After the two fleets separated, the battle did not stop completely, but it was indeed much quieter than before. The maximum range of the weapon used by the Holy Gun League with the refraction prism is nodded, and the accuracy has been reduced to less than one third. However, although the Americans can't hit us anymore, we can still hit them. Of course, it is not the ordinary battleship that can carry out shelling at this distance, but the limited super battleships in the fleet, and we have also encountered a little trouble here.

There are two restrictions that American battleship cannot achieve ultra-long-range artillery fire like us. One is that the range is not enough and there is a problem with the accuracy of the artillery, and the other is that there is no outpost that can provide timely remote viewing data. Our guild’s artillery technology is more advanced, so the range and accuracy of the artillery have reached the requirements for long-range artillery, but our battleship also cannot see the enemy below the horizon. However, what makes us different from the Americans is that we still have pilot ships to use. The pilot ship has fast moving speed, small size, and is equipped with large battleship defense and observation facilities at the same level. This determines that although the pilot ship does not have a weapon system, it can provide our fleets close to the enemy. Long-range fire guidance.

However, although the pilot ship until now performed very well, it encountered problems this time. The reason why the pilot ship can guide our battleship's shelling is because it can move within the enemy's range without being sunk. Because there is no weapon system, and it relies on special auxiliary ships to tow and sail in non-combat state, the pilot ship does not need to install a complicated system, and it does not even have a crew cabin inside. Anyway, non-duty personnel can enter in non-combat state. The rest cabin in the auxiliary ship rests, and the pilot ship itself does not need these facilities.

A pilot ship that removes weapons, ammunition and personnel rest compartments can free up a lot of space in the ship, so even if it looks only about a thousand tons, it is equipped with a power system that a large battleship can only equip, and often They are all installed in pairs, and the thrust-to-weight ratio is several times that of a large battleship. The advantage of a small boat with a large propeller is that it is extremely fast, and the small hull has a small shot area, such a high-speed target, and such a good flexibility, it is naturally extremely difficult to hit it. Moreover, the pilot ship itself has a protective cover system that is only equipped with a large battleship, so it doesn't matter if the opponent is hit by a cat and a mouse is hit by one or two shells, anyway, the enemy simply can't penetrate its protective cover.

But this time the enemy is not using artillery with a very problematic hit rate, but a special kind of beam weapon. This thing has a fast flying speed and high accuracy, so as long as it is within range, There are very few missed shots. If it is a large group of battleships participating in the battle at the same time and sharing the enemy’s firepower, it’s okay to say, but now our main force is out of contact with the US-Russian combined fleet because it is inappropriate to consume the enemy. The remaining targets within the enemy’s range are the pilot ships. . In this way, the lead ship is bound to become the target of the enemy’s fire. Considering the hit rate of that weapon, once the enemy fires the lead ship, although the protective cover of the lead ship can last for a while, it won’t be too long, so we The survival rate of the lead ship in the enemy's range is not high. Because of this, we had to let the pilot ship run along with the main fleet and leave the enemy's range. This caused our long-range artillery to lose guidance.

However, our guild’s communicator is a major technical advantage, so even if the pilot ship cannot provide guidance, we did not completely abandon the shelling, but switched to manual guidance.

The so-called manual guidance is to let several players take the communicator, and then ride the guardian long spear to watch the naked eye near the enemy, report the shelling result in real time, and then correct the trajectory according to the impact point of the shell.

This method has been widely used in the early wars of the real world, and it has proved to be very effective. However, compared to the data link guidance method used by the lead ship, it is obviously much worse. After all, the pilot ship is specialized in this. It is equipped with a mechanical ballistic calculator. This thing is not an electronic product. It is made of pure mechanical structure. Just turn a concentric compass to make it consistent with the observed corresponding data. The number displayed on the output compass at one end is the pitch and azimuth information required by the battleship itself. However, this thing itself has a gyroscope, and there is no electronic gyroscope in the game. You can only use a mechanical gyroscope, so the structure is more complicated and the volume is large. It is definitely not possible to run with the long spear alone.

Without these mechanical ballistic calculators, the players who are responsible for guiding the shelling can only use the communicator to visually report whether the impact point is far or near, and how far it deviates. Anyway, the concept is very vague, even after the unified information processing of the military god, the hit rate is still not high.

However, even if the hit rate dropped to one in ten rounds, our side still did not stop the shelling. The purpose of this is to give the US-Russian combined fleet a stable pressure, anyway, it is not to let them relax too much.

People’s attention is time-limited, and NPCs in the game have similar settings. Therefore, whether it is a player or an NPC, if you pay attention to one thing for a long time, you will feel slack. We are now giving them a constant pressure to wait for a while when they really fight.

In addition to shelling, there are many other harassment tactics on our side. The first one to come is the carpet bombing from Giant Butterfly City. The biggest advantage of Giant Butterfly City is that it is large enough and has super carrying capacity, so it can carry a large number of bombs. Although due to the weapons of the Holy Lance League, the Giant Butterfly City cannot fly too low, but as long as the height is raised, there is no problem. Of course, it’s not that they won’t be able to fly high. In fact, as far as the range of weapons of the Holy Lance League is concerned, Giant Butterfly City cannot reach its range even if it climbs to the extreme altitude. The key is that Giant Butterfly City itself is equipped with The mirage system, as long as the height is high enough, the enemy has no way to find its tracks. After all, there is no such thing as a radar in the game, and the anti-stealth spell does not have the ability to counter-stealth a target several kilometers away, so When the Giant Butterfly City is bombing horizontally at an altitude of 20,000 meters, unless the players of the Holy Lance League below see a sudden bomb, it is simply impossible to find the Giant Butterfly City. However, it doesn’t make much sense to wait until you see the bomb. After all, even if Giant Butterfly City is fully loaded, it’s only one minute from the first bomb out of the warehouse to the throwing of all the bombs. Even if it’s a moment of time, even if it is immediately discovered. The target may not have time to fight back.

The US-Russian combined fleet had already taken our shelling a little after being bombarded with poor accuracy for a period of time, but soon they were awakened by the whistling sound from the sky. Players and NPCs of the US-Russian combined fleet were unable to immediately discover the bomb dropped from Giant Butterfly City. In fact, they didn’t notice something in the sky because they heard the howling sound of the bomb’s high-speed fall until the bomb was about to reach the top of their heads. , So, at this time, they have actually missed the interception time.

Because it was a carpet bombing, the explosion density was quite high. The members of the US-Russian combined fleet only heard a loud noise and turned into a thunderous rolling rumbling sound, and this sound was sufficient It lasted for nearly forty seconds to end, and when the explosion was completely over, the entire US-Russian combined fleet had more than 80 battleships in a straight line at the center of the fleet, all turned into burning scrap iron and were sinking rapidly.

On the formidable power, the bombing intensity of the giant butterfly city is actually very great. The key is that the weapons of the Holy Lance League are very awesome, so we dare not take the giant butterfly city adventure, so naturally we can’t use the guide Initiating arrow towed bombs can only use ordinary bombs to carry out carpet bombing to increase the hit rate. Otherwise, if the archer uses the guided arrow to tow bombs, the amount of bombs carried by this giant butterfly city at a time can almost kill one third combined fleet. . But if you really want to do that, Giant Butterfly City has to hover over the area for a long time, and the other party is not a fool. Seeing bombs appear from time to time, even if you fight against the sky, you will try to find our position. So this The way is absolutely impossible.

In contrast, the hit rate of carpet bombing is very problematic. Looking at the formidable power, it actually killed more than 80 ships, and because the giant butterfly city needs to go back to reload, this It takes a long time to come back and forth, so the main thing is to play a harassment effect, plus reducing the number of enemies as much as possible. The actual meaning is not very big.

There are attacks from the air and the sea, and naturally there is no shortage of underwater ones. When the bombing of the giant butterfly city attracted all the enemy’s sight into the air, a large group of underwater targets had quietly approached the vicinity of the US-Russian combined fleet, but compared to the sky, the US-Russian combined fleet’s underwater fleet The defensive power is not too weak.

Under the originally calm sea, suddenly it tumbling like a pot opened, then the ice-bound Banshee and the gun god immediately discovered the abnormal underwater, and soon some players came to report it The situation. It turned out that the marine creatures they arranged under the fleet encountered a large number of marine creatures of our Frost Rose League, and then the marine creatures on both sides fought under the seabed.

Different from underwater combat in reality, the submarine combat method in the game is quite special. First of all, there are submarines in the game, but these submarines are not the main force of diving operations, and the real main force is the ocean devil beast.

If you want to give an image reference, the submarines in the game are actually like bombers in air combat. They move slowly and have weak defensive power, but the damage output is very difficult to deal with. This is the same as the bomber. The aquatic devil beasts in the game are somewhat similar to fighters, they are faster, and the battle method is flexible and diverse, but they generally lack the means to damage surface ships. Except for a very few very large marine creatures that can really damage surface ships, in most cases marine creatures can only serve as underwater interception forces, or sometimes simply landing forces, directly climbing the enemy’s battleship to engage in battle. One set, equivalent to land warfare on the sea, but the battleship deck is not the land under your feet.

The underwater creatures of our Frost Rose League are not very famous. It's not that our guild doesn't have many or not strong underwater creatures, mainly because we use less. Because the surface ships of our guild have too obvious air superiority, underwater creatures are rarely used in general battles. The wooden shell battleship era was a bit better, but now it’s all ironclad warships that rarely use marine life. However, our underwater creatures are actually very many, and there are all kinds of them. After all, in addition to the Atlantis Sea Clan, we also merged some other Sea Clans, and recently Poseidon brought most of the Olympian gods to our guild. Come we get more rare beast of the ocean.

However, although we have a lot of marine life, there are also a lot of marine life in the US-Russian combined fleet. So when our marine life comes with the submarine force to kill, the marine life here is immediately I found the marine life of our Frost Rose League. The marine life on both sides immediately fought under the water, and after the many marine life was killed under the water, the sea surface was also stirred as if it was boiling. This is ice. Feng Banshee and the gun god discovered the cause of the abnormality under the water.

The melee on both sides happened very suddenly. The combined US-Russian fleet was attacked almost unpreparedly. Fortunately, marine life battles don’t require any preparation, so you can just jump on it. To kill, don't prepare time at all. However, although there is no need to prepare for the battle of marine life, the problem is that the number and quality of marine life on the US-Russian joint fleet is too much to check on our side.

The marine life on the US-Russian combined fleet is basically small and medium-sized marine devil beasts. There are not no sea monsters, but the number is small, but we have a large number of mythical beasts. For marine creatures, the battle strength is as strong as seabed meat grinder. The opponent's marine creatures were all strangled as soon as they were posted, and the formidable power is really scary. Of course, although these big guys are big, they are also very powerful. Compared with weapons such as artillery shells and bombs, which professionally destroy targets, they have huge power and their killing speed is quite slow. However, these sea monsters have an advantage, that is, compared to those shells, they have a great deterrent to players and NPCs.

A Russian battleship just passed over the Sea Territory which was stained with the blood of marine life. Didn’t expect the whole ship to lift up suddenly, half of it. The bows all flew out of the sea, and then everyone saw a head that looked like a sea snake exposed under the bow. But this thing sank again when it took a big head, and then the battleship slammed back into the sea. Although there was not much damage, the people on the ship were frightened to death, and just as they stabilized. Suddenly, a huge black tail appeared from the side of their battleship. This slender tail was swung like a whip, and then the destroyer next to it almost sank into the seabed. However, Fortunately, the destroyer came out soon after being suppressed, but the turret on the money deck of the battleship had been completely deformed and scrapped.

After the destroyer here was attacked, the snake's head came out again, and then bit at a destroyer next to it. Everyone could hear the harsh metal rubbing sound, and the snake was The target was released immediately after the bite, but four large symmetrical holes were found on the side of the ship, which was clearly pierced by snake teeth.

After discovering that the battleship was not tasty, the giant snake moved the target back to the previous battleship, then turned its head and jumped over the battleship’s head, then plunged into the water on the other side of the battleship, and then The surrounding ship emerged from the other side again and continued to cross the top of the ship. It quickly circled the battleship for seven or eight times, and then the body suddenly tightened, and it was completely wrapped around the battleship in an instant.

The behavior of this snake is obviously similar to that of an anaconda, and the shape it now wraps around this battleship really looks like an anaconda attacking a large animal, except that a real anaconda will not attack battleships. More importantly, at this time, the battleship was making a zhi zhi quack under the twisting entanglement of the opponent and was constantly deforming.

"Boss, the battleship can't stand it anymore!" a player shouted to the captain beside him. Their battleship is now about to be twisted into a twist shape. The structural devices on the surface of the hull are basically destroyed, and the power system is basically scrapped. The reason is that the python body deformed the propeller. Without the propeller, even if the power system is good, the ship will not even think about moving.

The captain also has a headache after hearing the report from his subordinates, but at this time he doesn’t know what to do. After all, as a ship, it needs to be able to move at least. battle strength, but now all the external equipment on this ship is deformed. The barrel is curved, the propeller is flat, and the torpedo launch port is oval. In this case, no ammunition explodes, even if it’s lucky. , How to resist? Even if they plan to abandon the ship now, they can't do it, because all the escape doors on the battleship are deformed and simply can't be opened.

While the people here were waiting for the captain’s decision with trepidation, there was a sudden explosion outside, the sea snake also screamed, and then suddenly released the ship Dived underwater. The captain looked outside through the window that had turned into a big hole, and found that a nearby American battleship fired their guns and saved their lives, but before he had time to thank others, the ship followed their footsteps. , Was directly tied up by the snake into zongzi, and because the opponent was only a light cruiser, without the buoyancy of a battleship, it was directly pressed into the water after being tied up. After the hull was deformed, the waterproof facilities were basically paralyzed, and then a large amount of seawater poured in, and the whole ship quickly disappeared on the sea.

The ravages of the sea monsters here made the US-Russian combined fleet hurried for a while, but the defensive power of the sea monsters is not as high as the battleship, so after the players of the US-Russian combined fleet reacted and started participating in the battle. The situation was under control, and after a large number of marine creatures were killed by players and NPCs, our side also stopped harassing. Anyway, this battle is defined as a harassment battle, so there is no need to fight with the enemy. We will run when the enemy reacts, without having to fight with them. However, even if it is just a simple harassment war, the losses on the US-Russia joint fleet are quite exaggerated, because our marine life army is still mixed with many real submarines.

Unlike marine life, the round body of submarines is really hard to talk about underwater fighting, but their bulky body can carry and produce large-caliber torpedoes, and these torpedoes are better than the ocean The lethality of creatures is much greater.

Because we have a lot of marine life, we have blocked the interception of marine life by the US-Russian combined fleet. Our submarine was able to launch torpedoes at the closest distance, and we specially found a large battleship to start. Although the US-Russian combined fleet knows that there are submarines in our underwater devil beast army, but the underwater is now a mess, so they simply did not carry out counter-search and counter-attack.

When the submarine on our side finished fighting all the torpedoes, we didn’t love to fight, and quickly turned around and ran away. The few extra-large Sea Beasts in our guild also quickly chased up and hugged the submarine and started desperately. With the help of the ocean giant beast, the speed of the submarines immediately increased by a large margin, and they soon broke away from the interception range of the marine life of the US-Russian combined fleet, and at this time our small and medium-sized marine life began to be in order. They evacuated the Sea Territory one after another.

When our underwater forces were completely withdrawn, what remained of the combined US-Russian fleet was a mess. There are dead marine life floating corpses everywhere on the sea, and the blood water has stained the sea to dark red. Most of the ships on the water have suffered serious injuries, and some have been completely unrecognizable. However, most of these boats can barely float on the sea. After all, most of the attacks of marine life are bludgeoning, which rarely cause penetrating damage. Naturally, it is not easy to sink the battleship, and can only cause mild damage. Deformation damage, and this damage is not enough for the battleship to sink the battleship.

After the air, sea, and underwater three-way harassment is over, the loss of the US-Russian combined fleet is actually not very large. After all, this battle is defined as a harassment war, not an annihilation war. Our side I didn’t work too hard, and I just took it every time I saw it, so the loss of the US-Russian combined fleet is actually not very large. Relative to their strength, this loss can only be said to be a small consumption. However, although the overall strength loss is not large, the psychological and physical consumption of the players and NPCs of the US-Russian combined fleet is huge. Many people have symptoms such as decadence and fatigue. To put it simply, it is physically and mentally. Every aspect felt fatigued.

In fact, it can make them feel physically and mentally exhausted. Our harassment war can be considered as meeting the requirements. At least we did not intend to lose much of the US-Russian combined fleet. This effect is actually already Very good. The best strategy is to attack the heart. Without the morale of the US-Russian combined fleet, I don't believe they can have any good records.

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