I just found smoke everywhere in the Transmission Formation on the ship, so I rushed out directly from the inside. After seeing the situation outside, I was surprised to find that the source of the smoke was actually The side armor of the Frost Rose. Although I can’t see the hole from here, I’m sure there must be a big hole over there, because I saw a battleship inserted diagonally on the side of the Frost Rose, and I can see half of that ship from the deck. The hull stood up in the air, and it was obvious that most of the bow was inserted into the hull.

After discovering the strange situation of this ship, I was planning to access the communication of the military god, did not expect the military god to contact me first. "President, you finally came back."

"Report the situation. What is going on now?"

"The general situation is like this...."

Military God briefly introduced the situation, but things are not complicated. First of all, after we teleported away, the American super weapon came out again. Many battleships combined to set fire to the Frost Rose. As a result, the Frost Rose’s outer armor was penetrated, and the shield generator was overheated and burned, and because of the energy circuit There was a phenomenon of large energy surges, which caused problems with the power furnace. In the end, the entire ship lost power, and then made an emergency landing in the central area of ​​the combined US-Russian fleet.

This situation is of course quite dangerous, but fortunately, the Frost Rose suddenly regained its power just after falling into the water, and then pulled it up urgently. A Russian battleship on the U.S.-Russian combined fleet saw that the situation was not right, and immediately drove up to it. At that time, the Frost Rose’s power system had just recovered and had not fully controlled the hull's posture. As a result, he could not avoid this guy. He was hit by it from the side and penetrated the area that was originally injured, and then half of the ship was inserted. Inside the hull of the Frost Rose.

But the thing of our Frost Rose League is sturdy. After being penetrated directly into the hull by the opponent, we actually took the opponent to fly together. Although the hull is very difficult to deal with, we are an aerial battleship. It's okay even if the bottom is up to the sky, anyway, I'm not afraid of sinking. In this case, the Frost Rose took the battleship that was inserted into the hull and began to lift off, and the other half of the hull was inserted into the Frost Rose's hull, directly stuck on our ship, and Relying on the turret behind to shoot the Frost Rose close-in. Anyway, the battleships on both sides are stuck with each other, and the shelling simply doesn't worry about missed, so the side of the Frost Rose was almost smashed by that guy. The smoke I just saw was caused by those shells penetrating the hull.

"How is the current situation of the US-Russian combined fleet?"

"We have already gained an overwhelming advantage on the battlefield. After you teleported away, the US-Russian combined fleet will begin to travel with us. The battleship of the meeting began to shoot, and we got off the large Russian battleship ahead of time, so the American battleship alone cannot pose a sufficient threat to us. However, their biological battleship is indeed very strong, and we must It takes multiple battleships to gather fire to destroy one at a time. Otherwise, if the shelling is scattered and the battle is not sinking at a time, those battleships will soon be restored again."

"I saw the gun god and the ice seal. Where is Banshee?" I continued to ask as I walked towards the battleship that was inserted on the side of the Frost Rose.

"Frozen Banshee and the Spear God never showed up again, but they are sure they are still in the fleet."

I nodded and said: "I see. The fleet continues to attack. That's it. This is a tough battle. There are no fancy skills to play. We have done what we can do before, and now we can only speak with strength. By the way, let us know the captain of the Frost Rose, and listen to my orders later. Adjust the hull posture, I help them get the battleship stuck there."

"President, I suggest you change the target." The unexpected military god did not directly follow me. Doing it prevents my actions.

I asked suspiciously: "Why?"

Military God just reminded: "The mobile angel has passed."

I thought about it. I understood what the military god meant. The so-called mobile angels passing by probably refers to the passing of mobile angels for naval warfare on ships. This kind of mobile angels are very big, and although they can fly, they actually rely on propellers to jump, and after they jump to a high enough place, they spread their wings and glide for a certain distance. It's not the same as real flying. Of course, the naval battle mobile angels that gave up their flying capabilities have also received other enhancements, and one of the most important enhancements is to obtain the ship-to-ship slasher.

Just less than five seconds after the military god reminded me, I suddenly saw a few water jets suddenly rise on the surface of the sea below, and then waited for the water jets to rise a few meters and then saw the Batai naval maneuver. The angel breakthrough Splash moved towards us and flew quickly.

Because of a ship hung on her body, the Frost Rose is actually not high at present, it is probably more than a hundred meters away from the sea. The eight mobile angels below quickly flew to our height, but they did not stop, but continued to fly upwards. After passing us about 50 meters, they suddenly turned off their propellers, and then began to smash downwards. Coming down, and in the process of falling, all the mobile angels took out the ship-cutting knives hanging on their backs, facing the battleship and fell down.

When... squeak... accompanied by a harsh metal rubbing sound, two of the eight mobile angels fell directly from both sides of the battleship, and their ship-cutting knives cut on On the outer armor of the battleship, there was a fire star and a harsh metal rubbing sound. However, although the movements made by these two mobile angels were not pleasant to hear, their attacks caused huge damage to the battleship. Two ship-cutting knives directly cut the outer armor of the Central Region of the battleship's hull into two cuts from the top of the ship's side to the bottom of the ship.

As the two mobile angels fell, four of the remaining six mobile angels smashed onto the four main turrets on the battleship, and then directly inserted the ship knife After pulling the turret horizontally, the anti-gun shield and gun barrel at the front of the turret separated directly from the turret.

After fixing the turret, these naval battle mobile angels immediately started to hack at the bridge. The command tower on the battleship was cut off in an instant, leaving a bare deck.

The last two naval battle-type mobile angels did not destroy the device on the hull, but started to cut the crops on the top of the deck along the cuts made by the first two mobile angels on the side armor. When the cut they made was butted with the previous cut, the battleship, which had been propped horizontally before, immediately began to bend with the sound of metal twisting, and the armor plate on the top of the hull lost its support because it was cut open. The force, tear directly backwards, but because the bottom and keel are still there, they did not break directly, but bent downwards to tear the cracks bigger and bigger.

After seeing the hull broken backwards, revealing the internal structure of the hull, one of the naval battle-type mobile angels jumped directly to the last connection point, and then came a few more on the keel of the hull. Down. The iron skin of the lower hull could no longer support the weight of the second half of the hull, and with a zhi zhi quack, the remaining part of the keel was directly torn apart, and then the second half of the hull suddenly moved towards the sea and fell down.

Boom. Although there was only half a ship, it was a big battleship of tens of thousands of tons after all. The waves that were raised this time watered all the brothers and sisters around him transparently, but at this time, no one cared about it.

After cutting off half of the battleship, the naval mobile angels did not stop. Instead, they climbed onto the hull of the Frost Rose and began to figure out a way to pull the inserted half of the hull, which is a pity. The things are too big, and simply cannot be pulled because they are stuck together. But then the military god began to intervene in command, and instead of letting them push the bow, it changed to cutting. Cut the parts of the ship and throw them away, so that the load on the Frost Rose can be continuously reduced. Of course the Frost Rose has been climbing during this process. The current Frost Rose was seriously injured, and it was no longer suitable to stay on the front line.

Don't worry about Frost Rose here. Of course I dived directly into the battlefield below.

Like the military god previously reported, this side has now entered the war of attrition stage. Because all the strategies have been exhausted, now everyone can only fight for strength. The battleship on our side has stronger firepower and high hit accuracy, but the combined fleet of the United States and Russia has many ships, and the biological battleship of the Holy Gun League is particularly resistant to beatings, so it is still a tie for the time being, but everyone can see that the United States and Russia are combined. The fleet decline is quite obvious, and the failure is only a matter of time.

"Does the situation on our side seem to be relatively optimistic?" I looked at the battlefield and said.

The voice of the military god confirmed: "Yes, the president, we still occupy the absolute dominance. However, our losses are also quite serious."

"Anyway If the battleship is eliminated, the loss will be lost. The problem is not big. Just pay attention to the protection of the flying battleship."

"We have been protecting the flying battleship here. It is just the kind of long-range weapon of the Holy Lance League. It’s disgusting, the attack power is quite high, and the rate of fire is fast. If it weren’t for the casualties caused by our bombing, the formidable power would definitely be ten times more terrifying than it is now."

" Is it scary?"

As I said, the current attack of the Holy Gun League is actually quite powerful. Their kind of biological battleship fires a kind of energy cannonballs. I can clearly see from the sky a large number of energy cannonballs flying across the battlefield into our fleet, and then directly where those cannonballs fall, where it is immediately a big one. The Fireball soared into the sky, and the hull that was hit was as if it had been bitten by some unknown rare beast, and a large piece of it would be missing in an instant.

In addition to the energy shells of these guys, the Russian shells are also quite powerful. Every time a hit will burst a big hole in our battleship, and most of the two hits in one place are twice in a row. It can be broken down. Of course, compared with them, our shells have a larger formidable power, as long as they hit one position each time, they can directly penetrate the main armor and then explode inside.

The shelling on both sides is actually quite desperate, because everyone knows that there is no retreat.

"How many battleships do we have?" Just as I was looking at the battlefield below from the sky, the ice-bound Banshee and Gunslinger were also discussing the battle method in the command cabin of a very special battleship. .

"Our battleships have suffered serious losses, and now there are probably less than 1,200 battle strength." Russian players reported to the ice-bound Banshee.

Without waiting for the Gunner’s inquiry, the American player next to him said: “We have about 800 battleships on our side. The biological armor is very effective, but it consumes too much. Frost Rose League The bombardment was very violent. Our battleship was often sunk before it was repaired. Those lost were sunk like this."

Ice-bound Banshee frowned: "That means our combined fleet now has a total of There are only two thousand battleships?"

"How many battleships are there on the Frost Rose League?" The gun god asked the American player beside him.

The player looked at the book in his hand and said: "The statistics just collected show that they still have more than 1,500 battleships."

"It didn't drop much. !" Frozen Banshee frowned again.

The gun god shook his head helplessly: "The battleships of the Frost Rose League are very strong. Our shells are obviously weak in damage to them, and they have the initiative before the battle begins. We It’s normal that their battleship has been crushed and the loss is not large. But I think their battleship should almost reach its limit. As long as the shelling on our side continues, their losses will soon rise."

The American player in charge of intelligence immediately said: "Yes, just like you said. Most battleships of the Frost Rose League basically have varying degrees of damage. As long as the shelling continues, their losses will begin immediately. Ascend."

Banshee suddenly asked: "How many battleships are there on the Japanese side? I remember that there are also Japanese battleships in the Frost Rose League fleet."

"There are probably more than two hundred ships, and they are basically severely damaged and can be ignored."

"Fortunately, the Japanese battleship is not as powerful as the Frost Rose League." Frozen Banshee sighed a little. , He is not as confident as before now. The various excellent performances of our guild's battleship made her fully realize that it was a mistake to launch a large-scale fleet battle with us. But now it's in the state of if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off, even if she knows, she must go on this battle, otherwise she doesn't know what is going on in Russia, she is absolutely finished. Even if this naval battle is defeated, the responsibilities she needs to bear are not as great as withdrawing troops now. This is also the reason why the Russians do not have the urgent need to fight for the Holy Lance League, but they still insist on not retreating.

In fact, when Banshee and Gun God were hiding together to study the casualties, the Japanese side mentioned by them was also in a meeting.

Masaga Matsumoto and a group of Japanese guild leaders are discussing how to continue the battle afterwards on the flagship of the new Black Dragon guild. As the American intelligence shows, their battleship losses are quite serious. Our Frost Rose League and the US-Russian combined fleet are both world Peak forces, and our battleships are both very impressive. The battleship in Japan used to be very powerful before, but the problem is that Japan is no longer the Japan it used to be. After launching a large-scale battle with our guild and being defeated, the Japanese navy was almost wiped out. The current Japanese navy was reorganized from the ruins, and many of the ships belonged to our guild. Battleship abandoned after elimination.

These battleships were secretly given to Masaga Matsumoto for their plans in Japan after a simple repair and transformation. So the battleships that are currently the main force of the Japanese Navy are actually ours. Will scrap the battleship.

Although the battleship performance and protection of our guild are good, the problem is that these are scrap battleships after all. They were originally early models. In addition, the best things cannot be given to Matsumoto Masaka to avoid causing them. Suspect, so most of the power systems and weapons equipped on these battleships were made by Japan. These self-made equipment are rebuilt with post-war technology, and their performance is already much lower than that of pre-war models. Therefore, the current Japanese naval battleship performance is considered the weakest in this naval battle. This also caused the loss of our combined fleet with the United States and Russia to be very slow, but the loss to Japan was very serious.

Originally, it was said that after the war they could obtain the right to take prisoners and salvage the shipwrecks of the US-Russian combined fleet, the Japanese guild leaders were quite positive, but now their losses are so great that the United States The losses of the Russian combined fleet and ours are not big, this situation still makes these people quite worried.

"Matsumoto Masaga-kun, what do you think we should do now?"

"What do we do? We are now fighting, do you have other plans?" Matsumoto Masaka He looked at the Japanese guild president and asked.

The Japanese guild leader who was questioned immediately argued for reasons: "But we haven’t even made any money for a ship so far, but our own battleship is almost sinking, just in case Frost Rose later The League makes an excuse not to give us a battleship. Our navy is equivalent to being wiped out once again, and this time or for the loss of other people’s battles."

Boom. Masaka Matsumoto slapped the table in front of him with a slap, then looked at these guys and said angrily: "Can you guys see the benefits in front of you? This battle is for the stability of the development zone. You have said it before, and I don’t want to re-explain it. If anyone of you feels that you made a mistake in this action, then you can withdraw from the battle now. But let me put it here. If you leave now, you will be divided into battleships in the future. Don’t think about coming back at that time."

When I saw that Masaga Matsumoto became angry, the chairman of a Japanese guild next to him immediately came out to complete the game: "Aiya Matsu, this Monarch calmed down, and we just lost too much. So I feel uncomfortable! It’s not that we really planned to leave. You have seen it. We have suffered such a great loss, are we still holding on to it?"

"hmph, you know that you still say that Is this honesty blocking me or is it what I want to do? As for things that I did not admit after the Frost Rose League is fart, is the agreement in our hands beautiful. Besides, don't you feel at all? Frost Did the Rose League’s battleship treat you as cannon fodder in the naval battle? How did they treat us, don’t you know?"

After hearing Matsumoto Masaka’s words, August Kaoru immediately pointed to one of the Japanese trips. The president of the club said: "Datian, you are ashamed to say. Before, your Akiba was about to be sunk. Who speeded up to help you stop the torpedo?"

As soon as he heard Akatsuki Kaoru's words, the Japanese guild leader bowed his head and dared not speak. The ship that August Xun said is the flagship of their guild. Originally, their flagship was attacked by a torpedo from a combined US-Russian fleet, and it was about to be hit. But at this time, our battleship, which was about to sink, suddenly accelerated and rushed up with its own hull. Blocked this torpedo. At that time, the bow of the battleship had been cut off, and speeding up would only make it sink faster, but it was already unsaved, so it speeded up to help their battleship stop a torpedo before dying. However, even if the ship does not block the torpedo, it will definitely sink, but they saved the Akiba battleship after all, so at this time, the other party's words of doubt about the credibility of our Frost Rose League seemed quite ungrateful.

"Do you really know our current situation when you get it?" Ying Yu Shen Hina also said at this time: "It is true that the Frost Rose League was driven out of Japan by us, but our potential lies in In the previous battles, they were almost squeezed. The guy Nobunaga onitou and the Yachi Orochi are still messing around, and you know how much ground we have in Japan that can withstand the toss. You know better than I am. Under this circumstance. If we don’t seek out development, we can only sit and wait for death. What is the use of not letting the Chinese land? Without sea lines of communication, we will be trapped and die in China sooner or later. Don’t you understand?"

The Japanese guild leaders who said Sakurayu Shinhina all stood up, then bowed to Matsumoto Masaka and Sakurayu Shinhina together, and then turned away without saying a word. They really realized that it was indeed wrong for them to run to Matsumoto Masaga at this time, so they had no choice but to use actions to prove that they had thought clearly. Of course, their decision actually has little effect on the situation of the battle.

"Huh..., I finally left." As soon as the Japanese guild leaders over there left the Ying Yu Shen Hina, they slumped on the ground. "I was really scared to death just now, I thought they were going to pick up children again!"

Fire Dragon Ji followed: "That's right! What's the matter with these guys? They seem to be unfamiliar at all. !"

Matsumoto said with some disappointment: "In fact, Japanese players were very enthusiastic before. You joined the Frost Rose League too early, so you didn’t understand the situation in Japan at that time. I really can give up everything. Hey... The blame is that we chose an incorrect opponent at the beginning! If at first is not against the Frost Rose League, the future battle will not be that way. It looks like this. It can be said that the previous big failure has made Japanese players timid. Their passion has basically been cold, and now the only thing left is to pursue profit, so they are such a market."

August Xun thought for a while and wanted to ask: "When you were really the leader of Japan back then, it was the same as now that you didn't show anything, and then you think it over before you decide?"

Masaga Matsumoto smiled and shook his head and said: "Now these all are taught to me by the Frost Rose League after Purple Moon has taken it. I was not like this before. I was actually very passionate and impulsive before." /p>

"Like the ghost Nobunaga?" Chi Fire Dragon asked.

Matsumoto Masaga shook his head and said: "Not that extreme."

"Oh." Chi Fire Dragon Ji said: "But speaking of which, you always said how you were in the beginning How, I don’t feel it at all!"

"You have joined the Frost Rose League before the official national war started, of course you can’t feel it. I have to talk about the decision made by the Frost Rose League. Very powerful, even our emotions are taken into consideration. When you first joined the Frost Rose League, did you not participate in the war against Japan?"

August Xun nodded and said: "I I know what you mean. At that time, in order to protect our feelings, we Japanese players who joined the Frost Rose League were sent to the European area. Simply did not participate in the war against Japan, but it is said that not everyone has passed. Some people who don’t care about this stayed behind."

Matsumoto Masaga nodded and said: "From these moments you can see whether a guild is strong or not. The characteristic of the Frost Rose League is not One drop of water can leak out, whether it’s internal or external, to use every bit of strength to the limit, this is the powerful secret of the Frost Rose League. Okay, you guys go to command the battle first, I want to contact the God of the Army, Let them know about the situation here."

August Kaun and the others left the room nodded, and then Masaga Matsumoto opened the communicator and contacted the generals of the Japanese guild leaders. Up. Junshen did not directly reply to this matter, but forwarded the question to me first.

Suddenly hearing Masaka Matsumoto’s communication access, I was stunned for a moment, and then I reacted to Masaka Matsumoto’s voice. "Hey, Masaka Matsumoto, it's me."

"President? Are you back?"

"Just back. I heard what you just said. Japanese player It is normal to have emotions. Only these ships are left in a good fleet. People will feel distressed. This is a normal psychology. You should not be too biased towards our Frost Rose League. It will help you gain a firm foothold in Japan."

Matsumoto thought for a while and said: "Yes, I was negligent before!"

"Okay, I am Remind you, don’t care too much. As for the situation on the Japan’s guild president’s side, I’ll make arrangements. Like I told Matsumoto Masaga just now, they just saw that their own losses were too great and they felt uncomfortable. It was not that their old problems had committed again. The previous words of Masaga Matsumoto are actually a bit heavy.

However, although the mood of the Japanese guild leaders is normal, this mood is actually not a good thing for us, because they will calculate the loss on our heads, which is not conducive to Our plan afterwards. So, I want to change this plan.

Tell the military god of the method he thought of, and then let the military god start to dispatch and command, and a new plan soon began to be implemented.

"Attention to all Japanese battleships." The communicators sent to the Japanese fleet suddenly heard the voice of the god of war at the same time. "Please move the ships according to the guidance coordinates. There are new tasks for you."

It feels very strange that the Japanese guild leaders suddenly received such an order, but now they have no plans to leave us. Formation, so the order still needs to be executed. Fortunately, after seeing the coordinates, they found that the place they were asked to go was not the inside line, but the outside line.

Now the US-Russian combined fleet is being flanked by the wings of our fleet, so if it appears on the inside, it means to block shells for the battleship behind it. The presidents of the Japanese guilds were worried that we would be cannon fodder, but now this is not the case.

The Japanese guild leaders who didn’t understand what we were going to do because they didn’t find any danger, so they quickly ordered to sail in accordance with the instructions, and soon their battleships were all concentrated on our side of the formation. Here, dozens of our small battleships also drove over quickly. When seeing these battleships, the Japanese guild leaders felt very strange, but the communicator soon heard the voice of the god of war to answer their doubts.

"Attention, all Japanese guild leaders, the fast destroyers near you are now carrying all our fleet guards and a large number of melee seamen. They will board your battleship. Please let your crew Guide them so that they can hide on your boat temporarily. This time the task for you is to assault the boat."

There is a commotion under the tone barely fell of the military god, after all, this kind of A large-scale naval battle is tantamount to suicide. That's why they reacted so much.

However, before these Japanese guild leaders had time to say anything constructive, the military god’s voice continued: "Don’t be impatient, listen to me. We are not letting you go. To die. You also know that your battleship has been severely damaged and has basically lost your battle strength. So instead of wasting it, it is better to take advantage of these battleships. We will compensate you after the war. Now the lost battleship will be compensated according to the tonnage. In principle, after the war, we will use our abandoned battleship to compensate you. That is to say, we will make up one ton for you if you lose a ton of ship to ensure that you will not suffer. In addition, you will not be the only one to attack, part of us. The severely damaged battleship will follow you assault. Because our ships are more threatening, the US-Russian combined fleet will inevitably attack our battleship first. Your ships have a greater chance to approach each other. When the time comes, you just need to Just hit the enemy ship directly, and then use the side battle to directly seize the opponent's battleship and use the weapons on the opponent's battleship to attack their own battleship. This will bring us a battle loss ratio of one for two, which is beneficial to us. Use some The battleship that is about to fail badly will be exchanged for the enemy and the battleship of battle strength. You should count this."

The Japanese guild leaders are not stupid, of course. Our guild will compensate them for their lost battleship on a one-to-one basis, that is to say, they can actually be reimbursed for what they have paid now. Since the losses now can be compensated, there is no loss at all. After attacking the enemy, using the enemy’s battleship to attack themselves, the sinking number is counted on them, so that they can do it. Get more sinking points without loss, which is very good for them to divide EXP and spoils of war after the battle. Fools don't do this kind of things that only make money without losing money.

"Don't worry, we promise to complete the mission." The Japanese guild leaders all answered the god of war with excitement, and then began to yell at letting themselves go down and command the station personnel to board the ship.

The transfer of personnel was very smooth, and the progress was quite fast. Most Japanese players restrained in accepting our personnel who boarded the ship, but one of the people on the battleship was frightened. A jump, because it was not an ordinary player who came up, but I, the president of the Frost Rose League, who was considered a demon-like guy in Japan.

"Purple...Purple Moon?" The Japanese player in charge of the command saw me and even started to stammer. "You... why are you here? We... didn't... didn't receive the notice that you are going to board the ship!"

"The notice said that it was marine personnel, and I am considered a land warfare. Staff, what's weird?"


"Are you still going to drive me down?"

The other party listened to me Quickly shook his head. What a joke, now is the time for everyone to cooperate. If our cooperation breaks down because of him, even if I don't move him, the Japanese guild presidents will definitely tear him alive after returning.

While shook his head desperately, the guy quickly said: "no no no, I didn’t mean that!"

"That’s good. Okay, leave me alone, what should I do What are you doing? Just treat me as an ordinary combatant. After a while, you just rush forward, and I will help you block the cannonballs at the bow. Don’t worry, I will be able to successfully get on the ships of the US-Russian combined fleet. "

Actually, my arrangement is not entirely to take care of the feelings of the Japanese guild leaders. This action is also meaningful. Since the battle has been fought, the battleships of both sides have been seriously damaged. Most battleships were injured, but they were different in severity. Because we are going to replace the flying battleship later, these injured battleships are not going to be repaired afterwards. In that case, just don't keep them, and let them use the last hull to rush up to fight the battle. The U.S.-Russian combined fleet must have never imagined that our wounded battleship would carry so many melee personnel. They must have thought that we just wanted to hit them with these ships. When the time comes, it’s too late when they discover that we are carrying a large number of melee personnel, and we happen to use this method to further reduce the number of enemies.

Use a group of battleships that have basically lost their battle strength to exchange for the opponent's battleship with battle strength. This is a good deal, and reducing the number of enemies can also reduce the loss of our remaining intact battleship. This It's a good thing to do multiple things in one fell swoop.

After the completion of the transfer work, with the order of the military god, our Japanese battleships have accelerated and started moving towards the US-Russian combined fleet and rushed in the direction of the US-Russian combined fleet, and our fleet lost the battle. Strength's battleships have also joined this team to clear the way for the Japanese battleship. Of course, most of these shi

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