Ghost Nobunaga, Baqi Orochi, and a group of high level players from the Guishou League thought about it for a long time, but they didn’t want to understand who was going to frame them, and they did it too. It is not clear how others framed them.

Actually, regarding the video last night, Nobunaga Onitou and the Ochi Orochi have been researched many times afterwards. According to their observations, if the Ochi Orochi that attacked the city is caused by other creatures If it is disguised, then it can only be said that the attacker should be a creature with eight heads, and the size of this creature should be similar to the eight-headed snake, at least the part exposed to the ground should be similar. Because according to the damage recorded in the picture, the eight heads had caused damage to the surrounding people and the ground at that time, and they were all touched by splashing stones or splashing flames during the movement. Judging from the changes in the movement trajectory of the eight heads, the eight heads are not completely illusions, at least there are entities in them, and the shape is not much different from that of the eight-headed snake's head. Otherwise, if it is purely an illusion, it was first seen at that time. It may be able to lie to the past, but when researching repeatedly, you will still find piercing shots such as passing through the entity. After all, illusions are fake, they can't touch things. Of course, real illusions also exist, but not many people can use that kind of thing, and secondly, it is impossible to have such a large scale. Besides, the changes in the scenery at that time can show that the attacks from the head are all genuine, which is impossible even if it is a real illusion.

Because of the analysis of these conditions, in the end, Nobunaga and the others agreed that the thing that pretended to be the Baqi Orochi should at least have similar physical characteristics to the Baqi Orochi.

Although there are a lot of monsters in the game, there are not too many that can grow to the size of the eight-headed snake, not to mention that there are at least eight plesiosaur-like heads. This limited range It's quite small. There are only two probabilities that everyone can think of, one is the Hydra Hydra mentioned earlier. This guy is one of the most probable pretenders, because first of all Hydra has nine heads, which fully meets the requirements, and although the difference between Hydra’s head and Baqi Oro’s head is obvious, the structure is basically the same. Just disguise it with an illusion outside to make it fake. As for the extra head... this kind of thing is even simpler. Just don't stick out of the ground. Anyway, like the Eight-Different Snake, all heads have independent long necks, so they don't worry about the influence of the range of motion at all.

In addition to appearance characteristics, Hydra also has several advantages in imitating the eight-pointed snake. First, Hydra is not an ordinary rare beast, but a Divine Beast, and has always been one of the main battle strengths in the Olympus Divine Race, and one of the war beasts in the underworld. Later, Hades took the Pluto family from the Olympus Divine Race to join our Frost Rose League to join the Chaos and Order Divine Race, and Hydra was on the list of job-hopping personnel. In other words, Hydra has Innate conditions, strength and motivation to do this.

However, there are still some doubts. For example, Hydra is Sea Beast and doesn't like flames, or he simply hates flames very much and doesn't know how to Fire Element spell at all. However, the disguised big snake that night is Lie Huofen City directly, and judging from his leisurely state in the flames at that time, the disguised big snake is at least a physique of flame immunity, so this is the same as Xu De Pull a little bit wrong. In addition, the Baqi Orochi came from underground at the time, and Hydra was not good at making holes. With Hydra's size, if someone help him dig a channel and come back, the amount of work would be too much. In fact, the tunnels actually dug out are all traces to follow. After all, the tunnels are there, and the collapse and the like that may happen at any time will cause various marks on the ground. However, looking at the situation after the attack that night, the opponent was definitely using Earth Element's common ground penetration method instead of actually digging a channel out. This point is not in line with Hydra's ability.

In addition to this Hydra, there is another creature that Guishou Nobunaga and the others can think of-Nine Headed Snake.

Nine Headed Snake is actually the descendant of Hydra. The difference is that Hydra is a special individual among Nine Headed Snake. He is Divine Physique, and he has normal intelligence and super long abilities. Live in the sea. Nine Headed Snake is a kind of swamp creature. They are all direct descendants of Hydra, but their abilities are not as strong as Hydra, and they have changed from simple water, poison, and dark abilities to water and poison. The abilities of the three elements of Earth and Earth, that is, the Dark Element spell, have become the Earth Element ability.

From this point of view, Nine Headed Snake seems to be more suitable to impersonate the eight-headed snake than Hydra, because they can Earth Element spell and can burrow. However, Nine Headed Snake is actually even more unable to pretend to be the eight-headed snake, because their body is not as big as the eight-headed snake, and the Nine Headed Snake does not have the ability to change the size of his own body like Xudla. The last point is that Nine Headed Snake, like their Old Ancestor Hydra, has no Fire Element skills, so there is no way to talk about Fireball.

Synthesizing so much information, Nobunaga and the others simply couldn’t find a suitable existence to pretend to be the Baqi Orochi, so they began to infer that the pretender may be a kind of unfamiliar, but very powerful. Eight heads, good at Fire Element and Earth Element spell creatures. Moreover, this creature has a certain amount of intelligence, because the disguised eight-headed snake had spoken at the time, so this impossible is a simple wild beast that doesn't understand anything, and he should have at least a high level of intelligence.

Despite the analysis of these conditions, Nobunaga and the others are still helpless, because they can't find a creature that meets these conditions, but they are quick at the suggestion of a guild member The information of the attacker is linked to the task system, and the conditions given are to provide general information about the creatures that meet the characteristics given by them, and to give different rewards according to the details of the information. Of course, Hydra and Nine Headed Snake, as well as the eight-headed snake himself are excluded.

For Guishoumeng’s sudden release of such a Bounty Mission, many Japanese players have expressed snort disdainfully, and the reason is that Matsumoto Masaga guided the public opinion of players in Japan at our request, and finally The public opinion orientation created is that the Guishou League wanted to use this method to separate the relationship, so that everyone thought that it was not the eight-pointed snake that attacked the city that night, and made a gesture that they were also looking for the attacker.

Because this led-out argument is actually very convincing, just a simple guide has become everyone’s consensus. The result is that although Oni Shou Nobunaga and the others released such a reward, it turned out that no one took the task. Not only was there not many creatures that met the requirements, but more importantly, the Japanese players were disdainful of their disdain. Responsible behavior.

Nobunaga Guishou actually has no thoughts about the situation of accepting the task, because they simply don't know who they are being cheated by, and they are still looking for a target nervously. This state of being completely unable to find a target makes Guishou Nobunaga and the others feel like they are blindfolded and plugged in their earplugs to fight the enemy. They are completely passively beaten. Even if they have strength, they don’t know how to use it. Indiscriminate punching will not only produce no effect, it will further aggravate the deterioration of one's own image.

While Guishou Nobunaga and Baqi Orochi were nervously searching for who had yelled them, the president of the guild that was attacked finally made a decision and brought his own subordinates. A group of players went to Russia and found Masaga Matsumoto.

"Chairman Masaga Matsumoto, we are here to ask you to help us!" Because I have learned about the current state through the "inspiration" of Hakimi before coming, these people have already prepared in advance, They all knew that this time they wanted to maximize the skill of shameless, even if they were grandsons and suffer the humiliation of their hips, they must hold Matsumoto's thighs tightly, otherwise they would die completely. Therefore, these people don't care about what they are now. As soon as they saw Matsumoto Masaka, they knelt down in front of Matsumoto Masaka, and then knocked their foreheads against the ground and said their own requirements. This is clearly the posture of "If you don't agree, we won't get up".

"What are you doing?" Masaka Matsumoto looked at the kneeling person and immediately made an expression of not knowing what to do. Of course, he actually knows everything, after all, he arranged it himself. "Get up and talk!"

"No, please help us, we won't get up if you don't agree!" A player raised his head and said such words and put his forehead on the ground again.

The president of a Japanese guild next to him stood up a little angrily and said, "What are you talking about? The day before yesterday confidently said that we should get retribution, and then we will leave the alliance. That's it. As soon as I was attacked, I ran back and called for help. What do you think we are? You are not a domestic slave?" Although Masaka Matsumoto knows the whole sequence of events, the surrounding Japanese guild leaders are all It was really quite angry, after all, on the surface, the other party's behavior was quite awkward, and there was no moral foundation at all. That's why these Japanese guild leaders are so confident.

"Chairman Masaga Matsumoto, everyone, we know this is our own mistake, but we are really desperate now." The Japanese guild president knelt on the ground and said, "We Now that I have completely offended Nobunaga Oni Shou and Ochi Orochi. Everyone knows what the virtues of these two guys are. They are now being overwhelmed by the public opinion of the players. Once they think of it, we are bound to be extinct. The disaster. So, after we think about it, only Chairman Masaga Matsumoto and the Alliance for the Reconstruction of the Empire of Japan can save us! This time we are brazenly carrying everything we own to take refuge in sincerely. We no longer demand independence. To become a member of the alliance, we are willing to completely merge into the new Black Dragon Club. We must become the sword of Chairman Masaga Matsumoto. As long as Chairman Masaga Matsumoto is willing to take in, we are willing to do nothing."

What this guy said about the Japanese guild leaders around them all lost their voices, because they have already reached the limit in a low voice. Regarding a piece of rotten paper on the ground, even if you step on it for a few more feet There have been any changes, so they don't even know how to say the other party now.

At this time, Masaga Matsumoto responded quickly and uncharacteristically. "Are you really working hard?"

The Japanese guild president immediately lowered his head and put his head on the ground again and said: "Yes, we are willing to dedicate everything, whatever you do."


Masaga Matsumoto hesitated for a moment on purpose, and then said, "It's okay for me to accept you, but after your people are incorporated into the new Black Dragon, the original organization will need to be disrupted. You people are also impossible. Leading the original subordinates, and you made a big mistake before, I’m impossible to let you continue to serve as high-level leaders. Although you will not be treated the same as ordinary members, you are at most some group leaders before passing my inspection. Can you accept this kind of position?"

"It's up to you." This group of people has already analyzed this situation in advance, so the psychological preparation has been very sufficient. Although it did hesitate for a long time, this time he accepted it without any hesitation. After all, if you were attacked by Nobunaga and the others, you would really have nothing. Now at least their personal level, their own equipment, and wealth are still in their own hands, and they are not really ordinary players, they are still more or less ordinary players. Small Captain, there are still a few people under his hand to command. Moreover, the new Black Dragon guild is not that kind of miscellaneous guild after all, it is a very powerful guild, and it is a pretty good thing to be able to get a position in the new Black Dragon guild. If you can get these, what else can they hesitate? After all, now I’m not shopping for groceries. It’s an elimination choice for survival. Where are there so many options?

"In that case..." Masaka Matsumoto made a very serious reply. "I represent that the new Black Dragon will accept you. Of course, the things I said before will be implemented, so you should not complain. But I can guarantee that I will not treat you differently because of your previous mistakes, but also No extra favors will be given to you. You, like everyone else, are members of the guild. As long as you perform well, you will be promoted, but if you make a mistake, I will not give you extra favor."

"many thanks, the president!"

"Okay, get up, it’s too ugly for such a large group of people to kneel here! August Xun, you take them to go through the membership formalities, and then arrange Let’s take the work. In addition, prepare some manpower to do a good job of defending. Nobunaga's revenge may come. We need to prepare in advance."

"Then they merge into us Do you need to notify me about the guild in advance?" Ying Yu Shen asked.

Masaga Matsumoto nodded and said: "Of course, Nobunaga Onitou and they are likely to temporarily give up their revenge plan because they do not want to confront us directly."

"Okay, I I understand." Ying Yu Shen Hina nodded and August Xun said: "Leave this to me for the promotion."

"Of course."

After Matsumoto and the others arranged The Sakura Rain God Hina immediately ran to start propaganda and guidance, because the operation methods used by Masaga Matsumoto’s gang were copied by our Frost Rose League, so the work efficiency is very high, and soon Guishou Nobunaga will pick it up. Here comes the report.

"What? They merged into the new Black Dragon meeting?" Guishou Nobunaga asked in surprise.

The player who came to report nodded and said: "As soon as the news is released. Now their city has begun to clean up outsiders, they are preparing for the guild conversion ceremony, and the garrison of the new Black Dragon guild has also arrived. Stationed on the outskirts of the city, if we do it now..."

"Pause the plan." Nobunaga Oni said without the slightest hesitation: "We can't confront the new Black Dragon head-on, we need to do it. There are too many things, and the form is very unfavorable for us. At this time, we still can’t be impulsive."

"You have become a lot smarter than before." Said Baqi Orochi.

Guishou Nobunaga reluctantly sat back in his position and said: "People are forced out! Do you think I want to do this?"

Baqi Shook the head didn't say much, he turned around and left the headquarters of the Guishou League and returned to his lair.

Guishou Nobunaga looked at the back of the Baqi Orochi and said to the people around him: "Now concentrate on investigating who is setting us up, but no matter what we find, we are not allowed to act. This must Remember it clearly."

In fact, there is a reason Nobunaga Onishu dare not move Masaga Matsumoto. Originally, Masaka Matsumoto was better than Nobunaga Onitou, and then Nobunaga Onitou got the support of Yaqi Orochi, so the form was reversed. However, the Baqi Orochi was later proved to be an unreliable existence, so the two sides became equal again. After all, no matter how unreliable the Baqi Orochi is, it is also an incredible battle strength, and ordinary people can't affect him at all, so Masaka Matsumoto and Nobunaga Onitou are still equal.

However, the situation has changed a bit recently. Fan Masaga Matsumoto went to Russia with many Japanese guilds to cooperate with us on the Frost Rose League for development. This matter originally needed to take considerable risks, but now the problem is that the matter has been successful, and Seeing the actual benefits, the impact is considerable.

Japanese players have seen the real benefits, and their support for Matsumoto Masaga has reached an unprecedented level. At this time, even those who did not follow Matsumoto Masaga are all different. He showed divine ability and desperately wanted to get involved with Masaka Matsumoto, so that he could make a fortune with the ride. If Nobunaga Onitou stands up at this time and openly opposes Masaka Matsumoto, it is tantamount to beating the Japanese player's God of Wealth. To kill one’s parents is the same as killing one’s parents. This kind of thing is really irreconcilable, so even a reckless man like Nobunaga Onishu now knows that he can’t easily provoke Masaga Matsumoto. Otherwise, he will become a public enemy of Japan.

In addition, there is another reason Nobunaga cannot move, and that is the public opinion caused by the attack of the eight-headed snake that just happened. Although he believes that it was not the result of Baqi Orochi, the problem is that Thaksin is useless! Now players all over Japan have confirmed that this is the Ochi Orochi, and even the people in the Guishou League, except for those who were directly responsible for looking after the Ochi Orochi that night, everyone suspects that this thing was done by the Ochi Orochi. , Those laymen are even more impossible to believe. Under such circumstances, Nobunaga Onitou simply did not dare to move.

Oni Shou Nobunaga's grief is bleak here, and Matsumoto Masaka's side is busy, but everyone is very happy. After all, busyness is a good thing, and no matter how busy everyone is Happy.

Like Matsumoto Masaga and the others, I am also very busy now, because I am standing over the Pacific Ocean for air traffic control, and more than 8,000 surface ships of various types are assembled under me in the Sea Territory. Nearly 50,000 mobile angels of various types and more than 100,000 small aircraft scurry around me, and above me are two hundred large aerial battleships. Such a terrifying formation is gathering supplies here, and more units are arriving one after another. Even with the presence of military gods in command, it is still quite chaotic. After all, there are too many people, and people can make mistakes. impossible To execute every command exactly like a machine, in such a chaotic state, it is not easy to guarantee a traffic accident.

"Purple Moon, what's the situation on your side? Where is my first aerial battle group?" Asura purple clothed voice in the headset asked.

"Wait a minute, Great Captain just missed the guide beacon and is still returning to the first turning point. I plan to let them follow Michelle’s fourth task force battle formation to temporarily enter the Eternal. "

"What about the Frost Rose? We are an integrated battleship, not a gunboat! What would you tell me to fight the Americans without a plane?"

"I didn't say not to give you a flying formation. Hei's sixth aerial battle group will arrive in a while. I will let them board the Frost Rose to replace the first formation."

"Xiaohei? Didn’t he go to Steel City to pick up a new plane?"

"Yes, the Frost Rose is our flagship, so it can’t be too shabby. I will give you the best. I’m fine now. Is it?"

Asura purple clothed asked suspiciously: "Xiao Hei and their new plane is called?"

"Storm ruler. How? The name is domineering enough Huh?"

"What's the use of the name domineering tube? How about the performance?"

"I don't know this anymore, I haven't seen the actual machine yet! But It must be better than the first formation of the birds!"

In fact, what we call an airplane is a simplified version of the maneuver angel. It's a bit similar to a bat, of course, it's not imitating the body structure of a bat, but the appearance is similar. The main body is basically the feel of a modern airplane, and it may have a mix of magic and science fiction. Of course, because it is a simplified version of the mobile angel, it is basically a drone. Only the Captain has a driver's seat, and the Captain itself does not participate in the war. Its function is similar to an early warning aircraft, but the appearance is no different from the general body. The purpose is to prevent the enemy from finding the Captain machine and to ensure the safety of commanders.

Because it does not require ground motion mechanisms such as limbs, the structure of this aircraft is much simplified compared to the mobile angel. The difference between the two is almost comparable to the difference between a desktop computer and a handheld calculator. And because it is a complete air unit, the structure is more streamlined, the air resistance is smaller, and the air combat capability is more powerful. Both the flight speed and the maneuverability surpass the standard version of the mobile angel, and the flexibility is equivalent to that of the air combat mobile angel, but The speed is much faster than the air combat mobile angel.

Of course, the simplified version of the aircraft also has many shortcomings. The main problem is that there is almost no armor. It’s the main feature of this thing that you just wipe it away. However, there is no armor and there is no armor. Because the ground motion mechanism and armor shell are omitted, this aircraft looks larger than the mobile angel, but it weighs only more than 100 kg, and its propulsion is the same as that of the air combat mobile angel. Therefore, the acceleration performance of these guys is extreme and extreme. Speed ​​far exceeds that of mobile angels. After all, the propellers used by the two are exactly the same model from the same production line, and the load has dropped so much, using the same propeller, the speed will naturally increase.

In addition to the thin armor, this simplified version of the aircraft has another problem that is stupid. Because this thing is equipment made to save money, the built-in control system is not the kind of artificial soul used by mobile angels, but a special simplified version of artificial soul.

The intelligence level of this artificial soul is very low. It can only reach the intelligence level of the wild beast. Although this thing can also talk, it does not talk to you, but answers or proposes tactics according to pre-installed instructions. ask. To put it simply, it's like an automatic answering machine, which automatically plays the corresponding recording when certain conditions are met. It's as simple as that. In fact, it can't understand language, but can only understand command commands, and it must use special operating commands. For example, if you order these guys to attack a certain target, you can only say attack or destroy these two pre-installed command words. If you use "beat him" or other language forms, both the player and the NPC can understand, but these Things can't be understood. So, there are still many problems with this stuff.

Of course, although there are a lot of problems, and the skin is thin and fragile, the advantages of this thing are still very obvious.

First of all, and the most important advantage is that this thing is cheap and super cheap. The money to build a standard version of the mobile angel can produce twenty of this stuff and there is still a little left.

Secondly, this thing is easy to produce and maintain. Because of the modular design, apart from the shell is the propeller and control core, the rest is some super simple small control parts. Most of the space inside the shell is a magazine, basically it can be said that there is nothing inside. Therefore, it takes only one-tenth of the time to produce a standard version of the mobile angel to produce one such aircraft, and requires very little equipment. Therefore, several more production lines can be opened. As long as the money is sufficient, it can be completed in a short time. Insane violent soldiers.

Thirdly, there are almost no rare materials used in this thing. In addition to the black liquid crystal used in the control core, more than 20 kinds of rare materials are used in the thruster, and all of them are Common goods. Therefore, the demand for this thing is very low, and we don't need to affect the output for additional reasons. Such as the mobile angel, the situation where there is money and time but cannot be mass-produced is completely non-existent in this thing.

Because of the above three advantages, we can spend very little money to create a large group of aircraft formations in a short period of time. Regardless of the battle strength, at least covering the heavens, shielding the sun will be scared when flying out. Can scare many people to death.

Based on the above characteristics, we have produced a large number of simplified versions of aircraft, and the first of these models is the primary level trial version called Xiaoniao. The degree of simplification of the bird has reached an outrageous level, almost everything that can be saved is omitted, even the internal reinforcement is made of tanned Demon Ghost Vine. The outer shell is directly aluminum skin, the middle is supported by light steel keel, and the propeller is connected with thickened steel structure support around the keel. The control core is suspended in the cavity in the middle of the keel with sixteen steel wire ropes, and the control switch All of the links rely on the soft connection of the magic transmission line. Basically, the structure of this thing is just one word-empty. The interior is almost empty. Remove the skin and feel that there is nothing inside.

Thanks to the maximum lightweight structure brought about by this structure, this aircraft has excellent acceleration, but the appearance is a little ugly, and it is too brittle. After all, the goal was to save money and produce better, so the first model tried to achieve these two goals to the extreme.

The Storm Ruler is an improved version of Little Bird, because the experiment proved that it is not a good thing to be too simple, so the later Storm Ruler made some enhancements. Of course, the more important reason is that the aerial battleship needs a kind of aircraft for mid-range interception and long-range reconnaissance. The mobile angel's stagnation time is too short and the energy consumption is high, so it is not cost-effective. On the contrary, light-weight airframes and airplanes flying with aerodynamic structures will save a lot.

Because the defense of the aerial battleship requires a certain amount of battle strength, the structure of the Storm Ruler has been adjusted, from the initial completely no armor to the key parts equipped with heavy armor protection. Armor protection is also equipped with a low-energy magic protection device, which can effectively deflect incoming physical weapons.

In order to facilitate the deployment of armor, the propellers of the storm ruler are all concentrated, and the control center, ammunition and fuel tanks are protected by heavy armor. These parts use the same special steel as the mobile angel, while the other parts are made of lightweight aluminum alloy, but it is much stronger than aluminum skin.

In addition to these gadgets, the Storm Ruler has also strengthened the weapon configuration, because I have not seen the entity, so I don’t know how to install it, but the original design standards have been too big for me. . This thing should be equipped with a miniaturized magic light cannon. This thing is a miniaturized version that can be installed in the aircraft. The miniaturized version installed on the previous battleship is only for the battleship. It's actually very big for the aircraft. However, due to the smaller size, the formidable power has naturally dropped a lot.

Also, this storm ruler should be equipped with decoupling ray and hot ray emitters. Because these two are emitters with magic array structure, the structure is much simpler.

Of course, the most important weapon of this thing is the liquefied magic crystal steam missile, and it can carry hundreds of rounds at a time. The formidable power is definitely big enough, but it is too expensive to fight, so it is generally set as priority. In the mode of using other weapons, missiles will only be considered when facing large or armored targets.

In addition to being equipped with more than a hundred liquefied magic crystal steam missiles the same size as the mobile angels, the Storm Ruler is also equipped with six large liquefied magic crystal steam missiles. The target of Dongxi's attack is the enemy's battleship and the heavy defense units in the city. Of course, because the liquefied magic crystal steam is too expensive, it is generally not directly mounted on such a large missile that is the size of two large thermos, but will be mounted specifically according to needs. After all, the liquefied magic crystal steam is too expensive. With this kind of bomb, the price of one bomb will be more than the cost of the two Storm Rulers themselves. We wouldn't use that kind of thing until it is a last resort.

Asura purple clothed heard about the support of the Storm Ruler and stopped complaining to me, but my side has to continue to deal with more and more various inquiries.

Although we often say that many people are powerful, sometimes you have to admit that when there are too many people, there will be more things. It's really all kinds of situations, and some are so strange that you can't believe it. But think about it from another angle. More than 100,000 vehicles and millions of people are acting together. If there is really no problem, then it is a problem. So now our situation is considered normal. After all, we are all players. This action is also a temporary task. Before that, it was impossible to rehearse. I am satisfied without making a big mistake.

"Call the control center, this is the sixth aviation battle group, request guidance."

"Give me a signal, I can't see you."

" We fly around the periphery of the big vortex, and the formation currently maintains a diamond-shaped array."

"I see you. My dear, why is the ruler of the storm so big?"

"I am also just How do I know when the goods are received?"

"It's okay, you guys go around first, wait a moment." I cut off the communication here and I connected the Asura purple clothed. "Report you bad news. The storm rulers have arrived."

"What kind of bad news is this?"

"The storm rulers are three big birds, at least five meters It’s long, with a wingspan of more than seven meters, and I don’t know if it has folding wings. The hangar gate on your side might not be able to get in!"

"I'm dizzy, what do the designers think? Huh? Do you not consider parking standards?"

"The Storm Ruler is an aerial battleship support aircraft. The design is not intended to enter the hangar, and each ship will not carry too much. How do I know the first The first formation will run in the wrong position! Forget it, let me first let them go over to see if they can land on the ship."

"No, you let them all come over."

"What are you doing? What if you can't get in?"

"You can definitely get in."

"How is

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