"Who can tell me what to do now?" The Gunmaster asked the think tanks around him, looking at the battleship that was on fire not far away.

A think tank opened his mouth directly not even think: "These should be mines dropped by the fleet of the Frost Rose League during its movement. The purpose is probably to hinder our travel speed, so I think All you need to do is to fight mines."

"Fart." A think tank next to him yelled at the think tank who had spoken before: "Do you have problems with your eyes and your brain? These are simply not Frost Roses. The mines dropped by the alliance’s fleet. The position of the first ship that just touched the mine is in the forward position of the fleet. It can be said that the mine just passed through the gap of the forward fleet and was hit by the battle cruiser, but the ones behind The concentrated mines of the ships indicate that the area is obviously a minefield, but it is such a dense minefield, and the battleship in front is okay, but the fleet in the middle is shot. In such an obvious situation, you can still open your eyes and talk nonsense. What is the floating mine thrown by the battleship of the Frost Rose League. Can your floating mine automatically choose the target?"

"Then what's the matter?" The accused guy fly into a rage out of Humiliation's sophistry: "If it weren't for floating mines, where did you say those mines came from?"

"Idiot." The think tank behind first scolded in contempt, then turned to the gun god and said: "Yes. Long, these mines were not immediately triggered by our fleet, indicating that they were simply not at the depth that can be triggered at the time. Therefore, I think these mines were released by submarines from below our fleet. The other party aimed at our position and calculated it. The mines were launched during the time of floating, so the explosion points are basically concentrated in the center of the fleet, because this is the densest place of ships, it is not easy to make mistakes. And only in this way can explain why the battleship in front is okay, but the battleship in the back is okay. Something went wrong."

The gun god lowered his head to think about this probability, and found that it was indeed very possible. Our Frost Rose League has a Sea Clan coalition army. This is no longer a secret, because there is a special passage in the Twin Cities of Isengard that leads to an underwater altar outside the Twin Cities. However, it is an altar, in fact, there is a large living area around, and in these areas are the authentic Sea Clan-mermaid.

Because the mermaid is a relatively famous species among fantasy creatures, there are many tourists-type players in this underwater area. After all, this is the easiest to see in the world. Go to the place of the mermaid. In addition, a huge Sea God Temple has recently been established in the underwater part of this area. Not only has it begun accepting job transfers from Sea Fighters, it will also issue missions.

Of course, the above is only information that an ordinary person can access. The gun gods actually know one more important piece of information, that is, the underwater altar a little further into the deep sea is a large secret submarine base, and those submarines that are all operated by the Sea Clan warrior have a very powerful combat capability.

According to the fact that we will have a large number of submarines, it would be abnormal if we said that we did not bring submarines in this battle. Therefore, the submarine of our guild must have come out, and must cruise in the vicinity, looking for fighters. So, based on this inference, if these submarines release mines to attack underwater, it is really normal.

"What you said is very reasonable, the submarine of the Frost Rose League must be in the vicinity, and it is not impossible for them to release the mines." The gun god thought for a long time and still felt that the think tank said later More reliable.

What they don’t know is that half of what they said is true. The mines that just attacked these battleships were not entirely laid out in one way, but half of them were dropped by submarines, and the other half were floating mines.

The two guys are half right. It is indeed difficult for ordinary flotation mines to get past the battleship in the front and attack the battleship behind, but the flotation mine we use is equipped with a timed floating device. After this kind of mine is dropped, it will be set at a depth of 150 meters underwater, and then according to the setting of the internal timer, the high-pressure gas tank will be triggered after the timer countdown is completed, and then part of the seawater in the mine body will be discharged. To make the mine float up and enter the triggerable depth.

The manufacturing process of this kind of mine is not complicated at all, but the accuracy is often not easy to master. After all, the enemy may not arrive at the designated location according to the time you designed. Usually this kind of mines are prepared for submarines. When the submarine is engaged in the blockade of the Sea Territory mission, if the mines are discovered too early, the safety of the submarine itself will be threatened, so the best way is to release this kind of timed floating mines. , As long as the working hours of the submarine are calculated, and then the mines are timed. In this way, all mines will float up at the same time after the deployment of the mines is completed. In this way, it is unlikely that the submarine will be in danger due to the early detection of mines.

The American fleet and the Russian fleet have been moving towards Isengard. Not only the speed is fixed, but the direction is locked, so we can accurately calculate them. After a certain area of ​​time, it is much easier to set up a timed floating mine.

Apart from these mines thrown directly by our battleship, our submarine forces are not idle either. The underwater combat units produced by Atlantis move faster than American surface ships, and the underwater concealment capabilities of these Atlantis submarine forces are absolutely beyond imagination. They didn't even know that they were attacked before the mine was triggered. These submarines use steel cables with movable buckles to drag the mines from below the battleship group to the vicinity of the opponent, and then look for suitable targets to release the insurance. Those large mines will start to float under the action of buoyancy, and then hit accurately. The battleship passing overhead.

Although other ships did not intend to slow down after the battleship on the Holy Lance League’s side was attacked, there were still a lot of people and materials on the bombed ships, so some ships were still needed. The remaining battleship needs to bypass this area. On the one hand, it is to avoid the survivors and scattered materials in the water, and on the other hand, it is also to avoid the remaining mines that may exist in this area.

In this detour, the speed will naturally drop, so the Russian fleet found that the speed of the fleet on the Holy Gun League has slowed down significantly.

Frozen Banshee turned his head to look at the US fleet side with some doubts, and then asked your first officer next to him. "What's going on in the Holy Lance League? Why has the speed slowed down?"

"Just now, a few ships in their fleet hit mines, and they seem to have sunk."



"I am not very clear about the specific situation. I knew that it was a mine, and the formidable power was very large. Several ships were sunk. Including a battlecruiser."

"The American ship is not resistant to manipulation." After the ice-bound Banshee finished speaking, he suddenly said to the chief mate: "Order our ships to put down the lightning nets, I I don’t want to be laughed at."

The so-called lightning protection net is actually a modified fishing net. When the lightning protection net is put down, an interception net can be formed on the outside of the hull one meter away from the hull. When a mine or torpedo approaches the ship, it will be entangled by this net, so that the torpedo or mine will be triggered. The port does not touch the battleship shell and cannot detonate. Moreover, even if it is triggered by a fishing net, a torpedo or mine that explodes across a meter away is far less powerful than the formidable power that explodes directly on the outer wall.

It can be said that Banshee’s orders from Frozen Banshee are super accurate, because the order from her side has just been communicated, and the quick-response battleship has just put down the lightning protection net, and just suddenly discovered I found something online, and then I heard two explosions coming from two directions at the same time.

The Russian fleet was obviously also attacked by mines, except that the ice-bound Banshee was different from the Holy Lance League. Because the Holy Lance League’s warnings were made in advance, the result was at the crucial At the moment, most of the mines were intercepted. Only two battleships with slow response time touched the mines, and one of them was a super-heavy battleship. Although it struck a mine, it caused only minor damage, while the other fast cruiser was a bit miserable. , Basically lost the ability to move. However, because only this ship was damaged, it could be towed away by other battleships, basically without much impact.

Seeing the large mines entangled by the lightning nets, the Russians feel quite fortunate. If they are three or five minutes late, they will not only be recruited by two ships now. . It is conservatively estimated that at least a dozen ships will hit mines, and less than half of them will survive.

Although both the American fleet and the Russian fleet have suffered losses this time, the losses are actually not too large. Compared with the number of ships in the fleet, this loss is really negligible. . What really saddened the Gun God and Frozen Banshee was not the loss, but the morale of the guild insiders.

Since the double-teaming tactics were discovered, the American fleet and the Russian fleet have been under continuous harassment from our side, first shelling, then mines, and then I don’t know what will happen. In the whole process, the American fleet and the Russian fleet lost less than a hundred battleships. It can be said that the loss was very small, but the feeling of being passively beaten was uncomfortable. Originally, the American fleet and the Russian fleet were already a joint fleet composed of enemies, and the interior was quite unstable. In this case, if they continue to be under external pressure, the leaders of both sides are worried about whether internal personnel will choose to vent their anger with the other party's people because they cannot resist this pressure.

Although our fleet has not dared to confront their joint fleet head-on so far, it is because they are a joint fleet. If we separate them and simply face any fleet of the United States and Russia, we They are absolutely not afraid of them. Therefore, whether it is the gun god or the ice-bound Banshee, it is clear that the combined fleet of the two sides cannot be separated, otherwise the American fleet and the Russian fleet will not be the opponent of our Frost Rose fleet regardless of who takes it out separately.

Because of the fear of this happening, both sides are trying their best to suppress the occurrence of unpleasant events, and they dare not even merge into a fleet. But even so, the pressure on both sides is very high, and now we are constantly increasing this pressure, which is a headache for both Banshee and Gun God.

Just when Frozen Banshee and Gun God were worried that they could not hold on, bad news followed.

"Not good, it's not good." A Russian player stumbled into the bridge, then pointed to the sky diagonally above and shouted: "A large number of Frost Rose League flying units were found ahead. "


"Up ahead, fifty kilometers away."

Following the member’s report, the ice-bound Banshee quickly rushed over. Outside the bridge, standing on the terrace outside the bridge holding a telescope to observe the sky ahead. In almost a few seconds, she found the aircraft reported by her crew, because there were too many of them, and a large swath of in the sky in the distance looked like locusts.

"What the hell is this? Why are there so many?"

The small aircraft of our guild has just been developed not long ago. This is the first time to participate in the battle, so even Frozen Banshee didn't even recognize this thing. But although they don't know our aircraft, they at least know that what can fly must be difficult to deal with. Before, our guild was not without air units. On the contrary, we not only had air units, but also very many. However, most flying arms such as devil beasts have the shortcomings of high mobility and low attack power, and their endurance is not very good. In terms of man-made aircraft, the cost of large air combat units is too exaggerated. Even our guild is only a part of it, and there is no way to mass-produce it. As for small flying units, so far only the mobile angels of our guild can barely count as one. However, although the mobile angel is very difficult to deal with, the cost is equally high, and the production is very difficult, and it has never been scaled up. The black spots in front of covering the heavens, shielding the sun are at least tens of thousands, so the number of terrifying is either a new variety of aircraft, or our guild’s mobile angel production technology has achieved breakthrough progress. In either case, it is by no means a good thing for the American fleet and the Russian fleet.

"President, those things don't look like mobile angels!" A Banshee player put down the telescope and said.

Frozen Banshee nodded and said: “It’s really not. It looks like some kind of flying machine. It has no limbs and is not a human form.”

“There are so many, if we all carry bombs. Wouldn't it be all over?" A female Russian on the other side said for that family.

"It should not be." Banshee said: "The formidable power of artificial objects in the game is usually related to the cost, although there are also some things that can magnify the formidable power several times or tens of times. But it is not too exaggerated. The number of this thing of the Frost Rose League means that the cost is not high, so the formidable power is definitely not that big. After all, this thing is a new weapon of the Frost Rose League, so it still needs to be treated with caution."

"Thanks to our guild’s battleship that had done air defense reforms before, otherwise it would be miserable this time."

The conflict between the Russians and us is no longer a day or two. Therefore, because it is expected that there may be a battle with the air force of our guild, Banshee has made all the battleships of the Russian guild strengthened with air defense weapons in advance. After all, the air force of our guild is very good, and everyone knows this. If we don’t strengthen our air defense capabilities, we will all be targets when we encounter our air force.

However, even with the enhancement of air defense weapons, those players in the Russian fleet still have no idea whether they can stop these air units. There are many things in the game that are difficult to replicate as in reality, so impossible really replicates those anti-aircraft weapons in reality in the game. The most important thing is that anti-aircraft missiles cannot be made. Even our guild’s liquefied magic crystal steam missile does not have a real air-to-air model, because the steering ability of this missile is actually very weak, and the speed is not very fast. It is good to deal with slow-moving ground or water targets. The hit rate is really problematic. As for the other guilds, let alone, they even guide the arrow demon array will not engrave, and they can't make cheap missiles at all. Of course, it is possible to use Nether Soul as a pilot to make suicide missiles, but the cost and size of the thing are unacceptable. After being built, there is basically no practical significance except to show off their wealth.

Without missiles, there are actually two types of air defense weapons that can be used. One is various types of cannons, and the other is magic weapons.

Let’s talk about magic weapons first. This classification performance is actually quite good. Certain magic skills are actually very suitable for use as anti-air weapons, such as dissociation rays and hot rays. This kind of beam magic formidable power is moderate, the launch speed is fast, and the flight speed is faster, which is very suitable for use against the air. But, like all magic weapons, this thing basically burns money. Using a mage as a battery saves money, but unfortunately it consumes too much energy, and you have to replace it after a few hits. Magic crystal is a little bit more useful, but the price of the thing is...Anyway, this thing except for the local tyrants guilds like our Frost Rose League, general guilds dare not play casually, and they can't afford it.

Finally, the real thing is artillery. This thing actually has no performance advantage, the only advantage is that it is cheap and easy to produce. Compared with magic weapons that can only be produced jointly by professional magician, alchemist, magic array mapper and high level blacksmith, as long as the professional blacksmith opens the mold, the blacksmith apprentice can help the artillery production technology to complete the follow-up work. It's too cheap. Moreover, no matter how expensive shells are, it is much cheaper than magic crystal. These advantages determine that the seemingly weak artillery is much more reliable than tall magic weapons and fantasy-equipped missiles.

Russia’s transformation is to install more anti-aircraft artillery, but this type of anti-aircraft artillery is not the same thing as the multi-barreled machine gun in reality. Although this thing also works by rotating the gun barrel, it is essentially closer to the double-barreled anti-aircraft gun mounted on the battleship during World War II. This thing is launched manually. When firing, two people need to step on something like bicycle pedals under the seat to rotate the barrel. The 60mm barrel actually looks quite large and fires all shells. It is a kind of blooming bomb, which can increase the range of attack and increase the hit rate. Of course, the example is not very big, but it is enough for the general flying devil beast.

Compared with the slightly worried Russian fleet, the Americans are basically in panic, and the reason is that their battleship-there are too few anti-aircraft guns.

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