The shelling of the US-Russian combined fleet can be said to have a great effect. Our damaged battleships are already in a state of serious injury, so their own anti-beating ability is naturally not as good as those intact. The battleship, the result is that a lot of them were quickly killed. However, as we expected, although our guild’s battleship was sunk a lot, only a few of the Japanese battleship were sunk.

This is of course not because Japanese ships are more resistant to beatings than ours, but mainly because no one attacks them. The US-Russian combined fleet is also a regular army, and they also have their own attack plan. Although most of the battleships that rushed over were almost finished battleships, everyone on the US-Russian combined fleet knew that the battleship of our Frost Rose League was more powerful than the battleship of the Japanese, so by comparison, instead of letting our If the battleship rushes to your side, it’s better to let the Japanese battleship approach more at ease, at least you don’t have to worry about being hit and sunk after being approached by the Japanese battleship.

Here we need to mention the design issues of those battleships of our Frost Rose League. Although I am the president, the Frost Rose League is so big, and the sea, land and air are fully developed. There are our bases all over the world. There are so many things that are scary. As the president, I can manage some general directions. , The specific content It's definitely impossible one after another. So with regard to battleship design, apart from some requests, I am not responsible for everything else.

I don’t know which part of the battleship design is responsible for, or everyone’s common hobby. Anyway, all the battleships in the guild, from assault boats to large aerial battleships, without exception, all Equipped with a collision angle. Moreover, the collision angles on certain models of large battleships are still refurbished in a variety of ways. The collision angle with the material decomposition wave at the front of the Eternal and the collision angle with the splitting blade at the front of the Frost Rose are typical cases, and most of the other battleships in our guild are also equipped with various types of strange collision angles. .

These things that are basically not used in modern naval battles, but I don't know why they have been kept until now, so that they have become the symbol of the battleship built by our Frost Rose League. It feels as if the front air intake grilles of the cars produced by those automakers all have family characteristics. As long as you see the top corner of the front, it must be the battleship of our guild.

Based on this situation, the battleship of general guilds dare not let us get close easily. The guild’s battleship is not only equipped with collision angles, but also the propellers are notoriously powerful. Therefore, in order to prevent us from dying, the US-Russian combined fleet wisely chose to kill our battleship before going to deal with Japan. battleship.

Actually, the Japanese battleship has never been attacked. In addition to our high level of hatred for the battleship, there is another reason that the Japanese ships are behind our battleship. On the way, the broken ships of our guild all rushed to the forefront, and intentionally or unintentionally, they were still blocking the attack angle of the US-Russian combined fleet against the Japanese battleship, that is, using their bodies to help the Japanese battleship block shells. This is of course not because the captains of our guild have the spirit of internationalism, but because we ordered them to do so. After all, the Marines are all on Japanese ships, and their battleships came out to send their lives to the Japanese to clear the way. If you don't rush forward at this time, wouldn't it be in vain?

Not bad. The players in this guild are very disciplined. After understanding that this is a tactical decision, they have implemented it thoroughly, so the Japanese battleship hasn’t been in front of the US-Russian combined fleet. What substantive attack was encountered, so that most of the battleships in charge of transporting the assault team arrived safely at the predetermined location.

Although it’s a battleship, everyone in modern warfare knows that the artillery thing is impossible to fight the bayonet, so the commandos don’t really have to wait until the battleships on both sides are close together before they can start. attack. The task of the Japanese fleet is to send personnel within a range of 200 meters, and then the assault team on board will rely on its own way to board the enemy ship.

Thanks to the protection of our battleship, Masaga Matsumoto and their fleet approached this distance smoothly. Then, as the hatches on the battleship were all opened, a large number of commandos rushed into the battleship. After rushing out, some jumped into the water and swam to the opposite battleship, and some just flew straight away.

In fact, the US-Russian combined fleet knew our intentions when we saw these people appearing. It’s a pity that battleship is too cumbersome compared to the flexibility of the personnel. This distance We simply couldn't make any response on boarding, and our commando team successfully boarded the ship within one minute.

"This is in trouble!"

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