"What price do you want us to offer?" Jade Emperor looked at me and asked.

"Regarding the price issue...actually, I don't have a fixed concept."

"How can I talk about it?" Jade Emperor asked suspiciously.

"This thing is like this." I organized the language a little bit, and then I said: "Although we have done a lot of business in Frost Rose League, the business partners we work with are some In mortal organizations, you can use ordinary items or directly use money for settlement. However, Celestial Court is a Divine Race force. Some of your resources and our resources are not common, and you have a lot of them. Resources are of no use to you, but they are of great value when they come to us. Therefore, I don’t think it’s appropriate for us to set prices directly. The most appropriate way is to make a list of all the things that can be used as rewards, and then get them. Give out some detailed information, such as the usefulness and usage of these things. In this case, if we have anything to trade in the future, we only need to directly compare this table."

"This is indeed It is convenient for the transaction between us, but this thing takes a lot of time to sort out, and we will not be ready for a while!"

"On this issue, I think we can sort it out at the same time. Let me follow the selection. When you are sorting out, I can choose what you need by the way, and find anything valuable and use it as a bargaining chip for this transaction."

"This is also OK. "Jade Emperor said, turned his head and said to Supreme Taoist: "Old prince, this matter will trouble you."

"The old minister abides by the order." Supreme Taoist said and led me to leave. Soaring Firmament Treasure Palace, but Divine Immortal here all celebrated after I left. After all, those things given to me are nothing to Divine Immortal, but they can get a lot of Power of Faith income, which is a real benefit, so these gods and Buddhas are all very excited.

While the gods and Buddhas here were celebrating there, I had already walked to a place behind Celestial Court with Supreme Taoist. However, unlike the palaces in the general Celestial Court, this place here is not a palace, but a floating mountain. Although there are many floating mountains in Celestial Court, this one is definitely quite strange, because it is different from those floating mountains whose tops are basically flat. The whole floating mountains is a rhombus structure, and it feels as if the bottoms of two mountains meet. After that, such a mountain was formed.

We arrived at the widest place in the center of the mountain, and there is a cave-like place here, but this place is obviously repaired. Not only is the entrance of the cave built with a gate, but also in front of it. There is a small square.

"Old gentleman." As soon as we stepped onto this square, two golden armor gods suddenly appeared next to us. These two didn't know where they were hiding before. I didn't see them at all before, but as soon as they landed, I found that they appeared directly in front of us and were already saluting the Supreme Taoist. If they didn't come to salute, but attacked us, wouldn't it mean that we would not feel the other person until we were cut by the other person? This ability is too bad.

Supreme Taoist didn't have any unusual reactions to the appearance of these two golden armor gods. If he hadn't known it for a long time, it must be that he had a way to spot each other in advance. But I don't know what's going on with them anyway, I just guessed that the abilities of the two golden armor gods should not be entirely their own abilities, and may have something to do with this floating mountain.

After waiting for the two golden armor gods to finish their salutes, Supreme Taoist immediately opened the mouth and said: "I follow the order of the Jade Emperor to bring President Purple Moon here to choose rewards. This is the seal. "As he said, he stretched out his hand and shot a golden aperture.

One of the golden armor gods immediately said after catching the aperture: "The seal is correct, please."

Supreme Taoist nodded, and then said to me as he walked forward: "Has President Purple Moon ever heard of Baoshan?"


"There was a saying that went deep into Baoshan but returned empty-handed. This is a floating mountain. This is one of Celestial Court’s treasure troves. It contains a large number of Magical Artifact, Spirit Treasure and other items. Anything that falls in the world is also an incredible thing. However, the guards here are tightly guarded and ordinary people cannot get it. If I agree, I’ll never want to bring something out. That’s why I would go into Baoshan and return empty-handed."

I said while nodded: "Are the guards here very tight? I just saw two A guard!"

"The guard must not be left outside!" Supreme Taoist said, pointing to the two stone lions on both sides of the cave entrance. "Do you have any idea to watch this gatekeeper Divine Beast?"

I took a serious look at what Supreme Taoist said. I didn't pay attention before, but I didn't feel it, but as soon as I concentrated my attention, I found the problem immediately. The one in front of me is clearly two Divine Beasts squatting there, simply not a stone lion. Although I can be sure that the outer layer is really a stone shell, the inside is genuine Divine Beast.

"Damn, isn't this gluttony?"

"Yes. This is gluttony, and it is a very rare two gluttony. Their combat capability is better than their counterparts. They have a lot to be stronger, and they have a special hobby, which is sleeping. The longer they sleep, the more hungry they wake up, and their battle strength will increase. These two have not been awake for thousands of years, so once they wake up , Even I have to be careful."

"I know you have a lot of good things in Celestial Court."

"What is this, I will take you in to see you Got it." Supreme Taoist said as he guided me into that gate.

This gate looks like the gate of an ancient royal minister's house. The red door is decorated with a large number of copper nails, and the door knocker is a metal ring with two animal heads dangling, but this metal ring is not a simple ring, because it is actually formed by a golden small dragon coiled up. .

When we approached, the small dragon on the door swam automatically, and then entangled on the animal's head on one side, then the door opened by itself, and the door closed automatically after we entered , The small dragon swam back to lock the door.

Behind this gate is the real cave. Although there is no decoration, the walls are all excavated and are quite flat. There are fluorescent gravel on the ground, which not only looks quite beautiful, but also The important thing is that these stones act as a light source to illuminate the entire cave.

The entrance to the cave is very long, but after you walk up, you will feel like walking on a conveyor belt as long as you step forward. You obviously feel that you are walking at a normal speed, but you can feel it really. The wind is blowing at the ear, and the speed is estimated to be at least 80 kilometers per hour. I don't know if it was Supreme Taoist who gave me a spell to save time, or the passage in this place is just like this.

After traveling some distance, we quickly reached a big cave. This cave is more beautiful than the road ahead because there is a lake. There are also many luminous fluorites in the lake water. When the lake water shines on the ground, it turns into a color between ice blue and tender green, which is quite beautiful.

Most of the area of ​​this huge cave is occupied by this lake, and the rest is a crescent-shaped land, and there is an altar at the widest part of this crescent. Above the altar is a single door. Because the position we entered is on the side of the crescent, we can directly see the front and back sides of the gate. The back of this door is not against the wall, but stands in the center of the altar, both front and back are empty. I have seen a lot of gates with this structure, and this construction method usually means that this is a Transmission Gate.

Supreme Taoist didn't rush to the gate, but took me directly to the lake, and then as soon as he stretched out his hand, he took a pebble from the ground and raised his hand to throw it into the lake. But before he threw it out, I saw that the originally calm and mirror-like lake suddenly revolved, and then I saw a huge head with a large amount of scattered lake water popping out from the bottom of the water. . Supreme Taoist and I quickly applied a protective cover on our bodies, and then watched the water from the lake falling down like a waterfall flow down the protective cover before removing the protective cover.

Of course, what came out of the lake was not a monster, but an authentic Divine Dragon, but this one was not a Golden Dragon, but a blue and blue Divine Dragon that was almost the same color as the lake.

The volume of this Divine Dragon doesn’t look very large. At least based on my understanding of Divine Dragon, this one definitely uses spell to reduce its volume. After all, even the small dragon female The Divine Dragon in the juvenile stage of Divine Dragon Race is already several hundred meters long. This Divine Dragon can be guarded in the treasure vault of Celestial Court. How can this lifespan be thousands of years old? How could this power be only two hundred meters long? Isn't this a joke?

As soon as the Divine Dragon appeared, he roared at Supreme Taoist: "You Old Guy throws rocks into my lake every time you come. Are you sincere?"< /p>

"I’m not reminding you that a guest is here?"

"I just need time to wake up, where do I need you to remind?" Then Divine Dragon suddenly turned to the shore. Bian flew up, and at the same time his body was changing rapidly. When he landed, he had become a very handsome Tsing Yi Young Master. Of course, the two dragon horns on Dragon Clan's head are still very conspicuous, so even fools know that this is the dragon just now.

To be honest, the genes of Divine Dragon Race are really good. The image of Divine Dragon Transformation in front of me looks like in his thirties, but he is not old in his thirties. It is a kind of calm temperament, which makes people feel very young at first glance, and after careful reopening, they will feel that this is a middle age person who maintains a young appearance. Of course, in fact, this should be regarded as a genuine old monster. After all, this one is at least a thousand years old. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is an old monster.

In addition to the delicate and pretty appearance with a calm temperament, the figure of this Divine Dragon is also quite standard. It seems that at least one meter tall looks quite tall, although wearing a scholar The Young Master suits, but it feels like a knight. It's not so weak. After all, this is a dragon. If this can be considered weak, how can others live?

After turning into a human form, the Divine Dragon glanced at me, and then walked over to cup one fist in the other hand. "Immortal Monarch Aolai in the Spirit Treasure Cave of Xiabaoshan, I don’t know how the fairy friends are called?"

"Under Purple Moon." By the other side, I started to use classical Chinese without even knowing what I said. it's wired.

"Oh, it turned out to be the Purple Moon fairy friend. This is the Celestial Court, and most people are not allowed to enter. But since the old man brought you here, I want to come by the Jade Emperor’s decree, I don’t know. Are you here to fetch things or store things this time?"

"Is fetching things."

"Oh, then please come with me." This one is good talking, but looks like There is something wrong with Supreme Taoist, anyway, it is obvious that this person is quite unwelcome to Supreme Taoist.

Supreme Taoist, this guy usually looks like divine poise and sagelike features. It seems to be a very majestic one, but I don’t know why after seeing this guy, his temperament is a bit old. The direction of the rogue changed. It’s said that everyone has a few personalities. Does Supreme Taoist also have them? This gap is a bit big!

Follow Ao Lai up to the altar, and then the other side gently pushes on the door and the door opens, but I know that if the door opens, what we see is not what we see now. That place was the wall behind the cave, because Aolai obviously used a certain ability when he pushed the door, and a very strong energy spread. Therefore, he, the guard, must still be the key to this door part-time, and no one would want to open this door without him.

I have made several guesses about the situation behind the opened door, but when I actually saw it, I was still a bit surprised, because behind the door is really amazing.

The space behind this Transmission Gate turned out to be a cosmic star, and when we walked in, it immediately entered a gravity-free state. There is nothingness all around, and various celestial bodies can be seen in the distance. If it weren't for oxygen, I would definitely think it was in space. However, compared to the space environment, what surprised me more was the densely packed treasures in front of me.

The space inside this gate is a completely gravity-free environment, so everything can be suspended in its place, as long as you don’t touch it, it won’t move. At this moment, right in front of us is a wall made up of countless treasures. The treasures that are too many to count are just floating around us. The scene is truly magnificent.

"All these are Celestial Court's treasures?" Looking at the treasure who could not find any margins at all, my excited heartbeat started to rise unconsciously.

Ao Lai explained: "these all are Celestial Court you saw are stored here, but these are not treasures, at best they can only be regarded as some equipment, and they are not usually used. The equipment that arrived."

"Then you mean the Celestial Court baby is not here?"

"Celestial Court's real baby is of course not here." Ao Lai said seriously: "If you have a baby, you need to use it. How can it be hidden here? The better equipment is held in the hands of various gods. Impossible exists in this kind of place. However, there are also some for special reasons or not. Suitable users but not particularly strong things that are not used are real treasures. Of course, those things are also impossible to put here, but there are special storage points."

"Then I can Go take a look?"

"This is not up to me." Ao Lai said: "Those real treasures are protected by other people."

Supreme Taoist At the same time, he said, "Purple Moon, if you want to see me, I can take you there, but let me explain first, those are very valuable things. If you want to take them away, at most two items may be offset this time. I'm all paid."

I glanced at Supreme Taoist and said: "Now I just count the supplies, I didn't say that I have to set it down now, when the time comes, I still go to the Jade Emperor. Talk, don’t price me directly."

"Fine, I will be responsible for showing you the way anyway. The specific decision is up to you and the Jade Emperor."

Because Supreme Taoist is nodded, so Aolai took us directly out of this place full of stars, and then walked to the other end of the new moon. One end of this crescent-shaped land area is the entrance to the cave, the middle position is the starry sky gate, and the remaining end is another passage.

With Aolai, we quickly walked out in the labyrinth-like passage here. It is said that this place is a maze, and those who enter will be suppressed all attributes, unless you can find a way out, otherwise you will have to be trapped in it, because here you have no ability to connect to heaven penetrating the earth. Use, because simply can't make it.

Ao Lai knew the detailed way of access here, so he arrived at his destination without taking a detour.

The cave behind this maze is also a cave, but it’s not the same as the previous one. It’s a sharp cone-shaped cave with a small and high ceiling. Bigger. The bottom of the cave is a huge circular area with a diameter of more than a hundred meters, and the height above it is at least forty meters. A beam of light is projected from the top of the cave above, and it is shining at the center of the bottom of the cave. In that place, there is a huge golden lotus blooming on the ground, and on top of this golden lotus is sitting. It's more appropriate to sit alone, or perhaps to say that a great god is sitting, because even Supreme Taoist and Ao Lai don't dare to pant loudly when they get here.

I didn't dare to speak out when I saw Ao Lai and Supreme Taoist's reaction. Everyone knows the identity of Supreme Taoist, that Aolai can be a guard in such a place, and his status is not too bad, but these two people above this Golden Lotus dare not even breathe. So isn't this one above the same level as Hongjun Sect Lord? Because I seem to think that the Supreme Taoist was never so nervous when Hongjun Sect Lord was in Celestial Court last time. Could it be that this one has a bad temper?

I was thinking, but the one above suddenly reacted.

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