Just when the King Crusher climbed onto the Eternal, the fleet below was also fully prepared. All battleships became invisible and scattered in a large area around. A huge encirclement is formed inside. Judging from the current situation, the Holy Lance Alliance’s fleet will eventually drive directly into our encirclement, and what we have to do is to wait until the Holy Lance Alliance’s fleet reaches our encirclement from the surrounding area and the sky. Just tilt the fire at them. I dare not say that, the first round of shelling to sink one-fifth of the battleship is absolutely no problem. Of course, what is more important is the flagship where the must sink gun god is located.

"What's the situation on your side? Have you found the target?" I stood on the bridge of the Eternal with seven or eight communicators and shouted there.

"The target was not found on the first."

"The target was not found on the second."

"The target was found on the third with a bearing of 000 and a distance of 100 Three kilometers."

"Very well, keep your distance and continue monitoring."

"No.3 understands."

I cut off the communication and asked Chuangwang again:" What is the number of fleets you saw before?"

"Almost between 28,000 and 30,000, there are too many to see clearly."

"What about the tonnage? "

"It should be less than our gross tonnage." Chuangwang said unsurely: "They have more ships, but none of them are as big as ours, so the gross tonnage should not be as big as ours. But neither Certainly, after all, it is close to 30,000 battleships, which is more than twice as many as ours!"

"No matter how many ships he has, knock out thousands of ships first, and we can only start when the number is close. Oh, yes. Now, military god, the flying unit can be released. Climb to the clouds for me, and wait for my order to start attacking."

"Boss, the new storm ruler formation can be equipped with anti-ship missiles. . Do you need to bring it?"

"Hang one of each of the three, and the one that is angry should carry conventional ammunition first."


"Purple Moon." I heard the voice of Asura purple clothed as soon as I cut off the information from the Fleet Logistics Department. "The submarine fleet asks what they need to do."

"Stay under the water for now, don't use them for now."


After roughly explaining the situation of each unit, all we can do is wait. The speed of releasing the fighter jets is very fast. In less than 20 minutes, all the aircraft have entered the clouds to complete the concealment work. As for the fleet of the Holy Gun League, it is still 88 kilometers away from us, which is quite far away.

After waiting for a while, the pilot ship in front finally started to report data. "The Holy Lance League battleship formation is close to the Level 1 ambush circle, 80 kilometers away, and each ship is Level 3 ready."

"At this speed, wouldn't it take more than an hour to wait for them to enter the ambush circle? "Chuang Wang asked.

I shrugged and said: "Otherwise, what else do you want? We are in a static state now, and we can't rush forward. The fleets of the Holy Lance League are all on the path of the son. It is good to have this speed. "

"Am I in a hurry!"

"So I suggested that you don't go to the submarine at the beginning is a wise move. It’s over for Zhong."

"Squatting the pit guarding rabbit is indeed not my specialty, I am a sporty type." When Chuang Wang said here, he suddenly pressed the earphone with one hand. After waiting for a while, he suddenly turned his head and looked at me with a serious expression: "I just sent out in order to guard against the unexpected to patrol the surrounding Sea Territory. The pilot ship reported that a huge fleet was found in our Northwest direction. The opponent is moving towards us straight forward. Based on the current course and speed, it will converge with the American fleet in the central area of ​​our encirclement in about an hour."

"Large fleet?"< /p>

"Well, the pilot ship said that they had seen thousands of ships, and there were no more at all. A conservative estimate would be tens of thousands, otherwise the formation would be impossible."

When large fleets are navigating at sea for non-combat navigation, they usually have an elliptical formation structure, so as long as you know the width of the fleet, you can roughly know the number of ships. The wide front of the opponent indicates that there are many fleets behind, after all, few fleets will sail in a horizontal formation.

"What should we do now?" King Chuang asked: "The fleet hit our encirclement without turning, but there was no exit in that direction!"

"Now it's too late to move the battleship this distance?" I looked at the chart and said.

The king of Chuang looked at the distance and compared it on the chart with a chart ruler and said: "It's too late, and the track may be found."

"Then let The pilot ship is going to detect who the opponent is."

"In fact, I don't need to investigate and probably know where the fleet of this size is." King Chuang said.

I nodded and said: "Of course I also know that 80% of the Russian fleet is a Russian fleet, but I still need to confirm it."

"You said that the Russians came here at this time What are you going to do?" King Chuang asked.

I thought of the answer for a second. I hit the chart table in front of me with a punch, and I said angrily: "Sure enough, none of them is anyone who is easy to deal with! The god of war, tells all the fleet to shrink the formation and move forward to Southwest."

< p>"Are you sure?" Military God is not just a computer. He is a tactical command computer. Of course, he has a say in the battlefield.

I said very positively: "The Russian fleet from Northwest should have been in contact with the Holy Gun League fleet in front of us, and we will be dumped if we don’t leave!"

"Intelligence is updated, and tactical evaluation begins....The evaluation is over. I agree with the chairman, the fleet should be withdrawn immediately, otherwise it will cause heavy losses."

"How much will the loss be? Will we fail miserably? "Chuang Wang asked.

Military God quickly replied: "At least 2/3/2021 surface ships are lost. Considering that the enemy does not have effective anti-air means, the loss of our air fleet will be minimal. We can still get a tactical victory, but Strategic failure has become inevitable, and even victory is meaningless."

"How could this be?" The king Chuang is okay in commanding naval battles, but unfortunately he still has some incomprehension about the game at the national level.

I patiently explained: "We have occupied such a large area in Russia this time. Of course, the Russian side will not do it. However, the unexpected appearance of Xin caused the Siberian Divine Race to withdraw unexpectedly. Now the Russians do not Ability to counter us. The Holy Lance League was squeezed out by us before, and then took the risk to invade our research base and completely tore our face with our Frost Rose League. In order to survive, the Holy Lance League can only fight with us to the death. This is a matter of course. , You can know by inference. Russia should have guessed the result, so they contacted the Holy Gun League and wanted to fight us with them. Relying on unexpected actions can consume our fleet to gain balance in naval battles, so The Holy Lance League may have a chance to defeat our attack on our homeland. At that time, we must return to the army to rescue the homeland, and the Russians can take the opportunity to clean up our occupied area in their territory. So, this is the Russian player and the Holy Lance League. Cooperation, and we are in a passive situation."

"Will we run like this now?"

"Of course not." I explained: " Our strategic retreat means that our fleet has not suffered losses, and they dare not sway forward at sea, so that we can delay the occupation for seven days to ensure that the land on the Russian side is basically stable, even if our main force is not there. On the other hand, with the help of Celestial Court, it is not easy for the Russians to get back the land. In addition, our fleet strength is still there. The speed of the Holy Gun League and the Russian fleet is not as good as ours. We can use large-caliber naval guns. Strikes from outside will weaken the opponent’s strength on the one hand and reduce the opponent’s psychological advantage. If it can cause the opponent to lose control of their emotions and make some irrational behavior, we can take advantage of the opportunity. If not, at least we can put pressure on the opponent and slow down the opponent. Advance speed. As long as the opponent's fleet slows down, we can rely on the fleet's speed and range advantages to continue to erode their fleet. After all, the Holy Gun League and the Russians are not a family. During this period, it is difficult to guarantee that we will share weal and woe, as long as some of them can't stand it. , Our chance is here."

"But what if none of this happens?"

"Then you have to be prepared to meet force with force with them "

"Isn't it?"

"Do you have any other way?"

At this time, the military god suddenly said: "As long as I The party trades space for time, and uses this time to continuously consume the opponent’s vital forces. In the end, the opponent’s fleet will definitely undergo an irreversible emotional change. Even if the opponent does not have any problems, we can still face the opponent when we have to wait for a decisive battle. In the war, our strength can absolutely overwhelm the other party, but the loss will be slightly larger. In addition, when necessary, we can even let the Japanese fleet give the Russian and American fleets a bit of a cruel blow from the side. In this way, our losses can be reduced. "

"The Japanese fleet? "The King Chuang now feels that his head is not enough.

I know that this guy Chuangwang must not understand. This kid has been fighting against Japan before, and now he is suddenly asked to cooperate with the Japanese fleet against the US-Russian coalition forces. This turning point is indeed a bit big.

"Remember, there are no eternal friends or eternal enemies in this world, and some are just eternal benefits. The purpose of the Russians helping the Americans is to have us engage in a ground war with the Americans, thereby forcing us to withdraw from the forces located in the Russian homeland. After that, they can counterattack our occupied areas and regain their territories. It's not just ourselves. The Japanese guild under Masaka Matsumoto also occupies a large area of ​​land. If the Russian plan succeeds, can their land be preserved independently? Obviously impossible, so, for their own benefit, they must ensure that the Americans cannot defeat our maritime power, so even if we don't ask them, just tell them what is happening here, and they will come out of the fleet to help. "

"The world of you guys is really complicated, I don't think I can understand it!" I'll be the commander of my fleet obediently and honestly! "

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