"Remember, your task is to destroy and snatch items. Don’t move those people. They dare not attack you or do anything to you. All you have to do is find that Then bring it out, as if this is the only thing you care about." I stood in front of the eight-headed snake and gave him the final pre-war guidance. Of course, what I told him now was some precautions, after all. The person who should be taught has already been taught before, and now there is no way to teach Baqi Orochi to more complicated things, only to talk to him about the problems that may be encountered in the operation. "After you enter in a while, I will help you do a large-scale investigation in the sky. If there is anything you don’t know what to do, please report it at any time. My communicator has always opened a special line for you. I will base on the intelligence of the military god. I need to filter and tell you, so unless I tell you, you don’t have to worry about anything else. Do you understand?"

Nodded, the eight-headed snake said: "Understand is to understand, it’s me. Nervous!"

"Don’t be nervous, it’s nothing, it’s just going to the show, no one dares to move you anyway."

"If it's just in case they What do you do if you attack me?" Baqi Orochi asked.

"Run him to death." My answer was super simple. "From now on, you are not the little ominous beast of the Great Desolate Era. You are the eight-headed snake. In Japan, you are the Supreme Existence. Except for those super Divine Races, others are ants in front of you, so if they Dare to offend you, don’t hesitate, run him to death, it’s as simple as that."

"Okay, I am a god, I am Supreme. Any ant that hinders me is just fine. I am God, I am a god, crush the ants, crush the ants..." The Baqi Orochi murmured repeatedly in self-hypnosis, and I kept explaining to him in detail the coping strategies of various situations.

Actually, Baqi Orochi’s nervousness is only because this is his first time acting. I didn’t talk about acting in Great Desolate Era before. There are not many creatures with brains. Most creatures even estimate the enemy. The strength will not, and you will rush up to meet you desperately. This is also the reason why most of the creatures of Great Desolate Era later became extinct, mainly because those Great Desolate Giant Beasts are generally very strong in battle strength, but they are too stupid, even the most basic estimate of the difference in strength between the enemy and the enemy. They didn't understand, the result was that the enemy was stronger than them and didn't know how to escape, but instead rushed to die. In this way, how many lives are not enough to die! Unless someone like Xin or Hongjun Sect Lord is really powerful enough to hit the hands of invincible in the whole world, otherwise they can only end up in front of a stronger creature in the constant battle. For example, modern creatures will run away when they find that the enemy is stronger. Although this makes modern creatures weaker and weaker, many creatures can multiply and will not be extinct.

The Baqi Orochi who grew up in that environment certainly doesn’t know what falsehood is, and he doesn’t even understand why he wants to act. It’s too complicated for him to deceive, and sometimes he even more Willing to fight a deadly battle with a super powerful enemy and don't want to lie or act. The reason why the modern Baqi Orochi is so cunning is because he came alive from Great Desolate Era. During the nearly ten thousand years, he has been suffering, learning, suffering again, and learning again, and finally he has become better than these modern creatures. A more sophisticated way of doing things, but our Baqi Orochi doesn't understand anything, so naturally it is very nervous.

What I can do for this kind of mental disorder is to continue to encourage him. Of course, I know that this kind of encouragement is actually not very useful, but as long as you do this kind of thing a few times, you will get used to it. , The goal we chose for the first time was not very complicated, so Baqi Dashe should be able to adapt quickly.

Under my guidance to Baqi Orochi, the time soon reached three o'clock in the morning. This time point is basically the time when the number of people online is the least, because when you go to bed late, you have basically fallen asleep, and you have not got up at this time when you wake up early, so unless the time period is really reversed day and night People, or people like me who don't need to sleep at all, most people have already activated the auxiliary sleep system and fell asleep in the game. And this is the best time for us to attack.

"Okay, time is almost up, let's get started."

The Baqi Orochi who was nervous when I heard my voice opened its wings and wanted to take off. I yelled and frightened me off. "Don't be so nervous, it's okay. Look at you, you made a mistake at the beginning. The eight-headed snake in this era has no hairs, and the flying ability is greatly restricted. Now you are going to play the role of the eight-headed snake, so you have to fight Like him, he can’t go through the sky, he has to go through the ground."

"Oh, yes, I am a big snake, I should go through a hole!" The big snake remembered now. He is now imitating the modern self, so he can't follow his own habits, he needs to follow the habit of the big snake.

"Okay, don't be nervous, I will remind you directly in the communicator if there is something wrong, so don't worry, relax. You are the strongest here, no one can threaten You, so you don’t need to be afraid. This is not a duel with others, even if it’s broken, you won’t hang up. What are you afraid of?"

"Okay!" Nodded the Eight Disciples Orochi nodded and closed He lifted his wings and dived into the ground as soon as he lowered his head.

As mentioned before, the nine heads of the Baqi Orochi represent nine attributes, which also include the Earth Attribute, so the Baqi Orochi’s hole punching ability is very strong. After turning directly under the ground, the eight-headed snake began to move towards the predetermined target, and I turned over and jumped on Ye Ying patted his neck. "Let's go. Climb a little higher, don't let the people below see us."

"Okay." Ye Ying replied complied and immediately began to lift off, and then quickly climbed into the sky. At this height, I and I should be very small, and we are all in black, and there is almost nothing to see except the Hell Raging Flames on the hooves of the night shadow exuding the faint rays of light of dark purple. Unless you encounter flying creatures at this altitude, most people will confuse us with starlight, and will not even notice our existence.

Although Baqi Orochi walks underground, because he is carrying a communicator on his body, I can directly see his position at this height, but it’s not very precise, but such a big goal It's not easy to miss it.

The process of walking under the ground is not like a normal animal digging a passage under the ground and then moving forward. In fact, the way of moving under the ground is more like a ghost. It is the same as the wall, he himself will not leave any passages or the like under the ground. Of course, if you really need it, you can create a real passage, but in most cases, the eight-headed snake walks through the soil and rocks without leaving any traces at all. The advantage of this method is that the speed is much faster than digging a hole, and there is no need to worry about noise and landslides. Even in places with a lot of groundwater, it can be easily passed through without causing problems such as water penetration.

Relying on this method, Baqi Orochi quickly arrived at the target location we chose, and it is very quiet now. Most of the players are sleeping or have gone offline. The NPCs' work and rest time changes with day and night. It is now more than three o'clock in the mausoleum, and most of the NPCs are sleeping. Apart from the guards on patrol and the individual shops that need to be opened in the middle of the night, there are basically no NPCs to be found.

In this quiet and peaceful night, the saboteur, the Baqi Orochi, suddenly emerged from the Central Zone of the city without warning. Unlike under the ground, when it is unearthed, Baqi Orochi will relieve the penetrating ability. As a result, when he emerges from the ground, it will directly lift up all the large buildings on the ground. Many people completely Those who died in their sleep were unclear, and the wounded were struggling and wailing on the ground miserably.

Looking at the surrounding situation, Baqi Oro seemed a little dizzy, and looked left and right to see that there was no next move. I watched the action of Baqi Orochi in the sky and directly picked up the communicator and shouted: "Don't be in a daze, the target is in front of you on the right, yes, it is the building. Blast it."

With mine Instruct Baqi Orochi to immediately understand how to act. This guy turned his head and looked towards the building I was talking about. He had seen pictures of this building before, but now I pointed it out at such a close distance and he certainly recognized it at a glance. Turning one of his heads around, he suddenly spit out a huge lava ball, and only heard a loud explosion sound. The lava ball directly blew the whole building up like a blockbuster, and there were a lot of high-temperature lava in the bursting rock crust. Splashing, a big fire ignited in the city in an instant, and the night sky of the entire city was illuminated.

"Very well, don't stop, continue to attack, knock down all the superstructure, that thing is in the basement."

Without a word, the Baqi Orochi turned his head and smashed his head again. In the past, the floods not only extinguished the flames, but also flushed out the remaining ruins of the building, exposing the basement in one fell swoop. Baqi Orochi, who was quite proud, immediately heard my roar. "Don't use water polo! Baqi Orochi is not accustomed to using the Water Element ability. He absorbed too much Fire Element energy in the underground lava river, because it can't be recycled, his Water Element energy drop is very difficult to deal with, almost nothing How to use Water Element spell."


"Don't apologize, now you are a big snake, no one is by your side, don't talk. While no one is Pay attention to immediately use the flame breath to evaporate all the nearby water, hurry up."

The eight-headed snake quickly turned all eight heads around and faced the ground with a string of flame balls. This time, it was not only water. It was burned dry, and the surrounding area became a fire sea, and the previous spark of fire was completely out of control now, and there was a scream everywhere.

"Very well, proceed to the next step."

"What's the next step?" I was waiting for the Eight Differences Orochi to act, didn't expect to hear this unexpectedly In a word, almost didn't fall directly from the sky. Presumably knowing that I must be very angry, Baqi Oro snake said somewhat sorry: "Sorry, my head is blank when I get nervous!"

"Forget it, don't apologize. Act quickly. The goal of the next action is to dig out that vault."

"Oh." Hearing what I said, the eight-headed snake finally remembered what he was going to do. He quickly began to arch upward, as if he was about to get out of the ground, and I screamed in fright.

"hey hey hey, stop, stop. What are you doing?"

Baqi Orochi said timidly: "I want to dig out that safe with my claws! "

"Who told you to come out? Take back one head and push the vault out from under the ground! There are really only eight heads in the eight-headed snake, you just have Camouflage Technique on your body. The first nine heads are just buried in the ground and didn’t come out. Did you wear them all after you came out?"

"Ah! I forgot about this!" The eight-headed snake then remembered himself. Multiple heads could not be found, so they hurriedly went back, and then retracted one of the eight heads outside, and then stretched under the vault and slammed upwards suddenly. Accompanied by a loud explosion sound, the metal vault flew up to a height of seven or eight meters from the ground, and then it was bitten by the other head of the eight-headed snake.

"Very good, good job. Keep it this way now. The guilds here are organized. They will definitely ask you why you are attacking them. Don’t answer indiscriminately. When I hear their voices, I will tell you how to answer in a while. If I don’t say anything, please don’t talk."


My tone barely fell That group of Japanese players over there has already rushed to the side of Yaqi Orochi. This group of people was the same guild that had a conflict with the Iron Crusade yesterday morning and was then expelled from the alliance by Matsumoto Masaga. They just came over after knowing the situation here, but it was not their president who came here, but the person in charge of defending the city. Their boss should still be on the Russian side. The people they sent to ask for help estimate this. The meeting should have just arrived at Fulcrum City. From here to Russia, you need to use the Transmission Formation of the city to transmit to Fulcrum City, and then use the Transnational Transmission Formation of Fulcrum City to transmit to Isengard Mobile Fortress or the Transnational Transmission Formation of Isengard Twin Cities, depending on the Transnational Transmission The connection status of the Formation, after all, this thing is the same as the airline's flight. It's not where you want to go. If you are in a hurry, you have to see where we happen to be.

When they arrive at the Isengard Mobile Fortress, they have to use the temporary Transmission Formation on the battlefield to teleport to the city they built there, and then they can find their guild leader, and if it’s the Isengard twins In the case of the city, there are many more processes, that is, use the Transmission Formation in China to transmit from the Isenger Twin Cities to the Sino-Russian border, then use the cross-border Transmission Formation to transmit to the Russian side of the border, and then transfer the internal Transmission Formation to Russia. Isengard Mobile Fortress, after that, it is the same procedure as directly teleporting to Isengard Mobile Fortress. Of course, I am very sure that they will not be sent to Isengard Mobile Fortress, because before we came, we had notified the god of war that the transnational Transmission Formation of Fulcrum City had just been locked in the direction of Isengard Twin Cities, and it would take an hour. It will be adjusted back later, so the signal soldier needs to delay at least 20 minutes to use multiple Transmission Formation relays.

The purpose of using relay transmission is actually very simple. It is to make their president come back later, so that we can act well, otherwise there will be a decision maker when their president comes back, when the time comes They can decide whether or not to attack the Baqi Orochi. The identity of the Baqi Orochi as it is now will cause the Chief-In-Charge here to dare not give orders to the player to attack the Baqi Orochi, and this is what we hope. So we have to delay the other party's president's return and resolutely let him not keep up with this incident. We even planned for this. In case the other party ran back fast enough, we deliberately made a transnational transmission error and sent that guy directly to South America, and then at worst sent it back for free. As for complaints...Will we care?

"Stop, stop!" Just after the Baqi Orochi agreed to me, I found that the guild Chief-In-Charge there had rushed to the Baqi Orochi with a large group of players and guards. 'S side. The guy who took the lead shouted hoarsely for Baqi Orochi to stop while waving his arms.

When Baqi Orochi heard this voice, of course he did not continue to attack, but turned his head here. Although there is a head hidden under the ground, and another head biting into the vault, the eight-headed snake has nine heads, and there are still seven heads that can be used.

looked towards this guy here, and then the big snake stared at this guy with that bunch of eyes, but there was no sound. The guy below rushed to the front and braked quickly, then stopped and looked at the big snake in a daze for a long time before opening the mouth and said: "The big snake god! What are you doing? Why did you attack our guild station? Huh? We didn’t seem to offend you either?"

The eight-headed snake got my instructions, so I didn’t say a word, but I have heard the other party's words through the communicator, so I don’t need to think much, I just face it. The communicator said: "You keep this position first, and then stare at him with your eyes fixed on the prey to choose where to go. When he starts to be scared, you say to him in the tone of aloof and remote:'I do What do you need to notify you?” Just this sentence, remember not to be too fast, but to say it in a slow and majestic tone. With an imposing manner, he is an ant, you are a great god, you don’t need a bird. You Talking to him is to give him face, so he must be arrogant."

Ba Qi Da Snake has never been in contact with this kind of thing before, and he is not intellectually problematic. Of course, I did not have the slightest detail in what I said. The problem is. He looked at the guy directly with eyes that looked at the prey, until the Chief-In-Charge began to swallow and rub his hands, the eight-headed snake opened the mouth and said with a low voice: "I need to notify you of what I do. Is it?"

"But... but this is our resident!" The opponent's imposing manner has been completely suppressed, and he is clearly the victim of the suffering, but he speaks as if he was wrong.

"Very well, the other party has been suppressed by your imposing manner. Don't say anything now, stare at him, stare at him, imagine that he is the most delicious prey you have ever seen, Make an expression that is thinking about where to make the mouth. Very good, that's it, hold on."

Under my guidance, the Baqi Orochi finally started to feel the way, and now he is behaving. Is very good, the Japanese player below is about to be scared to pee. The expression on that face seemed to cry at any time.

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