"Li Boy, why do you come to me here today?"

"Li Boy?" Suddenly I heard the person above called me immediately I froze there, because I didn't realize who this was calling. There were only four people at the scene, and the other party must be calling a certain of the three of us. This Li Boy obviously has nothing to do with me, because no matter which title I am, I cannot match this Li Boy. The Divine Dragon next to him is named Aolai, and there is no Li in the name, so this is unlikely to be his name. Besides, he lives in the pool outside, and the straight line distance from here is less than 50 meters. Even if the two don’t meet every day, they won’t be like long time no see, so the only thing left is It may be called Supreme Taoist by this name. The problem is that the names Supreme Taoist and Li Boy are really a bit of a fight!

Who is Supreme Taoist? That's a great god, even if it can't be said to be Number One Person in Celestial Court, at least Peak exists. Even Jade Emperor and Dainichi Tathagata must at least be polite to see this person. Gods and Buddhas of this kind of ordinary status have to be respectful when they see it. But the man in front of me actually called out the name Li Boy, so let alone respectful, two people who are equal dare not call it casually when they are together. This will make people think of the name of the little Court Eunuch. In addition to the elders or high-status existences calling the younger generations and subordinates, at most, they are joking and shouting among friends who are particularly close.

This person and Supreme Taoist are not like people who like to make jokes, so this is obviously not a joke name. Then, there are only two possibilities. First, there is a fifth person here, and we didn't find this person. Second, the other party is the elder or superior of Supreme Taoist, so you can use any title you like to call Supreme Taoist unscrupulously. As for whether the name Li Boy is Supreme Taoist... I have actually thought of a probability.

It seems that in the legend, the identity of Supreme Taoist in the world is Lao Tzu, and Lao Tzu’s name is Li Er. If you push down according to this legend, if there is a person with a higher status than Supreme Taoist It makes sense for existence to call Supreme Taoist Li Boy.

"Reporting back to Old Ancestor, I have brought this Purple Moon Fellow Daoist to choose some divine objects as rewards by the order of the Jade Emperor."

Sure enough, Supreme Taoist The attitude and the title of the person speaks for itself. The beauty in front of her who looked like she was about thirty years old and had an unusually beautiful face was completely an old monster. Supreme Taoist, an Ancestor Master-level existence, is actually called Old Ancestor Fang, how old should this woman be? Maybe it is comparable to Hongjun Sect Lord. It's no wonder that the existence of Supreme Taoist requires respectful reply, being called Li Boy and also accompanying them with a smiling face, not at all angry.

The person above Golden Lotus immediately turned his attention to me after hearing the words of Supreme Taoist, and then suddenly smiled. "Really didn't expect. It's really difficult for you to have a messy energy structure like this and still be able to form a system on its own. It seems that I have been closed for so many years and the outside world has developed some things that are lacking."

< p>"The power system of this Purple Moon Fellow Daoist is derived from the overseas Divine Race. It is not in the same system as our Celestial Court lineage, so there are indeed some differences."

That on the lotus After hearing the words of Supreme Taoist, he suddenly stood up from Golden Lotus. Originally, this one had always been sitting on top of the Golden Lotus, and her body had always been covered with a large golden cloak, so she couldn't see her body, only a head. However, after this person stood up, I suddenly felt hot in my nostrils, an urge to bleed. By the way, is this really the old monster in Celestial Court? This dress is too far from the style of the Divine Immortal of Celestial Court, right? Have you seen Persian dancers? The thing in front of this woman is almost the same as that of the Persian dancer. Except for the necessary three points, the metal rings on the wrists and ankles are connected with some basically transparent gauze nets and some golden decorative chains. The others are just There is nothing left, basically this dress is not much more than a bikini. Of course, if you just wear less, the key is that this person's figure and skin...it doesn't work. If you think about nosebleeds, you really have to spray.

Supreme Taoist is probably not strange, seeing it is the same as not seeing it, but the Divine Dragon next to him hurriedly put his hands in front of him, and it seemed to be random. Standing is actually covering important parts with both hands. As a man, I can be 100% sure.

After standing up completely, the man in front of me threw the big cloak on top of the Golden Lotus, and then walked down from the Golden Lotus with a light step, and then floated directly to mine. I stared at me for a while, and then suddenly said: "You still have a lot of soul connections, do you still have an Avatar?"

I was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Avatar does have Two, but those soul connections you saw should be my familiar."

"Demon?" The other party was stunned for a moment, and then turned his gaze to Supreme Taoist.

Supreme Taoist is of course more shrewd. Seeing the other person’s eyes, he immediately explained: “This is something passed on from overseas, similar to soul slavery, but it’s not the same. There are not so many constraints. , And the two are in a symbiotic relationship, but they don’t have the ability to strengthen the soul of the Lord."

The other party nodded said: "It seems that I haven’t moved around for too long. If you want to choose something, Hurry up, I also want to go out with you."

The Supreme Taoist, who had always been calm, reacted like a cat whose tail was trampled on. "What? Old Ancestor, you want to go out?"

"Why? Can't it?" The opponent just turned into a Supreme Taoist with a look in his eyes, and he turned into a quail stupid. The other party saw the Supreme Taoist's attitude snorted and said: "hmph, forgive you for not dare. Where can I go and report to others?"

"That's that!" Supreme Taoist now only dared to follow the other side's words.

"Okay, don't delay anymore, hurry up and choose something."

This is what this guy said, even if I don’t care about Supreme Taoist, I don’t dare to delay anymore, directly Pulling me around the golden lotus and walking backwards said: "Purple Moon, please hurry up! At worst, let you choose two more items. Don't delay the time. Old Ancestor gets angry. That's dying. Divine Immortal!"

Seeing that Supreme Taoist is afraid of this, I'm sorry and threaten something. After all, people say that they can take two more things. Naturally, I am sorry and I will deliberately ask for trouble. . After bypassing the lotus flower, there is a stone gate behind it. From here, it is directly a cave of super local tyrants. Why do you want to say this cave local tyrant? Because the ground, walls and ceiling of this cave are all pure gold. This is not gold, but fine gold, which is much more expensive than gold in the game. Not to mention the treasures here, even the value of these fine gold is enough to make people drooling. However, the processing difficulty of fine gold is amazing. Because it is too hard and resistant to high temperatures, it is super troublesome to process. It requires a lot of magical power to instill it in a high magic environment before it can be processed by certain special methods. , And fine gold is almost invincible under normal conditions. I couldn't buckle a cave made of such exaggerated materials anyway. Besides, now that an old monster is staring at the back, I dare not make it again.

Since I agreed, I didn’t feel embarrassed to deliberately delay. After entering the cave, I asked if I could pick anything here. After I got the affirmative answer, I directly released the humanoid pets. Come out, and let them help me choose useful things, saving me too much time to look at them one by one.

When I was a summon pet, the old monster came up again, and then stared at my pets and observed them one by one. I feel that this is a rare treasure. Look I have to study everything. Fortunately, although the other party has been observing my familiars but did not interfere with their actions, so although my familiars felt strange, they did not take care of them under my command. , Just as if she didn't exist anymore. After all, my demon is also sensitive to magic, knowing that the strength of this one is hundreds of times stronger than that of all of us, so as long as people don't take the initiative to attack, we can only accompanying them with a smiling face to be more polite.

There is no delay in searching for item, because there are not many things here, and we have a large number of people, so I quickly selected more than 20 good things from them and piled up on me In front of. Of course, all these impossibles are taken away. Previously, according to the meaning of Supreme Taoist, just take one or two of the things here and it’s finished. Because of the old monster, Supreme Taoist allowed me to take two more, that is to say, at most three to four things are in the end. Now, more than 20 items here are impossible.

After the things were delivered together, I first scanned them roughly. Half of the twenty-odd items are weapons, after all, this thing also occupies half of the place in this cave. The remaining dozen things are messy. Except for one that is known to be a key at a glance, the rest are all things that you don't know what to do by looking at it.

Anyway, it needs to be selected, so I checked the attributes one by one. First, let the familiars who selected the things report the attributes of the selected things, and then remove those that are obviously inferior to other things, and then carefully select the remaining ones that are not well defined. If you don’t go past those that are obviously something not up After to par's equipment, there are only nine things left.

Among the remaining things, there are three weapons. The other six are items. After all, the attributes of weapons are obvious at a glance. You can see if they are good or bad, but they are the messy item functions. They are all weird. If you don't see clearly, you don't know what's going on.

"Okay, now let's see which item we choose." As I said, I carefully compared the attributes of those items, and then first determined a dagger.

The formidable power of the dagger is usually not big, but the dagger in front of me is different. It can be placed in such a place by Celestial Court. Of course, this dagger is not a general commodity. In fact, the formidable power of this dagger is indeed not great, but it has an ability called Soul Eater.

On attack power alone, this is at best a Divine Item-level dagger with a better attribute. The reason why it is placed in this place is because of this soul eater attribute. As long as the dagger stabs the target, it will swallow the opponent's soul according to the time of contact with the opponent's body, at a rate of one percent per second, which means that as long as the dagger is stuck to the opponent for one hundred seconds, the opponent's soul will completely disappear.

At first it sounds like this ability is useless, after all, no one is stupid enough to let you post it for a hundred seconds. However, the soul is the software that controls the body, similar to the operating system. This Soul Eater is equivalent to a software that specifically deletes and operates the system, and it takes one hundred seconds to delete the entire system. However, you don't think that an operating system needs to delete all files to stop functioning, do you? Although the soul is not like the operating system on a computer, it may not work if it loses a few files, but its fault tolerance rate is not much higher.

When a person’s soul begins to decrease, the first characteristic of the person is fatigue and confusion, and it feels like he hasn’t slept well, his reaction will slow down, and the degree and speed of many instinctive reactions begin descending. However, at this stage, the person can still move normally, but as long as the loss of the soul reaches 20%, then basically the person is not much different from being an idiot, and there is basically no other reaction except for sitting in a dull-eyed manner.

Of course, the souls of high-level creatures are stronger, so they can continue to move even if they lose more than 20%, but there will be more or less abnormal reactions. However, the problem is that once the first knife is stabbed, the soul begins to decrease, and then because of the momentary blurring, various mistakes will continue to occur. Therefore, as long as you hit it once, you can continue to hit it afterwards. According to this theoretical reasoning, this kind of dagger is simply a bug-rank weapon dedicated to cheating, and it is no wonder that it will be placed in such a place.

After choosing the dagger, I quickly selected the key I saw before, because the attribute of this key is very awesome.

The name of this key is called the "Key of Fate". It is about the same size as a normal key. It looks like copper with a slight rust on it. However, although the appearance of this thing is very general, its attribute is super awesome, because the characteristic of this thing is that it can do as one pleases to control cause and effect. Of course, impossible is the kind of complete control, but it will develop in the direction you want. For example, if you hope to find something, and then just follow the feeling, this key of condition will guide you step by step to get closer to that thing, and finally find it. The effect of this thing is really exaggerated. Although it may not seem obvious, the effect is actually quite amazing.

In addition, this key of fate has an additional attribute-lucky plus 2. Although the number is not big, most people get a single digit for the lucky value, five or six. Lucky is very common. I was originally lucky. After adding two, it became even more exaggerated. Coupled with the basic ability of the key of fate, this effect is definitely very anti-sky.

For this thing, Supreme Taoist is not as simple as the previous dagger, but it is said that this equipment has too much influence, so it needs one top and two pieces, which means I took it. This key of fate can only take two additional things, and now I have selected the dagger, so I can find one more thing.

Although Supreme Taoist said that this item is top two, I decided to choose this item. After all, this item is very useful, so even topping two pieces is worthwhile.

I haven't had time to choose the last piece of equipment, and the old monster behind didn't expect actually spoke up. "Although the items you chose are not bad in personal equipment, they have very general meaning. If you can trust me, I suggest you choose that item for the last piece of equipment." After the other party finished speaking, he pointed directly to the person not far away. A small stone placed on a stone platform.

I walked over and took a look in confusion, then picked it up and took a look at the attribute. It turned out that although the attribute of this stone was OK, it was quite ordinary compared to the other things here.

The name of this stone is called source stone, but I think it’s more appropriate to change the original word to "fate", and it has several attributes. Among them, the first seven attributes are all attributes such as strength and agility, and only a few dozen points are added. Because the basic attribute is not directly added, but the final attribute is added, dozens of attribute points are not as good as a basic attribute point. The equipment can be said to be of little significance at all. Of course, if there are a lot of them, it would be good, because this thing can be stacked in an unlimited amount, but it's a pity here is just one.

In addition to these basic attributes, the last one of the really useful attribute stones of this thing is tracing people. As long as you carry this stone and imagine the person or creature you want to see, this thing can directly plan your route, which is comparable to a GPS navigator, and the effect is quite powerful. The most important thing is that the way this thing finds people is real-time, that is to say, when the target moves, this thing will always follow the opponent's movement and give a route. Although this thing cannot be used to directly confirm the current coordinates of the target person, but with this Stuff, it would be too simple to block people. Especially for people like me, the usefulness of this thing is absolutely super powerful. After all, my Peak battle strength sometimes needs to intercept the opponent’s Peak battle strength, and people are not idiots, knowing that they can’t beat them, they can go up. Chong, I will definitely choose to avoid me, and as long as I have this thing, then only I will hide from others and no one will avoid my tracking.

After reading the attribute of this thing, I immediately chose this thing, as the Old Ancestor of Celestial Court said, this thing is of great significance to me, although the attribute is indeed not very strong The place, but it wins in practicality, and it is especially suitable for me.

I don't know if it was because I listened to her suggestion without the slightest hesitation and chose this stone. The other party showed great enthusiasm when we left, and they had to follow me to find Jade Emperor. There was no way for the super god's request, including me, to be present. That Divine Dragon couldn't leave here at all, he was guarding the cave, and now that the great god is gone, his task has become heavier. As for Supreme Taoist and me, they are not qualified to speak. This is the great god of Celestial Court, how can I get it. Supreme Taoist is an insider of Celestial Court, but the problem is that his rank is too high and he is not qualified to manage.

In desperation, when I finally returned with Supreme Taoist, I became three people.

To be honest, this retreat was really long enough, because from her reaction, she could be sure that she didn't even know that Celestial Court had changed place. After coming out of Baoshan, she sighed that this was different and that was different all the way, and she had never seen many Celestial Court palaces. Now I probably know why that Baoshan is different from the rest of Celestial Court. I guess that Baoshan used to hide treasure hasn't moved since this person entered. Celestial Court only dared to decorate the gate, but didn't dare to move at all. .

Because of the existence of this old monster, our speed is very slow when we return, not because she can't run fast, but because we don't dare to run fast. As soon as that person came out, he started to look around, study this, analyze and analyze that, we can only stay at High Level, and answer some questions from time to time. Anyway, we can't run first.

Looking at Old Ancestor who was studying a new plant over there, I turned my head to look at Supreme Taoist, and then gestured with my eyes. Supreme Taoist is also a human being. Seeing my expression, he immediately leaned forward, and then carefully stretched out a hand from my back and placed it on my wrist. Then I heard the voice of Supreme Taoist appearing on my wrist. In mind.

"Don’t worry, we are soul communication now, which will not be noticed by others, even if it is the existence of Level 1 of Old Ancestor. Just think of it in your mind if you have any words, I I can hear you."

I calmly looked at the Old Ancestor who was studying plants there, and said to Supreme Taoist in my heart: "We can't go back to the Jade Emperor directly like this for a while, right? "

Supreme Taoist originally didn't expect this level of things, but he suddenly reacted to what I said. "Many thanks, remind me, I'm really confused!" As Supreme Taoist said, he hurriedly took out a paper crane from his body and was about to throw it away, but I held his hand in one hand, and then moved back a little, darts. It appeared in an instant, and the paper crane picked up and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Maybe it was because of the movement on our side. The Old Ancestor over there looked at the plant and said: "If you have anything, do it yourself, don’t sneak up on it. I’m not what I used to be. That me, after so many years of retreat, I have understood a lot of things, and I will not do it casually like before."

"Don't dare!" Supreme Taoist was shocked when he heard the other party's words. When I said I didn't dare, the whole person started to tremble, but I didn't react that much. Although it can be confirmed from Supreme Taoist’s reaction that this is a very difficult to deal with god, the problem is that her appearance now looks like a super attractive imperial sister. In addition to feeling powerful energy fluctuations, she There is nothing scary. So although I have a good attitude towards her, it is only out of rational restraint, not really afraid of her. After all, I haven't really seen her scary side, and the side she shows now is quite easy-going.

Seeing the Supreme Taoist who was shaking like a sieve, I directly helped him up and gently pushed him back and sent him out. At the same time, I said: "Old Ancestor asks you to go and you go. What's the matter! Tell the Jade Emperor, we will go to Yaochi to find him soon."

Supreme Taoist is not a fool, anyway, he has been pushed out, and he just flew away. . After seeing the Supreme Taoist flying away, I changed my previous style, walked directly to the Old Ancestor and squatted down, then looked at the plant like her, but said, "Old Ancestor, what are you? What's your identity? The Supreme Taoist guy is almost a Saint template in our eyes! How come you become such a virtue as soon as I see you?"

It seems to be caused by me a lot. The other party didn’t even study plants anymore. He turned to me and asked a little funny: "Is Li Boy not like this usually? I don’t think he has changed much!"

There is definitely a big gossip in this, so I immediately said with a laugh: "Could it be that he used to be like this? The Supreme Taoist now is different from this one."

"I don't know what he looks like now. Anyway, he was a young kid behind my ass. He was very courageous and shy like a girl. If he was bullied, he would only seek shelter from our elders. , It has no other characteristics. I really want to see what he looks like now."

"What's so difficult about this." As I said, I directly took out a memory crystal ball, and then input the magic power to show A picture. This is the scene of the Celestial Court and Buddhism battle. It can be regarded as a classic video record commonly collected by players. The picture is magnificent in an imposing manner. At that time, the Heavenly God and Buddha were fighting together, and the Supreme Taoist, as the Celestial Court, stood in the cloud to supervise the battle. The imposing manner and today's Supreme Taoist are completely two people.

"pu chi... hahahaha! This is Li Boy?" The Old Ancestor in front of him saw the Supreme Taoist on the screen and couldn't help but smile. "Ah hahahaha, it's so funny, I didn't think that the little fellow who could only cry in the past was so prestigious! Look at this, his status is not low now!"

"That is. In the Celestial Court. Except for the three bosses and the Jade Emperor, Dainichi Tathagata is the best in saving the Supreme Taoist. However, Dainichi Tathagata surrendered after the defeat. In some respects, his status is still inferior to the Supreme Taoist, so the strictly speaking old man should be considered Ranked 5th in Celestial Court. .But I didn’t expect Celestial Court to have such a powerful presence as you, so he is sixth."

"No, I’m not from Celestial Court, I just live here. But Li Boy is indeed prosperous now, so I don’t think I should call him Li Boy anymore, it will damage his majesty. How do you call him now?"

"We are generally Just call Supreme Taoist directly. If you have a good relationship, you can directly honor the old gentleman. However, if you have a higher status than him, you can directly call Taishang."

Old Ancestor nodded said: "That's true. Be careful.” After she finished speaking, she suddenly remembered something and stood up and said: “Okay, let’s go. Divine Immortal should have been notified to the various places. We can’t make the Jade Emperor wait in a hurry. Oh, by the way, who the hell is this Jade Emperor?"

"Don't you know?"

"I have heard it, but I haven't seen it. I will be in Celestial Court when I retreat. The leader is Hongjun. I have heard a little bit about how to develop afterwards. I probably know that Jade Emperor is the current Celestial Court manager. Hongjun took the two disciplines and went to concentrate on cultivation. But I haven’t seen it before. So I don’t know."

"If someone else, I can explain one or two things, but there are too many things you don’t know, and it’s too much trouble to explain to you. You will know everything when you meet. "That’s right."

"That’s right, then let’s go."

We talked a few more things during the trip to Yaochi with this one, and felt that this one was not As terrifying as Supreme Taoist showed, on the contrary, it was unusually easy-going, and even a little dazed. If it wasn't for Supreme Taoist that I knew that this was a ten thousand year old monster, I would have thought that this was a natural-looking imperial sister.

In addition to finding this person's personality looks very good, I also learned her name from this person's mouth. This one has no law name, only a name, called Qing. This is different from the various gods and Buddhas in Celestial Court. Most gods and Buddhas only have names and rarely mention names, but this Xin has only names but no names. But I think this is in line with her situation, because she hasn't been out for a long time, and the name is basically a form of appellation that began to arise after the establishment of Celestial Court and the various gods and Buddhas gradually stabilized. This way of addressing hadn't appeared when Xin was in retreat, so it's normal for her to have no legal name.

In addition to the name during the chat, I also learned about this person's body. Because there were many species before the Ancient Era Celestial Court was established, and humans were not the main creatures at that time, so basically only a small part of the gods and Buddhas of that era were formed by human cultivation, and most of them were mountains and seas. Strange things. In that era, humans were a minority, and monsters were aboriginals.

Although Xin doesn’t care about her race, I talked to her for a long time and I didn’t figure out what she is, because she is the only one of this species, and no one gave her this species. name. As for the form of her body-this is quite amazing, because her body is actually a human form, which means that she has not actually used any Transformation Technique. The one in front of her is her body, but she is not a human being, but just looks exactly like a human. As for why she is not human... this question is easy to answer. Because according to Xin, she was able to single out ominous beasts before she even started the cultivation.

Barbarian Desolate Era’s ominous beast is not a modern beast. At that time, the ominous beast could basically rely on physical power alone to beat the thousand-year old monsters now, and even some powerful individuals It is Supreme Taoist that Level 1 shots can only be dealt with with a single injury, and the person in front of me can directly single out these ominous beasts when she doesn't cultivate, which shows that she is definitely not a human being. Even if it was, it was an alien.

We were chatting and we arrived at Yaochi, and the Jade Emperor had already received a report from Supreme Taoist and people were waiting here. Of course, not all the members of Celestial Court were present, but only a few people. Although the number is not large, they are basically the veterans of Celestial Court level existence.

The main reason why there are only such a small number of people is that the person in front of him has a special identity and does not know many people, so those juniors have not been notified.

Seeing Xin appearing with me, Jade Emperor hurriedly brought a stick around him to pay respect, and I quickly stepped aside. The rituals of Jade Emperor and those gods and Buddhas are not so easy to rub, and it can be a big trouble to be hated.

After finishing the salute here, Xin looked towards Jade Emperor and Da Ri Tathagata, because these two positions clearly know that they are the leaders at a glance.

"Which one of you is the Jade Emperor?" Xin asked casually.

"reporting to Old Ancestor, it's me." Jade Emperor quickly stepped forward and said: "I am Jade Emperor."

Xin looked up and down this guy, and then asked: "You are the Jade Emperor? Why haven't I met you before?"

Jade Emperor quickly said after listening: "Well, when I joined Celestial Court, you were already closed, so you haven't seen me. . But I’ve been well-known for Old Ancestor for a long time. I think you were already a Peak-like existence when I was a little monk."

Xin nodded looked towards Da Sun Tathagata again. , And then said: "Are you here from Kasi?"

Da Ri Tathagata was stunned when he heard this, and then looked towards the Jade Emperor, and the Jade Emperor quickly explained: "Old Ancestor retreats At that time, India was not called India, but Kasi."

"Aren't we called Tianzhu before?" Da Ri Tathagata asked more suspiciously.

Jade Emperor quickly said: "It was called Tianzhu two hundred years ago, but it was called Kasi twenty thousand years ago."

Then he shouted: "The little god is from Kasi. The little god was originally a native of Kasi. Later, he discovered some principles of the cycle of heaven and cultivated to this state."

Xin listened to the other party's words. He stretched out his hand and gently covered the head of Tairi Tathagata, but the other party instinctively wanted to shrink back. As a result, Jade Emperor glared at him and immediately did not dare to move. Da Ri Tathagata is not stupid either. Before coming, Jade Emperor had already said that this one and Hongjun Sect Lord are a series of existence, at least when he was in retreat. But the problem is that Hongjun Sect Lord has been out there after the retreat, doing a lot of major events. Although the reputation has gone out, and this large area has been laid down, the problem is that the more walking around, the less cultivation time. In contrast, the man in front of him has been secluded cultivation for so many years, and his strength is completely unpredictable. Even if she is stronger than Hongjun Sect Lord, that is not unexpected news, on the contrary, it should be considered normal.

After thinking of this, Dainichi Tathagata did not dare to move, letting the other party cover his head with his palm. Xin didn't want to do anything, she just put her hand on his head and took it away, and then said, "Not bad. Your aptitude is very good. It is almost one-tenth of what I did before the retreat. I'm level."

Suddenly, I heard such a sentence that the Tathagata is so dangerous and didn't directly kneel down. He is at this level, he is actually less than one-tenth of what he was before the retreat, and this person has been in retreat for almost 10,000 years, and now with this strength... think about it, I feel that he has a cramp in his calf.

"Old Ancestor, this big day Tathagata is from outside, I haven't seen anything in the world, it's a bit faint, don't oneself with him lower oneself to somebody's level." Jade Emperor found that the b

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