"Are you okay?" When several Qilin warriors were carried to the Baqi Orochi who just woke up, I deliberately asked with a caring look.

Although the Baqi Orochi has woken up, it still looks very weak. After all, after falling from such a high place, he is in a weak state again, that is, he is reluctant to be a flying creature. It’s just slow down after sitting down, so the impact after landing like this is still very large. In such a situation, it is quite rare to not be killed. Concussion and other things are really normal.

"Where...that guy?" The big snake stared at me for more than ten seconds before reacting, and then the first reaction was to ask me about the big tortoise. After all, this is important. problem.

"It’s broken into pieces, don’t worry."

"Oh, that’s good." After the eight-headed snake said, he looked towards me and asked: "I’m ......?"

"You fell fainted after landing. I am now punishing time out of skills, so there is no way to heal you for the time being. Please bear with me for a while."

"No, I'm okay, I'm just dizzy, and I don't have any strength on my body. I should recover in a while. I haven't thank you for the previous battle. I might die here without your help!"

"No, we are helping each other. Frankly, the guy actually attacked me before, but you just happened to hit me. If I don’t help you get rid of that guy, once I get killed , The next one should be me."

Baqi Dashe shook his head and said: "Anyway, you saved my life. I am grateful and seeking to repay the kindness. If you need anything in the future, please Say, I will definitely help."

"You are polite."

After a few words with Baqi Dashe, the state of punishment on my body has slightly improved, although it is still a move. The whole body is numb and unbearable, but as long as you hold it back, you can barely move around, at least not like a puddle of mud. I sat up with a support, and then I took out a pill from my body in a zombie-like motion. This is not a common medicine, but the Immortal Pill I copied from the Celestial Court. The effect is to treat the injuries on the body.

This Immortal Pill can not only repair all the damage on the body in an instant, but more importantly, it can also make up for you both the magic power and endurance value. It is definitely a must-have divine medicine on the battlefield. Of course, because the effect of this thing is too abnormal, as long as you bring more, it is almost equivalent to having Immortal Body, so the limited number of very difficult to deal with. I got a total of more than 100 tablets from Celestial Court, of which I only kept ten tablets, and all the others were given to other people in the guild. I have used two of them so far, and eight are left.

Take out this Immortal Pill and give it to the Qilin warrior next to him, and then let the Qilin warrior pass it to the Eight-Different Snake, and then I said: "Eat it, this one can heal you instantly Injury."

After hearing this, Baqi Oro looked at the Immortal Pill in surprise. After thinking about it for a while, he suddenly flashed all over his body and then disappeared. However, I quickly discovered the location of the Eight-Headed Snake, but at this time he is no longer in the shape of the Nine-Headed Bird, but in the shape of a Little Handsome Brother who looks about fifteen or sixteen years old.

The reason why I know the human form of the eight-headed snake is completely because I have seen the eight-headed snake in modern times, but at that time the eight-headed snake was already a middle-aged uncle, and it was close At the age between the old and middle-aged, but the one in front of us is between the young and the righteous. The gap is still very large, but the appearance of a person will change except for the small child and the adult. In addition to being relatively large, basically will not change much after the teenage years to old age, so I can barely recognize that this is the young version of the eight-headed snake.

However, to be honest, although the look of the young version of the Baqi Orochi and the old version can be identified, the difference is quite big. In addition to being a little older and a little tenderer, this young version of the Eight-Different Snake is obviously much more handsome than the old one. Although there is no big difference between the five senses, but I don’t know why, this big snake looks sunny and handsome, but the old version is sinister and cunning. feel.

I quickly found the answer to this strange difference, because the youth version of the eight-headed snake is indeed much better than the old version of the eight-headed snake, it is completely cute and small. Basically, there is no wickedness in his character. He believes everything you say, and as long as you are good to him, he will be able to dig your heart out.

As to why the two big snakes are so different, my own guess is that the modern version of the big snakes may have a head cut off in the past, and then they were kicked out of the land of China, and then incognito. Hiding in that place in Japan to heal his injuries, this huge life change may have some influence on his psychology. After all, if a person loses a hand due to some sudden change and then leaves his hometown to flee, it is not normal that there is no psychological problem. In this way, speaking of which the character of the young version of the eight-headed snake should be the true character of the eight-headed snake, and the late eight-headed snake is purely driving crazy than life, so it becomes extremely extreme.

It is said that personality affects a person's temperament. There is such a big difference in personality between the two versions of Baqi Orochi, and it is understandable that there is a big difference in appearance.

The eight-different snake that turned into a human form ate my Immortal Pill without any doubt, and of course it had an immediate effect. Within ten seconds, the full state of the place was restored, and the excited guy was bouncing on the spot for a long time. . I saw that he was so good at doing it to the end, and he directly bleeds and gave him two such Immortal Pills.

"What do you mean?" The Big Snake looked at the Immortal Pill that I had sent again and looked at me puzzledly.

I said very sincerely: "I am here only for some special reasons to train here. I will leave here in about two days, and I live in a much safer place than here. It's dangerous. But you, alone in this kind of place, if you run into the kind of monster just now, you will almost die if no one can help you. So I will give you two more Immortal Pills, which is also considered to give you two more. A chance to save my life again."

When I heard this, the teenage version of Baqi Oro almost burst into tears, and he looked at me with excitement, even his lips began to tremble. "This...this...how do I thank you?"

The Baqi Orochi did not refuse. First, this thing is too precious and it is of great significance to him. Secondly, before I came Having said that, the place where I live is not as dangerous as his side, so the demand is not as big as his, and my performance also shows that I am definitely more than two, so he did not refuse, just very excited.

I originally planned to borrow the power of Baqi Orochi, of course I would not be polite with him. "Since you say that, there are indeed things you can help."

"Oh, what's the matter? As long as it can be done, I am willing to define it." The youth version of the eight-headed snake is obviously a hot-blooded boy, just received For my great favor, of course I agreed with one bite.

I said with a laugh: "It’s not an at worst thing, but I came here this time to kill some of the mountain spirits, sea monsters and all kinds of creatures, so that I can absorb The energy essence in them is strong for me, and at the same time, it can improve my fighting level during the battle."

"How can I help with this kind of thing?" Baqi Orochi asked.

"You can help me in three ways."

"Oh, there are so many. Then you can speak quickly."

"First, this I’m here for the first time. I don’t know the road or where to find anything. Since you live here, you must know the surrounding environment better, so you can show me the way and tell me where there are some that are not. Let me kill a creature that is too powerful. At least I won’t be silly and bump into something like that before."

As soon as the eight-headed snake heard this, he immediately slapped his chest and promised: "This is Trivial, I know everything nearby, just show you the way."

I nodded and said: "This is the first thing that troubles you. Then the second thing will be a little troublesome."

"It's okay, I'm not afraid of trouble."

I nodded and said: "I just said, I need to kill the creatures here to absorb their energy essence to improve my ability , But my time here is limited and I will leave soon. I have been delayed for so long before dealing with the big tortoise, so I definitely can’t kill too many creatures, so my training results must be very average. So I hope you can Help me fight those powerful creatures, wound or contain them, let me complete the kill, so that I can quickly absorb life energy, and the most important thing is that you are strong, so you can help me kill some of me Creatures that could not be beaten. These powerful creatures can provide me with more energy so that I can absorb a lot of energy. Of course, for safety, we don’t need to challenge those terrifying existence that you can’t beat. We just Just look for those creatures that you can kill without endangering your life."

When the eight-headed snake heard this, he immediately said: "What is it with me. It turns out." That's it! Don't worry, there are not many threats to my existence here. Besides, if I am not alone in the fight, if I just damage or drag the opponent, I can almost deal with the creatures here. Don't worry, one We will kill those creatures to extract Life Essence for you. What is the third aspect you mentioned?"

"This third aspect can be regarded as a kind of cooperation." I said: " I don’t know if there is that kind of Heaven and Earth Treasure that is very beneficial to the progress of the cultivation?"

As soon as Baqi Orochi heard this Heaven and Earth Treasure, he immediately said: "How could it not? But? The problem is that those things are occupied by powerful creatures, I dare not touch them at all!"

I nodded and said: "I also know this situation, but that was before. Now we have two people, And you have also seen that I have a lot of people who can help. You It is a flying creature, and it is very fast. I can ask my men to add some auxiliary spells to you, which can further increase your speed, and then you can harass the creatures that guard the Heaven and Earth Treasure. Once the opponent is anxious by you, they will definitely chase you, and as long as you take it out of the place where Heaven and Earth Treasure is, I can steal this Heaven and Earth Treasure from the other side. In this way, no matter how many Heaven and Earth Treasure we won in the end, we will all be divided in half. What do you think? "

"hahahaha, this is a good idea, so let's do it. "

As an Ancient Ominous Beast, Baqi Ominous Beast certainly knows the benefits of Heaven and Earth Treasure. In fact, he has eaten a lot of Heaven and Earth Treasure. After all, this is Great Desolate Era, with super high energy density. , So the number of Heaven and Earth Treasure is very large. But, who would think that there are many good things? So of course, the eight-headed snake is very hoping to get more eight-headed snakes, but those ordinary goods are only a flash in the pan, only by luck The real high-end Heaven and Earth Treasure has super-powerful creatures guarding it all the time. This thing is that the eight-pointed snake can't get it, so I can only sigh with excitement. However, with me The proposal is different. Although the guardian creatures of Heaven and Earth Treasure are very strong, but in terms of speed, there are not too many that can surpass the Orochi Orochi. So if you just draw these guys away, Orochi Orochi consciously It can still be done. For those fine-quality Heaven and Earth Treasures, it’s worth taking a risk.

After the initial agreement is reached, we will take advantage of the time I can’t move to study us first. The course of action. Because not all the guardian beasts of Heaven and Earth Treasure can be distracted, so the Eight-Puzzle Orochi also needs to think about it first, and I have to level up, so I need to plan which creatures are on the road What can be attacked, and what needs to be avoided.

When I discussed the plan with Baqi Orochi, my punishment was over, and Xin didn't have any objection to my idea. In fact, her so-called guidance is not to guide my combat skills, but to guide me to make full use of my own abilities. It is not only my physical ability that is my own ability, your equipment is your ability, and your money is also your ability. Even your eloquence is your ability. Like me now, I have directly turned the eight-headed snake into my own helper. This ability is absolutely magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, because the magnificent army with thousands of men And horses plus one piece is not the opponent of the eight-pointed snake.

With this action plan, we begin to prepare to implement this plan. The 1st Step is moved towards the position of the closest BOSS to us. This The place is not only close to us, but the more important reason is this The guy guards a very special plant. This thing is a treasure. Although Baqi Orochi doesn’t know what that thing does, he says that he can sense the powerful energy on that plant. As long as he eats it, it will definitely be there. Great benefit. Moreover, this plant has a very good feature, that is, the fruit it bears is not one but a large bunch. According to the Baqi Orochi, it is conservatively estimated that there are hundreds of them. In other words, you can easily divide the spoils after you get this thing.

After choosing this goal, we went all the way towards that guy’s territory. Of course, we ran into many local ominous beasts along the way. The battle strength of these creatures is generally inferior to that of the eight-pointed snake. I feel that the strength of the Baqi Orochi in this era is probably equivalent to the kind of regional powerhouse. Although looking at the entire China Land, the existence of more than the Baqi Orochi is definitely a handful, but these people are allocated to China such a big land. Locally, the density becomes quite low. Therefore, in this place, with the exception of a few of the eight-differentiated serpents who dare not move, most of the creatures did not die their opponents.

The strength of the eight-headed snake is definitely a good thing for me, because most of the creatures here will be injured immediately after he touches the joints and lose their mobility, or they are directly pressed on the ground to move. Can't be afraid. In this case, my killing job becomes much simpler. In the face of an enemy whose joints are damaged or completely suppressed, I just need to find the most important attack. Although these creatures are very powerful, my side is basically attacking the key points, and even the most powerful creatures can't stand it. Therefore, my speed at killing monsters is quite impressive. And because the Orochi Snake only injured the joints of these guys, or simply pressed these guys, the damage value is basically caused by me and the familiars. The Orochi Orochi is occupied by the damage caused to those creatures. The proportion of the opponent’s total HP is very small, so I almost take all the EXP. As a result, my EXP gain speed is almost as fast as riding a rocket. I start to worry about upgrading. Will something go wrong soon.

After using a big move to destroy the giant stone man in front of me, I checked my level with satisfaction, and it was already more than 2,700. This speed is really...that’s not It's eight hours! At this rate, when Xin takes me away, will I be able to rise above level 3,500? When I came here, I was only more than two thousand three hundred! Ascend to more than 1,000 levels in three days, will this speed be a problem? The system won't judge me cheating, right?

Although I am very worried about the system's intervention, I still don't want to take advantage of such a good opportunity to score points, so I can only comfort myself and continue to learn experience there. There is a cheating device called Baqi Orochi, so it’s not too easy to gain experience. What's more, this Great Desolate Era is a hundred times experience, this upgrade speed is really scary.

When I was entangled here whether to slow down, I suddenly heard Baqi Orochi say: "The monster’s residence is in front of me. Earth Treasure doesn’t come out very much, but his battle strength is very strong, and I can’t beat him at all."

When I heard Heaven and Earth Treasure, I knew that the upgrade speed would not be so fast in a short time. Because dealing with this BOSS will definitely delay a lot of time. However, this Heaven and Earth Treasure is different from EXP. Experience can be obtained everywhere, it is a matter of speed, and Heaven and Earth Treasure directly adds special attributes or basic attributes to you, which improves your potential and makes future battles easier. After all, the difficulty of the game is based on everyone’s experience. The average battle strength of this level is designed, and because you have obtained these Heaven and Earth Treasures, the battle strength must be a lot higher than the average, so it is naturally easier to handle these tasks. Therefore, Heaven and Earth Treasure is obviously more important than EXP.

"Okay, I see, let's separate here first. You go and lead that guy away, and I will sneak in and steal the plant."

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