The monsters of Great Desolate Era still value their territories very seriously, so when the roar rang out, the monsters on the opposite side rushed over at the same speed as an airplane. In fact, the monster here is indeed a flying creature, and I was dumbfounded when I saw this thing.

"Damn it, isn't this a ghost car?"

A ghost car, also known as Nine-Headed Bird, is an Ancient Ominous Beast, an authentic native of China. However, this guy stood on the wrong team during the period when Celestial Court was established, and then got a head cut off, and then Nine-Headed Bird became eight heads. And, in order to avoid chasing and killing, this guy ran to Japan and hid in the volcanic veins to heal his wounds by absorbing geothermal energy. Of course, sometimes this guy will occasionally come out to take a breath, but because his body is always buried in the ground, only the remaining eight heads will be exposed to the ground, so the Japanese think this is a line with eight heads. The big snake, so it was named the eight-qi big snake. However, no matter how the Japanese enshrine the eight-headed snake, this guy is indeed a creature on the Chinese side, and it is not particularly well-known.

A large number of high-level creatures in Great Desolate Era have fallen. Although the eight-headed snake lost its head, it has become one of the few that have survived because of leaving the eventful place of Central Plains. One of the ancient creatures of the age. After the Great Desolate Era, the world energy rules gradually stabilized, so the battle strengths of the great gods and creatures returned to normal and were no longer so abnormal, so ancient creatures such as the eight-headed snake became super creatures. This is one of the reasons why the Baqi Orochi, who was completely unknown in China, was regarded as a great god in Japan. It's not that the Japanese have never seen the world, but because in this era, there are really not many creatures with this kind of strength left. In addition, the Yaqi Orochi hiding in the volcanic veins and absorbing the geothermal healing wounds also indirectly alleviated the volcanoes and earthquakes in Japan, so it is completely normal for the Japanese to worship this guy.

However, no matter how the Japanese worship, the ghost car was originally a creature of our country, and the creature in front of it looks like a snake with an extra head.

If it’s an ordinary creature, I might think it’s the same kind of snakes, but the problem is that Ancient Ominous Beasts are special creatures formed by natural energy. Most of them have no relatives, so they are born by nature. An independent creature of, there is no sibling. Every Ancient Ominous Beast can be said to be a representative of its own species. When it dies, this species will become extinct. So, if I see a Nine-Headed Bird, it must be a big snake.

I have already asked Xin, the Great Desolate Era we are now in is not a fake mission world, but a real Great Desolate Era, which means that Xin used a magic array to send us to us. This time of Great Desolate Era has come up instead of forging such a world. If you push down according to this theory, it means that the eight-pointed snake is not a fake eight-pointed snake, but a real one. He was the Yaqi Orochi who went to Japan to heal without losing a head, and he simply didn't have the name at this time, because it was the name given to him by the Japanese after he arrived in Japan.

The big snake over there immediately confronted the big tortoise on the ground after flying over. Neither of them launched an attack immediately. After all, they were different from before. They were all bosses in the same area. , Not that kind of pawn, so they are very cautious with each other.

Actually, to be honest, when I guessed that this might be the Orochi Snake, I thought it might be a waste of work this time, because I knew it. His strength is actually very bad, let alone this big tortoise, without the divine force core he found later, he can't even guarantee a 100% win rate against me, let alone this I am completely crazy. The big tortoise.

However, the situation here once again gave me an unexpected surprise or surprise.

The two giant beasts confronted each other for less than ten minutes and then started the first round of tentative fights. Both used their own little skills, and both were tentative attacks. The big tortoise spit out its own acid, and then the big snake spit out a Fireball directly.

Fireball and acid collided in the air, and then burst into a big green gas and disappeared. Obviously the formidable power of the two attacks is similar. But afterwards, the eight-headed snake fully showed us what is more powerful than a human being. Although the Baqi Orochi is only one himself, he has nine heads, and the tortoise on the opposite side has only one head. The number of heads differs greatly between the two. When they started spraying each other from the sky and the ground, the superiority of the eight-pointed snake was immediately revealed.

The acid ball of the big tortoise and the Fireball of the eight-headed snake can just cancel each other, and the speed of that big tortoise is actually slightly faster than that of the eight-headed snake, but the problem is that of the eight-headed snake After the nine heads got on together, the speed was in turn several times faster than the tortoise. As a result, the eight-headed snake was in the air like an armored straight machine with a machine cannon on an armored vehicle, and it blasted the big tortoise on the ground. fry. At first, the big tortoise was able to withstand it, but soon it couldn't stop it completely. The bombed covered in dirt lost all the temper.

"Which, is this really the eight-pointed snake? Why is it so powerful than the modern eight-pointed snake?"

I just sighed casually, but didn't t expect Xin said suddenly: "I don't know the big snake, but if this guy really lived to the modern age like me, then his strength should not be weakened, unless he is an idiot for so many years. There has been no cultivation."

"He has been healing for these years."

"Healing?" Xin hesitated for a while and said, "If it's an injury, it's okay. Understand why his strength has dropped so much."

"Do you know the reason?"

Xin nodded and said: "Of course, but the specific content is very complicated. It’s just because the free energy concentration between Heaven and Earth drops.”

I nodded and said: “I probably understand what’s going on. It’s just really didn’t expect. Vigorous."

"Anyone who survived the Great Desolate Era has a weak presence besides this guy?" Xin suddenly asked.

When I heard this, I immediately shook my head and said: "No, all the people I know from this age are super gods, not one weak. This guy may be the only exception. "

"That's right."

I nodded no more, but looked towards the battlefield over there. The big tortoise has been completely beaten by the eight-pointed snake. He simply has no way to fight against the other party's bombardment, but although he can't avoid it or offset it, there is nothing he lacks for the time being, because this guy is actually bright. A translucent light film was put up to block all the attacks.

I will take off this tortoise type creature. It must be a pile of defensive skills. Most people don't say killing them, and it takes a lot of effort to break the defense.

Although this guy was broken to prop up the shield, the shield supported by this skill needs to consume its own energy, and when the shield is attacked, the energy of the small size is greater than the magic that attacks it. It carries a lot of energy, so in this case the defender is actually at a disadvantage. This big tortoise has been carrying it like this, as long as his upper limit of his magic power does not exceed the eight-pointed snake several times, then sooner or later he will be attacked by the eight-pointed snake. The difference is only a matter of time. However, I think the Eight-Different Orochi will definitely not use up its magic power before the Big Tortoise, because the Big Tortoise has fought several battles before. Although it seems to have swallowed a few inner core and other things afterwards, this thing is not a special effect divine medicine. It is impossible to eat it immediately and it is effective, so the current state of this big tortoise is definitely not the peak state. In addition, the flying unit of the Eight-Puzzle Orochi is biased towards mana output, and the tortoise is a defensive system, so theoretically speaking, it is very normal that the Eight-Five Orochi has more mana than this guy.

The patience of the tortoise is really good. The big snake is also a tendon. The guy puts on a magic shield and doesn’t let it go. He will continue to blow up. He insists on a dozen with one finger on both sides. In minutes, the big tortoise's protective shield finally started to go wrong, and it looked like it would go out at any time.

After seeing this situation, the attack of the Baqi Orochi immediately became more sharp. Obviously, this guy saw the hope of victory and began to accelerate and prepare to completely take down the opponent. However, at the last moment when the tortoise's magic shield lost its magic power, the big tortoise unexpectedly stretched out his head, and then bit one of the paws of the big snake.

The head of a tortoise can be stretched. Many people know this. Unfortunately, this big tortoise is just a little like a tortoise. Actually, it has nothing to do with the tortoise, so whether it’s me or that The big snake on the side thought that this guy had nothing to do with the tortoise. We all didn’t expect this guy to stretch his neck like a tortoise, and it could stretch so long.

The attack of the Baqi Orochi is not a little child throwing a stone. You have to get close to it. When someone’s attack is magical, the distance can of course be stretched very far, so at that time the Baqi Orochi was actually located at an altitude of more than one thousand meters, and the straight-line distance from the big tortoise was at least five kilometers. As a result, this guy stretched his head. Out of a distance almost equal to the width of the body, he bit the paw of the Baqi Orochi in one bite.

Although it was bitten, the big snake is not a big mouse before. It didn't immediately break its paws in one bite, but was very painful. Then this guy desperately incited its wings and started flying upwards. , Want to get rid of the shackles of this guy.

I didn’t take it seriously when I saw the big snake with this big tortoise flying into the sky, because I thought they simply fly does not raise. Although the body of the big snake is bigger than this The big tortoise is not much smaller, and the area of ​​the flying creature’s wings is huge after spreading out, so at first glance, it might even seem that this big snake is much larger than the big tortoise. However, even so, I didn't think that Baqi Orochi could get up with such a big thing. You know this guy is basically an island. How could such a big thing fly?

Although my thoughts are like this, it turns out that the creatures of Great Desolate Era cannot be considered as normal. The creatures here are basically super-version creatures, so there are many things that we can’t do. Things are normal here.

The Baqi Orochi snake was bitten by its paw and flew up desperately, but that guy did not let go. As a result, it was dragged to the side of the Baqi Orochi, and its forelimbs were very fast. It is completely off the ground, and the hind limbs can barely support a little bit of the ground.

Although Baqi Orochi still didn't fully bring this big tortoise, but I saw an opportunity.

The size of this big tortoise is too big, and the defense is so perverted, it is too difficult to kill him. However, there is one thing that suffers more when it is larger, and that is free fall motion.

Even if a feather is thrown from the sky, it still looks like a feather when it falls on the ground. What? You said it would burn? No, simply not, because the feather is too light. Unless it has the speed of a comet at first, if it is pulled down by Earth's gravity in a stationary orbit, even the thin atmospheric resistance at high altitude is enough to slow it down so that it won’t be slowed down. The point of burning. However, if it is replaced with an iron ball, the result will be different. And if it is a complex structure, it is even worse, because a complex structure means that the earthquake resistance is weak and easy to break.

No matter how hard this big tortoise is, as long as it can be taken to a high altitude, and then thrown down, it is a very simple matter to fall to death with its size. After all, this guy is still a terrestrial creature no matter how strong it is. It can't fly or it can't fly. Until it is strong enough to resist the gravity of Earth, don't expect it to fall from high altitude without problems.

Since I have thought of a way, I will naturally take action.

Although the Baqi Orochi is flying upwards desperately, the self-weight of this guy is obviously too large, so the Baqi Orochi can only barely hang it up, and it cannot be completely lifted into the air. What I need Just help him.

"Divine Domain fits together." In the face of things at this level, I will definitely not be able to help much by myself. Even if I let all my familiars go to help pull it together, it is impossible. Let this big guy fly, but if I fit together, certain skills can play a big role.

Before I completed the integration here, the Baqi Orochi and the big tortoise did not take us seriously, but when my side completed the integration, the Baqi Orochi turned his attention to me for the first time. , Because at this time my size is not as big as theirs, but my energy level has actually reached their stage. Of course, we are just barely entering a stage. If their power is nine, my power is one, both in single digits, but the gap is still very large.

After the transformation was completed, I quickly flew to the vicinity of the Baqi Orochi, and then directly stretched out my left arm, a golden light shining golden bow instantly appeared in front of me, following my right hand Slowly hit the bowstring composed of energy and pulled back. With the movement of my arm, a large number of golden light spots quickly appeared in the empty place above the bowstring, and then condensed into a bright golden arrow at the moment I fully opened the bowstring.

"Wheel of Fate-Ruling-Arrow of Wrath."

This is Victoria’s skill, but originally this skill cannot specify the specific result, but since the above Victoria's ability recovered a lot after the Second Olympus World War, so now her skill has advanced. After the advancement, the effect of this Wheel of Fate is stronger than before, but the biggest advantage is that you can use the skill to enter the 24-hour cooldown state, and force the designated one attribute to appear directly without using the Wheel of Fate. Same choice as lottery.

I just used this advanced skill with the specified effect, and specified the anger attribute.

The characteristic of anger attribute is to weaken life force and defensive power, but greatly increase all output capabilities such as attack and agility. The advantage of using this attribute is that, on the one hand, it greatly strengthens the ability of the big tortoise, so that he can have enough strength to lift the big tortoise, and at the same time reduce his life and defense, so that I can wait for the big tortoise to hang up and turn around. Hope to deal with him. I don't want to be wiped out by the big snake immediately after killing the big tortoise.

When I saw the golden arrow, the eight-headed snake was also shocked, because this thing is not magical but law. Compared with his power, this thing is completely high First Rank Existence, no matter how much power is impossible to oppose the law, this is the difference between the two. So, when I saw this and the arrow with Law Power flying over, the Eight-Pattern Orochi was almost scared. However, even though he was very scared, he couldn't avoid it, because the big tortoise below couldn't just run away without letting go.

As I watched as I was shot by the golden arrow with Law Power, the eight-headed snake immediately tightened its heart, but the expected pain did not appear, but it suddenly appeared uncontrollable. The strength has increased, but it is strange that although the strength has increased, there is an unfathomable mystery of emptiness and anger appearing in his soul.

Although I don’t know why this happened, but at least Baqi Orochi knew that his strength had increased, so he began to wave his wings more vigorously, and with his movements, the big tortoise began to slow down with him. Slowly left the ground. The eight-different snake that was hit by the arrow of anger finally brought the big tortoise up. Of course, this is not enough, because the speed is too slow. At this speed, the Eight-Different Snake may lose its strength if it does not stick to a place that is too high.

Since we want to help, we must be thorough. Looking at the big tortoise slowly leaving the ground, I immediately started to cast the spell, this time using the anti-gravity array of the small dragon female. Although it can't completely offset the self-weight of the big tortoise, this skill can reduce the big tortoise's weight by more than half at once. The eight-pointed snake instantly feels light on its feet, and then its body begins to rise rapidly.

Seeing the eight-pointed snake whose speed has increased significantly, I still didn't stop, but opened the jet port inherited from Asuka on the back to catch up and continue to explain the law. First, I gave Baqi the Great Snake a stamina aura, then added strength to him, and finally used the curse skill to reduce the defensive power of the big tortoise to ensure that he could be completely killed after falling.

Baqi Orochi has probably guessed my purpose without feeling pain after hitting the arrow. After the big tortoise becomes lighter, he fully understands it. I hope that he can take the big tortoise. Take it to the sky, and then smash this guy to death. Although Baqi Orochi didn't communicate with me, just understand that I want to help him kill this big tortoise.

Not only is the endurance consumption of the Baqi Orochi in the accelerated ascent is exaggerated, after all, there is such a big thing hanging below, it is strange that the endurance consumption is not high. However, on the one hand, he has a strong foundation, and on the other hand, my endurance aura is very diligent, so this guy still supported it for a long time, until the ground has become abnormally small, almost almost catching up with the view of Earth from the sky. At that time, the endurance of Baqi Orochi was finally a bit unable to consume speed.

In fact, at this time, I was almost out of energy. I kept brushing various states for them along the way, and I had to move towards high-altitude flight. My consumption was quite exaggerated. Moreover, although our current location is not in space, it is actually tens of thousands of meters high. This is already almost sub-orbital. That is to say, the Baqi Orochi is strong enough at this time, and with my assistance, otherwise such a height will never rise.

I feel that I have almost reached the height, I started moving towards Baqi Orochi gestures to make him go down, Baqi Orochi took a look at me and immediately began to dive, and it was not the kind of free fall motion, but desperately The inciting wings accelerate.

Don’t be surprised why Baqi Orochi listens to me so Good feelings are not bad feelings. After all, the grudges between me and the eight-headed snake are all future things, and the eight-headed snake at this time simply doesn't know those things.

Because the Baqi Orochi is actively diving down, the falling speed of him and the big tortoise is actually faster than the acceleration of the free fall motion, and when the Baqi Orochi feels that the speed is reaching the limit, I With the last trace of magic power, he released a big move and blasted the big tortoise's mouth, and the big snake took the opportunity to pull, and finally broke his paws from the guy's mouth.

After this was done, I immediately cancelled my fit mode, and then Night Shadow appeared under me. Before the merging, I estimated that it might be dangerous when it came down, so I didn’t let the night shadow join the merging. Now I and most of the familiars have entered the punishment state and can’t exercise, but the night shadow is still slow because it didn’t participate in the merging.

After catching me directly from under my body, Ye Ying used a dream shuttle to offset my inertia, and then landed steadily. Although the eight-headed snake has no strength at this time, he After all, it is a bird, so even if it is almost empty, it still supports most of the impact with its wings gliding to offset most of the impact. Although it will still hit the ground in the end, at least it will not fall to death.

Compared to us, the big tortoise is much worse. Someone of me went on, Baqi Orochi is a bird himself, and he will not fall to death no matter what, but he is a tortoise! Except for Black Tortoise, which turtle have you seen flying?

This big tortoise was accelerated all the way down by us from an altitude of tens of thousands of meters. The speed at this time is comparable to that of a meteorite. The side of his body facing downward is already a patch of orange red at this time. This is caused by high-speed friction, so the speed of this guy is too exaggerated.

When we were tens of thousands of meters away from the ground, the guy fell on the ground like an atomic bomb with a bang, and then we all saw a huge mushroom cloud rising up in the sky, bringing The surface is full of flames, and I don't know if it penetrated the earth's crust to get out the lava below or something else. Anyway, this formidable power is not much worse than nuclear weapons in my opinion.

Because the night shadow’s dream shuttle can block the execution of the law of inertia, I get down much faster than the eight-headed snake. It’s almost the big tortoise over there that I just landed in less than ten seconds. Then I reached the ground, and the violent airflow here almost blew me away. Fortunately, Ye Ying found that something was wrong and ran to the sky again.

After we changed positions here, we saw the eight-headed snake rushing past us with a terrifying air current, and then a loud explosion sound followed, and the eight-headed snake was quite embarrassed with one There was an emergency landing in his posture, but although he pulled out a big ditch on the ground and lay on the ground without moving for a long time, it was still confirmed from his undulating body that he did not die.

Yeying flew near the head of Baqi Orochi, and I took a closer look. The heads of the Baqi Orochi were all piled up in a mess, two of them even tied a knot, and their eyes were half-open and half-closed. They were obviously fainted. But I didn't plan to start, because I knew that the eight-different snakes of this era are too strong, even if I provoke him, he will die. I'm here to level up this time, so I don't want to cause serious trouble for myself for no reason. Besides, the eight-pointed snake at this time is still an Ancient Ominous Beast in our country, not the Spiritual God of Japan, so it is not a smart way to fight against him now. Besides, I just got rid of the big tortoise with him, this can be considered and we have a preliminary friendship. So I think that the Eight-Different Big Snake can still be used.

After confirming that the Baqi Orochi was not dead, I did not immediately help him, because the demons and I were punishing time, and there was no way to help for the time being. Let Yeying take me away from the Baqi Orochi, and we quickly ran to the place where the big tortoise fell to the ground.

This side now looks very similar to the crater after the comet hit Earth. The big tortoise has completely died, because at this time his body has become more than N parts scattered around. On the land of several thousand kilometers, if this is not dead, I can die.

"Didn't expect finally let you do it." Xin said, looking at the debris on the ground.

I nodded and said: "Unfortunately, I didn't kill it. I didn't get much EXP."

Although this big tortoise was dealt with by me and the eight-headed snake, it was because The main reason is that the power of the eight-pointed snake is in effect, so the EXP ratio I get is very low. However, even so, I went straight up to two levels in one breath this time, which shows how terrifying this guy's original EXP is. Unfortunately, I don't even think about it after this thing. It’s actually quite amazing to be able to get so many EXPs with Baqi Orochi this time, that is, this big tortoise is a defensive system. If I change to a separate system, even if my strength is reduced by half, I have no chance of surviving under his revenge. So, I'm still bullying and bullying the little monster. It's better not to touch this kind of monster ancestor.

According to habit, after confirming the death of this guy, I started to examine the body. This guy's body was broken into many pieces, but because it was too big, even the pieces were easy to find. After all, the meat pieces of the size of the container were quite obvious. Of course, the pieces of meat are basically muddy, and they are distributed radially, so when I checked, the hint I got was-pet feed.

The flesh of this big tortoise is actually a high level tonic rich in magical power. The pet can slowly increase all the attributes after eating it. Of course, this is a process. It’s not an exaggeration to add a bit after a bite. However, given the size of this guy, collecting all these meats can indeed add a lot of attributes.

Although I can't move at the penalty time now, I still have the Qilin warrior and Death God guards. After I hand over the work of collecting rotten meat to them, I can leave it alone. What? You said that there are too many monsters here. With the power of the Death God Guard and Qilin warrior, this is the dish? Yes, they are indeed food here, but the problem is... Just now a meteorite landed here, and the forest within a radius of two hundred kilometers was almost burned into the Gobi Desert. Do you think there are any animals that will go stupidly? Running here? The ominous beast is just more bloodthirsty, not less rooted in the brain. They also knew they had to save their lives.

After sending all my subordinates out, I plan to go and see the eight-headed snake, but Xin is saying at this time: "Originally, I asked you to attack this thing to get you to take something. Yes, it’s like this now, I don’t know where to find it!"

"What is it?"

"It's this guy's Life Source inner core." Xin said .

"What's the use?"

"You should have guessed the ability to see this thing." Xin didn't answer directly.

After hearing her words, I immediately guessed and asked: "Is it to increase defense?"

"Yes." Xin said: "As long as you take this guy The inner core can increase your defensive power and get an additional passive defense skill."

"Sounds good."

"Unfortunately, the inner core is now I don’t know where I flew! But that guy is from the defensive system, his inner core energy is restrained and simply can’t be detected, otherwise I’ll find it out for you."

Xin Zheng said , But my face suddenly became very weird, and then I asked: "Um, Xin, interrupt. Is the inner core you mentioned an earth-yellow sphere like jade stone?"

< p>Xin immediately said excitedly: "Yes, that's the thing. As long as you eat it, you can become an invincible superman."

My whole face was distorted when I heard Xin. NS. Then he asked: "Are you really sure that the thing is for eating?"

Xin nodded and said very hard: "Of course, but you can drink it after melting it with Ice Pork Jelly "

"I'm not entangled with this." I said very calmly first, and then suddenly pointed at a group of Qilin warrior not far away that was three stories high. The sphere said: "I mean, have you considered the size of me and that thing?"

Xin looked back at the huge inner that was just pushed over in surprise after hearing what I said. core, and then looked at me, who was only a little over 1.7 meters tall, and then awkwardly said with a smile: "Aiya, sorry, forget that you are different from us! We got other ominous beast inner cores. Eat it directly."

I yelled, "Every one of you is a kilometer in length. Eating a three-storey inner core is just like eating a jelly bean. , But I’m less than two meters tall! This stuff is hollowed out for me and the house is considered a mansion, you let me eat it? Are you trying to kill me?"

Xin heard I immediately smiled and said: "Don't get excited! I was negligent just now, but I have another way."

"Oh? Is there another way?"

"Can't your Phoenix and Dragon space be installed? Just put this thing in, go back to Li Boy and take care of it for you, no matter how big it is, he can train you into a small piece as big as your thumb. , And the effect is not reduced. You can't swallow this big guy, you can always eat it when you become a medicine pill?"

"This is a way. Fortunately, there is no waste."

< p>After knowing this method, I immediately put away the inner core. I don't know how much defense value this thing can increase. However, since Xin Du said that this thing is very good, it must be able to increase a lot of defense.

After getting the inner core here, I started to research other things. The meat on that big tortoise is a good thing that the pet can eat. The inner core can increase defense, and in addition, this guy also found a few other things.

The first is the fragment of the tortoise shell on this guy's back. The classification of this thing is forging materials. Attributes can greatly increase the hardness of the item after forging and keep the toughness unchanged, that is, it can make the material stronger, not only harder, but also not easy to break.

In addition to this shell, we also found this guy's claws and teeth. These two distinct things are also forging materials, and the attribute is one-armor piercing. That is to say, it is specially designed to break the enemy's defense. In addition, due to the size of this guy, the weight of the teeth and claws is estimated to be enough for all players in our guild to upgrade their equipment once and there is still a lot left. After all, this guy is forty meters long with a tooth alone, and it's about the size of a building alone, and the output is at least several hundred tons.

When our spoils of war harvesting operation was about to be completed, the Qilin warrior, who was in charge of watching the eight-headed snake, came to report that the eight-headed snake was awake, so I rushed over. This guy still doesn’t know the relationship between our future generations, so now fool around, this guy can work for me in this era, at least he is there, in case something is really difficult to solve, at least there can be multiple helpers no?

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