Our planting methods are not new at all, but I have to say that the methods that can be used here for a long time are indeed quite easy to use.

The president of the Japanese guild brought his men back and killed all the people who were killed by Nobunaga Onito, and then collectively resurrected at the resurrection point of his guild and returned to the Conference Hall. And the others, the atmosphere here began to become extremely depressed, and it felt like a volcano would erupt at any time. But in fact, everyone understands this situation. It is inevitable. After all, as a suffering master, he ran to ask for compensation, but he was killed once without asking for anything. Obviously, this matter is unacceptable. However, even though they are angry, they can't just go crazy about this matter casually.

There are three reasons for not daring to go wild. First, neither Guishou Nobunaga nor Baqi Orochi are easy to provoke. Although their guilds are not small, they are still too weak compared to Guishou League. even more how Behind the Guishou League is the Eight Disciplinary Snake, which is Peak battle strength. Player organizations like them are impossible to fight against that kind of existence. Of course, it would be a different matter if it had its own super creature like our Frost Rose League.

The second reason for not daring to do it is because of the fighting.

Although Guishou Nobunaga killed them all, but it was not Guishou Nobunaga's responsibility that caused the first casualties, but they themselves. It was they who stabbed each other to death first, so the situation got out of control. So from a certain point of view, this matter can’t be blamed on Nobunaga and the others. In this way, they can’t say that they completely occupy the moral high ground and cause them to be clear. Reasonable but hard does not raise.

Finally, the third reason why this can’t be done is the damn video.

"By the way, what's the matter with the video?" The Japanese guild leader had already checked the forum when he was resurrected, and of course he found the video about hiding the sky and covering the earth. Record, so he immediately asked when the people here arrived.

When the players here heard him, they all shook their heads and said they didn't send it by themselves, and then a guy said, "Could it be that someone in the guild hadn't been notified?"

"It shouldn't be." Another player said: "I am in charge of the matter. At that time, I asked each group of Chief-In-Charge to publish news in turn. All messages have been notified. They can see this message as soon as they go online, so this shouldn't happen."

"Will it be someone from the guild outside?" someone asked again.

"I don't know about this!" The player in charge of the city guard said: "Although there is not a lot of traffic in our city, there are always some people passing by, so was there any outsiders present at the time? simply can’t know."

"Actually, I don’t think it’s time to pursue this kind of thing." A player said, "Even if you know who posted this video, it’s useless. Anyway, the video is already After sending it out, even if we know who sent it, can it still be withdrawn? So what we have to think about now is how to remedy it."

"Remedy? Is there anything else we can remedy?" A Japanese player said angrily: "Now that the video has been sent out, the reputations of Nobunaga Onita and Ochi Oro will be greatly affected. That is to say, we no longer have the handle to threaten them, because this handle has changed. Everyone knows it. In this case, if someone asks you to compensate you, will you pay?"

The player who said before that it is to remedy immediately said: "I’m not talking about our compensation, this compensation It must be hopeless, I know this very well."

"Then you still said remedy, what can you make?"

"I said remedy ourselves. This time Although we are victims, you also know that people like Nobunaga Onitaka are simply unreasonable. The same is true of that big snake, they are all the same. Although they did the thing, but because That video will only affect the reputation of Baqi Orochi, and now no matter who posted the video on the forum, after the boss threatens Nobunaga with that video, Nobunaga will say this thing is counted. On our heads, and he simply won’t look for evidence. Even if we bring out the evidence, he won’t go back and look at it. Instead, he will assume that this is what we did."

"You mean ghosts So Nobubuki will hate us for this, and then retaliate against us?" Their president finally realized what his subordinates meant to say.

The player nodded and said: "I said the boss, I am not alarmist, right? This is very possible. With the behavior and habits of people like Nobunaga and Baqi Orochi, I think My inference is very normal."

"That's troublesome!" A Japanese player next to him said: "We are simply not an opponent of the Guishou League, plus an eight-pointed snake, we simply don't have it. The slightest chance of winning!"

"Now it is not a question of losing chance, this is already a disaster!" said a player next to him.

"But if we go on like this, can we just wait to die?"

"That's not true." The guy who had said this guess suddenly said, "I I think we actually still have a glimmer of survival."

"You said." The Japanese guild leader immediately focused his attention on this guy's High Level and waited for his explanation.

This guy didn’t sell it, and he directly replied: “In fact, this method is very simple to say, but it is difficult to say. It is simple because we only need to be shameless to find Masaka Matsumoto to admit our mistakes. As long as Masaga Matsumoto is willing to re-accept us, Nobunaga Onitou is not a concern. Although the combination of Oki Oro and Nobunaga Onitou can surpass the strength of Masaga Matsumoto, and it is beyond a lot, but you all know that, Matsumoto Masaka’s status in Japan is very high now. More than 70% of Japanese players support Masaka Matsumoto, and if Yaqi Nobunaga and Nobunaga Onitome openly confront Masaka Matsumoto at this time, then their reputations Even if it is completely finished. Therefore, as long as Matsumoto Masagaken comes forward to help us with this matter, then we will be fine. However, this question is difficult to say, because we were obviously unable to tell good from bad before. Falling out to become hostile, no matter if it’s the face we’ve lost, we’ve lost all our face. At this time, we’ll run back and beg for others, let’s not say whether Matsumoto Masaka has such a big capacity to accommodate us, even if it’s him. I don’t care, but he has no reason to take over the responsibility we bear. Anyway, what I said will definitely not care about our life and death. So, this question should be simple and very simple, but difficult to say. It is also very difficult. The key depends on the attitude of Masaga Matsumoto!"

"The problem of attitude can be changed." A player suddenly said: "As long as the benefits are sufficient."

"What do you mean? Are you planning to let us bribe Masaka Matsumoto?" asked a guy next to him.

The player immediately said: "No, you think Matsumoto Masaka is too simple. Unlike us civilians, Matsumoto Masaka was already a player in Japan during the first Sino-Japanese war. One of the leaders, but he was not the first leader at the time. After the fall and re-emergence, if any one of us is replaced, it must have completely collapsed. But not only did they get up, but they are still leading Fight with us Japanese players who have abandoned him. You may be able to deceive him, use him, or even despise him, but you can’t ignore him. Matsumoto Masaka is a real idealist, and his actions are different from ours. He has goals, not for what is in front of him. He has a firm will. Even if he fails or is frustrated, he will actively look for breakthroughs and solutions. Also, most importantly, he is a hard worker. Home. An ideal person is a visionary, but Masaga Matsumoto can act and turn his thoughts into actions, so he is different from us. Your so-called bribery is like shit to people like him Similarly, simply has no effect at all, except for disgusting people, it will not produce any effect."

"Then what do you say?"

"I still want to give him benefits."

"After talking for a long time, didn't you want to bribe Matsumoto Masaga?"

"No, there is a big difference between the two. What you said before was to give Matsumoto Masaka benefits. Let him help us, but this kind of thing will not only not help Matsumoto Masaka, but also make his impression of us worse, so it is not feasible. However, we can use our guild to act as The cornerstone of Matsumoto's ideals. As long as it is for his ideal service, Matsumoto's will not refuse."

"We don't understand what you mean, can you make it clearer?" The president of the Japanese guild asked.

The player explained: "This is actually very simple, but I don't know if you can cut off one's means of retreat."

"Tell me first."

"The method is very simple, just two words, merge. Let us become a part of the new Black Dragon Association, and integrate all our guilds under the new Black Dragon Association."

"What? Isn't that the same as being maimed by Nobunaga and the others?" The people around immediately screamed when they heard this.

The player who proposed it disdainfully said: "If you want people to get ahead and refuse to pay, what do you really owe you? Also, why is the merger and being defeated? Is it the same? We can ask Masaka Matsumoto to agree to our terms, such as letting us hold positions within the guild equal to the current scope of power after the merger, that is, how many people were managed before, and now we are managing a similar number of people. Although later We must obey the commander-in-chief of the new Black Dragon Association, but our own power has not been weakened, and we can still command a certain number of subordinates. Moreover, in this merger, we can keep our private property, and if It was wiped out by Nobunaga Guishou and the others, then we really have nothing left. Nobunaga Guishou will not leave us anything."

Everyone was completely silent this time. Come down, because they suddenly realized that what this guy said is really very reasonable. Although they will not have the high degree of freedom in the future, the new Black Dragon will not be the kind of weak existence. It can join this kind of large In fact, guilds have many benefits, and at least the benefits of guilds are guaranteed.

"Although what you said is very reasonable, why are you sure that Matsumoto will want us?" Someone questioned.

"No, Masaka Matsumoto will definitely want us." The player said: "From the first Sino-Japanese War, it can be seen that Masaga Matsumoto is actually more inclined to unite Japanese players We formed a super guild to fight against foreign enemies. This method is not wrong. The main reason for the failure of the first Sino-Japanese War was that the Frost Rose League was too strong. We can say that we chose the wrong opponent. It should not be. As soon as he came up, he confronted the first guild of the world like the Frost Rose League. So now Masaka Matsumoto has obviously changed his strategy. This battle on the Russian side is the best proof. He began to seek and the Frost Rose League A certain amount of cooperation, so as to take this ride, while the Frost Rose League becomes stronger, it also strengthens us. From the current point of view, this idea should be correct, because we have already seen real benefits. But, although Masaga Matsumoto adjusted his strategic arrangements, but his goal of forming a large-scale guild of Japanese players has not changed the slightest. This can be seen from the previous alliances. In fact, we participated in the previous event. The alliance is the sub-program that Masaga Matsumoto hopes to re-establish the super guild and fails to reach it. That is to say, if we choose to join the Heart Black Dragon Association now, then Masaga Matsumoto is basically impossible to refuse, because this is his goal. "

After listening to this guy for a long time, everyone next to him started to think. The amount of information they heard about this remark today is a little bit big, and there are also very complicated information that needs to be thought about before they can understand, so these people are a little dizzy, but things are just there, and these people are too. I quickly straightened out my thoughts and wanted to understand what this guy said. I have to admit that what he said is very reasonable, and many things that I didn't understand before suddenly understood all at once.

One of the players looked at this guy and said, "Asami-kun, I have never seen you so eloquent! What happened today? Suddenly opened up?"

The guy who used this series of plans suddenly became a little sorry at this time. "Actually, these are not my theories!"

"Not your theories?"

"en. I am actually a fan of Masaga-kun Matsumoto, we still have My own fan group. In our forum, everyone often discusses the impact of Matsumoto Masaga-kun’s various actions and decisions on the future of Japanese players. Most of what I said to you before was what I saw on the forum. Some senior veterans have analyzed it, and there is only a little bit of my own opinion."

"I said why you suddenly changed like you!"

< p>In fact, what they don't know is that although not all what the Japanese player called Qian Jian said are false, they are not all true.

He admitted that he was a member of Masaka Matsumoto’s fan club. This is a fact. In fact, he was the one who stabbed Nobunaga’s subordinates to death before, but the situation was during the melee. It’s very messy, so no one on their side knows who stabbed the knife. Besides, this kind of thing will not necessarily lead to any results when it is investigated. There is nothing at all except that the internal harmony atmosphere will become a paste at the end. Benefits, so after they came back, no one would ask about this. After all, at that time, everyone was angry. In fact, even if they didn't know what to do at that time, many people were already ready to do it. This is also the reason why everyone did not deliberately look for the first person to do it after they came back.

Of course, Asami himself started not because he was angry, but because it was a task assigned to him by Masaka Matsumoto. Asakami still feels blood boiled in retrospect. He remembers that before the team set off this morning, he was suddenly tied up in a woods, and when the cloth bag from his head was taken down, he realized that it was Matsumoto Masaga, his idol, who appeared in front of him.

In fact, Masaga Matsumoto came to do this kind of thing because he knew that this was his ardent fan.

At that time, Masaka Matsumoto grabbed this Hakami collection, and said with a look of guilt: "Asami-kun, I already know what will happen to you. In fact, Yaqi Osnake publicly supports the ghost souvenir. I have been sending people to monitor him for a long time, so I knew it as soon as Baqi Orochi left Guishou Nobunaga’s place last night. Unfortunately, we were unable to intercept him, so you suffered a huge loss. This is our incompetence. Ah!"

As a fanboy of Masaga Matsumoto, Asakami was enthusiastic and said excitedly: "How can you blame you? We treated you like this before, and we broke away from your alliance. I really am ashamed and unable to show one's face. I actually planned to withdraw when I knew that our guild had withdrawn from the league. When those things happened yesterday, I was on the local side, so I didn’t know this matter immediately. I will go back and withdraw now. I will fight with you in the future."

"No, you can't withdraw from the meeting."

"What?" I was anxious when I heard it. "What do you mean? Don't you plan to accept me?"

"No, I don't intend to accept you. As long as you are Japanese, as long as you are a member of the Yamato nation, as long as you pay Thinking of fighting for the glory of our Great Japanese Empire, then you are all my fellow travelers. However, I need you to do something for me now, and this matter requires you not to retire for the time being."

"You said. I'm going through water and tread on fire." At this time, the superficial view has been completely stunned by the blood, and there is not much Great Judge breaking power at all.

Matsumoto Masaga took his sign language and said earnestly: "Although the previous decision of your chairman and those guild leaders made me very sad, my goal is for the prosperity of the entire Great Japan Empire. Therefore, I need the strength, the support of all of you, to unite all the forces that can be united. Therefore, I will not plot against these, I hope you can join my guild, become my true comrades, and join me for We strive for our goals."

"Of course, but what should I do?"

"What you want to do is simple, that's it..." Matsumoto said Out of cooperation with others, the contradiction between Guishou Nobunaga and Qian Jian's guild was completely intensified. "As long as you do this, there is no probability of reconciliation between the two sides. At this time, your president and those who only consider immediate benefits will panic because they have nowhere to go. At this time, you will follow the words I said to them. Listen, forcing them to join our new Black Dragon club, so that our strength has been strengthened. As for your president and the so-called high-level... I will find a chance to kick them out in the future, when the time comes you will Come and lead these people for me, and lead truly promising young people to work together for our glory."

"I am willing to die."

It's completely a superficial view of the second illness. I was completely dizzy by Masaka Matsumoto. Of course, this is not exactly the innate talent of Masaka Matsumoto. In fact, this is the result of many aspects. For example, I used to have a bad image in Japan, and Masaga Matsumoto played with me several times, defeated me once in front of many Japanese players, and drew many times. This performance alone has won a lot of fans for Matsumoto Masaga. After all, worshiping powerhouse is a commonality of mankind, and the Japanese are especially obvious on this point. Of course, in addition to this star-making movement, Masaga Matsumoto's own personal charm is also a great bonus option. After all, before becoming my subordinate, Masaga Matsumoto was the leader of the players in Japan. The personal charm of a person who can mix in that status is an indispensable condition, so Masaga Matsumoto actually has this innate condition. . Finally, under the current situation, Masaka Matsumoto has won real benefits for Japanese players. Therefore, as long as normal people will not have trouble with Masaka Matsumoto, after all, he is now bringing real benefits to everyone. Unless someone can't make ends meet with money, otherwise. All must greet Masaga Matsumoto with a smile. And many people really feel that Masaga Matsumoto is a very reliable person.

Under the influence of these multiple effects, the younger Hanami directly became the fanboy of Masaka Matsumoto, who was willing to throw his head and sprinkle blood after being fooled twice. What's more, what Matsumoto Masaka asked him to do was not difficult, and there was righteousness as a background support. Under such circumstances, it would be a ghost if he could refuse.

In this case, Asami became the spy of Masaka Matsumoto, and his subsequent performance was quite good. Finally, under his guidance, these people finally believed that they had to go to Masaka Matsumoto. He let them join is the only way out. In fact, once they have joined the new Black Dragon club, they will not be far from becoming a bachelor with nothing. Anyway, when the time comes, the guild is gone. Whatever they say is bullshit, it’s not a matter of responsibility. Killed by Masakao Matsumoto?

Using these spies, Masaga Matsumoto finally completed the merger plan for this guild, and by the way, he hacked the Orochi, and let Nobunaga Onishu follow along to lose face. This is more than a stone. Plan, absolutely cost-effective.

Speaking of Guishou Nobunaga's side, now it is completely noisy. The videos uploaded on the Internet are hardly seen by anyone in Japan. Oni Te Nobunaga watched the scenes that someone had just copied into the record crystal in the game, and the air in his heart was almost like a volcano.

"Origin, can you tell me what's going on?" Although the big snake was shouting, Nobunaga's mystifying emphasis was clearly mocking, and How could Baqi Orochi couldn't hear it.

Looking at the picture in front of him, Baqi Oro was also confused, because he simply didn't know what was going on. In the picture, he himself is destroying everywhere in a city he does not know, but the problem is that he does not remember that he has done such a thing at all.

"This is...this is...me?" Baqi Orochi asked uncertainly.

Guishou Nobunaga said angrily: "Who else has this kind of silhouette besides you?"

"But I have never done such a thing!" Although eight Nobunaga Chichi and Nobunaga Guisou are usually together when they are together, while Nobunaga Baqi is arrogant, but the situation is a bit different now, because the consequences of this picture are quite serious, so eight Qi Da Snake simply doesn't dare to go wild now. He knows that since this video has spread out, whether he admits it or not, Japanese players' trust in him will drop to a freezing point, and if Oniji Nobunaga ignores him, then he will really become a public enemy of Japanese players. .

Because of this situation, the Baqi Orochi now endured his own temper and explained to Nobunaga Guishou in a low voice.

Guishou Nobunaga actually couldn't control the fire pressure for a while. After hearing Baqi Orochi's words, he also eased a little bit. "It's really not you?"

"It's not." After saying that, the eight-headed snake asked immediately: "When is this record?"

"It was yesterday Tonight."

"Last night?" Baqi Orochi immediately shook his head and said: "Absolutely impossible. This impossible is me. I have been sleeping in the cave you prepared for me last night, and you were there at the time. The person invited is helping me clean up the wounds on my body. You will find out if you find someone to ask? I simply didn’t go out last night."

On the contrary, Nobunaga Guishou didn’t call someone to confront him. Because he knew it was unnecessary. The people who cleaned the wounds of the Baqi Orochi are his people. These people are impossible to help the Baqi Orochi lie to him. If he wants to confront these people, he can come to them in less than five minutes with one order. In front of. So if this is a lie, the difficulty of demonstrating it would be too low. The Baqi Orochi is obviously impossible to lie in this kind of place that can be easily dismantled, so there is no need to ask. The Baqi Orochi must have never left in the cave last night, at least his subordinates must have seen it at the time. The Baqi Orochi is there. Taking into account that Baqi Orochi is not very good at Illusion Technique, and he does not need to do so, the probability that Baqi Orochi uses these people to create an alibi is also very low. After all, with the strength and status of the Baqi Orochi, if he really needs something, he can completely get Nobunaga Guishou to help him. With the confidence of Nobunaga Guishou, it is definitely not difficult for him to get these things. Therefore, he felt that Baqi Orochi had no such motive, nor was it necessary.

Since I have chosen to believe in the Eight Differences Orochi, Nobunaga Guishou has become even more confused. "But, if you haven't left last night, who was photographed in this scene?" Nobunaga asked a question mark in his head, feeling that he was dizzy now.

Actually, Baqi Orochi is obviously more dizzy than Guishou Nobunaga. In fact, everyone can think about it from another perspective. Suppose you are at work one day, and when you go home at night, your wife said that he was walking outside with you for a whole day, and then showed you today’s group photo. What is the mood of the "self" who is holding his wife in the picture? After a day's work, you must know that it is not yourself, but this photo is not easy to fake, so of course this matter will make you very dizzy.

The Baqi Orochi is almost in this state now. He knows better than anyone that he must have not moved yesterday, but the problem is that he also knows that the picture recorded by the memory crystal is basically impossible to forge, so the picture must be true. But the problem is that he really hasn't done this before, and the scene shows him on the scene, which makes no sense at all.

"Wait a minute, let's get a little bit of the matter now." Nobunaga Guishou rubbed his temples and said, "You didn't move anything last night. This video is impossible to fake, so there must be one A guy with eight heads attacked this city. In other words...Do you still have a brother sister who has been separated for many years?"

"I am Ancient Ominous Beast, born by nature, where is the brother?"

" Sister?"

"But what's going on? This is not a super parody show. Can monsters also hit the face?"

"How do I know? You are still depressed! Where did you say this guy who looks exactly like mine?"

Just when Baqi Orochi and Guishou Nobunaga were worried there, a player next to him suddenly Interrupted in a low voice, "Is it Illusion Technique?"

"Illusion Technique?" The eyes of Baqi Orochi and Guishou Nobunaga were all focused on this guy in an instant. "You speak clearly."

The player was a little nervous seeing the two powers looking at him together, but in the end he still squatted and said: "I just want, what... that Although the memory crystal is impossible to forge the picture, the content recorded on the picture may be forged! Just like a movie set. Even if the film itself is not easy to fake, the scene can be faked. In other words, the creatures in the scene can also be faked. Fake. The memory crystal has no anti-invisibility ability. We assume that the picture is a Hydra Hydra, and then he only needs to hide one head, and then use the Camouflage Technique to disguise the eight exposed heads as the eight-headed snake After people took this video, the picture was completely indistinguishable."

"Yes!" Nobunaga Guishou and Baqi Oro screamed at the same time. "How do we didn't expect?" Nobunaga oni said that soon after he finished speaking, he was frowned again: "But the question is what is this creature pretending to be a big snake? Why do they want to do this?"

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