"Oh! Ooh! Oh!...what's going on?" Asura purple clothed standing in the bridge of the Frost Rose is looking at the large viewing lens on the synchronous display crystal. The picture was taken, but she suddenly found that the picture was actually turning. At first she thought it was the camera moving, but when she looked towards the porthole, she realized that it was not the camera moving, but the whole ship moving. What made her even more surprised was that not only was the Frost Rose moving, but the nearby flying battleships were all turning around, and those battleships were turning around, and the invisible effect formed by the mirage system on her body was gradually disappearing. It was directly exposed to the air, and all of them were turning collectively. "Damn it, what's the situation? Why is the battleship turning around?" Asura purple clothed looked towards the helmsman angrily and asked.

When the helmsman heard Asura purple clothed's question, he could only truthfully replied: "I don't know, it's the above order."

"The above order?" Asura purple clothed immediately Said: "Don't move, turn it back for me, and don't shut down the Mirage system, just restore it to me right away."

"Sorry, military divine ability knows, this is a direct order from the president." Said the captain of the ship. Although Asura purple clothed is currently commanding here, she is actually Chief-In-Charge of the Frost Rose League Americas, not a captain, so there is still a captain here. She only temporarily took over command.

After hearing the captain’s words, Asura purple clothed immediately yelled at the correspondent: "Take the Eternal now and contact Purple Moon."

The correspondent took a look at Asura purple clothed. He didn't even dare to hesitate with the cannibal expression, and directly connected the contact signal. "Eternal, Eternal, this is Frost Rose, we..."

The call in the Eternal bridge was suddenly interrupted after a few rings, and then the original male The voice of the correspondent became the voice of Asura purple clothed flustered and exasperated. "Hey, is Purple Moon here? What's your situation? Why is the fleet turning around and all the mirages have failed?"

"Can you calm down first?" I said.

"How can you calm me down?" Asura purple clothed's voice is obviously super excited. "A good ambush circle. It took us so long to adjust. As a result, the enemy was about to enter the encirclement circle. As a result, the fleet turned around for the unfathomable mystery. Now even the mirage system has failed. The holy spear at such a short distance. The league must have seen our battleship, how did you say this ambush? The plan that we arranged so easily was destroyed by you."

"It is not the plan that we arranged so hard, It's the plan that Banshee has finally laid out." To calmly say: "Tell the observer around you, turn the camera to the direction 160, go to see your surveillance screen and come back to talk to me."

< p>Although Asura purple clothed was quite angry because the plan was destroyed, I am the president after all. After hearing my words, she turned around and said to the observer: "Turn the sight to 160."

“The sighting lens turns to 160, the turning is completed, and the focus starts, and the picture is displayed on the main display.” The sighting hand tone barely fell, and the picture on the display suddenly changed to the distant sea, and then the ship The bridge became quiet in an instant.

The communicator on the eternal number soon rang again. "Purple Moon, what fleet is that?"

"Russian fleet. Can't you see the guild flag?"

"But why does the Russian fleet appear here? Huh?"

"This is because of..." King Chuang suddenly jumped up and explained to the intercom. Of course, what he explained was what I just told him, but this guy said it again in his own words.

After listening to King Chuang’s explanation, Asura purple clothed was surprised and said: "putting it that way we are tricked? Then we are not praying mantis?"

"No Wrong, the Russians just want to play the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind. It’s a pity that our praying mantis’s vision is very good. We discovered their oriole in advance, so now we can’t play this game. Now," I said.

Asura purple clothed thought for a while and said: "But if this is the case, our plan cannot be implemented. Once the ambush becomes a fleet battle, our losses will be great."


"I know this." King Chuang once again said everything I explained to him before.

"It seems that this can only be done." Asura purple clothed has to adapt to this kind of complicated international relations a little bit compared to King Chuang. After all, as a regional Chief-In-Charge, she also needs to be exposed to these. . Compared to King Chuang, he naturally adapts to more contacts.

"What we need to do now is to organize the formation as soon as possible. From this perspective, we will soon be trapped in the middle of the US-Russian fleet. When the time comes, it is not we ambush them but them Ambush us." I said: "So what we need now is to organize the formation as soon as possible, and then set up a confrontation position, and use our high range and high mobility advantages to play kite-flying tactics with them."

"Understood." Asura purple clothed understood the reason and stopped arguing with me. After all, my judgment is definitely correct.

Although the tactics used by the Russian fleet and the Holy Gun League fleet are quite good, and the angle of our double-teaming is also in place, it is a pity that the fleet speed gap is too obvious. The Russian fleet is okay. At least we can hang around us so that we won't be completely lost, but the ships of the Holy Lance League will not work. They knew that they were exposed after they discovered that we started to turn collectively, so the battleship of the Holy Lance League began to speed up, and no longer took the ZigZag route, all straight moved towards us and rushed over at full speed. But it’s a pity that their speed hasn’t been fully surging. Our fleet has completed the turn and started to surging at high speed. It soon drove the speed above their speed. The gang of Holy Lance League can only be behind. Watching us in a hurry.

"President, what should I do? The fleet of the Frost Rose League is getting farther and farther away!" A captain of the Holy Lance League asked, standing behind the Gun God.

At this time, the gun god is no longer as excited as when King Chuang drove the pilot ship to harass him. Now he feels as if the whole person is not energetic, and said weakly: "Also What can be done? Waiting for the Russians to join the fleet and find them for a decisive battle! The ships of the Frost Rose Alliance are not going to be a day or two. But what is the use of their ships? As long as their land can't escape. As long as we move straight towards China, they will come and intercept us sooner or later. When the time comes, they still have to fight us."

"That's what I said."

When the Holy Lance League has roughly determined the goal of advancement, Banshee Frozen has also roughly completed his own strategic adjustments. After the whole fleet has turned around, it will begin to merge with the fleet of the Holy Lance League moved towards the twin cities of Isengard. The direction drove over.

"It looks like they are really in a hurry!" Our guild's fleet got rid of the double-teaming of the two fleets by virtue of its superior speed and then moved to another direction. At this time, the mixed fleets on both sides simply did not come after us, but turned directly to our nest. But making this kind of decision is also as it should be by rights. I knew that I couldn’t catch up, and it’s meaningless to follow, isn’t it? So the two fleets turned to our nests as I originally thought. In this way, unless we don't plan to have domestic bases, we must come and intercept them.

Speaking of which Spear God and Frozen Banshee are not general, and the thinking of these two people is still very clear. After their fleets merged, they did not merge into one fleet, but maintained the mode of two sub-compartments sailing together. This strategy is obviously very wise. It’s not that the players of the US-Russian fleet have never had contact with each other, but the previous few contacts have been blasting each other, and now they are suddenly formed into a combined fleet, which is obviously impossible. More importantly, just a few days ago, American talents attacked the Russian research base. At this time, there was fire on both sides, and the military discipline was strict if they didn't fight directly. Although there are no eternal friends or eternal enemies between countries, people will hold grudges between people. So now that the fleets on both sides act together, it is to let the gasoline and the hot soldering iron act together, not only let them Push one piece harder, but also prevent the two sides from being bombed at all times.

Because of the disharmony in the atmosphere, the commanders on both sides wisely chose not to approach the two fleets. Everyone just moved forward together with a short distance, anyway when the time comes With a common enemy, there is no need to worry about internal problems.

Although Frozen Banshee and Gunslinger are both very good leaders, the disadvantages of the fleet cannot be made up by management alone. Besides, when it comes to commanding our guild, we have never lost anyone.

"Boss, do you start volleying operations now?" An hour later, our guild's fleet was finally completely separated from the double-teamed state. Now the three-party fleet has become a triangular structure. Our guild’s fleet is at the forefront, while the Russian fleet and the Holy Guns fleet are behind. Of the three fleets, the distance between the Russian fleet and the Holy Guns fleet is relatively close, but our guild fleet But it always stayed out of the range of both sides and didn't give them any chance at all.

In fact, if the speed of one's battleship is not slower than that of the opponent in a naval battle, it will be slightly cheaper to run in front. Many people may think that the battleship’s naval guns are mainly concentrated in the front, so the frontal firepower is higher than the rear firepower. Therefore, the party running in front is always facing the enemy battleship from the stern, so it is unable to exert the maximum firepower advantage and should be at a disadvantage.

Yes, in terms of firepower, if you can’t use the sideboard to face the enemy, then the bow is the best, because the bow is not only more firepower, but also because of structural problems, the bow is often More important than the stern beating resistance, the sharp shape of the bow is very small, and the round buttocks are more targeted. However, the above situation is based on the fact that the naval guns of the two sides can be used to fight against each other. In fact, this condition is often unlikely to happen when the caliber is equal.

Running in the front direction and firing the gun, the opponent’s battleship is also running forward while the shells are flying backwards. This means that if the advance is calculated, it is actually equivalent to adding the cannon. Range. After the shells chasing one side fly out, because the opponent’s battleship and the flying direction of the shells are the same, the projectiles must be aimed at the opponent’s current position and fired before they can hope to hit the target, that is, the actual range of the cannon is shortened. NS.

In this trade, there will be a range difference, which will occupy the range advantage when the basic range of the main gun is equal. Kite tactics is to make good use of this difference in range. Of course, if your cannon is inherently much longer than a human cannon, then nothing needs to be said, just lay it horizontally and confront the opponent. Anyway, their range is not as good as yours. Before entering the enemy's range, you just turn around and run, wait for the distance to turn around and continue to fight.

Our battleship of the Frost Rose League was like this when it was fighting against Russia and the fleets of the Holy Gun League.

The battleship of the Russians has higher speed, stronger defense, and exaggerated firepower. The battleship of the Holy Gun League has almost no performance advantage except the range and accuracy of the artillery. However, even the Russian battleship, which has the higher ability among the two sides, has a huge gap with our battleship in all aspects.

In terms of speed, the slowest battleship in the Russian fleet is only 35 knots, while the slowest battleship of the Americans is 33 knots. The slowest speed of the battleship of our guild is forty knots. This speed difference determines that our guild’s battleship can easily get rid of the pursuers behind it. Of course, both Americans and Russians have many fast battleships. These ships can easily run to speeds of more than 40 knots, and some of them can even reach ultra-high speeds of forty-five knots. But does this make any sense?

The fast ones are all small boats, and the slowest ones are often the largest ships in the fleet. If the small boats leave the formation and rush up, they won’t be called by our capital ships in turn. There are other probability. These boats simply can't hold up the rounds of shelling from the battleship on our side. Even if it leaves the formation and rushes up, it is a waste of work.

The speed is not comparable, let alone the range. The shortest range of the three-party fleet is the Russian battleship. Their maximum range of battleship is generally 50 to 55 kilometers, but this distance is the maximum range. In fact, it is difficult to talk about the hit rate if it exceeds 30 kilometers. Basically, it's just fighting. The American naval guns are actually not outstanding, but because the gunners of the Holy Gun League can be advanced to become artillery, they have skilled artillery personnel. As a result, the guns of the Holy Gun League generally have a range of 60 kilometers. The above, and accurate aiming can be carried out within 40 kilometers, which is more than the Russians.

However, even the American naval guns are still incomparable to us. Basically, the range of the naval guns of this guild can reach more than 100 kilometers, and when using magic extended-range projectiles, it can directly hit two hundred kilometers away. In addition, the guild’s naval guns can accurately strike any target within range when there is a pilot ship. In other words, if we use all the magic extended-range projectiles in combination with the pilot ship, we can completely attack the US and Russian fleets two hundred kilometers away. Of course, this so-called precision strike refers to normal shelling, not one shot at a time. In fact, as long as the hit rate can reach one-fifth in naval battles, it is considered a precision strike. After all, naval battles are different from land battles. Compared with a stable ground, the ups and downs of the sea have a great impact on accuracy, so being able to achieve five shots and one hit is actually a good performance. As long as our guild’s battleship is commanded by a pilot ship, it can hit a hit rate of over 18% even if it is two hundred kilometers away. If you don’t use magic extended-range bombs and cooperate with the pilot ship, it’s from 100 kilometers to 120 kilometers. The hit rate in the range will be as high as 30%. If the distance is shortened to less than 80 kilometers, the hit rate can be increased by 55%, and the hit rate within 60 kilometers is 85%. Within 50 kilometers, basically all hits and missed shots can be guaranteed. The probability does not exceed 5%.

Such terrifying range advantage is the reason why we are not afraid of Russia and the Americans uniting. Although the naval guns that can reach a range of 200 kilometers are only the main guns of each ship, we don't have to hit that far. American naval guns generally have a range of more than 60 kilometers, while the limit range of the former main gun is about 70 kilometers, so we plan to shell them at a distance of 60 to 80 kilometers from the Americans. Although this distance is actually within the coverage of American naval guns, because there is no pilot ship and there is no running radar in the game, their battleship is basically blind at this distance. Use the limit range of naval guns on the undulating sea to conceptually shoot in a certain direction. If they can have a 1% hit rate, even if their character is strong, we don’t care at all about following them at this range. Yes, anyway, our battleship is not paper-cut, we really have to work hard, our Frost Rose League’s battleship is actually much more protective than them.

The last important parameter of battleship is firepower. This is mainly the strength of the main gun, because the secondary guns are all self-defense firepower, this kind of long-range artillery battle basically has no chance to use, so the main gun can be used.

The main guns used by Russia are all reinforced large-caliber semi-magic guns, that is, the projectiles of this cannon are not completely boosted by gunpowder. They will add a magic array to the barrel. So as to enhance the formidable power and range of the shells. Of course, because this kind of cannon is more troublesome to manufacture, in addition to the main gun, the Russians will not inflate his secondary guns and equip them with semi-magical guns.

Because the magic array is used to enchant the fired shells in the barrel, the Russian shells generally have double damage, that is, in addition to the physical direction of the explosion, there is an energy attribute. This kind of energy attribute is usually based on simple destruction, but it does not rule out that there will be special ammunition with curse effects such as slowing down.

Compared with the formidable power of the Russian cannons, the conventional ammunition used by the guns of the Holy Lance League is much worse in formidable power, but the Americans are different from the Russians. Their gunners are equipped with Because of the skill, the American shells formidable power is actually not much smaller than the Russian shells formidable power. The difference is that the Russian shells are more complicated and costly to produce, while the American shells consume the mana value of the gunner. , Once the gunner’s magic power is exhausted, the shell will become a normal formidable power state.

The thinking of our guild is similar to that of Russia, because we don’t have so many professional gunners who have changed jobs from musketeers, so we can only make a fuss about artillery and ammunition. The battleships of our guilds used battleship guns with extremely large calibers, generally reaching more than 400 mm, with the largest ones exceeding 600 mm. The large-caliber main gun means that the projectiles are very large, and the charge of large projectiles can naturally be greatly increased. Therefore, our guild has designed three main types of ammunition with more than N models.

The first category is shotguns used for ultra-long-range strikes. This type of shell is similar to a cluster bomb. It is filled with about three hundred sub-munitions in a mother ammunition, and then detonated in the air to form a dispersion area, so that the hit probability of the shell will be greatly improved. Of course, the shortcomings are obvious. The small ammunition formidable power is too small to do anything against some rough and thick battleships. A similar incident occurred in a small-scale friction before. At that time, a British battleship was hit by a seventeen-shot round, and the hull was shot more than 3,000 times. The entire battleship could hardly be found from beginning to end. In places, all the places that can be seen are large and small pits and blackened traces, but in fact, the sailing and combat capability of this ship have not been affected at all. It feels like the battleship is like a beach after being hit by a heavy rain. , The above are all pits, but there is basically nothing wrong with it. This shows that shotguns are basically useless against large targets.

The second category of ammunition is conventional ammunition. This kind of ammunition contains explosives, but in fact it is divided into many types, generally chemical products, moderate formidable power, it is the most important combat ammunition.

The third category of ammunition is called decisive ammunition. This ammunition is a little longer than ordinary artillery shells. The warhead part is equipped with an evil spirit, which is connected to the tail section of the ammunition through a special magic array. Several special magic arrays. This structure allows the ghost to maneuver the artillery shells like a pilot to maneuver in the air, and finally hit the target accurately. The hit rate of this type of shell is generally 100% within the range. Unless it is accidentally intercepted, it will hardly miss the target. After all, this thing is equivalent to being driven by a man. Of course, because the ammunition itself still relies on inertia for unpowered flight, although it can turn, the actual deflection angle will not be too large. However, when we fired the cannon, of course it would only be launched after aiming, so what the evil spirit had to do was to correct the deviation caused by the opponent's movement and the wind resistance and our aiming error.

The evil spirits in this kind of shells are specially trained. They don't usually enter the shells. They will be allowed in before the shells are fired. After the shells explode, they can run back by themselves. Of course, they can survive the explosion not because they are dead souls and are not afraid of physical attacks, but because the magic array they use to manipulate the shells actually has a short-distance teleportation ability that can send them back to the ship before the final impact.

Because this type of shell is expensive and its hit accuracy is almost equal to 100%, this type of shell is generally filled with liquefied magic crystal steam as an explosive, and some models may even add a red patterned magic crystal. The red liquefied magic crystal steam. The explosive power of this red liquefied magic crystal steam is more than eight times that of the ordinary version. One round of this type of 500mm caliber can be loaded with 30kg red liquefied magic crystal steam. Its formidable power is enough to turn a small The town raze to the ground, of course, it can also restore any battleship under 200,000 tons to the state of parts. Formidable power is absolutely frantic, and the cost is even more scary. The cost of a 10,000-ton battleship on top of a cannonball. However, considering the formidable power of this thing, it is sometimes necessary to prepare a few shots.

Whether it is speed, range or formidable power, the US and Russian fleets are not our opponents. Their advantage lies in their large numbers. Because the technology of the Holy Lance League and Russia is not very bad, so although their battleship is not as good as ours in various performances, except for the obvious range difference, the gap between him is not too obvious, so it is really necessary to engage in contact warfare. If we do, we can at most be able to exchange one ship for five of them. Of course, if it was a normal fight, we would never come into contact with them at all. Taking advantage of speed and range to fly a kite would be enough to kill them. However, now it is a large-scale decisive battle. The goal of the Holy Lance League is to land on the coast of our country, so we can't run. Once they are close to the coast, unless we really intend to fight them on land, we can only let the fleet fight.

Combining the above situation, what we have to do is to weaken the strength of the Holy Gun League and the Russian fleet before they approach our coastline and ensure that they do not pose a threat. The hope of victory for the Holy Lance League and the Russian fleet is to approach the coast of our country before the strength of our fleet is lower than ours, because we will be forced to fight with them when the time comes, and when the time comes is absolute strength.

After the triangular formation of the tripartite fleet is completed, the fleet of our guild finally begins to change. The first thing to move is not the fast battleship, but the mainstays of the fleet, the large battleships.

These battleships began to actively reduce their speed and lined up in a column. After that, the fleet began to serpentine, turning the entire fleet's course into a zigzag course. The purpose of this is not to avoid the submarine, but to prepare for artillery battle.

The fleet of Americans and Russians is behind us, so when our fleet starts to sail in a zigzag pattern, we can always make the side of the battleship point diagonally towards the Americans and Russians behind. Fleet, and as long as the ship's hull and the opponent's course can be at a forty-five degree angle, all the sideboard firepower of our battleship can be fully utilized.

Because the distance is not too far, and the American and Russian fleets also have their own means of detection, so they can also see our formation.

As soon as the gun god got this information, he immediately began to order. "Send a signal to disperse the fleet and try not to get too close. The Chinese are about to start shelling."

"President, we can't fight back at this distance!" Said.

The gun god nodded said: "Why don't I know? But in order to force the Frost Rose League to fight us decisively, we can't retreat. Order the fleet, keep the speed, and the battleship injured by the shot can slow down in the rear. Gather together again to form the second echelon, but as long as there is no problem with the navigation organization, slowing is not allowed. We must rush to the coast of China, otherwise there will only be one result, and that is complete."

"Yes. , I see."

At the same time that the gun god’s order was issued, Banshee also received information from the ice-bound side. When she sent her own battleship to disperse, she found that the American fleet had already Disperse in progress. She picked up the corner of her mouth slightly and said, "The bastards of the Holy Lance League reacted very quickly."

"If it weren't for the future battles, I would rely on them. I really want to bomb them now." Said a Russian player beside Banshee Frozen. He is the captain of this battleship, and the ice-bound Banshee is the commander of the fleet.

"I also know that everyone is angry with them, but at least now our goals are the same. For our land, let’s bear it!"

When the Russian fleet changed its formation here, the formation of our fleet quickly changed completely. The high-speed light battleship has all moved to the sides of the American and Russian fleets in order to make room for the large-scale battleship to move around. The advantage of this is that you can monitor the position of the American and Russian fleets from different directions, and at the same time, you can jump on them at any time when necessary.

"Report, fleet conversion is complete." Soon I got the report from the bridge of the Eternal Bridge where King Chuang and I were located.

I nodded and said: "Military God, it's up to you now."


Just after the military God answered complied, Inside the bridges of the battleships below, the correspondents called out almost at the same time. "Command information is here."

"Read the coordinates, load armor piercing bullets in all positions, and prepare for battle."

With the busy period, all the main guns on the battleship are Started to turn, and then aimed at the coordinate position obtained by each. In fact, this position is the data obtained by the three-dimensional calculation of the information sent by the army's divine ability through dozens of pilot ships in the front. Now these data are directly transmitted to the bridges of each battleship, and even their own course coordinates and relative positions are calculated, so you only need to follow the instructions moved towards and set the direction to fire the gun. There is no need to do anything. Calculation.

After all battleships are adjusted according to the data, they will fire uniformly according to the countdown of the military god. This design parameter also has a time coordinate, and the data is only accurate when it reaches a certain point in time, so this attack command can only be issued by the military god. Fortunately, there is a crystal communicator on our side that can transmit information in real time. Otherwise, even a command system like a military god would be useless.

As soon as the cannons on our side sounded, the American and Russian fleets knew it. Of course they didn't hear the sound, but the investigating unit saw the flames on the opposite side.

"The opponent fired a cannon."

Banshee and Gun God almost heard the report at the same time.

"Evasion of the ships."

With the words of the two leaders, the American and Russian fleets began to twist on their own routes, doing so The effect is similar to irregular line changes, which is beneficial to increase the avoidance probability.

As soon as the fleet of almost Americans and Russians began to snake and maneuver, the barrage on our side arrived. At this time, the distance between the two sides is about one hundred kilometers, which is one hundred thousand meters. It takes almost two minutes for a shell to cross this distance, and during this period the American and Russian fleets have just completed the transmission of orders.

Because the speed of the shells in the last distance is already very slow, you can hear the howling of the shells first, and then you can see the shells raining down.

Boom... boom boom boom boom... The explosion sounded instantly in the front section of the fleet. Although the serpentine maneuver was used, our guild used multiple battleships to cover one target. Shooting, so even maneuvering is useless, the barrage covers an area near the opponent's normal course, so as long as the opponent's performance does not change, no matter whether it is dodge or accelerate or decelerate, it will not exceed this range. Therefore, it is inevitable to be shot.

Looking at the water column rising around and the flames not far away, Banshee frowned frozen and said: "Let the following quickly count the losses."

At the same time, the gun god also did it. Similar instructions, and shortly after the two sides got the loss report, but before we had time to see this thing, our second round shelling came again.

Compared with the last time, the accuracy of this bombardment has been significantly improved. Although our fleet is driving at high speed in the ZigZag course, because it is taking the ZigZag course, even if the speed is higher, it is actually being approached by the opponent a little bit. Of course, this is deliberate, because the set strike distance is 60 to 80 kilometers, and the distance between the two sides is now 100 kilometers, so the zigzag course of our fleet is now particularly flat, and the speed of the fleet is also It's very slow, just to let the American and Russian fleets get closer.

Just after the first round bombardment, our pilot ship sent the shooting results back to the ships and the gods of war. Each battleship and the gods of war made some fine-tuning of the parameters, and because the distance was further shortened , The effect of interference factors such as sea breeze is also declining, so the effect of this second round shelling is obviously much better than the previous one.

"The interval between the two rounds of shelling is only 3 minutes. The battle strength of the Frost Rose Alliance is too strong, isn't it?" Someone around the gun god and the ice-bound Banshee said so.

In fact, the interval between 3 minutes one shot is very long, but the second round strike just now is not a simple continuous shot. In fact, most of the fleet's first round artillery sh

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