"Isn't that the Death God ship? Have you returned to port?" Seeing the ghost ship from a distance, even the fellow Cunning King was a little nervous. In fact, most seafarers are a little scared of this thing about the ghost ship, not to mention the Death God was originally a super alternative ghost ship. The biggest feature of this guy is that it has formed a ship spirit but has no crew.

Most of the ghost ships are actually normal ships themselves, but the ships are haunted, so they become ghost ships. The ghost ship in the strictly speaking game is the ship controlled by the undead. This is the ghost ship. However, this Death God seems to be a ghost ship by itself. It is a real ghost ship. There is no undead creature on this guy, but the ship itself has become an undead creature. It itself is a conscious battleship, a very exaggerated, very abnormal and very alternative battleship.

Actually, the battle strength of Death God is not too strong. The energy of this ship that really makes people become terror-stricken at the news is actually the other two attributes-unsinkable and mimicry.

There is an attribute in the attribute of Death God called unsinkable, and this attribute means that although this guy can be destroyed, it will never sink. Even if it is beaten and rotten, it can Continue to sail without any influence. Even if you destroy its ship spirit, you just make it disappear and won't sink. So, any battleship encounters this thing will have a headache, because this guy simply cannot sink.

The attribute of mimicry is slightly better than the attribute of unsinkable, but the effect is also very special. This ability allows the Death God to simulate any battleship or even an island it has ever seen, and the size limit is very wide. At its smallest, it can even become a small wooden boat of only 100 tons, and at its largest, it can become something as big as three or four aircraft carriers. And sometimes it can become a small island to disguise itself, and when the others come to shore, they are waiting for Death God's sickle.

How did such a perverted ship finally become something of our Frost Rose League? This speaking of which is very complicated, but it only takes a few words to make it clear with a simple explanation. Because this guy is from us-lottery.

Actually, the system often conducts world-level activities every three to five. This is the same as most online games. Because I don't care about it, I haven't paid attention to it. However, I don't care that doesn't mean that there is no such thing. In fact, this is how it came from.

Once our guild unfathomable mystery won the title of the best sea power guild, and then the system allowed us lottery to win two prizes twice.

According to the convention of our guild, as long as it is not the kind of lottery that is forced to be drawn by me, in the end, it is Jixiangruyi to go to the lottery. The lucky value shows that these two super treasures are infinite. Finally, I drew two prizes. Among them, Jixiang got this ship, and Ruyi got a guild attribute, that is, the bank will build any water or water. The following facilities or vehicles can be rewarded with a 10% acceleration in the progress of the project. In other words, our guilds are faster than others in shipbuilding or building water and underwater structures.

The topic is too far away. Turning my eyes back, it is obviously abnormal that the Death God in front of us actively approached us, because her order was to patrol the Pacific Ocean, draw a chart, and explore unknown areas.

Because of the "unsinkable" attribute that can be said to be against the sky, the mission of the Death God is to explore the most dangerous Sea Territory. Because of this Death God, we even Several places in the Pacific Ocean where Earth Grade is banned and other dungeon maps Sea Territory have been explored, and there are detailed charts there, but because the difficulty is too high, the return is not proportional, so we did not challenge it. After all, that kind of copy is also available on land, there is no need to go to sea to pick up the task.

Death God, which is a ghost ship, has no crew, and she does not need to consume any supplies such as fuel. Without a crew, there is no need for food and fresh water, so this guy should theoretically have unlimited battery life. of. However, this guy not only came back now, but also came out during the day.

In fact, Death God has another attribute besides its unsinkability, which is diving. Although this guy's appearance has nothing to do with a submarine, he can dive and he can dive very deep. Generally, it sails underwater in the submarine mode during the day, and it will only come out at night. But today, her reaction was abnormal. Not only did she come out during the day, but she also ran to the base here. I don’t know if it is. What are you doing here?

Because it is about to call in port, our Eternal number is already very slow. The Death God dashed straight ahead from our right front at an unimaginable speed, and then played a large angle drift at the stern of our ship. When turning, the body was tilted at a 45-degree angle, and it was not tilted outwards. But inward. This action is obviously different from when the ship turns. Normally, when turning, the ship would lean to the outside, but the Death God tilted to the inside like a motorcycle preparing to make a turn, then leaned to the side and turned into a large U-shaped turn, and then from us The port side chased up and slowly leaned to the side of the Eternity.

Although the Death God is very large, it is obviously much smaller than the Hegemon of the Eternal, but the speed of Death God is quite terrifying, and the maneuvering skills are better than any crew member. Niu, just use less than one meter away to stick to the Eternal and keep pace with us.

When I saw the other party’s action, I knew there was something to tell us, so I asked Chuangwang and they to sink the Eternal to a certain depth, because the Eternal is too big and the deck is high. It's a big part of the Death God, otherwise, you won't be able to see the deck over there.

The two ships did not descend to the same height. In fact, the Eternal only controlled the sinking to a little depth. I saw a white- standing on the top of the mast of the Death God opposite. clothed girl.

This is actually the ship spirit of the Death God. Different from the reputation of the Death God, this Miss Chuanling looks only fifteen or sixteen years old. She is very small, only about 1.6 meters tall. She wears a white nightdress, bare feet and one end. The shallow golden hair is flying with the sea breeze, very aura. Of course, if you think this looks like harmless to humans and animals, then you are quite wrong. Although the shipling lady of the Death God looks like an ignorant girl, she actually belongs to the genuine—Death God. The only difference is that she didn't wear a robe and forgot to bring a sickle.

"Death God, what's the matter?" I asked, standing on the side of the ship looking at the girl on the mast. Although the opponent is the ship spirit of the Death God and exists like Death God, she is the ship of our Frost Rose after all, and as the president of the Frost Rose, she can directly give orders to her. And, because it is a prize awarded by the system, the loyalty of Death God is locked, which means impossible betrayal, and even the decline will not.

After hearing my question, Miss Shipling on the Death God directly pointed her finger to the east, and then said in a very hollow voice: "I found that a large number of fleets are gathering, and the target seems to be us. Murderous aura, I sensed it."

The syntax of Death God is a bit strange, but the content is very clear. She didn’t expect that she reacted faster than we did. I originally planned to send a request for assistance to the nearby marine races and ask them to help us find the fleet of the Holy Gun League. Didn’t expect that we just got here. I ran into the Death God, and she actually knew the position of the opposing fleet in advance.

"We are here for this. How is it? How is your energy situation now? Can you participate in the war?"

After hearing my words, the originally dull-looking Death God Suddenly sticking out his tongue and licking the corner of his mouth, red light flashed in his eyes. "My soul is already hungry and thirsty! Are we going to hunt?"

"Yes, this time should be enough to fill you up."

Although Death The God number is already very strong, but she is not the strongest but stronger, because she can strengthen herself by absorbing a special existence power. This kills hostile creatures with me or the player can use Death Qi to be strong. The Dragon Transformation is the same as the soul suit. As long as there is a sinking ship nearby, whether it is a ship of its own or an enemy, the Death God can absorb something that we can't see and cannot measure to strengthen itself, and then she will become stronger and stronger. For example, her speed was not so exaggerated when she first pulled it out, but she followed us out for several naval battles. And now her battle strength is incomparable with the previous year.

Anyway, Death God’s battle strength is non-productive and can be infinitely strengthened, so if the Holy Spear League is going to have a decisive battle with us at sea this time, Death God can do well. It absorbs some power and grows into a more powerful existence.

Although the Death God is very strong, and the Eternal is also quite good, we are impossible to use two ships to handle the enemy’s entire fleet, so now the most important thing is to figure out the number of enemies, and then mobilize our own The fleet has a large-scale war with them. Of course, although this matter is planned this way, it still takes a lot of time to execute, because it takes time for the two fleets to meet. After all, this is a battle across the Pacific. No matter how fast our battleship is, it is impossible for one day. I'll pick up with someone inside.

Because we already know the approximate location of the other party, we don’t need to worry too much about our actions here. We first sent two guide ships to be towed by the Death God and pulled them to the vicinity of the opponent's fleet to observe the enemy's situation and record detailed information. Relying on the large-caliber telescope equipped on the guide ship and its own high speed, it can easily observe outside the enemy's line of sight. Of course, players from the guild are going out this time, and they have to bring the guardian long spear and conduct aerial reconnaissance. At the speed of long spear, as long as you don't deliberately advance, others will definitely be unable to use it.

After arranging things here, the Eternal stopped directly into the port to wait for the follow-up fleet, and I used Transmission Formation to return to the Isengard Mobile Fort. I thought I needed to investigate overseas first, but my job was robbed by the Death God, but now I have nothing to do.

It was already the morning of the second day when I returned to Isengard Mobile Fortress, and the eight-headed snake was still receiving the guidance of many great gods on our side at this time. Although there are a lot of things to learn, I'm still lucky. The complete volume Baqi Orochi has good intelligence, and it is an ominous beast, with super high soul strength. It is the same as playing without sleeping for a few days, and it will not be negative at all. In addition, because these things are related to the use of strength, and the eight-headed snake is very concerned about improving its own strength, so it is very serious when studying. In addition, he has a good foundation, so he learns everything very quickly. He has learned a lot of things for a long time and one night. The only difference is some details.

Seeing that I came back, the Peacock, who didn’t need to guide Baqi Orochi, came over and asked: "Are you in a hurry to let him go to Japan? Wait a minute, it should be almost the same by noon Now."

"It’s okay, I’m not in a hurry for now, but since you are almost done, I’ll come over in the afternoon." After I finished speaking, I left here first, and then returned to the mobile fortress of Isengard. A lot of things that I didn’t need for the time being in my warehouse were vacated from Fenglong Space, and it was only then that I remembered that I still had a Heaven and Earth Treasure that I had stolen. It seems.

This thing was finally found in the cave of the gorilla monster, because the other party came back too fast, so I didn’t even have time to see what it was. I felt that the energy intensity of this thing was super high. , And then hugged it to Fenglong Space and turned around and ran, but the guy was still stuck there. Of course, the gorilla monster has died now, but I have kept the things, and the most important thing is that there are too many things after coming back here, and the big snake actually forgot to come to me to divide this thing.

Although Baqi Orochi seems to have forgotten this matter, I have no plans to swallow it alone. I am still very generous to myself.

I found a place in the warehouse and took out the Heaven and Earth Treasure.

Great Desolate Era's Heaven and Earth Treasure are very good things. The world law of that era has not been completely mixed with energy, so the space of that era is full of energy. It is precisely because of this high energy enrichment that this matter can absorb a lot of energy regardless of what it is, so some inanimate things have life, and some living things become high level life, of course, more What's more, ordinary things absorb a lot of energy and become Heaven and Earth Treasure. To put it simply, the energy environment of Great Desolate Era is very good, which causes monsters, rare beasts, and various Heaven and Earth Treasures to grow like weeds. Of course, because there are too many high-level creatures, that era was also quite dangerous, and the mortality rate was extremely high. , All that can survive is a guy whose strength, intelligence, and luck are so good.

If I take out the thing in my hand, I will put it on a table in front of me. This is not a general table, but a table specially used to check items. There is a special isolation barrier on it. It belongs to the system. Although it costs money, it is absolutely reliable.

After putting this thing in place, I started to observe the appearance of this thing. To be honest, this thing made me very confused when I got it, because it is neither an inanimate thing nor a certain kind of plant. Generally speaking Heaven and Earth Treasure is either some kind of energy-rich ore, or some kind of plant absorbs energy and mutates. As for animals, if they absorb energy, they will become monsters and will not become Heaven and Earth Treasure. After all, things are different from plants. Animals have intelligence. After absorbing energy, they will find ways to strengthen themselves. Therefore, the energy absorbed by animals eventually becomes their ability, and the energy absorbed by plants is hoarded in their own bodies. This is why the same is true. After absorbing energy, the Heaven and Earth Treasure transformed into plants can have a huge nourishing effect, while the monsters transformed into animals basically have no nourishing effect.

In fact, even if plants absorb a lot of energy, not all of them become Heaven and Earth Treasure, and most of them become monsters. After all, there are still many mountain spirits and tree spirits.

However, the Heaven and Earth Treasure that an animal turns into is really rare, and the one in front of me is not even sure if it is an animal.

This thing is not big, it can be held with two hands, it is probably slightly smaller than a football. Close to the volume of a volleyball. Its main body is a sphere, the surface is yellowish brown, very smooth, it looks like medical silicone, it feels the same, and it has super elasticity, almost comparable to a balloon.

If only these things, I might think that this is a Tai Sui, because the image of this thing is really so similar to Tai Sui. However, in addition to the above characteristics, there are still a lot of tentacles on the outside of this thing. There are about a hundred of these tentacles, evenly distributed on the surface of this fall. The length of the tentacles have nothing common with each other, but the difference is not big, the longest is probably a little more than a foot, and the shortest is less than two inches shorter than the longest.

These tentacles are dark brown, which is darker than the color of the sphere. The root of the tentacles has the thickness of the baby's little finger, which gradually becomes thinner from the root to the tip, but it is not sharp. To be honest, these tentacles sometimes look disgusting, because they look like mouse tails, not to mention there are so many.

This thing was placed in a rock when I found it, and this rock is a simple concave structure. The sphere can roll on the ground with the push of the tentacles, but the tentacles have little power. , Unable to drive it to climb out of this not deep stone pit.

After I got the thing, it trembled as if I was afraid, and the tentacles on it would dance unconsciously. It felt very disgusting. Fortunately, there is no slime, otherwise I really have to think about it. Do you want to touch this thing?

Although I don't know if this is an animal, I can at least be sure that it should be a living thing, and 80% of it is not a plant. However, I don't know what this is.

I can’t see anything after I look at it. Next, I will use Appraisal Technique to identify this thing, but after using Appraisal Technique, the attribute of this thing is quickly read out. , But after seeing the attribute of this thing, I was stunned.

"Is there anything wrong?"

This thing that looks like an alien rare beast embryo is indeed an animal, and it is a high level animal. Among the attributes of this thing The words "human seed" are written perfectly clear.

The word human seed is not often heard. Sometimes when adults scold children, they will say: "I keep you as a human seed?" But the human seed in this is the same as the human seed in our place. In fact, it basically doesn't matter.

The "human seed" I just got can be said to be a blank template. It has not been activated yet. After activation, you can choose to transfer a soul into it, and then turn it into a baby. Grow up quickly, and finally become a person. Of course, there will be a huge difference between this person and the ordinary person, because it was cultivated from the "human seed".

Before the human seed is activated, it can be cultivated. According to the different cultivation methods, the human being grown from the human seed will have many different development directions, and its aptitude, potential and so on will be greatly affected. Big impact. As long as you use some special good things to blend with this person's seed, you can make the person who grows out to have a super Innate attribute, and no matter what direction you go in the future, it will double the results for half the effort. It can be said that this is the basic template for creating Legendary characters!

The first thing I thought of after seeing this thing was the Divine Immortal.

Everyone knows that Divine Race is often Divine Soul Inextinguishable and immortal, but this does not mean that their body is not important. First of all, cultivation will become abnormally slow after the body disappears, and many abilities must be used by a body. The bigger problem here is that reshaping a body requires a lot of energy, which often leads to a decline in the strength of Divine Immortal. , But if you don’t reshape your body, it means that your development potential is worse than others. Besides, in case of danger, the body itself is also a layer of protection.

Because of the above reasons, the human seed in my hand is very important to Divine Immortal or the entire Divine Race force, because as long as I bring this thing, I don’t say much. Let's die, at least in case you encounter a great calamity whose body is destroyed, at least you can recover quickly without consuming extra things. Besides, the body cultivated by this person's seed can be cultivated by himself in advance, so in this way, he can customize a body according to his needs, which is really tempting for Divine Race. Of course, this thing is for Divine Race. We players definitely don’t need it, because we can be resurrected after we die. We don’t need to change our bodies. Besides, even if we let you change, even if this body has greater potential, at your current level, it is estimated that few people will be willing. Delete the number and try again, right?

After I wanted to understand the purpose of this thing, I immediately began to think about how this thing can make the most of it.

Chaos and Order Divine Race should not use this thing. After becoming our guild, Divine Race will have sufficient Power of Faith supply, so as long as the soul can run away, reshape the fleshy body. It's too simple. The chaos and order in the guild Divine Race can't be used, so it can only be used by the gods outside. However, Divine Race, which has a good relationship with me, has many influences, and it is a question of who to give it to.

Celestial Court is undoubtedly a good choice. Dark God Palace in Europe can also be considered, and the Divine Race in Egypt. These three should be considered the most suitable targets.

Don’t say anything about Celestial Court, the relationship is more direct, and the most important point is that Celestial Court is big money, there are many good things, and you can exchange for good things. As for Dark God Palace, I just ruled it out after just thinking about it. The strength of this Dark God Palace is still weaker than the other two, so it is not considered.

Egypt Divine Race Here, I have a better relationship with Anubis. Compared to Celestial Court, I think my relationship with Anubis is closer. Celestial Court and I can only be regarded as a cooperative relationship, just like a buyer and seller in a business. Although there are many cooperations, the relationship is very ordinary. Anubis and the others are different. Although we don’t cooperate much, we have a relationship between friends and acquaintances. If we say we are acquaintances, we have a better relationship. If we say we are friends, it is not exactly the same, but for sure. The relationship is much better than Celestial Court. Moreover, there is another advantage here in Egypt, that is, Divine Race in Egypt is the same as Celestial Court, and there are many good things. More importantly, Celestial Court is a little bit stingy, while Egypt’s Divine Race is very generous, and generally can give me a lot more benefits than actual. Celestial Court requires me to squeeze a little bit of toothpaste from They grabbed their hands.

The comparison between the two sides is better than the Egyptian side, but there are too many things here, and I can’t go away for a while. I can only put it aside and go there when I have time. Egypt will use this thing for another good thing.

After studying this thing, I went around in the warehouse here again, and then went out to arrange some miscellaneous things, and when I returned to the Temple of Chaos and Order after wandering around Seeing Baqi Big Snake lying on the ground with foaming foam at the mouth, a large group of Divine Race in chaos and order was rushing to heal him.

"Damn, what's going on?"

"Power of Faith sucks too much, I can hold it!" Radamantis said.

"This is also OK?"

Before, because Baqi Dashe understands how to operate the core of divine force, it is natural to have an intuitive understanding of Power of Faith, but Baqi Da Snake had never seen this Power of Faith before, so naturally it was even more incomprehensible. Therefore, in order to assist the teaching, Vina and the others let Radamantis loose a bottle of Power of Faith over.

Because they have taught the eight-headed snake how to cultivate spirit refinement before, they asked Ladamantis to directly hand over the Power of Faith to the eight-headed snake, and then let him absorb it. Feel a little Power of Faith. However, this thing was nothing at all, but it was a pity that I forgot to tell Baqi Orochi that the energy of Power of Faith was too strong. As a result, this idiot opened the seal of the Power of Faith storage tank to the maximum, and instantly absorbed too much Power of Faith. . His divine force itself is unstable, and it has just been transformed a little bit, and it almost disappeared after being hit by this Power of Faith. However, although it didn't cause much damage, the eight-headed snake himself was tossed hard enough, and it was still pumping straight on the ground.

Looking at Baqi Orochi, I couldn’t help but ask: "There is still something for him to do after this! Is he able to move like this?"

Already busy Wei Na said: "It's okay, just eat and support it, it will be fine for a while. You wait a while, and I will wake him up immediately." Wei Na said, extending the hand pointing at the center of the eyebrows of the eight-headed snake Tap it lightly, and then I saw the Baqi Orochi violently as if it had been electrocuted, and then suddenly returned to normal.

"Huh? What happened to me just now?" Baqi Orochi asked, looking at us in confusion after sitting up on the ground.

Weina explained the approximate reason to him, and then asked: "Do you know how to use Power of Faith now?"

Nodded, "This Power of Faith is really good, it’s just too exciting."

"That’s because you sucked too much!" Wei Na explained: "We use divine force to form a bottle at the mouth of the bottle every time. Air mass, then release the Power of Faith to stir and fuse with your own divine force. When the two form an unstable state, you have to suck it back into your body when you lose control of the divine force. At this time, there will not be such a big reaction. Of course, you do this mainly because your own divine force is too small, like ours, it doesn’t matter if you suck directly, as long as you control the speed."

"It was really exciting just now!" After the eight-headed snake looked towards the other side of me and asked: "President Purple Moon, are we going to Japan soon?"

"Are you nervous?" I keenly noticed that Baqi Orochi seems to be a little emotionally unstable.

The Baqi Orochi didn’t hide it, but looked at me sorry and said, “I’m a little nervous, thinking that I will see another one soon. I’m a little nervous. And I’m afraid of acting. It’s not good, I’ve been seen through."

"You can rest assured. Don’t forget, you are a person in the first place. Except for some changes in your personality and appearance, your essence is the same, so, Any method of identification is invalid for you. As long as you can disguise your appearance, no one can say that you are fake. After all, you are the same soul, you can even directly manipulate the Soul Seal Remember."

"I see." Baqi Dashe nodded said: "When will we be there?"

"Have you finished learning here?"

The Baqi Orochi did not answer directly, but looked towards Vina. Weina immediately said: "It is impossible to finish learning. He and the Hyundai, the eight-different snake, have a gap of thousands of years of experience. How could it be possible to write all the things that I learned less in less than a day? But we urgently strengthen it now. It's barely enough. You can ask us about the rest when you get to Japan. By the way, Purple Moon, give him a communicator."

"I didn't bring it with me. Japan. The communicator used by the people is special, which is different from our own. What's more, the eight-headed snake needs to be customized separately."

The eight-headed snake said at this time: "You can call I’m a ghost car? You all call me Baqi Orochi. It always feels strange, like calling someone else."

"No, you have to get acquainted with this name as soon as possible. You have to be yourself That big snake, and you have to adapt as soon as possible. This is good for you." I said seriously.

Baqi Dashe does not have the slightest domineering character. The very humble nodded expressed that he accepted my criticism.

Because all the things that must be mastered have been taught, and there are too many things that have not been mastered. Impossible to learn all at once, so Yaqi Osna can only go to Japan with me first, the lack of part Wait and learn slowly later.

If you want to send Baqi Orochi to Japan, of course you can’t just and honorable the past, so I finally took the Baqi Orochi to do some disguise, and it looked like when we two came out of the special disguise department. It's as if nothing has changed. Yes, this kind of disguise does not change our appearance, because we have our own transportation equipment, so it is easy to go to Japan. It is completely possible to prevent people from seeing us, so naturally there is no need to disguise our facial features. What we need to disguise is our energy characteristics, especially the eight-pointed snake. My energy characteristics in Japan are at most attracting a group of hostile Japanese players, but the energy characteristics of the eight-pointed snake is quite dangerous here. If the real eight-pointed snake is attracted, when the time comes the king sees the king, then there will be a lot of excitement.

So, for the sake of safety, we first made a disguise. After I got the energy disguise, I took the humanoid eight-pointed snake to the airport on the top of the Isengard Mobile Fortress, where there was already an aircraft waiting there.

This is a completely black painted aircraft. The shape is a bit like a bat with open wings, but the wings are larger in proportion, and the fuselage in the middle is small and slender. In fact, this is a special transport boat for infiltration operations. Its battle strength is basically zero, and its turning ability is very average. Basically, after being discovered, it can only rely on the speed advantage to break away. If it fights with the enemy, it definitely has no chance of winning. of. The capabilities of this thing are basically concentrated in several areas. One is extremely fast. Basically, this is one of the fastest aircraft in our guild. Note that the speed can reach 1.5 times the speed of sound, which is very rare in our guild, and it is faster than the long spear. Be a bit faster.

The second advantage of this thing is invisibility. Because of its small size, it is equipped with the most high-end mirage system. The stealth ability and the general-level mirage system are completely incomparable. Even in daylight, there is no trace at all, as long as it is not scanned by anti-stealth reconnaissance skills. It will never be discovered.

The third advantage of this thing is safety. Its system is an experimental propeller. In fact, I think this thing is not so much a propeller as a magic array. In fact, the thruster of this thing is a kind of magic array disk. The shape of this magic array disk is like a round pancake, and different sizes can be produced according to the needs of thrust.

A total of ten such propellers are installed on this aircraft, four of which are one-meter in diameter facing downwards, which can provide vertical take-off power and can also hover in the air. The remaining six are on the tail, all facing backwards, four of which are small propellers with a diameter of one meter, and the remaining two are large propellers with a diameter of two meters.

The thickness of this kind of propeller is less than fifty centimeters. Compared with its diameter, it can be said to be a thin layer, and there is no hole in the middle of this thing, just like a solid discus. There is a magic array of concentric circles on one side. This is the propulsion surface. Thrust can be sent towards this direction, and the propeller can move towards the opposite direction.

It is said that

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