"Boss, is this going to engage in full-scale war?" After hearing the command of the king, someone from the fleet below immediately asked, because according to the previous plan, there was no plan It's a decisive battle with the US-Russian combined fleet so early.

The King Chuang was also taken aback when he heard such a question. He had only called out such a thing on impulse before, but now he heard the rhetorical question from the people below, but he didn't know how to answer it.

Looking at the king of Chuang, I knew that this guy must have been stuck by himself, so I took the intercom and switched to the command communication channel. "Attention everyone, I am President Purple Moon. Now I order the fleet to turn to the west, sail in the direction of continent, and disengage from the US-Russian combined fleet."

"Yes, the president."

Compared with the command of the King of Crushing, my command is obviously more effective. As soon as I issued the command, all the fleets immediately turned to leave without saying a word. Although the US-Russian combined fleet tried to chase, their The speed is too far away from our fleet to simply catch up. As for those small flying saucers, although they can be transferred and fired, as the distance increases, the hit rate also begins to drop, and when the distance is extended to 100 kilometers, these things will not continue to pursue them. Obviously, they also have a limited range of movement. Can't stay away from the battleship group without restrictions.

Watching our fleet run farther and farther, the ice-bound Banshee and Spear God were not so happy, because they knew that they had only temporarily suppressed our fleet and did not really defeat us. This The two are not the same. Therefore, they are only temporarily relaxed now, and they are not completely relaxed.

Compared with the combined US-Russian fleet, the mood of our fleet is quite stable. Although temporarily out of contact with the enemy, we did not experience the decadence of defeat, because Our own strength is there, and we have lost a ship from start to finish, so we still have the initiative so far. Whether it is to attack or retreat, it is our will. It does not matter whether it is good or bad. Will not cause everyone's negative emotions.

"Where are we going?" King Chuang asked while standing in Cambridge looking at the chart and current course. He felt that this heading seemed to have no supply base for us.

"Let’s meet with Masaga Matsumoto’s Japanese fleet, and then go to Kirishima. The long-range weapons used by the US-Russian fleet may have major flaws. We will arrive at Kirishima soon. Maybe you can use the battle strength over there to do something."

"Kirishima has nothing but the Mist Fleet, right?" King Chuang asked.

I nodded and said: "Yes, I need the help of the Fog Fleet. Their battle may just restrain the secret weapon of the US-Russian combined fleet."

I His judgment is only speculation, but my speculation is based, so I think it is very likely that my speculation will come true.

The secret weapons of the Holy Lance League are indeed very difficult to deal with, but the real role of the protective shield is actually to act as a reflecting prism. They are not involved in the attack, which means that those things may There is no battle strength in itself. Therefore, although the small flying saucers are very high level, as long as you find a way to separate them from the shoulder-mounted weapons, there will be no danger. The method I thought of separating the two is the signature skill of the Fog Fleet— -The fog of death.

"I don't believe that you can hit without seeing you."

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