"Who! Who is that guy?"

"Don't you even know him?" The person next to him who didn't come out to stop us stood up to that guy The guy said: "Did you fail Fire Star?"

"Why? Do I need to know him?"

"It's really unnecessary, but I don't know He stands for you. Ignorant and inexperienced."

The guy who tried to stop us listened to the people who had already walked into the temple, and then he did not return to the team after thinking about it for a while. It was a straight moved towards us who had already entered the temple and came over. When he walked in front of the guards of the temple, he did what I did and stretched out a gold coin. The gold coin rolled and fell on the ground in front of the guards, with a ding sound, and at the same time the two gold handles were short. The sword was placed in front of this guy's neck.

The player who was blocked even glanced at the guard holding the sword on both sides in confusion, and then asked slightly in surprise: "Didn't I give you money?"

"Bold. How can the dignity of the temple guard allow you to wait for mortals to be insulted." As the guard said, he withdrew the golden sword moved towards that guy's head and chopped it down. If it weren't for the guy's quick reaction, backing away and avoiding it, his head would be cut off. Down.

The player who successfully escaped the attack still yelled at the guard who couldn’t react a little: "Are you crazy? I gave you money and you cut me?"

"Attempt Using gold coins to bribe the guards of the temple, are you insulting us?" Although the guards said so, they did not catch up again.

The guy unconvincedly pointed at us who hadn’t gone far and asked, “Then what’s the matter with them? I just saw him throw a gold coin to you, and then you let He went in."

"This is what you said?" The guard showed the little golden-bright and dazzling that I had passed before.

As soon as the player saw the thing, he pointed to the thing excitedly and shouted: "Yes, it is this thing. This is it. Since you can accept his bribe, why can't mine?"


"Do you have no brains?" The guard did not show any anger this time. Instead, he asked with disdain, "Don't you know the purchasing power of a gold coin? What kind of existence does the temple guard exist? Don’t you know? If we exist, you just want to buy it with a gold coin? Are you sure there’s nothing wrong with your brain?"

Originally, I was just angry why we can go past them. Now Suddenly hearing the temple guard say this, the guy was immediately stunned. Because I didn't pay attention to this point before, I didn't expect it, but I immediately reacted after being reminded, and found that my behavior just now was obviously not a bribe. "Zero" was developed in China, so the currency in it is directly linked to renminbi, but now currencies around the world can be easily exchanged, so renminbi is just a reference currency, not the money in the game Can only be exchanged for renminbi.

According to the exchange rate of renminbi, a gold coin in the game is equivalent to one yuan of renminbi. What can one yuan renminbi do? Buy fried dough sticks? Change a small pack of gum? Even in those particularly poor countries, the value of one yuan renminbi is definitely not that high. If I paid a bribe in my previous behavior, then a gold coin is obviously abnormal. The guards of the temple weren't begging for food, so the one yuan was sent away? This guard is too worthless, right?

Finally, the player who understood the problem has obviously become a lot lower at this time. This is the reason why he has no confidence. "But you clearly received a gold coin just now, and then let him pass!"

"First, our loyalty to the Sun God will never change. As the Sun God Soldiers, guarding the glory of the Sun God is the meaning of my life. I am willing to give my life for it. Even if a scum among us appears, it is absolutely impossible to betray the Sun God for a gold coin. Second. Although it was indeed a gold coin that was thrown by Mr. Purple Moon just now, it is not an ordinary gold coin.” The guard revealed the gold coin, and at this time the player realized that the color of the gold coin seemed a bit wrong. Although Crystal Coin, Gold Coin, Silver Coin and Copper Coin are commonly used in the world in the game, the patterns of these four currencies in different countries are different. Of course, their thickness, diameter and material are the same. This is a currency method designed by the system to improve communication between players and ensure the independence of countries. Everyone's currency is the same, the difference is that the relief printed on the currency is different. However, this one is obviously not a gold coin of any country, because its color is not completely golden, but the gold is bluish with high brightness, which is obviously a metal different from gold.

"Damn it, wouldn't it be fine gold, right?" As expected, people around me recognized the material of this gold coin.

Guard nodded and said: "Yes, this is a special gold coin printed by the Frost Rose League. It is not currency, but a kind of voucher. Salute and borrow the other party’s resources. Although fine gold itself is a precious metal, its significance lies in the attitude of the Frost Rose League rather than its value. If you feel that you have enough money to top the Frost Rose If you have a favor from the League, then I can let you in."

Who would dare to say anything when this sentence came out? A favor of the Frost Rose League, this thing can be of great or small value, but no matter how small it is, it is definitely not measurable by a gold coin.

Neither I nor Bear Claw paid attention to this episode outside, because we had already entered the temple at this time. With the help of a dedicated temple priest, we stood on the dedicated Transmission Formation, and then were directly teleported to the great temple in the Oasis of Gods deep in the desert.

This God’s Oasis is a closed city in the desert area of ​​Egypt. The location of this city on the map is a mystery. Because it has interference around it, any positioning method is invalid here, so the player Can't walk in directly at all. Of course, it's not that no one has come in. In fact, there are quite a few players who have been here, but most of them came in accidentally. The outer circle area of ​​this place is like a huge maze. Most people will lose their direction when they walk into this area, and eventually get trapped in the maze-like area. Those who can enter here have accidentally walked through the passage and entered here, and as long as you come here once, the Transmission Formation of this city will be open to you, and you can send it over without restrictions in the future. However, although it can be freely teleported and entered, there is a stay time limit for reaching here. The time that each player can stay here is different according to the level. The lower the level, the shorter the stay here, 200 People below grade can only stay here for less than one minute, and those above grade 1,000 can stay for more than two hours, so most people come here in a hurry and rush to finish things. Otherwise, once the time comes, these people will immediately be absorbed by the penalty system here EXP. Therefore, most people dare not overtime.

My bear claws are all over a thousand levels, but we don't plan to stop here any more, this is just a transit point. As for the players who run here to do things, basically they rush to the goal as soon as the Transmission Formation is out. Although the city cannot go out to level up due to the closure, the shops here can buy some special items that are rare in the whole world, and it is said that there is a mysterious merchant that appears occasionally in this city. The other party will randomly produce some uncertain items to sell, and the function of each item is unknown, but the price is quite high.

Although the item is expensive and not guaranteed, there are still a lot of people who are willing to buy it. My heart is almost like those who gamble, although everyone said that ten gambles and nine loses, but those who like gambling are still rushing. This mysterious merchant sells the same things as lottery tickets. Although most of them are rubbish whiteboard equipment that no one wants, occasionally there are rare Holy Spirit or Divine Item level things. Sometimes this guy even Missions will be released, and as long as the missions released by this guy are completed, there will be unexpected super-luxury rewards in the end. So, basically everyone is here for this task. As for equipment... the probability of such things appearing is too low, so everyone just hopes that not many people really expect to be able to get from this mysterious businessman. If you buy something good, there are many people looking for the refresh point of this mysterious merchant all over the city, and after finding it, they will wait for him to release the task.

Because this God’s Oasis has many weird benefits, many players are willing to run here, but unfortunately the first time you come here, you have to walk in by yourself, so you can come here after all Still a minority.

After entering here with Bear Claw, Bear Claw quickly discovered the anomaly around, because everyone here is rushing, and it looks like everyone is busy. This is the same as others. The city is completely different.

Of course I know the doubts about bear claws, so I explained the situation to him before he asked. didn't expect the first question after Xiong Claw heard it was: "But if I have to walk in for the first time, why can I send it in directly?"

"Because you are with me Come in. If you change someone, you definitely can't come in." After I finished talking, I just moved towards Transmission Formation opposite to the Transmission Hall. The Transmission Formation that just came here is a one-way entry, so I need to transfer to another Transmission Formation. Before, you need to change the Transmission Formation.

With the help of Transmission Formation, we quickly reached another city, and this is the hub city established by our Frost Rose League in Egypt. This city is equipped with a large-scale transnational Transmission Formation, which can directly connect to other transnational Transmission Formations regardless of national boundaries. Of course, there is no transnational Transmission Formation in battleship, so we need to transfer from Isinger first.

When we arrived at Isengard, I was quite surprised that Bear Claw had actually visited Isengard, and when I asked, I found out that he had come here to play once before. After all, Isengard is a city open to the outside world, not a closed city. As long as it is not a hostile act, he can play in his own name. It is not surprising that the bear claws have been here.

"Where is the device you mentioned?" After arriving at Isengard, Bear Claw asked me the location of Gate of Truth because he was anxious to return to China. Although he signed an agreement and promised to cooperate with me to allow me to extract the parasites, he did not want to completely break away from the life in Russia, so in order to continue to mix in Russia in the future, he was very worried about exposing his trade with us, and if He stayed with us for too long, this kind of exposure became inevitable, which is why he is so anxious.

"Okay, okay, I know you are in a hurry. Don't worry, I will take you there."

Although the battle at sea continues, I am also anxious to go back Dealing with the issue of naval battles, but things here are really unstoppable, so I can only take the bear claws to the Gate of Truth.

Initially, my idea was to bring bear paws first, and then make a wish for Gate of Truth to provide a technique or equipment for extracting parasites. If the generated task is very difficult, then I will go in and do the task myself, if the task is not difficult, then let our guild special task hunting team to complete it. After all, Gate of Truth usually has a special task squad in charge, so as long as it is not too difficult, you can generally hand it over to them.

However, I am a little surprised that the task generated by Gate of Truth is actually just a B-Rank task. Although the highest task generated by Gate of Truth is 3S-Rank and the lowest is F-rank, B-Rank and A-Rank are already very difficult for most companies. But the problem is that the task hunting squad we arranged is for this. The strength is naturally extraordinary, and they have been strengthened specifically for the task of the world. Everyone has a set of great equipment. All are provided by the guild, and they can borrow all kinds of equipment in the guild warehouse as long as they enter the mission.

With such external conditions, plus those who can be arranged to do missions are all first-class players, so our guild players have always had a very high success rate for this Gate of Truth mission. For example, the completion probability of S-Rank tasks is generally above 50%, and A-Rank is at least 90%. The B-Rank task has failed once. The reason for the failure is that one of the players missed and made consecutive mistakes. This shows that the B-Rank task is simply not a matter for us.

Because the task was unexpectedly simple, I threw it directly to the hunting team as soon as I saw it, and I arranged for someone to rush to the sea after looking at the bear claws.

The scale of this joint operation between the Holy Lance League and the Russians is too big, and now it’s in a decisive battle again, so I am very worried about the result of the battle. After being accidentally teleported out before, I never got it. The news from the side, of course, is anxious to come back to see the situation please.

Using Isinger’s Transmission Formation can directly connect to the fleet’s Transmission Formation. When I reached the Frost Rose, I found a cloud of smoke around me. After I rushed out of the Transmission Formation, I immediately found the source of the smoke. .

"What's the situation?"

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