The conflict between Russia and us did not happen suddenly, and it was our country that Russia invaded first. Therefore, Russian players are prepared for the conflict with our Frost Rose League of. Since then, we have had many border confrontations with Russia, and both sides have an intuitive and accurate understanding of each other's battle method and approximate battle strength data. Therefore, the ice-bound Banshee has long known that our guild’s air force is not only many, but also very strong, so she will order in advance to study various air defense weapons, and directly strengthen all the battleships. This is all logical.

Compared to Russia, the situation in the Holy Gun League is much worse. They didn't intend to tear their faces with us from the very beginning, but recently the relationship between the two parties has taken a turn for the worse. First of all, in order to win the winning trump card in the domestic Battle of Supremacy, the Holy Gun League plans to raid the headquarters of Banshee House in Russia to steal technical data. We didn’t expect that our guild happened to be doing this at the same time. Made the same decision and acted together without mutual knowledge. Everyone knows the final result. We got the technology, and the Americans were busy working for nothing, and because of this, they also completely offended the Russian side.

Because this technical data theft operation failed, the Holy Gun League not only did not get the winning trump card, but also lost a big card in the hand. In this case, the gun god guy is a bit messy After getting a square inch, I took the team to join our Russian development plan, but the result was completely irrational. In the end, we were kicked out of the joint development plan because it was too ugly. Then there is the raid plan for the new continent research base. I have to say that the plan of the Holy Lance League is quite good. Before that, I hadn't even thought that anyone could hit the new continent research base, and the gun god guy took my face directly with action.

Of course, my face is not so easy to draw. After successfully entering the new continent research base, the invaders of the Holy Lance League were fiercely counterattacked by us. Not only did I get nothing, but I continued to lose it. A few big cards.

The current Holy Lance League is in such a state that it decided to stake all on one throw to launch an all-out war against our guild. Therefore, it can be said that the action of the Holy Lance League is to make things happen. The expulsion action is not a planned and prepared action at all. It is precisely because there is no plan and no preparation, so apart from the suddenness of the strategy, there is almost no advantage. Of course, they are also unprepared for the anti-aircraft guns.

The battleship of the Holy Lance League is relatively advanced in the world, but their air defense firepower is just the basic configuration, which can be said to be very weak. Although game players are all real people, they should know the importance of air defense, but the problem is that the air defense weapons in the game are too difficult to get, and the air units in the game are not as lethal as they are in reality. High demand for air defense. In the game, air units pose a greater threat to players, and destructive power to things like cities and battleships is minimal. It feels like an infantry with a light machine gun. Although it is a huge threat to other infantry, it has no destructive power to tanks and fortresses. threat.

Because of this situation, there are almost no anti-aircraft guns in the battleships of all countries in the game. Unless at first set our Frost Rose League as an imaginary enemy, it can be said that there is no need for anti-aircraft weapons at all. , Because everyone actually doesn't have a decent air force.

The Holy Lance League didn't regard us as a target before, so it didn't prepare anti-aircraft weapons. It was too late to prepare when it really started. Suddenly seeing our black air force, the gun god, like all the holy gun league players, instantly felt scalp numb and calf cramps.

"What can I do?" A player of the Holy Lance League saw the sky full of black spots approaching quickly, and he was already a little bit about to cry.

"Why?" The gun god pretends to be calm, but he is actually quite flustered in his heart, but he is the backbone of the Holy Gun League, so even if the pressure in his heart is high, he has to force everything. With the expression in his grasp, at least he can ensure that the members will not panic. "Order all air defense firepower in place, the fleet..."

The gun god originally wanted to say that the fleet should be concentrated, because this is the basic method of air defense operations. Numerous battleships close to each other and squeeze into a ball to take care of each other's head area, so that the formation of a cross barrage can better defend against the attack of air units. However, the gun god suddenly remembered that the current situation is not only with planes in the sky, but also with battleships at sea. Although they can’t see our battleship right now, the guide ships of our guild didn’t mean to leave at all. They still circled in the vicinity. As long as these guide ships are still there, it means that our guild’s shells are at any time. May fall.

The best way to deal with aircraft air strikes is to gather the fleet to defend itself, and in the face of ultra-long-range strikes from the enemy fleet, the best way is to spread out to avoid being covered by fire, and it can be a battleship. Make room for dodge. However, now the aircraft in the sky and the battleship on the sea appear at the same time. Is this scattered well? Should we gather together?

The Spear God who didn't know what to do was stuck there, and the subordinates next to him were still waiting for his order, but after waiting for a long time, they didn't wait until the next step.

"President? What are we going to do?"

"We...we..." Gun God suddenly said as if he had made some decision after we had been for a long time. : "We move closer to the Russian fleet and form a unified air defense front with them."

"Huh?" The players of the Holy Lance League around when they heard the order of the gun god all had their eyes widened, because They didn't expect that the gun god would actually make such a decision.

In fact, strictly speaking, when the fleet encounters an attack, the battleship with weaker air defense capability will move closer to the battleship with better air defense capability, relying on the opponent's air defense circle for auxiliary defense. This is the most correct method. However, this most correct solution is based on the premise that the two belong to the same fleet. In other words, to provide cover for one's own fleet is as it should be by rights. But the problem is that although the American player's fleet and the Russian player's fleet look like one fleet, they are not actually the same fleet. This is a joint fleet composed of both parties, but because of the previous problems, various conflicts between the personnel of the two sides have been caused. Therefore, the two sides say that it is a joint fleet, which is actually just two thieves who accidentally met at the owner's home. Out of a common interest relationship, the two were temporarily combined together and chose to act together. However, there have been some accidents now that the donor’s house has a vicious dog. At this time, a thief wants to hide behind another thief. Do you think the other thief will sacrifice himself to help this thief block the vicious dog? Obviously unlikely.

"President, the fleet of the Holy Lance League seems to be approaching us." A player from Banshee House put down the telescope and said to the frozen Banshee.

Frozen Banshee, whose attention had always been attracted by those flying vehicles in the sky, was stunned when he heard these words, and then turned the telescope to the Holy Lance Fleet on the side. The previous player reported that the fleet of the Holy Lance League had just started to turn, so it was not very clear, but when the ice-bound Banshee turned to look around, he found that the fleet of the Holy Lance League over there was already very obviously moving towards. The own fleet is approaching.

"Asshole, the gun god guy, this is going to let us stand in front as a shield!"

Although the fleet of American players and Russian players are not the same in defensive power Up and down, there is no big difference between sinking a Russian battleship or an American battleship. After all, if they gather together, no matter who they attack, they will receive the same counterattack. Therefore, once the American player's fleet and the Russian player's fleet merge, the cost of attacking any one of the targets is equal. So, in this case, of course we will choose to eliminate the important target first.

Russian battleships have strong anti-aircraft firepower, but Americans do not. So, it is also sinking a battleship. If it is a Russian battleship, we need to face it. The right air defense firepower will drop significantly. On the contrary, sinking an American battleship will basically not change the air defense firepower we are facing. With this prerequisite, anyone with a slightly normal head will definitely choose to consider sinking the Russian battleship, because sinking them can effectively reduce the number of air defense weapons we need to face. So, if the American player's fleet is mixed with the Russian player's fleet, then it is actually the Russians who are thundering for the Americans.

If it is really the kind of allies whose interests are deeply entangled, such as the situation like our Frost Rose League and the Iron Crusade, if this happens, the two sides will cover each other, and no one will account for the loss. However, the problem is that the American player’s fleet and the Russian player’s fleet are inherently contradictory. In this case, it is quite rare to be able to act together under fire, but the Americans actually want the Russian player’s fleet to help them thunder. , Isn't this nonsense? The Russians will help their enemies fight bombs only when the door is caught in their brains.

"The president, President Paplov and many other guild presidents are asking us how to respond to American actions." The correspondent said to the frozen Banshee.

Ice-bound Banshee thought for a while and said: "Order the fleet to turn to the azimuth 030, and the battleship on the left side of the fleet, which is close to the Holy Gun League fleet, quickly approached, sailing with minimal clearance to form a barrier. Don’t let the American battleship. Come in. Also, immediately send a contact signal to tell the Americans not to approach our fleet."

"What if they charge hard?"

"So why are you hesitating? Boom? Damn him!"

The Russian fleet quickly and efficiently executed the orders of the ice-bound Banshee, and the Holy Gun League was working hard to move closer to the Russian fleet and soon discovered the Russians’ actions. .

A player reported to the Gun God: "President, the Russian fleet is turning away from us, and their outer battleship is approaching. The gap between them is too small. If we forcefully intersect it, it is very likely. There will be a collision accident. And the Russian side just sent a communication saying that we are not allowed to approach, otherwise we will take responsibility for the consequences."

When he heard this guy, all the players in the bridge focused on the gun. In the body of the god, the gun god suddenly said after a moment of silence: "Don't care about them, lean on it."

The gun god's decision is very reckless and domineering. Normally, the gun god would not make such a decision, but just like this full battle with our guild, the gun god at this time is already if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off.

In fact, the current situation looks complicated, but the analysis is very simple. The battleship air defense capability of the Holy Lance League is almost zero. If we face the previous mobile angel air strikes, because our mobile angels were not many, the Americans can completely ignore this small loss by virtue of the number of advantages. However, now The number of air units that we appear determines that if the Americans do not have suitable anti-aircraft firepower, there will definitely be no leftovers left by our air force. Therefore, if the fleet of the Holy Gun League does not want to change the status quo, the result will be death, and there will be no retreat.

On the contrary, if you rush to the formation of the Russians, there will be two situations.

First, the Russians just frighten them and dare not really attack them. Then, after the battleship of the Holy Lance League approaches, in order not to collide, the Russians can only give up the passage and let the Russian fleet approach, so that there is no problem. Although they will be vilified by the Russians, they will also be frozen. Banshee made a fire, but so what? The Gunners and the people of the Holy Gun League don't care about this at all.

Second, the Russians are really playing. They may not really let the Holy Lance League's fleet approach, then, there should be a collision accident in the end, but because everyone's heading is basically the same, this kind of side scraping will not cause much damage to the battleship. As for whether the Russians would fire such things...what if they really fired them? Do the Russians dare to sink all the battleships of the Holy Lance League? Obviously dare not. Once it was discovered that sinking a few battleships could not scare the battleship of the Holy Lance League, the Russians who didn't want to lose a helper had no choice but to let them go, because sinking all the battleships of the Holy Lance League would be harmful to them. Therefore, the Russians cannot do that kind of brain-dead thing. At least not until the ice-bound Banshee loses his mind.

So, the fleet of the Holy Gun League doesn’t care about the reaction of the Russians at all, as long as it rushes in.

People are so anxious that they can do everything. Gunslinger is now standing on the edge of the cliff. With no retreat, he no longer has any stable development probability. At will, he is gambling in everything he does now. If you win, you will get a glimmer of survival. If you lose, you will die a little bit more thoroughly than before. There is almost no difference. With this status quo, individuals will make decisions similar to those of the Gun God.

"President." Frozen Banshee originally gave the order and then turned his attention back to the air force on the opposite side, but he didn't see anything but suddenly heard his subordinates shiver. The squeaky voice called to himself.

"What's wrong?"


"What are you going to say?"

Frozen Banshee put down the telescope impatiently and turned his head and looked towards his men, only to find that the opponent was trembling and pointing to the side of the fleet and said: "The fleet of the Holy Lance League is rushing up at full speed!"

"What?" The ice-bound Banshee raised the telescope again in disbelief and looked towards the direction of the fleet of the Holy Lance League. As his men said, instead of slowing down, the fleet of the Holy Lance League started at full speed. Rushed up.

Although the fleets of American players and Russian players were moving towards China before, the cruise speed was used at that time instead of full speed. Marine engines have a safe speed, which is the so-called cruising speed. At this speed, the ship’s energy consumption to speed ratio is the highest, and the ship’s engine can continue to sail for a long time in this state without shutting down for maintenance. However, this speed is usually not the full power of the engine. If the ship is driven to full speed, the speed will be much faster than the cruising speed. However, at this time, not only the fuel consumption is terrible, but also the loss of the ship’s propulsion components will also become a result. Doubled. In this mode, the ship can only last for a short time, otherwise it may burn the power unit or cause the drive shaft to break.

Because of the above reasons, most battleships will only open at full speed when they are officially engaged, and they are not always open at all times. During regular sailing, impossible always uses full speed, otherwise it will be at the worst destination ship. It's over first.

Although the US player’s fleet and the Russian player’s fleet were both moving towards China, they used the cruising speed and did not drive to full speed. At this time, the fleet of the Holy Gun League was able to compete with Russia. The fleets of people were mixed together and turned on all the speeds, and the Russian fleet rushed over here with extreme speed moved towards.

"How dare these guys...?" a female player beside Frozen Banshee said angrily.

"No, they dare." Frozen Banshee said weakly: "Because they knew we didn't dare."

"Who said we didn't dare?" The player next to him Not convinced.

"No, we just don't dare." Monster Dao, the frozen woman battleship, and even if they sank a few of their ships by shelling, what's the point besides making the Chinese people read the jokes?"

After hearing the explanation of the ice-bound Banshee, the people next to them were quiet. Coming down, Banshee had already said very clearly that they really didn't dare to move the American fleet.

After a few seconds of silence, Banshee Frozen weakly said to the correspondents around him: "Send orders to make way for the Americans to let them in. And let the captains of the battleships restrain their subordinates. , Don’t have any accidents. Our main enemy now is the Frost Rose League. We will talk about other things later. We don’t have that energy now."

"Good guild leader."

Look Sending a message to the correspondent, Banshee Frozen suddenly recovered his capable appearance and shouted at the people around him: "Don't be angry. At this time, let all your anger be left to the Frost Rose Alliance flying machines in the sky. , That is our number one enemy."

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