When the US-Russian combined fleet was exhausted physically and mentally by our harassment tactics, our main fleet was already calling at the port near an island called Wuming Island.

In fact, Wumingdao is not a large port, or it is not a port at all. This island is a replenishment station at best, but there is a good point here, that is, it is equipped with the largest mobile pontoon in the guild, so it can provide replenishment operations for a large number of battleships at the same time.

Originally, our original plan was to converge with the Japanese fleet in Misty Island, and then form a joint fleet to fight against the US-Russian joint fleet. However, because some people in the guild thought Misty Island was our line of business. Will attack the springboard base in Japan, even now we plan to tie Japan to our war chariot, we should not open this strategic secret to them prematurely.

The main reason why the players who have actually said this kind of thing can say this kind of thing is that they don’t know that Matsumoto Masaka and August Kaoru are actually our own. This is why we have such concerns, and the reason why we are so bold in opening Misty Island to Japan. It is because we know that Masaga Matsumoto and the others are our own, so it doesn't matter if we open up. However, when we were reminded like this, we realized that we had actually made a mistake. Although we know that Masaga Matsumoto and the others are our own, after all, such an open secret base is too abnormal for people who don't know, and this abnormality may be suspected by others. Therefore, considering the actual situation, this kind of thing should not be done at this time, which is obviously inappropriate.

The biggest advantage of our high level players of the Frost Rose League is that we can correct our mistakes. We never insist on our wrong views. As long as we confirm that there is a problem with our own perception or judgment, we will immediately correct it. , We don’t want to do things like swollen faces and fatty.

Now that we realize that Misty Island is not a good docking location, of course we will no longer carry out this plan strongly. After analysis, we finally chose this unnamed island as the meeting point.

Anonymous Island is just a midway supply station. We have more than 30 such supply stations in the Pacific, and most of them are unmanaged. Of course, the so-called unmanned management is not really without people, but that there are no players stationed, only a small number of NPCs maintain daily operations, and a large number of people will be stationed only when they are used. Of course, although there are not many people, the supplies in these places are very sufficient. There are a large number of magic crystals and various ammunition reserves. If a fleet is in the port, you can go ashore to supply it yourself. Anyway, the equipment is complete, that is No one is operating it.

The Japanese fleet was quickly assembled under the organization of Masaka Matsumoto, and then formed an integrated fleet moved towards the coordinates we gave and drove over here. As for our own mist fleet, it has already arrived here.

Because the mist fleet arrived here first, so when the Japanese fleet arrived, what you saw was not the scenic islands, but a large area of ​​mist that was problematic at first sight, but they arrived Not far outside the mist, I found a speedboat out of the mist.

The boat was very fast. It only took a few minutes to rush to the vicinity of their battleship, and then flew up from the speedboat. A player landed on the Japanese battleship. Instead of meeting their captain, the player directly handed over a communicator to the crew member who saw it first, and then returned to his boat. The boat took the player back and forth between the various Japanese battleships, and soon each ship sent a communicator. The captains had already been notified in advance when they went out to sea, and told them that they would receive a communicator from our guild for unified command when they came here, so they didn't think it would be strange then.

This time, the Japanese fleet is allocated a marine communicator. Of course, it is not the big one used in our own battleship, but a small communicator for small speedboats. However, even this kind of communicator is better than a single People need to be complicated and fun.

The size of this communicator is about the same as the main box of a desktop computer. Of course, it is only the same size and the appearance is very different. This thing is actually roughly the shape of a hexagonal prism with a thickness of about 20 cm. There are raised controller interfaces in the middle of the six sides. It can be expanded into a large communication hub with external equipment, but these things are now locked. , The only function is to act as a communicator and display.

There is a crystal ball in the center of this communicator, half of the sphere is embedded inside the machine, and the half exposed outside is a projector, which can display a three-dimensional image above itself, but the clarity Not very high, after all, this number is portable, impossible and the size of the display ratio of the pool table on our large battleship.

This thing is adjusted to the receiving mode when it is sent, so no operation is required. After putting it inside the battleship, just click on the crystal ball at the top to start it.

"The dedicated data communication terminal for surface ships of the Frost Rose League is activated. Please enter the ship name, tonnage, speed, protection capability, artillery performance and other parameters to facilitate unified command."

communicator After the startup, the words that were entered in advance were played, and then those captains who had been notified reported their battleship data, but most of the data reported by them were reserved. After all, these people Not stupid, even if Matsumoto said that they don't care about this, many people still feel that reporting their battleship performance data to us seems to be suspected of colluding with the enemy, so many people choose to lie about the data. But we don't care about this. Anyway, the purpose of the Japanese fleet's arrival this time is to "focus on participation."

We have fought with Japanese players for so long before, whether it is the number of battles, time or intensity of the battle, it is quite exaggerated, even if Matsumoto Masaka now uses profit as a bait to let them temporarily abandon their hatred and stand by our side. Combat, but this is only a temporary abandonment, not to say that Japanese players suddenly hate us at all. Therefore, if we want Japanese players to be able to use us as cannon fodder with peace of mind in the future, we need to brainwash them, and at least we need to eliminate most of the hostility or hatred. Therefore, when the Japanese fleet comes this time, we do not expect them to sink many enemy battleships, as long as they can fight side by side with us.

One of the three major ironies in life, carrying a gun together is one of them, and this enhanced version of carrying a gun together means fighting together. The two of them squatted in a trench together, listening to the explosion of the thundering side by their side, and using their bodies to block bullets for each other. This feeling is far from the kind of alcoholic friends in peacetime. Although naval battles are not as violent as land battles, the effect is not too bad. As long as they fight with other fleets in one fleet, the attitudes of both sides will change dramatically.

After the communicator was sent, the battleships of the Japanese fleet began to drive into the mist according to the guidance information, and after entering the mist, they discovered that the mist was actually only forming a large masking zone around the island. , And although this layer of fog looks dense, you can't see the inside at all, it's actually only less than 20 meters thick, and it passed through at once. Inside this layer of mist is a large open Sea Territory, and at this time this Sea Territory is divided into several parking areas.

Because the berth on the Wuming Island is actually a pontoon, it does not necessarily need to be posted near the island. In order to ensure that this large-scale fleet can be well parked here without chaos, so we A movable floating bridge is used to create a piece of link area. Each berth area can dock dozens of battleships, and then different berth areas are connected by pontoon bridges, so as long as the pontoon bridge is long enough, no matter how many ships will not be messed up.

However, what Japanese players pay attention to is not those floating bridges, but those battleships that they arrive one step ahead of.

These battleships are not so advanced. On the contrary, these battleships look like a pile of rubbish. If it weren’t for them being neat and tidy moored in the harbor, it’s just the shape of these ships. , Just find a beach or reef area and stop by will attract a large wave of explorers, because these ships are too much like a shipwreck.

This large area of ​​boats are all wooden sail battleships, and they are uniform black hulls regardless of the size of the hull. The wood used to build these ships looks black as if it had been soaked in sea water, and their sails and cables were uniformly gray and black, and the sails were full of big holes. In fact, it is not only the sails that have holes. Some sharp-eyed Japanese players have discovered that the hulls of certain ships are full of large and small holes. It is said that these ships are not going to fight, and should sink as soon as they leave the port, but at this time they are neat and tidy parked on the floating dock, obviously looking like they are preparing to go on an expedition.

Although the shapes of these battleships are weird, the Japanese players on the opposite side don’t think these ships are bully, because most of them have heard of or even seen these battleships. The formidable power. As our main naval enemy before the Frost Rose League, the Japanese Navy knows the sea power of our Frost Rose League very well, and the Mist Fleet’s strength is like thunder piercing the ear, because they didn’t know how many Japanese battleships were buried in Under the muzzle of these ghost ships.

Yes, it's the ghost ship. The entire fleet of the Mist Fleet is a ghost ship, there is no player, no living person, the entire fleet is a ghost ship. The speed of these guys is amazing. When there is no one nearby, the fleet can only move at a speed of about 18 knots, which is much slower than the speed of battleships of various countries. However, this is an unmanned situation, and regardless of whether it is downwind or headwind, they can run to this speed, as if they are completely unaffected by the wind-although they look like a sailing battleship, these boats are actually not relying on the wind. Sailing.

However, the above are all when they are sailing in no man's land, if there are ships in their sight. If the opponent is a ship of the Frost Rose League or our allies, then it will not have any effect on the speed of these ghost ships, but if the opponent is a ship of a neutral or hostile fleet, it is cool. No matter how fast the enemy's ship can go, all the ships of the Fog Fleet can run two knots higher than the opponent's speed. Yes, it is two knots higher than the opponent, and no other factors are considered at all. As long as the opponent's current speed is, the Ghost Fleet must be two knots higher than this speed. Therefore, if the enemy encounters these ghost battleships, unless they don't want to chase, the enemy will never escape.

In addition to this ridiculous attribute, which adjusts its speed according to the opponent’s speed, the Mist Fleet also has a rather ridiculous attribute, which is the mist that the Japanese fleet has just passed through.

In fact, the reason why these Japanese players feel that they have a good line of sight is not really because there is no fog here, but because the fog fleet is now in a port state, so the surrounding fog has been adjusted to converge Status. If it is a combat status, the Fog Fleet will adjust the fog to a fully covered status. When the time comes, ships that enter this range will lose sight of both the enemy and themselves.

Many people will ask, since everyone is out of sight, what is the advantage?

Yes, everyone is indeed invisible, but this is still an advantage, because the ships of the mist fleet can have a higher vision than the enemy in the mist, that is, the enemy is completely invisible, and The Mist Fleet just looks into the distance. Of course, this kind of vision cannot be shared, so except for those sailing ships of the Fog Fleet, other friendly battleships are still invisible.

However, the battleships of the Mist Fleet are all sailing battleships, and the cannons used by the battleships of this era are all front-mounted cannons, so the range is not far, and the cannon can only be fired if it is close to the enemy. Because of this attribute, the fog is only good for the fog fleet, after all, the enemy's naval guns originally had a huge range advantage, but now they have to play close combat with them. Once the Fog Fleet and the enemy's battleship are pasted together, it is equivalent to finding the enemy's accurate position. Although our battleship can no longer see the enemy at this time, since the Fog Fleet can see the enemy's position data The report comes, so our battleship can use tactics similar to the pilot ship guided artillery attack. And because the two sides are very close at this time, the hit rate in this state is actually amazing. After all, our guild’s battleship has been used to looking at the data instead of watching the enemy firing, relying on accuracy when the distance is so close. Parameter bombardment is not easy to miss.

Some people may wonder here, that is, although the Fog Fleet can get close and fire, the problem is that the armor of the enemy’s battleship is penetrated by the large artillery?

The answer is simple, that is-yes.

The front-mounted cannons used in the battleship of the Mist Fleet have a great feature, that is, when they fire at the enemy, they can ignore the opponent’s armor material and convert it into a wooden board of the same thickness. Defensive power, that is to say, except that the opponent's battleship Fog Fleet may not be able to penetrate, most battleships can easily make holes in it. Moreover, although the Mist Fleet’s naval guns are front-mounted guns, they actually fired bombs. Although the formidable power is really small, it feels like an extra-large gun battle, but it is a bomb after all, so the lethality is reasonable.

As for the Fog Fleet’s own safety in the shelling, this is also guaranteed.

Although the battleship of the Mist Fleet has a visual range advantage, the enemy can fire first, but once one fires, the opponent can confirm their position through the muzzle flame, so they can counterattack. According to normal circumstances, once the cannons of modern battleship hit these wooden sail battleships, they must be scummed with just one shot. However, don't forget that the ships of the Mist Fleet are not real ships, they are ghost ships.

These battleships are actually not complete entities. Their wear will flash randomly between the entity and the intangible, which is not very stable. Therefore, if it is hit by a cannonball when it is in the incorporeal state, then the result will be-through. Yes, just go through. Just as the ghost doesn't care about being stabbed, the ghost ship is not afraid of shells when in ghost mode. However, this mode is uncontrollable, which means that the Fog Fleet will jump between the ghost ship and the physical ship from time to time, and the jump time is completely random, fundamentally unstable, and the time between the two states is roughly equal. of. This determines that the Fog Fleet will sometimes be hit.

However, even if it is hit, it’s okay, because the Mist Fleet’s battleship also has a special attribute, that is, no matter what shells the enemy attacks, they will become solid iron eggs when they hit them. , In other words, the enemy can at most open one by one holes in it, and it takes at least a few hundred shells to sink it. Of course, this must be when they are in physical mode. If it is in ghost mode, I'm sorry, even if you run out of ammunition against them, it will be useless.

Because the Mist Fleet has such unreasonable attributes, their reputation makes Japanese players quite scared, and more importantly, these ships are almost not afraid of getting on board. Although they never took the initiative to take the ship, the people who jumped on the ship so far died, and every time the players who died back said that they saw slices of skeletons and zombies on these ships, and they were The never-ending kind, any expert will eventually be drowned in the Skeleton Sea anyway. And as more and more players said that, no one would be stupid and rushed up to engage in a battle. In fact, what they didn't know was that the Mist Fleet was actually afraid of the battle, but it was not afraid of the warriors, but the mages. Those skeleton soldiers are all illusions. In fact, as long as the player jumps into the battleship of the mist fleet, they will be affected by the illusion, and then they will continue to drop blood, but nothing will really attack you, so in theory, the player The time to survive on the battleship of the mist fleet depends entirely on the strength of his spirit strength, because the higher the spirit strength, the better the ability to resist hallucinations. In other words, the wizard is actually the most suitable person to fight the Mist Fleet. It is a pity that since normal naval battles have never heard of wizards jumping to help fights, no one thought of this. As for those warriors who jumped up. We... Considering their poor mental protection, it is normal to be played to death. Of course, we won't tell others about this secret. Japanese players misunderstood it.

The Japanese players were led to the floating dock in awe, and they were surprised to find that their fleet was parked on the opposite side of the Fog Fleet, but they were surprised more than that, because he So for the first time you saw the crew on the Fog Fleet.

In fact, the Mist Fleet has a crew, but there are not many people. These crew members are all undead, and their own battle strength is very weird, basically the same as the ships of the Mist Fleet, the combat capability of these crew members is probably slightly higher than the strength of the enemy they are fighting, that is, if the ship is Level 20 newcomers, the battle strength of these ghost crew members is probably Level 22, and if those who board the ship are two thousand expert, then these crew members are two thousand and zero level 2. Anyway, it is a little higher than the enemy.

These crew members generally do not appear on the deck of the Mist Fleet battleship. They will only be encountered when the enemy enters the cabin, but it is a pity that all the people who have played the battle with the Mist Fleet so far have died. On the deck, so far they have not seen where the hatch of the misty fleet battleship is.

The sudden appearance of these ghost crew members made the Japanese players curious. They ran to the bow of the ship and watched them. However, if they watched too much, there is not much surprise, because these people look It's like a rotten and incomplete skeleton, with piercings in some parts of the body, but even the skin is still there in some parts. It looks disgusting anyway. However, there are more disgusting things in the game, and the Japanese are very receptive, but there is not much reaction.

These ghosts are moving boxes of supplies to the ship at this time. Normally, the ships of the Mist Fleet do not need to be supplied, because their shells are unlimited ammunition, and gunpowder is the same, they can't be used up at all. The only condition that limits the speed of their guns is the cumbersome loading process, so even if the ammunition is unlimited, these battleships actually don't have many shells fired in each battle.

This cannon does not consume ammunition, so naturally it does not need to be supplied. Sailing battleship does not consume fuel. The crew on the ship are all fucking dead. There is no need to eat, drink, shit and piss at all. So, these The battleship doesn’t need to be supplied at all. What they are now supplementing are actually two very special materials.

The first is the black liquid crystal. For all the undead, this thing belongs to a type of Shiquandabuwan. Just a little bit can instantly become excited, and the battle strength will burst in a short time. There are a lot of ships of the US-Russian combined fleet that need to be dealt with this time, and the Fog Fleet’s battleship will only pierce a hole after being hit by the enemy, but it will consume the health bar, and once the battleship is hit enough times, it will completely disintegrate. . However, the ghost ship has an advantage, that is, it is very much like a living lifeform, which can return blood while losing blood. Of course, it cannot actively restore blood. To restore the blood bar of the ghost ship, it needs to be supplemented with dark energy. The black liquid crystal is a super battery rich in dark magic energy. As long as there are enough black liquid crystals on the ship, unless you have the ability to calculate The time was to use more than a hundred cannonballs to light up the blood bar of this ghost ship at once, otherwise it would be invincible.

In addition to the black liquid crystal, the other thing these ghost crews are transporting is a special shell. This shell can be fired directly with the Fog Fleet’s own cannon, because it is actually a semi-energy body. This thing does not have any formidable power, its only function is to continuously send out position signals, and all communicators in our guild can receive this signal to locate its position. To put it bluntly, this thing is equivalent to a location tracker, and as long as this thing hits the enemy’s battleship, this thing can be attached to it and continue to work for about half an hour, during which time the opponent will be like in the dark. The lighthouse generally attracts our attention. Of course, it is not a good thing to be watched by us during naval battles.

With this thing, our mist fleet can provide us with guidance, so as long as the mist fleet’s battleship finds the enemy ship and attaches it to the opponent for a round of shooting, we can find the enemy’s position Then set the fire to kill the ship. As for the enemy...I don't know what else they can do besides hitting them blindly. Anyway, at least I can be sure that the secret weapon of the Holy Lance League is basically abolished. That thing relies too much on vision, you can't aim at all if you can't see the target directly.

The players on the Japanese fleet have just sighed for a while for the strange shape of the ghost crew of the mist fleet, and suddenly they found a big shadow at the border of the mist, and then followed their sight Focusing on the past, a king-size battleship suddenly emerged from the mist. However, what really surprised the players of the Japanese fleet was not the size of the ship, but the fact that it was suspended.

Our main force returns, and of course the flying fleet is the first to arrive. The speed of these flying battleships was nearly ten times faster than that of surface ships. Even if they didn't use full speed, they would surely arrive here before the surface formation.

The Eternal, the first to arrive in Hong Kong, just took off, and the Frost Rose just a step away followed. Many Japanese players have seen these two ships, but they did not see them directly, but on the video. Because the Frost Rose and the Eternity have attacked the stronghold of the Yaqi Orochi before, they I have seen the formidable power of these two super aerial battleships.

As the flagships of the two aerial battleships arrived at the port, the aerial battleships from behind also moved in. Compared with the Eternity and Frost Rose, which entered at low altitude, many aerial battleships were already sliding against the sea when they entered the mist circle, but most battleships still did not touch the sea. Watching this large and small aerial battleship enter the port, Japanese players are a little confused. As for what they are thinking, only they know.

"Why did you guys get there?" Masaka Matsumoto asked, standing on the pontoon, looking at me who had just got off the boat.

"We didn’t run in advance, we waited for the surface fleet to arrive, so we arrived a bit late. Have you been here for a long time?"

"That’s not true, we too I just arrived in Hong Kong."

"Oh, then you will arrange the supplies first, and you will come to the Frost Rose for a meeting later. I will tell you about the tactical arrangements."

"Okay, I'll notify others." Masaka Matsumoto spoke to me about the scene and then turned and left. Now we are not too familiar with all of us.

After seeing Masaka Matsumoto and the others left, I turned to the Misty Fleet on the other side, and then asked: "Where is the ghost commander of the Misty Fleet?"

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