"The address is definitely right here." I analyzed the coordinates of the surroundings against the electronic map, then compared the environment with the satellite map, and quickly confirmed that this is That location.

"Then shall we go up?" Ling said. Our time for this operation is very tight.

It was already three o'clock in the morning Japan time when the Baqi Ochiko acted in Japan. After completing the mission and leaving until we found the woman, it was actually more than three thirty in the morning. After I was ready to act, I went offline to find someone, and then checked the woman's home address and found the aircraft. It was already past four o'clock. Now we are downstairs at her house, and the time has officially arrived at 4:30 in the morning.

It can be said that the time of half past four is still very early, but the problem is that although most people do not get up so early, some people will get up earlier, such as those who open early stores. There are sanitation workers who clean, and those who need to go to work far away. Anyway, many people actually started to get up after four o'clock in the morning, and some people actually started to go out to go to work after four thirty.

Our current time is half past four, and someone will come out soon at this time. When the time comes, it’s not that simple for us to continue to covertly.

In order to be in a hurry, we didn't even take the stairs and jumped directly to the third floor. This building is not a residential building like the one in our country, but a bit like a large passage building. The stairs are located on both sides of the house, and the tenants’ houses are lined all the way horizontally. On one side of the building is a straight corridor connecting the stairs on the left and right sides. Residents on this floor must use this if they want to go out. A straight passage, and this passage is not closed, but a platform that extends like a balcony, with only railings, not completely closed.

The woman's house is on the third floor, so we jumped directly on it and walked along the corridor to outside of her room door. He lowered his head and glanced at the door lock, the electromagnetic control ability was activated, the door lock turned by itself like a supernatural scene, and then the door opened silently.

Gently walked into the room, Ling Shun closed the door, and then I went straight across the hallway and walked inside. Ling opened the door and looked at the toilet on the side of the hallway, and confirmed that there was no one inside. Followed up again.

In this hallway is the living room, the room is square, and there is an open kitchen separated from it, and then there is a balcony, and there are three doors on the left side of the room. Obviously the woman is in one of them. middle.

Ling and I took a look at each other, then walked to the sides of two of the doors respectively, and then began to use electromagnetic control to drive the door handle to turn, and then opened the door easily.

My luck was bad here, the room was empty and totally unoccupied, but Ling found the target in one go. The woman was lying on the bed with a helmet, obviously not offline. This is a good thing for us, because it saves us a lot of things.

Ling looked back at me and realized that he was asking me who was coming, and I stretched out my hand to signal her to come. Ling Nodded walked up and was about to reach out to pull out the woman's helmet, but didn't expect the woman bounced off the bed suddenly, and then rushed directly to the window and quickly jumped with her hands and her head and slammed away. The glass jumped straight down. Because it happened so suddenly that Ling and I didn't react. We didn't remember until the woman flew out and we went to the window to see what was going on.

Actually, the woman just now was simply not sleeping, she just went offline and hadn’t removed her helmet, and then she found someone in the room, and the woman’s response was quite good, she chose to jump off the building to escape. . As for the question of whether she will fall to death...Because she has always lived here, she is very clear about the situation behind. Behind this building is a two-story house, and her location is on the third floor, which means that the window is on the opposite roof, and the distance between the two sides is less than one meter. Not to mention the obviously abnormal skills of this woman, even if she is a Ordinary person, this distance can also be easily jumped over.

After the woman landed, she rolled off the impact, then got up and continued running, without even turning her head, the speed was unimaginable.

Ling and I can actually stop her. The key is to be surprised. After all, according to what we know, this should be an otaku playing online games, but the other party’s reaction just now—— Professional special forces are also just this.

"Where the hell is this strange flower?"

Ling shook the head, then suddenly frowned. I saw her expression immediately widened the range of perception, so I found that two people in the next room had woken up. It was obvious that the sound of broken glass had alarmed them.

After sensing the positions of the two people, I did not go there at all. Instead, I directly raised my hands and aimed at the positions of the two people next door, and then a blue arc flashed by, and then in the room over there, The man in the clothes suddenly fell to the ground, while the woman on the bed just lay back and didn't respond.

Actually, I used an electric arc to stimulate the nerve system of two people to force the human regulator nerves to restart the body function. Simply put, it stunned them.

"Does this need to be pursued?" Ling looked outside and asked.

"Of course." As I said, I jumped out first, and then Ling followed out, but instead of running to the top of the stairs like her, we walked directly to the edge of the eaves. . Looking down from here, you can see that the woman has reached the ground, wearing a triangular bitter head and a translucent white silk vest, barefoot and galloping down the street at a surprisingly fast speed. This person is definitely not an ordinary person. At least I think normal people will not be so exaggerated.

After finding the prey, I jumped directly from the top of the building. Ling opened his wings and flew up on a run-up, then glide and landed, but today it seems to be bad luck. The woman happened to rush through an intersection, and then a large truck drove out from the side. Because Ling felt the car in advance, he raised the height ahead of time. Unfortunately, this reduced the speed, and I was blocked by the car for a while and could only chase after it passed by.

After the car passed by, the woman was about to turn the corner on the opposite street. After I saw it, I rushed up, and Ling flew over from the top of the building because the alley in front was too narrow to fly in.

I just ran to the middle of the alley and found that the other party had turned away. When I got to the intersection, I saw that woman jumped into a car, and there was a business suit and leather shoes lying on the ground next to me. Family. Obviously this car was robbed, and the one underground is the owner of the car. However, after the opponent jumped into the car, he quickly started the car and stepped on the accelerator pedal to the end, and then the whole car jumped out.

"Has this woman been chased and killed often before? The escape itself is too strong, right?" Ling asked in surprise.

I also feel something is wrong, this woman is obviously not an ordinary person! The ordinary little girl is impossible even if it is sturdy! Even a man is impossible. He jumped out of the window and escaped as soon as he woke up, and then hijacked the car halfway! This professional criminal is only this, right?

Although the other party got in the car, she was not as fast as us. After all, we can fly. Although the flying ability of this close-fitting power armor is very average, it can at least fly, which is much faster than a car.

After we flew up, we found that the other party was not running toward the city center, but driving outside the city. Seeing this situation, we immediately gave up the urge to go down and grab someone, because it was more convenient for us to act like this. As long as this woman runs outside smoothly, the population density will decrease, and if we don't worry about being discovered, we can catch her more conveniently and quickly.

The plan was good, but the other party's car suddenly turned into a small fork while driving, and then drove directly into the mountain. Originally, it didn't matter, and it was more convenient for us to start, but we didn't expect that in our electromagnetic induction, we found that the front was not a barren mountain, but quickly let us discover a large underground base. There are military facilities here and there are many people. The nearby woods looked uninhabited. In fact, cameras were hidden on the branches, and there were pressure sensors in many places.

"What's the matter with this woman? Is she from the army?" Even an idiot should find the problem.

"Impossible!" Ling said, "The information says that the other party is a clerk! I haven't participated in any military training!"

"Nuwa." Knowing that this is not the way, I Directly connected to Nuwa, and then said: "The woman before you help me expand the scope of the search, the other party has strong fighting ability and anti-reconnaissance and anti-tracking ability, and it does not match the information you gave."

< p>"Is there anything like this?" Nuwa paused for a while and then replied in less than two seconds. "I found it. This woman is an agent of the Japanese Intelligence Agency. She was exposed on field missions in China, so she returned to China and retire. Now she is in retirement. The identity of her landing game is the new identity given to her by the Japanese state. Because it was through a formal channel, our game system passed directly."

Although "Zero" uses real-name authentication, this is to use everyone’s identification number to correspond to them in various countries. The information in the household registration management system is only for identification. If the other party's data in the country's database is fake, our game system will be even more impossible to identify. After all, this is a game login information, impossible to make it so accurate. As long as there are roughly no mistakes. It’s just that I thought that the other party was an ordinary person, and asked Nuwa to help look through the game registration information of the other party. As a result, all the information found were forged and false information, which caused our actions to go wrong.

I knew that this woman was an agent, I would not use the previous method. But it's not too late.

"The other party is an agent, we need to speed up and intercept her."


Ling accelerated directly to the front of the car, and then banged A slam fell on the road in front of the opponent, and the woman did not slow down after seeing the silhouette falling from the sky in front of her, but stomped the accelerator to the end and slammed directly into it.

A loud explosion sound, Ling directly patted the car's hood with both hands, turned the car over and flew over her head, and then hit it heavily On the ground behind Ling. It is not a wise move to compare strength with us, let alone a papery Japanese car, even if it is a tank, we can still make it somersault.

After patted the car over, Ling walked directly to the side of the body, then reached out and grabbed the door and pulled it outwards, and the door was torn off with a creak. However, as soon as Lingcai tore open the car door, he saw a pistol stick out, and then shot Ling's face. But it turned out there was nothing else but a ding sound. Even Ling's head didn't vibrate.

The woman holding the pistol looked at the person in armor in front of her in surprise, she actually just saw us just now. Before, because she ran too fast, there was no time to look back, and the time Ling fell in front of her car was too short to see clearly. Only now did she realize that the two people in front of her were weird people wearing antique armors. After all, wearing this kind of armor in this era is obviously no one except COS players. However, it is obviously not the ability of COS players to shoot over the car with bare hands.


The other party wanted to talk, but Ling didn't want to talk to her at all. He reached out and grabbed the seat belt and pulled it off, then grabbed the woman. The shoulder pulled it out. The woman wanted to shoot after being dragged out, but I took the gun from her hand and squeezed it into an iron ball and threw it back into the car.

Ling saw that the woman’s weapon was thrown back by me and was nodded, and then looked up at the sky, the wings spread out on the back, the propellers turned out, and the flames spurted out, leading the woman to fly directly. Fetched. I was about to take off immediately, but suddenly turned and looked towards the mountain road ahead, where a hidden door suddenly opened. This gate was originally part of the road, but now the road slopes downward to open an exit, which is obviously an exit of an underground passage. With the opening of the exit, a few Japanese soldiers rushed out directly from the inside, and the one in front actually carried a bazooka and moved towards us and started launching.

I didn't take this kind of weapon seriously. Besides, the opponent used missiles instead of rockets. This is not a problem. Because the control structure of the rocket is simple, it is not easy to interfere, but the missile is different. I just turned my head and glared, and then I saw that the missile turned directly in the air, and then flew back to the entrance of the passage with a loud explosion. The air wave did not collapse the exit, but those people were unlucky. , Was swallowed directly by the flame.

Looking at the few people over there disappearing into the flames, I turned around and spread my wings and quickly took off and caught up. Ling had already taken the woman to fly for some distance.

We quickly returned to where we hid the external power armor, but it was already 5:30 in the morning. It took an hour to chase that woman, and it was a real delay. However, there are not many people at this point in time, and we have completed the task, and it will not cost much to leave.

Quickly find the location of our external power armor, confirm that no one has moved after landing, then quickly throw the woman aside, and then start wearing the power armor. This external power armor can be worn by yourself, and it takes about ten seconds to complete, which is relatively fast.

The woman was thrown on the ground and saw that we began to wear armor and planned to run. As a result, our side had already settled it before we ran far. The four-meter-high power armor caught up in a few steps, grabbed the woman, and then Ling and I took off and flew towards South Korea. Although our power armor has stealth ability, but in broad daylight, with this woman can not fly high, and can not fly fast, so it is possible to be discovered. For this reason, we can't fly back directly, we can only detour back from South Korea.

Although the distance has become a little bit, we still returned to China at around nine o'clock in the morning. The reason for the delay was mainly because the woman on the way to South Korea was almost frozen to death. She had no choice but to find a place to land in South Korea, and then robbed a hapless motorcyclist and got a motorcycle Knight. costumes. This thing is very resistant to cold, and the most important thing is to have a helmet, which is very useful when flying.

After we had this thing, we returned to the country at a relatively fast speed, but the woman was almost frozen when she was put down. Although there are motorcycle equipment, motorcycle equipment is prepared for riders on the ground to deal with wind speeds below 300 kilometers. As a result, we were flying at 500 meters in the air at a speed of 800 kilometers per hour. Motorcycle suits really can’t provide good protection at this speed. We can only barely protect this woman from freezing to death. .

After throwing her to the people from the intelligence department who had been waiting aside for a long time, we stopped taking care of it. I thought it was a civilian, but I had to take care of it when I brought it back, but it turned out that didn't expect was a spy, which was simple. As a retired field spy, she now works as a civilian in a Japanese intelligence agency, so she should know a lot of intelligence, and interrogation is still useful. As for where she will go in the end, we don't need to care about it. Anyway, she won't want to have any contact with the outside world in the short term.

After we got this deal done, we went back to the base, and then went online again.

When the sight was restored, we were still in the previous valley, because the off-line was too anxious, so I didn’t change the place. This place is where we found the woman before, but at this time the eight-headed snake Neither were there with our aircraft, and apparently left.

"Where are the gods of the army, the Baqi Orochi and the aircraft that sent me here before?"

"They have returned to Steel City."

" Steel City?" I froze for a while, then nodded and said: "That's right, it’s a sensitive period now, it’s good to go to Steel City."

"Chairman, I just found out that your coordinates are In Japan, do you need me to send a boat to pick you up?"

"No, I can't lose a big person."

"Understood."< /p>

After cutting off the communication, I began to prepare to return, but before I had time to act, I suddenly discovered that someone was approaching this location, and there were a lot of people. Feeling this situation, I hurried directly into the vault, and then started teleporting in it, and soon reached the Fulcrum City.

When the Japanese players found this place, they happened to see the transmitted rays of light flashing in the vault. They quickly rushed over, but when they got in, there was nothing left.

"Damn it!" The leading player hit the door of the steel vault with a punch, making a loud noise.

"The clue is completely broken here, what are we going to do?" a Japanese player asked.

The player who led the team helplessly said: "What else can I do? The eight-pointed snake has robbed us, and we go to find their theory! Anyway, every injustice has its perpetrator, we are not afraid of them renege on a debt."

"But we now..." the player asked hesitantly.

As soon as the lead player heard this, he immediately asked: "What do you say now?"

The player heard his boss ask it, and after thinking about it, he said: "Now we It’s no longer a guild under the new Black Dragon guild alliance. We are now independent individuals. At this time, go to the Baqi Orochi and the others for theorizing. Nobunaga Guishou and they will definitely not be afraid of us."

< p>Another Japanese player next to him said: "Although we are no longer from Matsumoto Masaka, this matter is not a glorious thing after all, so Matsumoto and the others did not promote it everywhere. I think it is based on Matsumoto Masaka and the ghost The relationship between Sonobunaga, this kind of thing is not known to them."

"You mean we are going to pretend to be Matsumoto's people, using Matsumoto's. The name goes to scare the ghost Nobunaga?" another player asked.

Their chairman, frowned of the guild who had a conflict with Masaka Matsumoto and the others, said: "This method is probably useless!"


"Because there is still a big snake." Their president said, "Nobunaga may be afraid of Matsumoto, but the big snake doesn't care about it. Even the ten Matsumoto Masaka is not the opponent of Yaqi Orochi. Although due to the rules, the Yaqi Orochi cannot directly deal with Matsumoto Masaka, but the Yaqi Orochi is absolutely not afraid of Matsumoto Masaka, so we even fight The banner of Masaka Matsumoto is also useless. Moreover, we are already like this. If you play the banner of Masaka Matsumoto, will you not be afraid of embarrassment?"

If the president of the Japanese guild The Japanese players were all stunned there, and then everyone fell silent.

After a long time, one of the Japanese players said: "Is it all this time?"

"Of course it's impossible!" said the Japanese guild leader : "We must go to Nobunaga and Yagi Orochi theory. Although they are not afraid of Masaka Matsumoto, they don't want to become public enemies of all of Japan, right?"

"Right!" A Japanese player next to him is obviously a flattery type. As soon as he heard their president say a way, he immediately started flattery, and said: "Yachi Orochi and Nobunaga Onishi will definitely care about their reputation, when If the time comes, if they don’t compensate us, we won’t be able to choose what happened last night. When the time comes, the whole world knows that the eight-headed snake attacked innocent Japanese guilds for a little profit. This kind of behavior must be It will arouse everyone’s outrage towards the eight-headed snake. When the time comes, if they still want to mix in Japan, they’ll be impossible not to take us seriously."

With the flattery of this guy, around There was also a sound of approval, and then everyone picked up the deformed vault and left the forest together. They planned to take this thing back as evidence, when the time comes to see if the Eight-Finger Orochi would admit this matter.

What they think is pretty good here, but unfortunately, sometimes things will develop in the direction you want instead of thinking well.

——Two hours later, the Guishou League resident——

"What did you say?" Guishou Nobunaga looked at the group of players in front of Angrily Roared: "Don’t be here Talk nonsense here! Don’t think that you are afraid of you after you follow Masaka Matsumoto. Go back and tell him Masaka Matsumoto, if you want to trouble me, come by yourself and send a few shrimp soldiers and crab generals. What's the matter?"

"Don’t be arrogant, we don’t use Masaka Matsumoto’s name to crush you. We are here to negotiate justice. To tell you the truth, we quarreled with Masaka Matsumoto yesterday morning. Turn it over, now we are no longer from Matsumoto Masaka."

Originally, Nobunaga had a bad attitude because he thought these people were from Matsumoto, and he thought they were Matsumoto. Masaga found him who disgusted him, so he was so tempered. After all, he had been informed by his subordinates because the other party said that the Baqi Orochi had attacked their city last night, but the problem is that Nobunaga knew it! Baqi Orochi stayed in the cave specially prepared by their guild last night and did not come out!

Because of these misunderstandings, Nobunaga's attitude was very bad before, but now that he knows that this is a misunderstanding, Nobunaga is impossible and immediately becomes a smiling face. After all, he himself Not a particularly good-tempered person. Of course, now he will at least try to be reasonable, instead of directly speaking louder than the opponent.

Looking at the group of players on the opposite side, Nobunaga Onishi said in a calm tone as much as possible: "Okay, since you are not from Masaka Matsumoto, then I am all our Japanese players. Let me listen. What are you talking about."

When the president of the Japanese guild on the opposite side heard that Nobunaga was willing to listen to them, he immediately explained the situation last night, and the opposite The longer it is, the more ugly the face becomes. Finally, when the other party talked about compensation issues, Nobunaga Onitou couldn't help but explode.

"Shut up all of you. What do you guys do when I'm really bullying?"

"Onitou Nobunaga-kun, what do you mean?" That trip to Japan The president asked timidly. Although they were here to ask for compensation, he was still afraid of Onijo Nobunaga in his heart. After all, Oniju Nobunaga and Matsumoto Masaka exist at the same level, and they are not the same as Matsumoto Masaka. Nobunaga Guishou is notoriously tyrannical. If he doesn't agree with him, he may go to war with you, which is unreasonable. It is precisely because Onited nobunaga is unreasonable, that the Japanese guild president is afraid of him. On the other hand, the reason why Matsumoto Masaka cannot convince the public is that the main reason is that he is too gentle. However, this is determined by our policy, not to say that Masaga Matsumoto just becomes more aggressive.

Onitou Nobunaga heard that the Japanese guild president on the other side asked him back, and he broke out immediately. "You are so embarrassed to ask me what do you mean? You carried a coffin and ran to me early in the morning, crying and making noise, and now you still say this kind of nonsense to play with me. You really think I dare not kill you all Are you?"

"We are not talking nonsense!" As soon as the Japanese guild leader heard the words of Nobunaga Onitou, he immediately said: "It was true that the eight-headed snake attacked us last night. This is not a coffin, but our guild’s vault. As a result, it was arched out from under the ground by the eight-headed snake, and even far away, the door was opened and the contents were snatched away. "

"Nonsense. The Big Snake has been in our guild last night and did not go out. How could it possibly attack your city? Let's talk about it. What do we want here? Why did the Big Snake go to you to snatch yours What is the treasure?"

"no no no, the treasure is still there. What is lost is not the treasure." The Japanese guild president immediately explained: "What was the gold coin in the vault when it was discovered? There was no loss, except that a valuable medicine pill with a flying shovel was gone. This thing has a great effect on healing. Besides, besides the eight-pointed snake, whoever would steal the vault but not even move the money in it Just take a medicine pill?"

"What you said is useless, the Eight-Puzzle Big Snake simply didn't go out last night, how could you be attacked by him? Isn't the Big Snake God capable of Avatar Technique?"

The president of the Japanese guild wanted to say in his heart that the eight-pointed snake might be able to do it. But he didn't say this now, because he knew it was useless, and what he wanted was compensation, not talk big. "Okay, it's useless if you don't admit it. I still have several videos in my hand. There are system time on them, which can definitely prove it."

Ghost Nobunaga was immediately amused when he heard this. "Hahahaha, you are still using such a stupid lie to lie to me. Baqi Orochi simply didn't go out, how could you photograph him last night?"

"But we did it. If you don't give it We compensate, and we will post the video to the forum to let everyone see what you are doing."

Just as the Japanese guild leader finished talking about this, he suddenly saw a ghost coming in outside. Player of the hand alliance, this guy ran up to Nobunaga Onitou and quickly leaned forward and whispered something to the ear of Nobunaga Onitou, and when Onitou Nobunaga heard this, his face instantly became a piece of cake. Fierce, and then said nothing, Guishou Nobunaga just stopped moving, as if frozen. Everyone knows this kind of sudden freeze. This is the situation of players viewing the forum online. This operation does not need to completely exit and is fast. However, the body in the game may be attacked, so unless it is a safe environment, most people will not be like this. use.

The freeze-frame Guishou Nobunaga didn't make everyone wait long, but the president of the Japanese guild below couldn't wait. "Hey, what is Guishou Nobunaga doing? We have hard evidence. If you refuse to compensate, we will post it on the forum and see what you do."

"humph. "The player who came in to report the message was coldly snorted, but he quickly resumed his actions, and as soon as he recovered, he rushed to the Japanese guild leader and pinched him. His neck is angrily roared: "What did you do? How did you fake this video? Come on!"

"Ah...I don't have..."

That The president of the Japanese guild desperately tried to defend himself, but his neck was pinched and he couldn't make a sound. The people he brought found out that his president was attacked by Nobunaga Oniji, of course, they went up to help. As a result, these people moved. The people of Nobunaga Guishou were naturally impossible. Seeing Nobunaga Guishou alone being attacked by so many of them, they rushed up together. The two sides quickly turned into a melee, but everyone was torn between them, but no one used weapons. Obviously, I still remembered the measure. However, this kind of thing does not mean that you are sensible, because there are still a pair of eyes staring at it in the dark.

"Ah...you...you..." In the midst of a multiplayer melee, someone from the Guishou Long Guild suddenly clutched his neck, and then hesitated. Pointing at the opponent and retreating several steps, at the same time, the blood of the big drum gushes from the gap between the fingers of this guy, and simply can't hold it under pressure. Obviously, this guy got a shot in a critical position, and he penetrated it quite deep. This kind of critical attack originally had high damage, and the bleeding state was uncontrollable. In less than five seconds, the player fell down, and a man from the Guishou Nobunaga guild next to him pointed to the other side and shouted: " These bastards actually killed Ono-kun. Let’s go together to avenge Ono!"

With the shout of this player, the people of Nobunaga on the other side immediately rushed forward, and the guild on the opposite side People are all brought down in an instant.

This place was originally the site of Nobunaga Guishou. Of course there are many people in their own guilds. And the Japanese guild president brought only a dozen people. They came to ask for compensation, and they didn't come to fight, so naturally they wouldn't bring so many people. However, they didn't expect that it would turn into a violent conflict, and it happened so suddenly.

In fact, what both parties don’t know now is that they are actually pitted, and the people who pitted them are celebrating with champagne.

Actually, the player who ran in before told Guishou Nobunaga that it was nothing but a video on the forum of the eight-headed snake attacking the guild in the middle of the night, and it has been reposted by many people, affecting Very bad. When Guishou Nobunaga went offline, he went to watch this video with his own eyes. The other party just said that he wanted to threaten them with this thing, and the result was directly sent out, so Oniji Nobunaga thought it was the other party deliberately killing them, because he still believes that the other party was sent by Matsumoto Masaka. Of course, that video was indeed posted by Masaka Matsumoto, but that person posted it under his personal name, because he was the player who was sent by Masaka Matsumoto to work in that city last night. He thought he had witnessed the passage and felt like this Breaking news, so it was posted directly.

Under the anger of Guishou Nobunaga, he started to go crazy after watching the video online, but at this time things can actually be controlled. But... what Onité Nobunaga and the Japanese guild leader don't know is that there are our people in both of their teams. No, to be precise, it is from Masaga Matsumoto. The other party didn't know that Matsumoto Masaka was my person, they all thought they were working for Matsumoto Masaka.

One of these two guys is in the team of the president of the Japanese guild, and the other is on Nobunaga's side. Then, the guy lurking in the guild stabbed to death the companion in Nobunaga's camp on the opposite side, and the conflict escalated,

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