When the opponent's emotions were already on the verge of collapse, the eight-headed snake finally moved again. "Ant, remember, I am your god, and allegiance to me is what you should do. If you make a mistake, I don't mind helping you recognize the reality." As the eight-headed snake said, he began to gradually descend below the ground. It sank, but the other party watched the Baqi Orochi disappearing to the ground without any reaction.

"Head, what shall we do now?" A Japanese player asked Chief-In-Charge, taking a photo of the city.

The Chief-In-Charge of the city that was pushed a bit recovered after being pushed a bit by the player behind him. He shook his head and regained consciousness. He looked at the surrounding situation, and then suddenly thought What is he doing now? He hurriedly shouted to the players around him: "Don’t stand stupidly, hurry up, go and help put out the fire."

The people around me only remembered them when they heard this command. So they began to spread out to participate in the Fire Element extinguishing movement, but unfortunately the flames had completely spread in the time just now. Even if they were all extinguished immediately, the loss tonight would be incalculable. The more terrible thing is that the flame Knight has not been completely extinguished, and it is still burning. Now it is still busy to control the fire. It is estimated that after the flame is extinguished, half of the buildings in this city can be left even if they are them. It's fast.

While the players in the city here are busy putting out the fire, in the valley where the aircraft landed on the other side, the eight-headed snake is standing on the side of a big rock in a human form, holding the rock with one hand. He gasped, looking as if he was about to breathe out, and beside him, a metal box about half the size of a container, which had been severely deformed, was lying there.

"I said you wouldn't make it?" Looking at the guy in front of me, I was comforted: "What's so nervous about you now that you are out?"

"I... I'm just nervous! This thing is so exciting, I have never been so nervous before in a fight with rare beast, who is stronger than me." Baqi Da Snake said with lingering fear.

"This is a psychological effect. It will be better if you come here a few more times."

"This is my first time, and it should be better next time. Leave me alone. Now, let me take a break first."

I nodded no longer care about the eight-headed snake, but walked directly to the metal box over there. This thing is actually the guild’s vault. It was originally inside a basement, but now the basement has been completely destroyed, and what remains is the entire welded metal room. However, because it was too nervous before, the Baqi Orochi didn't control its strength. As a result, the metal box was squashed completely, and now it is almost diamond-shaped. But this is not a problem. Anyway, we don’t have the key. Even if it is not deformed, we can only violently dismantle it.

Let the pepper explore the structure of this thing with mental power, and then we found a few fixed points on the gate, and then I easily cut those connecting points with the eternally changing small pointed cone, and then The door fell completely to the outside. This kind of vault is basically like a large piece of wood in front of my eternity, and it is only a matter of time to open it.

"OK, let's see if our information is accurate enough." I said, I walked to the door of the vault, and then I wanted to go inside, but the result was not yet Lift your foot and see a big Fireball flying towards you. "My god!"

Fortunately, I reacted quickly, and lay straight back straight, and then I saw the huge Fireball flying over me, rubbing my pen tip. A fierce pain followed. Thanks to this is a game, if in reality this one would have to be broken. But having said that, with our Dragon Clan's repair ability, even if the entire head is burned into a skeleton-like structure, the impact is actually not great, it is nothing more than going back to do a body regeneration.

Because the incident happened suddenly, people around were shocked by the sudden fireball without the slightest preparation. Especially I did a face dance with Fireball. Fortunately, I The bloodline of the race is more bullish, and the face quickly recovered, but the lost blood volume may not regenerate. I need to talk about it here. Although the equipment in the game has a defensive power setting, the equipment defense in "Zero" is limited to protected areas, assuming you can accurately insert the equipment from the gaps in the equipment. No matter how great the equipment is, it will not produce any defensive effect, because the equipment has not actually been attacked. It is the person wearing it, not the equipment itself.

For the above reasons, as long as one's visor is not put down when the face is attacked, then defensive power and other things are actually useless. This is also the main reason for my burns. Mask this thing Most players will selectively decide whether to put it down, in most cases it is opened, only when fighting head-on will consider the direction of the mask, after all, this thing affects breathing, and also blocks the line of sight. Although my dragon soul suit comes with air filtration and water and oxygen separation, the problem of blocking the line of sight is still a little bit. After wearing this thing, the visual range will decrease, which is not conducive to high-mobility battles. This is why most players and I usually don't like to put down the mask.

That guy apparently seized this opportunity, and in the end I was very unlucky, and half of my face was roasted directly. Fortunately, this damage passed for me in minutes, and the impact was not. Big.

After successfully evading the Fireball, I quickly rolled away and opened the summon space at the same time. Yeyue, King, Sha Yezi, Jingjing and Lingling appeared around me in an instant. She protected me behind, and Jingjing directly supported the Holy Shield on the door of the vault, because I knew that the Fireball was launched by one person instead of a mechanism.

Actually, my eyes were blocked by Fireball at the moment when the door was opened, but in fact I still saw a silhouette behind Fireball, which means that there are actually people in the vault. , It is not an anti-theft agency. I don’t understand why there are people in this kind of vault anyway, but the key problem now is not this, but to quickly control this guy, because this thing was snatched by the eight-headed snake. This is what many people think. I know, and the people here see me again at this time. The amount of information inside has gone. If this guy’s ability to associate is not a problem, he can even infer the relationship between us and the eight-headed snake. Some of the relationships, and this is not in our script.

With the protection of the magic pet, I immediately got up from the ground and got up, and then looked at the vault over there, Jingjing was on the entrance of the cave, but suddenly I saw the fire at the entrance of the cave in the next second. Flashed, Jingjing flew out seven or eight meters straight back, and then pulled out a large ditch several meters long on the ground with her feet on the ground to offset the impact, and a silhouette came out of the hole just now, but this guy Before I came out, I ran into Lingling’s holy sword. A holy light fell vertically. The guy quickly dodged and retracted into the vault, but the next second I heard a bang, and the vault was divided directly into the middle. Two halves moved towards the two sides fell down.

"Damn, what are you doing with so much energy?" didn't expect Lingling cut open with the vault. It is not so easy to block that guy now. Fortunately, everyone around me reacted and surrounded them.

After the vault was cut open, we finally saw what the guy inside looked like. Unexpectedly, this turned out to be a female player, and her equipment was very strange. It turned out to be a long sword with a staff in her left hand and her right hand. I’ve seen a battle mage before, but the battle mage doesn’t mean holding a sword in one hand and a staff in the other! What is she? Demon Sword Taxi? It seems that people always use the sword of power instead of the staff to connect. I haven't heard of anyone holding two weapons at the same time!

Although I don’t know what’s going on here, it’s clear that this guy has to get under control as soon as possible, and she can’t let her tell other people how we are in contact with Baqi Orochi, otherwise we The previous action arrangements have all become useless.

"Who are you?" The other person looked quite nervous, holding arms and constantly changing targets on us, but I could tell from her gaze that she was not really that scared, on the contrary , There is an emotion called excitement surging in her eyes.

"little girl, you are too tender if you want to lie. You should be very clear about who we are." I directly pushed aside the king in front of me and walked to her. Then he said: "You are now in our encirclement. You should know our battle strength. With your level, the probability of successfully breaking away from us is minimal."

"You are What are you talking about? I really don't know you!" The other party made a very scared look, obviously intending to continue to pretend to be innocent. "

"It looks like you don't plan to cooperate anymore, do you? "

"So I really don't know what you are talking about? I was responsible for guarding the warehouse, and suddenly the mountains shook. I thought there was an earthquake, but I saw you when the door opened, so..."

"Okay, Miss Thief , We still don’t make such a big bend. "My words made the other person's expression change by a few tenths of a second, but it returned to normal in an instant. But my words are not over yet. "You may be able to use your acting skills to deceive many people, but it's not possible with me. First of all, there is a big problem with the first sentence you said before. Who am I not to say that the whole world knows that at least more than half of the players in this game know me, and in a place like Japan, people who don't know me may not even have a chance to know me? Obviously, you are not the kind of elderly who go online to sleep, so you are definitely not in the 10% range, which means that you are lying from the very beginning. Not only do you know us, but you also know where we come from. "


"It's convenient for you, because I won't believe what you said. If there may be a problem with my speculation just now, the problem will be even greater after you. You said before that you are a vault guard. This is definitely a big loophole. According to our information, this vault is a dedicated vacuum vault. After it is closed, the inside will be vacuumed. If you can survive in this environment for a long time, then your mission will never be to guard the vault. It's easy. Second, the vault behind you belongs to a Japanese guild called Tianshehui, but you are a free player. You don’t wear any guild logo on your body, which shows that you are not a member of their guild at all. Why does a guild put a person who is not a member of the guild in its vault? Being able to appear in the vault at this time, the most reasonable explanation I can think of is not guards, because even if guards are really arranged, they will not be inside the vault, but should be guarded at the door. As for you, I think you are just a hapless thief who has worked so hard to embed in other people's vaults, but in the end, you don't want to be taken away by others even with the vault. Am I still complete, Miss Thief? "

After being silent for a while, the other party suddenly put away the attitude of the weak woman before, then stood up straight and instantly changed into a noble temperament and said: "I can't hide from you. High-end players too! I didn't expect so many loopholes in the disguise that I have never seen through! "

"You weren't seen through just because the previous actions were your plan, and this time there was an unplanned change. So you are exposed. But I also have my needs now, so it is not impossible for us to have a good exchange. "

After hearing what I said, the other party grinned suddenly. "It looks like you are really anxious. As she said, she looked up and left and right again, and then said, "Where is the eight-headed snake?" Where did you hide? Don't think I don't know if I hide. Although I don't know how you got together with Baqi Orochi, but now that I know, this is no secret. As you can see, I am a player, and I have many ways to spread what I know, so even if I kill me, it doesn’t make any sense to you, because after the resurrection I can continue to inform, And you have nothing to do with me. "

"No, we have a way, but it is very troublesome to implement, so I hope to solve this matter in a more peaceful way, at least this will only benefit both you and me. "

"Oh? So to whom is your so-called proposal a bad thing? "

When I heard the other party, I knew it was going to be bad. This guy obviously didn't intend to accept my bid.

"It looks like there are some irreconcilable conflicts between us! "

"Are there? "The other party pretended to be ignorant and asked: "How do I feel that we have never been in harmony before?" "

The moment the other party said something like this, I suddenly understood. This woman didn’t simply decide to sell it to other Japanese players because she knew this, so she chose to be hostile to me, she I had a huge hatred with us, that's why this happened.

After understanding this situation, I knew that it was impossible to speak well, so I could only suppress her body as much as possible. , Forcing her to have no way to inform in a short time, and she herself has to start from another direction.

If it's just a normal situation, I won't consider actions outside the game. But , This woman’s situation is indeed a bit special. The act of discrediting the eight-headed snake is very important, and it also involves Masaga Matsumoto, so if something happens to cause the identity of our eight-headed snake to be revealed, our own loss is Small, the identity of Masaka Matsumoto will be exposed and the loss will be great. You must know that the eight-headed snake is the demon of Masaka Matsumoto, this will be discovered sooner or later, so we must not risk letting Masaka Matsumoto be on the cusp .

"Are you really sure you want to fight us? You should know that we don't want you to tell others what you saw today, so if you..."

"Needless to say, I won't be bought by you. "The other party's words are very straightforward. This simply means that they don't intend to compromise.

"That's really sorry! "I shook the head helplessly, then snapped my fingers, and the surrounding players of the guild quickly surrounded me. Instead, the eight-headed snake appeared under the ground in its own form, with only eight disguised heads exposed outside. At this woman.

Call the Chief-In-Charge here, and I whispered in his ear: "I'm going to deal with other issues, and you will be responsible here for a while. Find a way to control her, don't let him leave or go offline, if she forcibly go offline, you don't have to worry about it. However, she must take good care of her body and take it back to the Isengard mobile fortress to take a good look. She must not let her use this body to inform the news, nor allow her to have any contact with others. "

"But she can still log in using a small account! "

"You don't need to worry about that. I'm going to deal with her trumpet problem. You just need to control her and send her back to Isengard Mobile Fortress as I said. Remember to tell the military god that this woman must focus on detention, the guards must not be separated, and I must stare at her to death. "

"Understood. "

After the players here understood my intentions, they surrounded the woman, and the other party apparently planned to put up a desperate struggle, because she knew we didn’t dare to kill her, and we were not only We can’t kill her, and we must prevent her from committing suicide, because once she dies, we will have failed.

In fact, as long as we look at the woman’s body, the other problems are not very big. This woman just affirmed Useful record crystal to record the conversation between us, so what we have to do is to prevent her from sending out this content, and if she just uses her own trumpet to promote this thing in the world, although it will cause us some It’s troublesome, but there’s no proof, plus this thing is too unbelievable, so most people won’t believe it, at least most people won’t believe it. So, as long as we can control her body, don’t let this big one run. To a certain extent, she can transmit the information to a certain extent, but this matter will not end because of this, because as long as she is still jumping, our secrets may be leaked, so we need other methods to do so. Let her shut up completely.

As for the way to shut her up completely, the easiest way I thought of before is to buy her, as long as we let her be our person, then everything is not a problem. However, there are also a lot of your problems, and her attitude just now has already explained the situation we need to face. She obviously won’t be bought from our advice. So, the method we can use is The item of buying was removed.

If you can’t buy, then there are really not many things to choose from, but I quickly thought of a method that can be said to be quite good, but quite troublesome. .

This method can be said to be very simple, or it can be said to be very troublesome, because this method is to control this woman in reality, or even kill her. This idea sounds crazy, doesn't it? But in fact, if you think about it carefully, this kind of thing is not crazy at all.

The benefits that Matsumoto's identity can bring to us and the harm that Matsumoto's identity can bring to us once it is discovered. , If this huge interest relationship is converted into money, the number will be as high as 100 billion or even trillion crystal coins. Such a value is not a small number even for a country. After all, controlling Matsumoto Masaga is equivalent to controlling. Japanese players, and Japanese players represent Japan to some extent. Being able to control most of the country’s population, the benefits are naturally astronomical. Therefore, Matsumoto’s identity is absolutely important. Exceeding most people’s estimates.

In reality, those professional assassins dare to kill for a few thousand dollars. Even those with higher social status are nothing more than a little more expensive. But if you have 100 million, So basically it’s not a question of whose life you want to buy. Even if that person is the president of a country and has 100 million yuan as a reward, I believe he can still be killed. Moreover, in fact, in the business activities of multinational corporations, it is not uncommon for hundreds of people to die in vain for the business of millions and tens of millions of dollars. It's just that the blood in business operations is the blood that has been concealed, and it will not be so direct.

For such a small profit, everyone can kill people, and for the identity of Matsumoto Masaka, this trillion-dollar super profit, killing someone is really not a thing, even if it’s a president. , 100 million yuan each, this money is enough to kill all the presidents of the world. So, it's not strange at all that I think of killing people.

Of course, I am not a crazy person. Although I am not even a human being, I still think that I am human, so the way I thought of was to go to Japan and get her back. In this way, she can't directly access the Internet, that is, she can't log in to the game, so her account will be invalidated. After that, we only need to force her to delete her account, and then wait for a while, and wait for the truth and falsehoods to be settled, and there will be no problem in releasing her, because at that time she can't make any storms anymore.

I have to say that my method is indeed feasible. For ordinary people, they are not capable of doing these things, but the problem is that we are not ordinary people, and we are actually capable of doing these things. Well, this woman is just an ordinary citizen in Japan. With our Dragon Clan abilities, going to Japan to tie her back to Japan is basically as simple as going out to buy instant noodles, so I think this is feasible. .

I just hesitated for a while and decided to act immediately, because this kind of thing is really getting more and more troublesome, so I can't make this kind of thing come true.

I talked about this with the military god and Rose, and then I chose to go offline.

Take off the cable and sit up directly from my position. Fortunately, the researchers didn't give me any full body modification when I entered the game, and every time I offline, I find that I only have a head left. It doesn't feel good.

After getting up quickly, I ran to the room where the familiars entered the game. This side is just like a movie theater. Rows of Dragon Clan members lie on neatly arranged recliners, and they These are all my familiars and summon creatures. Of course, fortunately, they are not among these large creatures.

Because this time I was just going to catch an ordinary woman back, so there was no need for any extra battle strength. I just let Ling be with me and didn't bring anyone else.

Because the task performed this time is very simple, and it is my personal decision, so there is no way to call things that are too high level, I can only run to Nuwa to intercede, let her check that for me Woman's message. Nuwa didn't have any difficulty with my request, and directly checked the user information for me. Because "Zero" is a real-name login, the information is very accurate. I can confirm the location of the woman in one click. Nuwa also helped me to check it out. The woman is still online. After all, the other party is just an ordinary person. We never thought that we would travel all the way from China to Japan to catch her for the information in the game. This kind of thing is a bit too fantastic for the average player.

After getting all the information about this woman, I immediately greeted Ling and went to the airport outside the base. There are many aircraft to choose from, but the large ones are not available, and the take-off permission is very troublesome. Could you ask Nuwa again. "You can do it to the end and get us an aircraft!"

"As you, you just need to call the aircraft and report directly. The key is that you have to fly foreign routes and you can't see the light. Task, so I can’t make a report for you.” After Nuwa finished speaking, before I continued begging her, she proactively said: “But I have two alternatives here, do you want to think about it?”

"Why is there a backup plan?"

Nuwa obviously did not prepare the aircraft because I asked her for help, because the hangar next to it was opened directly after I asked her, and then I saw two A ground crew member walked over with two electric carts. There is a set of armor standing on each of the two electric carts, not the one we wear.

We, Dragon Clan, all have their own power armor imitating the shape of the armor in the game. Although it looks very similar to the armor in the game, it is not magic equipment, but real high-tech. However, the two in front of us are obviously larger than the one we are wearing. These two sets of armor stood there for nearly four meters, and Ling and I stood by and felt that we were only at the height of their thighs. This thing is obviously not pure power armor, because it is too big.

Nuwa explained to us: "This thing is the auxiliary armor of the kind of power armor on your body. Our recent research in the fourth zone showed that the aliens also have such a special configuration, so we also do it for you. I designed this thing."

"But how do I wear this? It's outside the armor on our body?"

"Yes, just wear your own armor and sit on it. There is a connecting device in this thing that can be docked with the armor on your body."

"Does it make sense to put a layer of power armor on the outside of the power armor?"

"Of course it makes sense "Nuwa said: "The power armor equivalent to your body is a general-purpose combat armor, which mainly emphasizes the comprehensive performance of tactical performance, but it has shortcomings in many aspects. And this large-scale power armor is A special long-range support type external power armor. First of all, this thing itself is equivalent to a transport aircraft, do you see the wings behind them? The flight speed and cruising range of this thing are the power armor of your own body. Fabi. And because of its large size, it also has external weapons that can be used for aerial combat. Of course, it is not comparable to the main fighters, after all, the professional is not suitable. But it is not a problem to bully a helicopter or an ordinary attack aircraft. In addition, this thing itself is the auxiliary power system of the power armor on your body. You can charge the power armor inside by connecting the external power armor, which can increase the battery life of the power armor on your body. Also, the external power armor itself is very bulky, so the armor is slightly thicker than yours, but because the material is not as good as yours, the defensive power will be slightly reduced, but after all, this is too much. A layer of protection, so defensive power can always be added in battle. Also, according to needs, this external power armor can also be equipped with various heavy equipment, which can fully arm you into things like main station tanks."

"I think I probably understand the use of this thing." I pointed to the power armor and asked: "It has enough power to take us from here to Japan?"

< p>Nuwa is very sure nodded and said: "In theory, you can fly to the United States and then fly back without charging, but this is a theoretical value, but if you only fly to Japan, it will definitely be fine. In addition, there is one more point, This thing actually has auxiliary charging facilities. If you find an external power supply in Japan, this guy can directly use the roadside high-voltage power line or household socket to charge. It has a dedicated inverter in its body that supports 12 volts. The direct charging method can reach a voltage of one million volts. It can be adapted to any grid frequency, AC and DC mixed charging, if you can find a car battery, you can use it to charge. Also Yes, when necessary, there is a fuel port on the back of this guy, which can be directly filled with gasoline, diesel, kerosene or alcohol fuel. This thing has a small fuel generator in its body, and its power is very high, which can quickly convert all the fuel into Electricity is stored. So regardless of the lack of a fuel tank, this thing can almost drain a large tank truck at a time when refueling. Of course, the conversion rate is not high. After all, this is an emergency equipment, and it is not safe to fight with fuel. Therefore, when we designed it, we used the fastest speed to burn all the fuel into electricity, so the fuel utilization rate cannot be guaranteed. . "

"This is already very exaggerated, okay? Okay, I now know that this thing can burn oil and recharge. It should be enough. "

Nuwa said directly: "This is your own special equipment, so you don't need to report if you call it. Moreover, this thing has strong flying ability, small size, and stealth ability, which can quickly penetrate. Lei Daquan, don't worry about being discovered. "

"Many thanks. "

Although I feel that Nuwa is just letting us experiment with equipment, but this kind of time can't control that much. Jump directly on the upper body of this thing, and then get in under the open cover on the front. Inside are not seats, but some metal sticks. These things can be directly docked with the interface on our armor, and then our armor is fixed inside it as a cockpit. The advantage of this is that it can adapt to any built-in power armor, because we The shape of the power armor is different, so it is quite troublesome to customize a dedicated cockpit for each power armor. On the contrary, it is much easier to use the connecting rod support, and you can make the connecting rod as long as you enter the control code. Telescopic and mobile, so as to adapt to our various shapes and sizes of power armor.

After sitting down, Ling and I found that the display in front of us started to work. This thing originally showed the built-in data of the armor on our body. , But now the operating system has changed. Obviously some subroutines have been added after the external power armor is connected.

Because the main body is still the original operation interface, we can easily control it. After all Dragon Clan's electronic brain can be directly connected to the electronic system. There is no need for a keyboard or a controller as backwards as a joystick. You can complete the control as long as you think about it.

After confirming that the various systems are connected properly, I give Ling gave the start command, and then the power armor of the two of us squatted directly, and then jumped up, the super electromagnetic engine behind it started instantly, and then I felt as if I was hit by someone from below, and the whole person jumped up instantly. Up high in the sky.

"Fuck me! "To be honest, after becoming Dragon Clan, I rarely feel this kind of enthusiasm, because Dragon Clan's body hormone level is very low, and it does not produce too much mood swings. This is especially for keeping calm when fighting. Modified, after all, our body is already very strong and does not need super-high hormone levels to stimulate the body's response. Moreover, because our body is too adaptable, it will not feel too much to do some extreme sports in ordinary times. Just like this rapid speed. Many people have a feeling of enthusiasm when sitting in a car, because the acceleration of the car is very large, which can stimulate the human body to respond. The pituitary gland will accelerate the secretion of various hormones to stimulate the body to enter a state of excitement, so as to adapt This kind of extreme environment. This is the reason why many people will accelerate their heartbeats when riding in a racing car or a large amusement ride in amusement park.

However, because our physical fitness is too strong, what is the general acceleration? It has no effect on us at all. Even when the acceleration reaches ten G, we will only feel a mild stimulus. Even with the help of anti-stress clothing, human beings are actually not far from death under this acceleration. .

However, even with our bodies, we still felt tremendous pressure when taking off just now. I looked at the display data, and this set of powered armored propellers actually produced even in the vertical take-off state. With an acceleration of 20 Gs, this terrifying thrust is completely beyond the limit that humans’ current aircraft technology can reach. Of course, I’m talking about technologies that ordinary persons can know, such as those within a large group like our Longyuan. It’s not the only thing everyone knows.

Although our acceleration is terrifying, Ling and I quickly adapted to this feeling, but soon I discovered another problem, that is Even if we are flying so fast, we can’t sense any obvious vibrations, and I can be sure that this aircraft is extremely quiet when flying.

Although we have entered supersonic speed at this time, the sound will I can’t hear the sound of the engine after being left behind, but our engine is attached to the back, so through the transmission of the internal structure, the sound will still be sent in. Don’t forget that although the sound travels faster, the speed is relative Yes, the armor on our body is also flying in sync with us, so the vibration transmitted by the armor's ability is not limited by the speed of that sound. But even so, I can

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