The big tortoise took a bite of acid to kill two rat monsters, but the remaining rat monsters were not frightened, instead they were aroused and rushed together. Go up. The hunting of these rat monsters looked a bit like that. Originally, I thought they would have some tricks when fighting, but the actual situation is completely different from what I thought. After these guys started fighting It just rushed up, and then began to bite and scratch at all the places that could be found on the big tortoise's body.

Although the big tortoise does not move very slowly, it is too big after all, and it is too late to turn around, and there are too many rat monsters, there is no way to get rid of it completely, except for one being swept by the tail. Most of the other rat monsters successfully climbed on the back of the big tortoise and began to bite.

Compared to my attacks, the biggest advantage of these rat monsters is that they are large enough, so the damage they cause far exceeds the damage I can cause. The big tortoise, who had initially dismissed our attack, finally began to bleed under the attack of these rat monsters. Although it seemed that they were all superficial wounds, this big guy at least shed a lot of blood.

After tearing open the wound and seeing the blood, these rat monsters immediately became extremely crazy, and they continued to bite and scratch on this big guy, except for the big turtle’s limbs and head. Except for injuries nearby, nothing happened to the torso and tail. Obviously, the protective ability of the tortoise shell and the bone plate on the tail of the big tortoise exceeded the attack power of the rat monster here. It was simply impossible. Any effective killing.

Although the big tortoise was quite embarrassed by the rat monsters, this guy has not lost much battle strength so far. After all, this injury really has little effect on him. However, this guy's attack range is limited, and he is a little helpless in the face of these rats hanging on his body. However, the rabbit bites when he is in a hurry. This big tortoise is not a good crop. Of course, this kind of moment is even more crazy.

The big tortoise with multiple injuries on his body found that he was impossible to reach the rat monster in the face of the attack of the rat monster, so this guy did a rather amazing move. It actually jumped from the ground.

I found that this guy’s legs are much longer than the leg length of a normal tortoise. I know that this guy’s athletic ability is not as bad as a real tortoise, but even if I overestimate this guy’s Athletic ability, I didn’t expect this guy to be able to jump up, and it’s not just a normal jump up, but the whole thing jumped up and turned over in the air, and then directly landed on the ground with the big shell on the back. The comet hit Earth once.

If it’s a normal thing, it’s just a bounce, it’s nothing at worst. But this guy is six or seven kilometers long and five kilometers wide. Such a big thing jumps up and then smashes to the ground. This impact is not as simple as imagined. I only heard a loud explosion sound, and the ground seemed to bounce after this guy's impact, and then the guy actually turned over and returned with the help of the ground's bounce. Obviously this is not the first time this trick has been used.

Although the big tortoise came up in the air and turned back with the help of the ground rebound, but those rat monsters were miserable. This guy was like a big washbasin. This turning over turned over all the rat monsters lying on him before, and then smashed it up, killing seven or eight rat monsters in an instant, and about five more. Although the six rat monsters did not die, they suffered serious injuries. They supported their life and death on the ground because they were afraid that they would not raise. After landing, ignoring the siege of the other rat monsters, this guy rushed directly to the injured and dying rat monster, and then took off on the spot and swooped to the undead rat monster, and another Mount Tai came to the top, this time he was injured. Those rat monsters can be regarded as completely turned into corpses.

After the big tortoise, there are only eight rat monsters left. After shaking his head vigorously for a few times, another rat monster couldn't stand firmly and was thrown off. Then the guy bit his paw and dragged it to the ground and smashed it hard until the guy turned into a tattered meatball.

So far, there are only seven of the more than 20 rat monsters left, and the price paid by the big tortoise is that there are dozens more on the body, which seems to be very serious, but in fact it has no effect on him at all. Wounds.

"It looks like I have to get a few more monsters to come over. This thing is unexpectedly powerful!" Looking at the guy below, I said helplessly.

In fact, the result is similar to what I thought. The remaining few rat monsters were quickly tossed clean by the big tortoise here, and the corpses in this place were not wasted, all Swallowed it. In the same way, the only result we got after working for a long time was to feed this guy!

Xin said, this thing must let me get rid of it, and my attack power must not be able to deal with this thing, so I can only rely on external forces. This group of rat monsters can't figure out this guy must have other creatures, so all I need is to find more powerful creatures to help.

I don’t know if it’s good luck or inevitable. The big tortoise here just ate the corpse of the last rat monster, and suddenly looked up and looked towards a certain direction, and I followed his Immediately after looking over, a huge creature was moving towards here and rushing towards it.

From the outside, the things that came this time looked much taller than the previous group of mice. This thing is covered in golden scales, looks a bit like a tiger with a huge dragon head, and is covered with golden scales all over the body. It is now at noon, this guy is in a golden and jade in glorious splendor under the sun, almost I can't look directly at it, it's so much better than the previous miscellaneous mice, I don't know how many times.

Faced with this creature, even the big tortoise was nervous, but after the monster over there rushed over, it didn’t immediately launch an attack but searched in the vicinity first. Of course, what was the result? It didn't find it, and at this time, its gaze finally shifted to the big tortoise here, and after looking at it carefully for a while, it began to circle around the big tortoise. It was obvious that it had already regarded this big tortoise as a new target.

"What is this?" Looking at the monster with golden scales below, I was born and asked Xin.

Xin directly replied: "Many creatures in this era have no names, because they are the only existence, and there are no modern social communities in this era, so naturally there are no so-called names. "

"Oh, that's really a pity."

When I was talking on my side, the monster below suddenly moved. That thing is not the same as the previous mouse. Similarly, this guy is obviously better at hunting. When the big tortoise turned around, he suddenly rushed up and bit the big tortoise’s neck from behind. But the big tortoise’s head is different from the general tortoise. His head The head is the same structure as the head of the giant dragon, and the back of the head of the giant dragon not only has horns or a crown, the main function of this thing is to protect the fragile cervical spine from attack. When the golden armor rare beast bit it, the big tortoise immediately raised its head, and the crown behind the head immediately pierced the monster's head.

Feeling the threat of being close at hand, the monster didn’t bite, but quickly let go and jumped out, but the big tortoise was not easy to provoke. After this guy jumped away The big tortoise over there immediately turned around and swept over with its tail.

The tail of this big turtle is full of thick bone plates. The defensive power is amazing. In other words, the hardness of this thing is amazing. So when the tail is used as a weapon, the formidable power is actually Quite scary. However, the golden armor rare beast over there is not easy to provoke. This guy jumped back and pulled away, avoiding the opponent's tail by a few millimeters, and immediately followed it forward and leaned forward again. He planned to make another attack, but he didn't expect that the big tortoise turned over and moved towards him with its back shell after a tail swept away.

The reaction speed of this monster is much higher than that of the big mice before. Although he easily avoided this one, what made them didn't expect that the guy could still be like a crocodile. Played with death tumbling. The width of the side of the body of this thing is a full five kilometers, and the coverage and speed of this roll are quite amazing. The guy quickly retreated a long distance continuously before he barely opened the distance. And on the road they dodge all the way is a dirt road completely turned into barren land, which was formed when the big tortoise rolled all the way.

The big tortoise still didn’t give up after the roll was found to be ineffective. After turning over and returning to the normal posture, he pointed his head at the golden armor rare beast over there and opened his mouth and sprayed it with a mouthful of acid, but the one over there Golden armor rare beast reacts faster, the whole body is golden light flashed, a golden shield suddenly appeared and directly blocked the acid in the air.

My own trick was broken, and the big tortoise obviously wanted to run. I used too much physical strength when fighting those big mice before, and now I have to face such a very powerful enemy, which naturally feels a little weak.

The golden armor rare beast probably also noticed that the big tortoise here was going to run, so he gave up waiting and rushed forward.

Seeing the golden armor rare beast rushing up, the big tortoise knew that it couldn’t run now, so he opened his mouth and sprayed another acid, but what we didn’t expect was the golden armor rare over there. Beast suddenly played a trick at this time and disappeared directly from us.

It’s not so easy for such a big target to disappear suddenly, so I thought the other party was using something similar to teleporting, but soon I discovered that this is obviously not the case, because that thing actually It's still in place, but we can't see it. In fact, the golden scales on these guys are equivalent to a special kind of reflector, so as long as you slightly adjust your own functional capabilities, you can make these swatches spell out any color, which is equivalent to a biological version of optical camouflage!

The big tortoise is obviously unable to crack the invisibility. Although he knows that the other party is in the vicinity, it is useless to not see and know. Just as the big tortoise retreated nervously, he suddenly felt a gust of wind behind his head, and then tilted his head alertly. A pit was immediately punched out on the ground. If it had just moved a little slower, it was now on the ground. The big hole should have appeared in his head.

Although he avoided this attack, the guy in front of him could be invisible, which made the big tortoise quite sad. There was a feeling that he had power and didn't know how to use it. However, the invisible golden armor rare beast over there is also the same depressed, because the big tortoise in front of him is really too defensive, making him feel a little bit unable to speak.

Both sides are afraid of each other’s abilities, but the golden armor rare beast is in the offensive position, which is much cheaper than the big tortoise over there. Although the big tortoise is temporarily at a disadvantage, the problem is The big tortoise only needs one hit to make the golden armor rare beast here lose its battle strength. Instead, the golden armor rare beast has launched many attacks around the big tortoise, but none of them worked.

So, although many people say that only speed can not be broken in martial arts in the world, in fact, in most cases, speed can not be broken, because if the speed can beat those The tortoise-shaped enemy must pass without injury, because these speed-type enemies are dead if they are wiped by others, but they can stand up to their attacks for a long time. So on the surface, it seems that the speed type and the defensive type are both the speed type and the frenzied defensive type when they meet, but the defensive type often wins in the end of this kind of battle.

This big tortoise has obviously developed the theory of the supremacy of defense to its limit. The defensive power of this body makes it impossible for others to speak up. Even if it is a golden armor rare beast, it is obvious that it is a kind of bunker. Rare beast, which is so fierce at first sight, is a bit embarrassing.

However, after all, this big tortoise has already fought with those mice. Now there is obviously a gap in physical strength. This can be considered his natural weakness.

The two sides switch back and forth between confrontation and confrontation. Almost every time, the golden armor rare beast starts first, but in the end it is the big tortoise that defends each time, and then the golden armor rare is forced. Beast had to give up his attack and look for the next opportunity. This way, the two sides seemed to have played against each other many times, but in fact, each time it passed by a flicker, there was no physical contact at all.

I was thinking that these two have nothing to do with me anyway. It is a good thing for me whether they win or lose, because as long as the big tortoise loses the task Xin gave me, it will be completed. And if the big tortoise wins, it doesn't matter, at least when the time comes, he will definitely be exhausted to death by the golden armor rare beast. It will be easier for me to bring a monster to come or go on my own. So, no matter who wins or loses, it has nothing to do with me. However, this situation is obviously not what I want to happen, because the two have entered a stalemate, and it is a relatively quiet stalemate. For the two monsters, this state is not so much fighting as they are resting. In this case, the big tortoise will not be consumed to death, but will get a buffer time, and then I will change if I want to kill him again. It's more difficult. So after watching them for a while, they didn't have much, but I became anxious.

"Damn it, this is not a solution!" I can't sit still looking at the bigger and slower battles below.

Xin's expression looked at me but didn't say anything, and I had to ask the familiars to go out again to find some monsters to talk about breaking the deadlock here. You don’t necessarily need to kill the big tortoise. Even if the golden armor rare beast can be killed as soon as possible, it’s a good thing. It’s better than letting the opponent recover.

Thanks to the Great Desolate here, the monster is really many as dogs. My pets just went out and turned around and came back with a ticket to chase.

These monsters chasing after my monsters are not ordinary goods, but none of them are as big as the golden armor rare beast and the big tortoise here. Looking at the monsters here, I estimated the battle strengths on both sides. If nothing happens, these creatures should be able to cause some serious injuries to the big tortoises over there.

It’s the same as the previous few times, because my monsters are too small for the size of the monsters here, so after discovering the other monsters here, the monsters who came after will look at them. Locked on the big tortoise and the golden armor rare beast, as for my familiars, they were simply ignored.

Originally, the golden armor rare beast and the big tortoise were one-on-one, but now a large group of monsters suddenly ran out. Of course, the two dared not continue to confront each other, so the battlefield quickly fell into a kind of The new polygonal stalemate. However, because there are many monsters, it is inevitable to be more impulsive. Therefore, the battle took place very quickly. Less than five minutes later, these monsters were led by one of the impulsive monsters. I think a little bit differently.

I originally hoped that the newly arrived monsters could fight the big turtle together with the golden armor rare beast, but in fact the group of monsters that just arrived separated and attacked the golden armor rare beast and the big turtle at the same time. The two sides of the tortoise turned into a big tortoise and a golden armor rare beast to fight against these newly arrived monsters, but the golden armor rare beast and the big tortoise did not unite.

There are three monsters facing the golden armor rare beast, and one of them is a strange creature. The body structure of this thing is similar to that of a rhino, but its head is rather weird, it looks like a huge piranha, and after the head of this thing is opened, a dozen thick tentacles can be protruded from the petal-like mouth. As long as something is wrapped around something, it can be pulled into the monster's mouth.

This thing is the main force confronting the golden armor rare beast, and the other two monsters who cooperate with him to deal with the golden armor rare beast are two very similar creatures. Both of these monsters stand up and walk like humans, and feel a bit like humanoid animals. For example, Ox Head Man is a humanoid cow, and one of these two creatures is like a humanoid lizard, and the other is a humanoid double-headed cobra. Of course, these two are not only human size, but huge monsters with a height of a thousand more than three hundred meters. Anyway, I found that the creatures of this era are as common as the creatures of our time. .

The bull monster with a head like a piranha is a physics department with strong melee combat ability, while the two humanoid monsters are quite rare in legal system battle strength.

golden armor rare beast, because they don’t understand the battle strength of these creatures, so they don’t dare to attack rashly, but the three creatures here seem to know each other. . But the golden armor rare beast here is not easy to deal with. The man-eating flower head monster over there spouted out the tentacles in his head to entangle this golden armor rare beast and he was about to drag it into his mouth, but the golden armor rare beast had its tentacles on his back and rushed to the lizardmen. It’s just a bite if you press it to the ground by your side. The monster next to it, like a double-headed cobra, starts spraying poison mist without any scruples. As a result, the golden armor rare beast is immune to toxins, but the lizard monster is directly sprayed to death. NS.

After killing the lizard monster, the golden armor rare beast turned and killed the piranha monster, but at this time, a ray suddenly flew from the side and cut the guy here directly into two. part. The golden armor rare beast without any restraints turned around and slapped one head of the double-headed basilisk with a paw, but he was bitten by another head. The effect of spraying poison mist is different from last time. It is obvious that the formidable power is more obvious with the fangs. This golden armor rare beast started to stagger after a bite, but it still managed to kill the other two-headed basilisk. A head.

The three monsters on this side of golden armor rare beast are all dead, but the situation on the other side makes me very depressed, because the big tortoise also won. I'll just say it. High defense is really a very good ability. The tortoise monster was besieged by six monsters just now. Not only did it kill the enemy on its side before the golden armor rare beast, but also took time out of the sneak attack and took the golden armor rare. beast. The beam that shot the piranha monster into two sections was actually the big tortoise's big move after a long time of gathering energy. Unfortunately, there was a problem with the accuracy of the head. It did not hit the golden armor rare beast but killed the piranha.

The nine monsters that were attracted again lasted less than ten minutes and died, but the battle situation at the scene turned into a big tortoise dominance. Although the golden armor rare beast didn't fall down, it looked like drunk and could not walk safely, but the big tortoise over there was no different from what it was like before. This really makes me quite depressed, because I simply can't kill this guy if this goes on!

"Xin! Can we change the goal? The battle strength of this thing is too much beyond me! You can see that even in this dangerous Great Desolate Era this guy can walk sideways. I just attracted so many monsters, and I haven’t done any of this guy!"

Xin looked at me for a while before opening the mouth and said: "Aren’t you pretty good-minded? Why do you stop thinking suddenly?"

"Can't think?" I was surprised why Xin gave such an answer, so I thought about it desperately, but after thinking about it for a long time It suddenly occurred to me where I was wrong. "Damn, I finally understand."

"Just understand." Xin nodded said nothing, and I calmly watched the battle over there and did not continue to send the monster to attract the monster. .

In fact, my previous idea was not wrong. It was to find a monster to fight against this big tortoise, and then borrow a knife to kill the tortoise. Anyway, I can’t kill him by myself, then I will find someone who can kill him. On the line. However, although this idea is correct, the direction of my efforts is wrong.

When I saw this big tortoise, it came out from under the ground, and it seemed that the guy had stayed in that place for a long time, because when I first got there, I even took it Treated as a hill, after all, this guy has grown a forest on his back, and it's definitely not a short time.

This guy can stay in that place for so long without leaving. What does this mean? This shows that it is the owner of that place, which means that this guy is actually on his own territory. Then, according to the characteristics of modern monsters, every BOSS type monster will have a territory, where he is the strongest existence, and other creatures are not his opponents.

However, the monsters I introduced just now were all discovered in the course of the action, which means that they did not make their homes. And a monster without a home means that the opponent is not strong and cannot guarantee that the territory he has occupied is exclusively owned by him. Therefore, the monsters I just attracted to this big tortoise are actually a group of miscellaneous soldiers, which is simply not enough. As for the golden armor rare beast, this may be the only powerful monster in the area that is qualified to jump and cut the big tortoise, but this guy is still a long way away from actually jumping and cutting the big tortoise, so he fights the big tortoise. You can only get up in a tie, and no one can help each other. However, the big tortoise can't help the golden armor rare beast just because the speed is not as fast as others, and the golden armor rare beast can't help but the big tortoise really can't beat others.

Since you know the problem, it's simple. This golden armor rare beast has been injured like this now, and it is estimated that it will be killed soon, so that the big tortoise should continue its own actions, and what I need to do is not to attract blame to harass him, but to take this big tortoise. Lead it to other areas and let it enter the territory of other BOSS-Rank monsters, so that the BOSS over there will come out to fight this big turtle, and only their BOSS-Rank monsters can fight against each other. The tortoise was seriously injured or died. After figuring out the problem, the rest is simple.

The battle between the golden armor rare beast and the big tortoise over there is just as I thought, because it has been poisoned, so the golden armor rare beast is no longer the opponent of the big tortoise over there. It was settled. Then the big tortoise ate a crystal in this guy's head, which may be something similar to the inner core. Of course, the corpses of the monsters who attacked them were also torn apart by the big tortoise. Some of the monsters had this kind of inner core in their bodies, and they were all eaten by the big tortoise. Now I regret letting this guy fight those monsters. After eating so much inner core, he might be stronger than before. I'm really self-inflicted and can't live!

Fortunately, after wasting so much time, I finally managed to attract this guy to the edge of his own territory. In order to attract this guy over, I didn’t work hard. Not only did I send out my pet to attack the other’s eyes, but also used a lot of liquefied magic crystal vapor bombs to finally let this guy make us small insects for him. The same existence becomes the goal. However, all this will finally pay off, because when this guy stepped into someone else's territory, there was a sudden roar that vibrated Heaven and Earth.

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