Because the things you get are messy, so each guild needs to screen and trade. It happens that our guild can provide this kind of service, so it is logical that everyone is here for a one-off. Dispose of everything you don't need and replace it with what you need.

This screening process is naturally quite long, mainly because there are too many and too complicated things, but this screening work is not a problem for our guild, because there is a military god, so this This kind of particularly troublesome thing can be thrown to the military god to do it. Sure enough, laziness is the basic driving force for human development. In order to be lazy, people invented various machines to reduce their physical exertion. In order to be lazy more thoroughly, people invented computers, and then used computers to control machinery, so that they don’t have to do it. Alive.

Since there was a military god, all the miscellaneous things in our guild have been thrown away by him. Anyway, the military god is a computer, and he won’t be bored or tired of such things. Yes, and compared with humans, the biggest advantage of computers is that they are not only fast, but also not easy to make mistakes when dealing with a large number of trivial tasks. In contrast, the human error rate is terrifying.

Leave all the affairs of our guild to the god of war, and then the heads of the guilds also started this spoils of war by bartering like participating in the trade fair. Divided.

Compared with the high-level products that most guilds compete for, most of our guilds collect things like ores. These things are very low in value, so we can get a lot of ores. , And because our guild has its own production department, we can process these things into high value-added equipment and then sell them. This resale is another big profit.

Because I don’t need to take care of things here for the time being, Isinger Mobile Fortress has also returned to the occupied area. The Russian side estimates that it is unlikely that there will be any actions in a short time, so I have become Idler.

Helplessly, people like me are a typical type of inactivity, so I feel a little bored at this time, and I want to go out, and finally after thinking about it, I really found a good way. .

"Everyone, please stop first." At the fair site of the spoils-sharing conference, I stopped those guild leaders who were looking for something, and then said: "I'll tell you all here Please listen to me."

The presidents looked at me and asked, "Purple Moon, president, what do you want?"

"It's like this." I thought for a while and said: "Now you are all in alliances, so our cities are all concentrated together, and we have signed an agreement to unite against the Russians. So far, our performance has been relatively good. The plan is also going very smoothly. Everyone should have gained some practical benefits from their respective occupied areas, right?"

Someone nodded and said: "Yes, but President Purple Moon, what do you want to say? What?"

"Actually, what I want to say is very simple. I hope that the cities you build can not be occupied by the territories of your respective countries."

"What do you mean? Huh?" Someone didn't understand what I meant, so they asked.

I thought about it for a while and then began to explain: "That’s it. Because of our cooperation and proper planning, we successfully blocked the invasion of Russian players, and because of the Russian side There is no regular counterattack, so their Divine Race is not easy to directly intervene. This caused us to be blocked by a certain amount of Siberian Divine Race during the invasion phase, but in fact they did not launch full interception. But. After a while, when the Russian side adjusts their battle strength, they will definitely take the Siberian Divine Race to fight back against us. When the time comes, I think it’s not a good thing for everyone, right?"

At this time, a guild leader stood up and said: "But in a few days, the gods of our own country can enter these places under our supervision. When the time comes, even those Siberian Divines What Race is going to do to us, it shouldn’t be the worst with the help of Divine Race in our own country, right?"

"no no no, we thought things too simple before." I corrected Said: "Yes, we will be able to participate in the battle in the Divine Race of our respective countries in two days, but have you ever thought that Divine Race and Divine Race are also different?"

" What's the difference?" Someone didn't understand me. I understand this situation very well, because many guilds do not have too much intersection with the Divine Race of their own country. Therefore, in their eyes, the Divine Race of their own country is just a group of super fighting creatures, so naturally it will not. I will learn more about the Divine Race in my country. However, I am different. I have a very good relationship with Celestial Court, and I also have some intersections with Divine Races in other countries. During this period, I learned about the strengths of the Divine Races, so I understand the difference between Divine Race and Divine Race. There is also a gap. For example, Divine Race in Siberia and Celestial Court in our country are basically the difference between a small company formed by a few young men and a world-class multinational group. Once the two lose any restrictions to have a positive contact, I believe Celestial Court has the ability to completely wipe out the Siberian Divine Race within four hours, and it is the kind of even chicken and dog doesn't remain.

Because I know the huge gap between the two, I have to say something. "You may not know that the power of Divine Race is actually not at the same level as you think. The strength of Divine Race in different countries is different. For example, our Celestial Court in China and the voodoo gods of some small countries, That is simply as different as heaven and earth. I believe that some of the guilds present should be aware of this. However, what you know is quite one-sided. In fact, there are still many connections and ties between Divine Race. , So you can’t just treat them as rules. These guys have their own emotions, sorrows, sorrows and various troubles, and they have things that they can’t solve."

"But what does this have to do with us What about the relationship?"

"Not only does it matter, but it also has a big relationship. You have established your own colonial zone, and then once the seven-day defensive time arrives, the Divine Race of your country can enter where you are. There is a guard battle in this area. But, have you ever thought about it? For your enclaves, how do the Divine Race in your country get over? There will be a lot of transmissions in the Divine Race, but not this crossing half of the Earth Therefore, the Divine Race in the country where most of you are located is actually simply unable to get through. Although they theoretically have law enforcement powers on the area, they are prohibited from passing through the surrounding areas. They simply can't come over to enforce the law."

"Damn, why didn't you think that there would be such a thing before?" A guild leader immediately screamed calmly.

The guild president of a Japanese guild next to it said: "In fact, this kind of thing is that some distant countries have troubles. Our Japanese guild does not need to worry."

"Wrong." I said directly: "Because of the joint defense agreement, no matter who is attacked, we all need to resist together in the end, and if the Divine Race in the area where the guild is located cannot intervene, we will We can only figure out how to defend ourselves, because although we have a joint defense agreement, the Divine Race behind us has no obligation to go abroad. Although the two areas may be separated by several hundred meters, once the divisions established by different guilds Seven days later, even if it is the land of the country where the guild belongs, that is to say, even if it is only a few meters away, it is another country. Our Divine Race cannot interfere. In this way, our Divine Race power has become a display. It’s totally useless!"

The Japanese guild leaders who originally had a matter of no concern to oneself also reacted this time. If they stood idly by, it would be a violation. The agreement has been reached, but if they want to participate in the war, they need to fight the Siberian Divine Race without the support of their country's Divine Race. Such a war is obviously a loss!

The Japanese guild presidents can understand that the guild presidents of other countries are not stupid, and of course they can understand, so these people are all anxious at once.

I finally opened the mouth and said seeing these people in a hurry: "Okay, don’t I come to discuss with you a solution to the problem?"

" Say what you say." These people were polite when they heard that I had a way.

Look at them. I waited until everyone was quiet and pricked up their ears before I started introducing: "In fact, this kind of thing is very simple. You all come here to ask for money, so As long as the land is within your control, there will be no problem. No matter which country the city belongs to, as long as you can occupy and mine ores and upgrade and fight monsters, then you can count as benefiting. It doesn’t matter which country this kind of place belongs to. Everyone agrees with this?"

Of course, the scene is not all foolish. Someone quickly discovered the loopholes. "No, if these cities are not in our own country, then when players from other countries invade, we will not be able to get the support of the Divine Race forces, and for the country that owns this land, all of the country’s The guilds here will get the attribute bonus advantage. When the time comes, if they want to expand abroad, we simply cannot resist!"

"What you said has some truth, but we can do this kind of thing. Sign the agreement to fix it."

"You don’t know who will expand the territory in the future, how to sign the agreement?"

I said directly: "It's very simple. You will occupy this The ownership of the district is all assigned to China, and then our Frost Rose League will come forward and sign an agreement with you. During this period, if any Chinese guild attacks your city and occupied area, our Frost Rose League is obliged to help you punish you. This guild. How much damage this guild has caused to you, we must let them accept more than twice the loss, until the other guild is completely destroyed and capped. So as long as our Frost Rose League is still the leader of the Chinese region, there will be nothing The Chinese guild dare to move you. Moreover, we can also sign a joint agreement. If our Frost Rose League invades your occupied areas, the system will directly deduct the funds of our guild and transfer it to you as compensation, so that we cannot ourselves. Violation. Of course, if you attack each other, then we don't care, because as long as it is not a Chinese guild, all the attribute conditions between you are equal, and when the time comes is a normal battle. You all rely on your ability. How about? My suggestion is more pertinent, right?"

Most of the guild presidents heard my words and thought for a while and said nodded that my suggestion is still feasible Yes, but the president of a French guild asked: "But you suddenly did so many things for us. What are you Frost Rose League doing? And you are sure that our cities have all become Chinese cities. , We don’t have to worry about the invasion of Siberian Divine Race?"

"I will answer your question first. Our Divine Race in China is called Celestial Court. As far as I know, this is counted in the whole world. As far as I know, there is no guild that can directly engage in our country’s Celestial Court. At the same time, China and Russia are next to each other, so the Divine Race on the Celestial Court can be there anytime. Come here to participate in the battle to help us defend against the invasion of Siberian Divine Race. Therefore, as long as the land under your feet is Chinese, then you No need to worry about any external Divine Race interference. Celestial Court has the absolute ability to ensure the safety of the occupied area. "

"Then what is your purpose for doing this?" "The president asked again. "You impossible just for good deeds, right?" "

Although I hate this guy, I still need to explain it, because since he asked, if I don’t say it, others will think I have some conspiracy, and when the time comes, I will probably reject it. My proposal.

"As for why you persuaded you to let all the lands of these cities belong to Chinese territory... There are actually two factors. One is the issue of joint defense that I mentioned earlier. Because I don't want our own troops to fall into the quagmire of war, I must figure out a way to solve this trouble. As for another reason... In fact, or for benefits. "

"Benefits? What benefits can you get from us? "The president of the French guild had an expression that he was afraid of being taken advantage of. I really wanted to knock him twice in the past, but now I can't do this, and I have to explain the reason as kindly as possible.

"Our Frost Rose Alliance can indeed benefit from here, but this benefit does not come from you. "After I finished speaking, I stretched out my hand to stop the annoying guy from speaking, and then continued: "You have relatively little contact with Divine Race, so it's not surprising that you don't know. The Divine Race forces are actually not desperate, they need something, this thing is called Power of Faith. "

"We have heard of this. "Someone said: "Power of Faith is the energy generated after believing in a goal. It seems that there is such a setting in the game." "

I nodded and said: "This guild president is right. Power of Faith is such a power, and it is mainly produced by all intelligent creatures in this world, and these intelligent creatures are simply players, NPCs and some humanoid monsters. These existences with a certain amount of intelligence can produce Power of Faith, and among them, the highest output should be regarded as NPC. After all, everyone knows that the number of NPCs is much larger than that of players. Moreover, the amount of Power of Faith produced has little to do with personal strength. Although high level players like me produce more Power of Faith than ordinary NPCs, this ratio is not directly proportional to the difference in strength. , But a way of comparison in which we don’t know the specific ratio. Anyway, as long as you know that compared to the Power of Faith generated by NPC, the Power of Faith generated by our players is basically negligible. "

"But what does this have to do with the benefits you get? "The pesky guy asked again.

I helplessly continue to explain: "These Divine Race forces need Power of Faith to maintain their existence and can also be used to strengthen themselves. For the gods, Power of Faith means food, supplements and medicines. Power of Faith is everything to them, the foundation of their power, and their survival. Therefore, all Divine Race forces are very keen to obtain Power of Faith. However, the land area of ​​a country is fixed, and the number of players and NPCs on it are fixed, and because of the restrictions given by the system, Divine Race cannot check human affairs casually. As a result, they have no way to increase their Power of Faith income by controlling their own population, and the only way that they can get a substantial increase in Power of Faith is through territorial expansion.

As long as a guild in a country invades another country, and then establishes a colony in another country, then this land becomes its own land, and the NPC on this land The Power of Faith generated by the player and the player will be obtained by the Divine Race of the country, which is tantamount to increasing the speed of Power of Faith generation. If you compare Power of Faith to fruit, those of us are Fruit Trees, and the land with the population is the field. When we expanded, we were equivalent to helping our country's Divine Race to open up fields. The more fields there are, the more Fruit Trees, and the more Fruit Trees, the more fruits. This is a joint relationship.

So, in order to get more fruits, that is, Power of Faith, the Divine Races of various countries will be very keen to develop territories. However, due to system restrictions, Divine Races in various countries cannot directly participate in external expansion, so this kind of thing can only go with the flow. Players' guilds in their own country can compete, and Divine Race in this country can get more Power of Faith, and if the guilds in this country are disappointing, then they can only watch. This is the sadness of Divine Race, because they simply can't control their future.

But, I told you before that the Divine Race in the game is not a symbol. They are a group of flesh and blood creatures. They also have their own emotions, so they will be very active. Want to get this benefit. However, most Divine Races actually do not have this ability, because they cannot interfere with mortal things. However, our Frost Rose League and the Divine Race in our country, which is China Celestial Court, have some special partnerships. And because of this relationship, Celestial Court has disclosed this information to us. If our Frost Rose League can help Celestial Court expand its territory, Celestial Court will give us some benefits as a reward based on the area of ​​the expanded territory and the population situation. This situation is like the popular rebate point in business activities. .

None of you has any interest connection with Divine Race in your country, so even if you want this kind of rebate, you can’t get it. Besides, your Divine Race has no way to exercise protection responsibility here, so you just go It’s useless to talk to them, and it happens to make you talk, because your city will be snatched back by the Russians sooner or later. But we are not the same. We have Celestial Court as our backing, and we can get extra rebates, so even if we serve you for free, our Frost Rose League can get benefits. For everyone, without losing any benefits, you can get extra protection. Such cooperation is a win-win for us. So, what do you think about this matter? Do you agree to my suggestion or continue to use your own Divine Race forces to protect you? "

After hearing what I said, of course the guild leaders did not immediately answer our questions, but started thinking about it. Something that can be decided.

After thinking for a while, several guild leaders quickly accepted our suggestion. Among them, the most important member is the Iron Crusade. Everyone knows Germany. The Iron Crusade and our guild are long-term allies, so it’s normal for them to be the first to express this kind of thing. Some of the guilds they join afterwards are guilds that do business with our guild, because our guild never cheats them. Everyone is mutually beneficial, so they all know that our credibility is reliable, so they don’t hesitate to do more. After all, this matter is equivalent to an insurance for them. They don’t need to spend any more, but they can get the best of the world. The protection of the strong Divine Race forces, this kind of good thing, I don’t know why I should reject it anyway.

Of course, people are impossible, and there are always people with different ideas. There are a lot of people here. After the guilds agreed, the president of the French guild who had previously suspected that we would benefit from them suddenly said: "No, we still have to use our own country's Divine Race power. "

Originally, I explained this situation to you. His problems represent everyone’s problems, so I have endured it, but now everyone’s situation has been made clear. He represents only himself. I naturally There is no need to be polite.

"You do not want to join. I declare in advance that guilds that do not join will not join our joint defense agreement. Because your obvious loophole will cause us to lose battle strength for no reason, which is unfair to all of us, so guilds that do not join my plan will not be protected by the joint defense agreement. "

The annoying guy immediately said when he heard this: "The agreement has been signed. It's not that you say that we don't count us, it's not us." "

"Thank you to study the last clause of the agreement carefully. "

The guy immediately opened the agreement when he heard what I said, then turned to the end, and his face changed immediately.

I looked at his face and knew that he must have seen it. When he arrived, he said: "Is that agreement already stated? If a guild is attacked because it refuses to cooperate with the defensive measures approved by more than half of the guilds, the other guilds in the joint agreement have the right not to provide Zone defense. Therefore, your actions determine that we have the right not to carry out joint defenses. "

The guy immediately said after hearing the content of this agreement: "No, you can't do this. "

"No, I can. "

"Okay, it's okay for us to join. "The guy still couldn't recognize the situation at this time, and said in a charitable way: "You got the rebates from the Divine Race in your country, and we have to share it. You need to provide us with at least 30 tons of high-quality magic crystal before we join. "

"Do you think our Frost Rose League is a bully?" "I looked towards the guy with a cold face and said: "The Frost Rose League is not something you can blackmail. We don't know how much our rebates are. I will go to Celestial Court to talk about this matter. It doesn't matter what benefits can be discussed. Why do you open your mouth to have 30 tons of magic crystal? And once this kind of thing is opened, your guild will cost 30 tons of magic crystal, and others will cost 40 tons. With so many guilds, we are not enough. What are you doing? Will the joint action to destroy everyone let us be broken by the Russians? "

When I said this, this guy immediately calmed down. Obviously he didn’t know how to answer. But I didn’t stop. "Don’t think that our Frost Rose League is good for bullying, we are too We dare not say that the formal large-scale guild is the first in the world, but we can definitely make it into the top ten. If you think we are really bully, then we can go to your headquarters city another day to fight to the death. "

"I didn't say that I would fight you! "That guy finally started to recognize it.

"hmph, ignore! "After I was coldly snorted, I turned around and said to the player in the guild next to me: "You are responsible for this. Whoever wants to raise the conditions, just throw them out, we will not take them to play. "After I finished speaking, I turned around and left. Simply didn't say a word to them.

Seeing that I left with anger, the remaining guilds that did not sign the agreement also hurry up. I ran over to the Chief-In-Charge of our guild to sign the agreement, because they all know that they are the only ones who will suffer if they carry on so hard.

Actually, I pretended to be angry.

Leaving like this is just for them to see. Some people are rudimentary and feel uncomfortable if they don't whip them a few times. What I just did was just beating and beating them. However, I didn't pretend to leave, but really leave. Yes, because I didn’t lie before. I can actually get the rebate from Celestial Court, but the specific question is still to be discussed, so I’m going to talk to the Divine Immortal on Celestial Court now. This is a problem.

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