League are not completely idle. They were accelerating forward at this time, and launched a fierce attack on our guild fleet. I know that their outbreak is due to the fact that the land can already be seen before. Of course, the land is not the coastline of our country, but the coastline of Japan. In fact, this place has reached the area outside Japan, which is the side of the Japanese island chain moved towards the Pacific Ocean. Forward is the Honshu Island of Japan, and once you pass through here, you will be the Sea Territory of our country further forward. Therefore, it can be said that the combined US-Russian fleet has basically seen a glimmer of hope for victory. After all, it was only at sea before, but now it is almost on land.

"How is the situation now?" The gun god asked a Chief-In-Charge officer beside him in the bridge.

The player shook his head and said: "The assimilation personnel of the biological battleship are almost reaching the limit. At this speed, we will cancel the assimilation if we can't reach the vicinity of China. You know, the battleship firepower of the Frost Rose League Too strong. Once our biological battleship loses the protection of those biological armors, it will soon be sunk. When the time comes, we may not be able to continue fighting with them."

"Are the reinforcements yet to arrive? "Frozen Banshee asked at this time.

The gun god shook his head and said: "You also know that the Frost Rose Alliance has very strong intelligence gathering capabilities, so we told them not to contact us proactively, as long as they themselves Decided to participate in the war, so as to have a surprising effect to turn the tide of the battle."

"I hope! To be honest, I always think those guys are very unreliable."

"No more Reliability is also a kind of power, at least it can let us get some help. Even if it is to disperse the firepower of the Frost Rose League, it is good." Gun God said.

The ice-bound Banshee suddenly looked towards a position on the chart next to him, and then asked: "Will our current course pass through here?"

A player next to him looked I took the position where Banshee was pointing, and then suddenly frowned, then turned around and took the ruler and compared it on the chart. As a result, he immediately asked in surprise: "Why are we in this position? Didn't I say it before? Let’s avoid this Sea Territory?"

"We don’t know either!"

Icy Banshee The Sea Territory they said is actually a piece between China and Japan Special Sea Territory, but not a mysterious Sea Territory. Because the content of the game "Zero" is all-inclusive, there are all kinds of game methods inside, and the game area on the sea is naturally indispensable. You need to have a leveling area for players to level up on land. Players who like to level up on the sea naturally need their leveling area. This is the place that Banshee had previously told them to avoid. Of a leveling area.

The area of ​​this leveling area is not large. Its core area is an island. With this island as the center, there are dangerous areas within a radius of 300 nautical miles. There are a large number of high level marine creatures in this range, and the size of these creatures may be large enough to drag the battleship into the seabed. Regarding this thing, even a large fleet needs to be careful. If you don't pay attention, you will lose some battleship. So in order to reduce the variables, Banshee and the Gunners said that this place needs to be avoided when the attack plan was made. At that time, the gun god also agreed with Banshee's view of the ice, so everyone finally designed a reasonable route based on the ocean current situation, which can ensure that they can safely pass through the peripheral zone of this area, without slowing down or turning on a large scale. The fringe zone passes.

However, although the original design was like this, the actual situation is actually different now. The current route of the US-Russian combined fleet actually deviates from the originally designed route by a large distance. According to this road map, if they do not make a large-scale turn, then not only the entire fleet will drive into the leveling area, but also terrible. The thing is that the fleet will pass separately from both sides of the island. If it's normal, it doesn't matter if everyone pays attention to it, but now they are fighting with us while also paying attention to the underwater situation. Isn't this courting death?

Because they realize how dangerous this situation is, these guys are also very anxious now. The ice-bound Banshee keeps people calculating charts, trying to see if they can get around this area without making a large-scale turn.

In fact, what Banshee and Gun God do not know is that the reason why they deviate from the direction is completely because of our reasons. Our fleet is consciously oppressing their course of action, and then let They deviated from the course. Although the US-Russian combined fleet has been adjusting here, because we have never stopped this oppression and interference, their fleet still has a big error after passing through more than half of the Pacific Ocean, and finally ran to this super The unreliable area comes.

"I said Poseidon! You have to work harder this time! Our success or failure this time is yours!" At this time, when they found the problem in the frozen Banshee, I I was discussing with Poseidon about how to pit the US-Russian combined fleet for a while.

There is a sea god in our guild, of course it can’t be wasted. Although Poseidon is now a member of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order and has lost her power as a local Divine Race, some of her basic abilities are still there. If it were the original sea cucumbers, Poseidon could directly create a tsunami that swallowed the entire fleet, but now even if it can’t produce a world-scale tsunami, it’s okay to get a small vortex to interfere with the enemy’s fleet.

Speaking of which Our plan is actually very simple. First of all, according to the current course, drive the combined US-Russian fleet and let them rush into this leveling area. In the second part, the Divine Race of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order will jointly shoot Poseidon as a mana battery, and then Poseidon will use the big vortex technique to turn the Sea Territory around the island into a stage of vortex. . Of course, because the power has disappeared, Poseidon can only rely on his own mana to create vortex, which consumes a lot of money, and the formidable power will also decrease. It is very difficult to deal with. Therefore, the US-Russian combined fleet must be able to Leave this vortex. However, because vortex will spin with their battleship, they can come out, but the position they come out is uncertain.

It's like the drying bucket of a washing machine. The water inside is impossible and all threw away from one direction. It must be flying randomly in all directions, and this vortex is also the same. Although the US-Russian combined fleet will enter from one direction, depending on the size of the battleship, its own resistance, power, and even the position and current speed, their positions will have nothing common with each other. In this way, the formation of the US-Russian combined fleet will become quite chaotic. However, compared with the US-Russian combined fleet, our fleet does not need to enter this area, so we can wait for them outside, and wait until these battleships that are threw away are alone, we can slaughter them. In front of our shelling array, the dizzy US-Russian combined fleet ships have no formation or command. It is simply impossible to confront us, and when the time comes, we only need to harvest outside of vortex.

Of course, the US-Russian combined fleet may not be able to fight back against us in this vortex, but when they are in the vortex, there is no way to control the stability of the battleship. For a ship that is constantly up and down For the ups and downs, and constantly turning the battleship, basically it can only rely on blindness to hit the target. Therefore, even if they fight back, we are not afraid.

Poseidon said impatiently with my question: "You have asked it eight hundred times! I promise that there is absolutely no problem. If something goes wrong, you can deduct my Power of Faith when you come back. Ration."

"I am not worried!" After I finished speaking, I looked towards the two mascots behind me. Yes, it is the mascot. For this battle, I brought out the two live treasures from the guild.

After the battle begins, Jixiang Ruyi will be responsible for controlling the super rapid-fire guns of the Eternal and the Frost Rose respectively, and then carry out spot killings on the battleships of the US-Russian combined fleet below.

The flow of sea water in the big vortex created by Poseidon is very chaotic, so after the US-Russian combined fleet enters, it will definitely not just simply rotate like a normal vortex, they will still It turns around randomly, so not only is it difficult for them to hit us, it is not too easy for us to hit them. Of course, the difficulty on our side is much smaller than that on the US-Russian combined fleet. However, although our hit rate will be slightly higher, it is still not ideal, so I can only ask Jixiang Ruyi to come and help this time.

Jiangsu Ruyi itself does not have shooting skills, but their lucky value is infinite, and this alone is enough to lose any attribute in seconds. According to the effect of this lucky value, all things Jixiang Ruyi wants to do will be achieved, even if it cannot be achieved directly, it can be done with very low effort. Therefore, my condition for Jixiangruyi is to sink an enemy battleship and give 1 kg of red liquefied magic crystal steam.

Everyone knows that liquefied magic crystal steam is what is obtained by crushing the cheapest white magic crystal, liquefying, gasifying and removing impurities, and finally liquefying under pressure. However, it is not only white magic crystal that can be liquefied. The red pattern magic crystal can also make liquefied magic crystal steam, the difference is that we generally don't do that. After all, the red pattern magic crystal is a magic crystal that can be charged. It is too wasteful to make a liquefied magic crystal steam. However, although this kind of liquefied magic crystal steam made of red pattern magic crystal is more expensive, it has a very special ability.

First of all, the liquefied magic crystal steam made of this red-line magic crystal is red. The ordinary liquefied magic crystal steam is silver white, a bit of mercury, but this red-line magic crystal is processed The resulting liquefied magic crystal vapor is red, which looks like red wine.

This kind of red liquefied magic crystal steam is also produced in small quantities by our guild, but it is generally not used in normal times. Its main use picture is the outbreak. Mobile angels usually have one or two tubes of this red liquefied magic crystal steam, and once the mobile angel is about to die, this red liquefied magic crystal steam can be injected into the power core, and the original ordinary liquefied magic crystal steam Mixed use, at this time, the power core of the mobile angel can explode more than three times the output, allowing the battle strength of the mobile angel to show explosive growth in a short period of time.

Of course, the use of this thing also has side effects, and this side effect is that once this red liquefied magic crystal steam is used, the power core of the mobile angel will enter a rather unstable state. There is a probability of about 1% that it will burn directly. In addition, even if it doesn’t burn immediately, this power core will always work at its limit. This time it will greatly reduce the use of lifespan. If the contact startup time exceeds ten minutes, it will be a new core that has just left the production line. Burn directly. Therefore, this thing can only be regarded as a last resort, just like the strong heart needle in the hands of soldiers on the battlefield, which is used for the final struggle when it is really not working. Normally it will never be used.

This kind of liquefied magic crystal steam made by red pattern magic crystal is not only used as a "strong heart needle", but also has a function as a super bomb. In some special occasions, the formidable power of the bomb may need to be super large, but the volume cannot be too large. Whenever this kind of super bomb with small formidable power is needed, the liquefied magic crystal steam made by red pattern magic crystal can come in handy. The formidable power of this thing is definitely incomparable to ordinary liquefied magic crystal steam. Therefore, this thing is also a very terrifying weapon.

After knowing the red liquefied magic crystal steam, I have to mention the auspicious and ruyi diet. Although these two foodies look like pandas, I can guarantee that they are definitely not pandas. Because pandas gnaw bamboo, and they both gnaw magic crystal. Of course, they do not only eat magic crystal. In fact, in addition to magic crystal, as long as it is precious and scarce resources, they all include gold, mithril, star steel, Perfect level gems, and forbidden spell spell scrolls. Anyway, you think ordinary people can’t afford them. Valuable item, both of these foodies love to eat.

Of course, considering that these two foodies whose lucky value is positive infinity have a great effect, so in line with the idea that good goods are not cheap, we also recognize them.

However, since these two foodies didn't know why they found a bottle of the liquefied magic crystal steam made by the red pattern magic crystal, the two foodies fell in love with this drink. According to Jixiang Ruyi's statement using their panda paws and gestures, it is basically certain that this thing has an effect similar to alcohol for them, can produce hallucinogenic effects, and it seems that the two are alcoholics.

In the end, the two pandas regarded this thing as red wine, and drank it as beer. Now if we need them to do something, we can directly use this thing to buy them, the effect is very direct.

The price I offered this time is one kilogram of red liquefied magic crystal steam to exchange for a battleship, but the premise is that it must be a battleship of more than 10,000 tons, and the boat does not count. If Jixiang Ruyi wants to get more liquefied magic crystal steam, it needs to hit as many battleships as possible and sink them. Therefore, their hit rate will be linked to their own welfare. As long as the two are linked, their luck value will affect the hit rate, and then we will see the cannon that has the accuracy of the sniper rifle and the rate of fire of the heavy machine gun. When I wanted to defend the city, I clearly remember that Jixiang Ruyi used an ordinary cannon to kill the enemy headquarters with one shot beyond the limit range. This kind of small probability event basically succeeded in front of their lucky value. This is an inevitable phenomenon. This is why these two goods swallow money like a slot machine, and I am still happy to raise them.

"You two have to fight for your spirits. There are so many liquefied magic crystal vapors here. Please don't help me save."

Good luck after hearing my words. He immediately stood up with his short legs, then saluted me, and then walked out arrogantly. Naturally, someone outside sent them to the spaceship.

Although the Frost Rose was seriously injured, after a short period of repair, it can barely be used for remote support. With Jixiang Ruyi as a gunner, you don’t have to consider the range or anything. As long as they have the ability to shoot out the cannonball, even if the cannonball returns around Earth and hits the target, I will not be surprised.

Of course, although these two lucky points can solve the hit rate problem, the rate of fire is not something they can interfere with. Therefore, this time they are actually responsible for controlling special artillery. This thing is not so much an artillery, but rather a 480mm Gatling machine gun, because the firing principle of this thing is the working principle of the multi-barrel cannon. The difference is that the whole cannon is enlarged by dozens. Times, from a small-caliber rapid-fire gun to an extra-large-caliber rapid-fire gun.

When I designed this thing, it was originally intended to be used as a siege weapon. After all, the hit rate of this thing is not very high. The resonance also caused the mechanisms to have to use elastic connections to avoid direct falling apart, so accuracy is very problematic. However, the designer's plan is to let this thing set fire when attacking a large target, smash all the ammunition in one breath and give the enemy a powerful shot, and then it can leave the field. Therefore, there is no special requirement for the accuracy of this gadget. Anyway, the target is a large target, something that is difficult to miss with your eyes closed. In this case, as long as the ammunition still flies forward, there is no big problem.

Of course, with auspicious driving, the hit rate is even more okay.

After our arrangements were made, I also quickly moved to the Eternal, from here you can overlook the entire battlefield. After all, this is a flying battleship. If you are in the air, you have a good view. However, the US-Russian combined fleet is not at the mercy of anyone, so after the ice-bound Banshee discovered that there was a problem with the course, they began to actively adjust, in an attempt to make the fleet's course deviate from the target Sea Territory.

In fact, they want to avoid the place just instinctively, thinking that such a place is easy to be ambushed. It is not that they know our plan. Of course, even if they do, they can only follow the current decision. .

"Boss, they started to turn." Zhenhong said, looking at the situation on the sea.

I looked at the situation there and said: "Forcing them to go back."

"Understood." After Poseidon complied, he walked to the bow of the ship and picked up the Sea God Trident jumped off the boat. As the sea god, she is more suitable to be in the water of course.

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