After leaving the Isengard Mobile Fortress, I quickly arrived at the teleportation point on the South Heaven Gate side. Because there was a direct connection to Transmission Formation, there was no delay on the way.

At this time, Celestial Court is still the same. Four Great Heavenly Kings stood guard at the gate of South Heaven Gate, and they found me as soon as I appeared. Four Great Heavenly Kings greeted me very politely after seeing me, and then they greeted a few more words. I'm here for business negotiations this time, and of course I have to be polite, so I have to deal with them a few words and pass.

I just passed South Heaven Gate here, and I saw that the four kings behind took out a special jade talisman, then injected divine force and said: "Report, Purple Moon just got from South Heaven Gate I'm in. It looks like I'm in a good mood, this time I shouldn't have come to ask for debt."

"Okay, I see." When I returned to complied, I hung up, and at this time I just entered Celestial. Court range soon.

I walked down the aisle and soon I arrived outside the Soaring Firmament Treasure Palace. Of course, there was no one here at this time. Divine Immortal are not in meetings every day, how can they always stand here? So after I got here, I asked the gods here to notify the Jade Emperor, and then I waited for a while before I saw the Divine Immortal gods gathered together.

"Why did President Purple Moon come to our side today?" Seeing me appear in the great hall, Jade Emperor didn't put on airs. This guy already knows that I'm an Amenable to Coaxing but Not Coercion Master, and I can do anything if it really offends me. Based on previous lessons, Jade Emperor understood that it is better to be more polite to people like me, at least not to lose anything.

When I heard the greetings from Jade Emperor, I certainly responded politely: "In fact, it's not a major event, I just came to negotiate business with the Jade Emperor."

I said Jade Emperor was so stunned. If someone else is to say this kind of thing here, I guess there must have been some god nearby who jumped out and shouted "Bold" and arrested me directly. However, I am now considered a bad name in Celestial Court. Divine Immortal from all walks of life knows that there is a fiend in human form like me, so I just pretended not to hear what I said.

Of course, other Divine Immortal can be regarded as not heard, but Jade Emperor cannot. But he is not because of etiquette, but because of interests. Since I am talking about business, it is a win-win situation. After all, they will not do business at a loss. Although Celestial Court is polite to me, but also not really afraid of me, so if I behave too much here they will not buy my account. Celestial Court is still a super Divine Race force after all. Their attitude towards me now is because I am not to be trifled with on the one hand, but more because I can bring benefits to Celestial Court, and I know how to measure it. The Celestial Court can let some blood be released every time, but the Jade Emperor actually knows that after working with me for so long, Celestial Court has gained far more than it has lost, so they don't mind that I do something out of the ordinary occasionally.

"You talk about business? I'm very curious, what business do you have with me?"

"Power of Faith." I directly threw out four words .

These four words are nothing to our players, but Power of Faith is unusual for Divine Race, so I export the four words Power of Faith to Jade Emperor or even directly Stand up from the position. "What did you say?"

"I said that the content of our negotiation this time is Power of Faith, and it is not a one-off one."

"Not a one-off?" Jade Emperor is certainly not an idiot, on the contrary, his brain is so good that he immediately knows what it is when he hears my words. "Are you saying that you are going to open up territory again?"

"I said Jade Emperor, your Celestial Court is not good for your eyes and ears!" I said, "It's not that we are going to open up the territory, but we have finished fighting. "

"It's over?" After listening, Jade Emperor looked at me in surprise for a long time, and then said: "No wonder I heard that your Frost Rose League has been very busy recently. It turns out that you are busy with this matter." Ah!"

In fact, it’s normal for Jade Emperor not to know this kind of thing. It’s mainly because Celestial Court doesn’t have the ability to snoop. Just ask the individual and you will know that there is no need to investigate at all, but Celestial Court is a Divine Race after all. It is restricted by the system and cannot interfere too much with human affairs. Therefore, they usually will not take the initiative to probe. After all, even if you know, you can’t do anything, so what else do you know? Therefore, each Deity Clan is actually the same. They only understand the player's movements. Simply don't pay too much attention to it. Anyway, it is a waste of attention.

"Don't the Jade Emperor want to know where we are?" I asked with a smirk.

Jade Emperor immediately said as soon as he heard it: "I can probably guess this. Although I haven't learned it in detail, I probably know that you have been active on the Sino-Russian border recently, so you must be on the Russian side. Occupied the land."

I heard the words of Jade Emperor immediately nodded and said: "Yes, Jade Emperor guessed very accurately. We have already occupied a large piece of land in Russia, and then I plan to develop into a colony and incorporate it into our country."

"This is a good thing. If there is anything we can help, don't hesitate to say." Jade Emperor is quite generous this time. After all, this is a real benefit. , Of course they will not let it go. Besides, the words of Jade Emperor are just nonsense and can't be taken seriously. The things that can mobilize Divine Race are nothing more than just a few things. They simply can’t refuse when it’s really necessary, and they can’t move anything we say about it, so what we say about this kind of scene is the same as if we didn’t say it. .

"For the time being, I don’t need your help anymore. We have worked out a big plan to make the Russians miserable, and their Siberian Divine Race was also beaten by us. Now I guess I'm hiding in the house and crying."

"You guys are pretty good." Jade Emperor said.

"Hehe, it's normal."

"Well, since it's all over, come here...?" Jade Emperor looked at me and asked.

Didn't expect he came back abruptly, and I quickly said: "In fact, this matter is not complicated. We did not go to our own guild in this invasion, and we called it all. Many other countries in the world went there together."

"What?" The Supreme Taoist standing next to me couldn't hold it anymore. "Purple Moon, if you are like this, don't those lands have to be counted on other people's homes?"

I looked at Supreme Taoist and said: "We have to do this according to our ability! You! We also know that Celestial Court cannot help when attacking. We have to deal with Russian players and Siberian Divine Race at the same time. Our strength is simply not enough. How can we stop them without pulling some allies?"

I have nothing to say about Supreme Taoist, after all, this kind of thing Divine Race has Innate's rationale. They can't help every time they open up the territory and open up the land. After they are occupied, they have to follow the Power of Faith. Of course, such a thing is said to have no confidence. So Supreme Taoist could only shut up when he heard what I said.

The big day Tathagata who has been by Jade Emperor's side opened the mouth and said at this time: "President Purple Moon, since you are the land occupied by so many countries this time, the area should not be small, right? "Da Ri Tathagata simply didn't want to know the size of the land, he obviously wanted to interrupt and told me to stop chasing Supreme Taoist.

Of course I don’t want to offend Supreme Taoist. After all, this Supreme Taoist has a lot of good things in his hands, especially good at pill concocting, so I will always ask for him in the future. Naturally, it is impossible to offend. he. I just said that but I don’t want Supreme Taoist to throw all the responsibility on me. This kind of qualitative matter cannot be sloppy. Competitiveness is the minimum way to deal with it.

"Okay, let's not talk about the ones that are not there, let's talk about the business now."

"I don't know what the business is you are talking about?" Dainichi Tathagata Asked.

I looked at Da Ri Tathagata and Jade Emperor, and said: "It's not actually a major event, it's because I won some business for you."

"You help us Take business?" All the gods and Buddhas present were stunned this time. Celestial Court is not a company. Where does this business start?

"I know you can’t understand it, don’t worry, let me explain to you. This time, we successfully occupied a large area of ​​Russia, but a large part of that land is other The players of the guilds occupy them, and these guilds are everywhere, their occupied area should belong to their own country. Only the territory of our Frost Rose League and the territories of some other Chinese guilds can be allocated to you. Power of Faith’s territory. But, the Russians will definitely not let it go, they will definitely fight back, and this territory of these countries is an enclave, not by the sea, and the Divine Race of those countries can’t get over. Even if it takes a lot of effort, those Divine Races can't stay here in such a big place, so the defense must be done by themselves. Those Divine Races can't be counted on."

" We can understand this, but what does this have to do with us?" Jade Emperor asked.

I explained: "This is the problem. Their own Divine Race has no way to provide protection, and they have to contribute Power of Faith, so it’s like thinking, instead of cheaper Divine Races, it’s better to give them all. What about you."

"Yes, yes, President Purple Moon makes sense." Jade Emperor and Dainichi Tathagata said in unison.

I said with a smile: "Yeah, that's what I think, so I did. But, these guilds are all foreign guilds, and they are not under our control! So I can only negotiate with them, and then discuss with them. In the end we reluctantly reached an agreement, that is, let them all declare the city in the name of our country, and then all these lands will be regarded as our Chinese land, and you can Receiving Power of Faith in these places is definitely a good thing for you."

"A good thing is a good thing, of course it is a good thing." Jade Emperor said excitedly.

Seeing Jade Emperor being so excited, I quickly added: "However, although they are willing to add land to our country, they ask for a certain amount of compensation. After all, you are not the Divine Race of their country, they Although you are a little shaken because you can provide protection, it is not enough to determine their behavior, so I will discuss with you whether or not to give them some compensation. You just give them some benefits, and they get the benefits. Naturally, all the land will be given to our country. So that everyone can achieve a win-win situation, what do you think?"

For what I said, I will give some benefits to those guilds, these Divine Immortal simply didn't believe it, at least Jade Emperor and Dainichi Tathagata were very open, knowing that this was actually what I wanted. Of course, Da Ri Tathagata and Jade Emperor are not stunned. Of course, it is impossible to say it face to face. It is good to know this kind of thing. As for my request... they don't actually reject it. After all, if they get this piece of land, their Power of Faith income will indeed increase, and the Power of Faith generated by the increase in this territory is not a one-off. As long as this piece of land is still our Chinese land, it will continue to grow here. Generate Power of Faith and provide it to Celestial Court, so this is equivalent to an inexhaustible mining area, which is of great significance to Celestial Court.

Because this increased land is of great significance to Celestial Court, the Divine Immortals here do not have the slightest resistance to what I said. Compared with the little benefits that were given, they got But it is a long-term meal ticket, they still calculate this account.

Jade Emperor just exchanged glances with Dainichi Tathagata for a while and immediately said: "We agree to your request in principle. After all, our Celestial Court has also benefited from it, so I will give you a little reward. Not too much."

"Not for me, but for them." I corrected.

Jade Emperor immediately said: "Right, right, right, I was wrong. It was for them. This, we don’t mind a little bit of benefit, but we need to discuss the specific benefits. In addition, you have this Is there any information such as the area of ​​the occupied area? I don’t know how much land we can get this time, and we can’t measure your contribution!"

"I have prepared for this." I said. Just handed over the previously made map directly. Taibai Jinxing ran over to take the map and passed it to the Jade Emperor.

Jade Emperor and Dainichi Tathagata got closer, and then they opened the map and looked at it alone. At first they didn't take it seriously, but when the map was opened, the two great gods were shocked when they saw the part marked on it.

"This, this...Is it all the part that comes out of the red coil?" Jade Emperor's voice began to tremble. It's not that Jade Emperor has never seen the market, nor is he not calm enough, but because this area is really scary.

Russia is not a small place like Japan, it is the largest country in the world, and the part of our attack this time is the eastern region of Russia. This part of Russia is sparsely populated. We His tactics are ban tactics again, so it is equivalent to a straight cut on the Russian side, cutting off a large area in the east from the west. Because the two sides are cut apart, and the Russian players and NPC forces are all concentrated in the west, the vast land in this eastern region has not been included in the scope of our country, but it is no different from what is in the bag. After all, this It has become a large enclave. As long as we deploy a large number of space blockers in our occupied area, we can block the Transmission Formation connection between the east and the west of Russia, so that they can completely cut off contact with the east. In the eastern part of Russia, such a vast land is less than one-tenth of the total population of Russia. With such a small number of people, simply can't stop our invasion. So, although this piece of land is not ours for the time being, it actually belongs to us.

Our this blade almost cut off one third Russia. Such a large area is even the largest in China, so even Jade Emperor and Dainichi Tathagata almost got their eyes. Zi stared out.

With the expressions of Jade Emperor and Da Ri Tathagata, the gods and Buddhas below can only look at them in a hurry. Seeing such an exaggerated reaction from even their boss, they could guess what special place this land should have, whether it has a good location or a large area. Anyway, there must be something special, otherwise the Jade Emperor and Dainichi Tathagata will not. Will react so much. It's a pity that they don't dare to grab the map from Jade Emperor and Dainichi Tathagata now, so they can only do it in a hurry.

Fortunately, Dainichi Tathagata and Jade Emperor are not the kind of people who have never seen the world. Although they were also shocked by this area, they reacted quickly.

"Purple Moon! This land has been occupied by you?" With such a large area, Jade Emperor and Da Ri Tathagata are not fools. Of course, it is impossible to believe me directly.

"Indeed, not all." My answer made Jade Emperor and Dainichi Tathagata stunned again.

At this time, I said: "You pay attention, there is a piece of paper pasted on the occupied area I drew on the map. You tear it off and have a look."

Jade Emperor Yiyan tore off the sticker, and then found that the area under the occupied area was actually separated by two colors. I continued at this time: "The occupied area you see now is divided into the red area and the pink area. The red area is the area that has been completely occupied by us. You can also see the pink part, which is the same as the western part of Russia. It's completely cut. And almost all the population of Russia is concentrated in the west, and the east is no man's land. These places are now all no man's land, and we are separated from the main areas of the country. In this case, It is a matter of time that we want to occupy this area, do you think?"

Jade Emperor nodded said: "This makes sense, but this area is no man’s land. What we want is not Land, but Power of Faith!"

"The least valuable in this world is people. As long as there is land, it takes as much life as possible." I turned to Dainichi Tathagata and said:" Although the deity of Guanyin was taken away by me, don’t you still have Guanyin on your side? Don’t be stingy, give more! For such a large area of ​​land, let’s build a few more cities, and you let those ordinary persons have more births The fetus has everything."

"This is a way." Dainichi Tathagata nodded and said.

I said with a smile: "That means you have already acknowledged the size of this land, so can we talk about the price now?"

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