To be honest, I don’t want to carry out a large-scale operation in the United States. This is not to say that I am afraid of something, but the fact that this kind of operation will not produce any effect at all. Players in the United States have many special features. This is actually the same throughout the world. Players in each country have their own characteristics, and the characteristic of Americans is that they are super good at attacking cities. This may be born with a musketeer profession. There is a certain relationship between the remote advantages of. Because the long-range firepower is relatively strong, the defender can hardly gain any advantage in the siege. In this way, the advantage of the attacker's choice of attack position and time is more obvious. The result of this situation is that it is very difficult to establish your own city in the United States. So far, apart from the three non-overseas territories established by the Frost Rose League in the United States, no other guilds have been established in the United States. Any city. Moreover, even our city is not completely built by us relying on our own battle strength, more of which may be political transactions.

Because of the commercial advantages of our Frost Rose League, and I have some personal relationships with the presidents of several major guilds in the United States, we only greeted the city before starting to build the city. In the process of building our city, these really large guilds in the United States have actually not touched us, and even actively helped us block some medium-sized guilds. In this way, only the people who really messed up were left. Some scattered players and those little guilds. In this case, we can easily build our own city, and if the Americans really blockade them with all their strength, we cannot say that we must not build the city forcibly, but the price to be paid will definitely be as great as ours. We need to re-evaluate whether it is appropriate to establish a city here.

Because the Americans’ defense capabilities were like this before, it is actually quite irrational to establish a colony in the United States, because if we are not building a city but a large city cluster, then we It needs to be divided into defenses, and the Americans have no trouble in this regard. There is no need for them to take down all the cities at once, they can concentrate their superior forces one by one, but our side has to divide the defense. So, it’s okay to build one or two cities in the United States, but if you want to create a large city cluster and forcibly cut off an enclave from the United States, it’s basically a death. There is so much perseverance to do this. It's not as cost-effective to go to a second and third-tier country to get a large resource area. Why do you have to eat meat from the Americans? Isn't this obviously thankless?

Because I know that Masaga Matsumoto’s plan is completely unfeasible, I don’t even care about the suggestions made by the presidents of the Japanese guilds, but Masaga Matsumoto is blinking again now. I was really confused because of it. It is almost certain that this kind of thing cannot be done, but Masaka Matsumoto meant that I should agree to it, which is obviously quite strange.

After a few seconds of thinking, I finally decided to temporarily believe in Masaka Matsumoto, because I don’t think Masaka Matsumoto will pit us. Although he is Japanese, he has completely turned to us now. The so-called love is deep and hateful, how much Matsumoto Masaka loved Japan back then, how much he hates Japan now, this is such is human nature. After all, it can be said that Masaga Matsumoto gave everything for Japan, but in the end he was abandoned by the country he loved so much and was insulted by the Japanese players he protected and helped. Such a thing is driving crazy. It is normal for a person to let him commit suicide, and Masaka Matsumoto belongs to the stronger kind, so he did not choose to end his life. However, the unevenness in his heart will not disappear because of this. After getting the opportunity, Matsumoto Masaga immediately transformed all his love for Japan into hatred, so if Matsumoto Masaka betrayed us, I would not believe it.

Because Matsumoto Masaka is unlikely to betray us, so I think that since he wants me to agree to it, it doesn’t matter if I accept it verbally first, even if I confirm that it’s not feasible, then I You can also find tens of thousands of reasons to refuse, so you don't have to worry about anything at all. But if I refuse now, let’s say nothing else, at least Matsumoto’s feelings will definitely be greatly hurt. It can be said that after experiencing the initial ups and downs, Masaka Matsumoto is now very sensitive to the trust of others. In other respects, no matter how bad you are to him, there must be no omissions in this regard, so even if it is to keep Masaka Matsumoto He knows me and I can't refuse him.

After trying to understand, I stretched out my hand and made a downward gesture to calm the leaders of the Japanese guild, and then said: "We will definitely take revenge, but let's be honest. We originally had no plans to establish an occupied zone on the U.S. side. However, if you strongly demand, I can consider changing our strategy."

When I heard that, the presidents of the Japanese guild suddenly They cheered, not because they were naive, but because they were really too excited. It's not that Japanese players have not tried to expand abroad before, but their previous goal has always been our China side, and the average quality of Chinese guilds in the game is not high, but there are too many. Even if the battle strength on the Japanese side is high, it is still not enough in the face of our crowded tactics. Besides, what is weak in China is only the average battle strength, not that there are no high level personnel on our side. After all, super guilds like our Frost Rose League still played the mainstay role, so let alone the expansion of the Japanese before it took a lot of money, almost every time it suffered heavy losses. This is also the reason why Japanese players became more and more unable to fight later. After all, previous consecutive failures caused damage to development potential, which is inevitable.

However, this vicious circle of more expansion and failure has recently undergone a turning point, and this turning point is our action to lead Japanese players in Russia this time. We not only obtained technical data from the Russians, but also built this large occupied area, and those Japanese guilds have actually dug the ore from the ore veins of the occupied area and transported it back to the country. Although the amount of ore just mined is actually very small, this is a major turning point for all Japanese players. It’s because Japanese players have finally seen money back after such a long money-losing war. No matter how little the ore is, it is always income. Compared to the previous situation where the more the battle, the more you lose. Finally, the guilds who participated in the war saw hope. Many Japanese players even cried when they saw the first batch of ore ready to be shipped back to the country. This huge satisfaction was followed by extremely inflated self-confidence. Therefore, I was not particularly surprised when Japanese players were able to suggest that they want to fight to the United States to establish an occupied zone this time.

Listening to the cheers of the Japanese guild leaders, I reached out again to suppress their noise, and then added: "Don’t be too happy, I just promised you temporarily , The final action needs to be discussed. After all, the target you chose is the United States! Even if they have not yet completed the unification war, it is a world-class power in reality after all, and the American guild in the game is Divisive state, but I believe that they will quickly align their spearheads to the outside world when they are invaded by foreign enemies, so it is best not to be too optimistic. If our guild conducts a technical demonstration and determines that the action is not feasible, we will not I will participate in this kind of operation."

"You just have to say it." Masaka Matsumoto said to the presidents of the Japanese guild: "Okay, everyone will go back and command now. The people in their own guilds quickly speed up the mining work on this side. The U.S. side is just a plan. Now we still need to digest the real benefits first to be true. At least when the time comes, we can also buy more. NPC troops go to the battle?"

When those Japanese guild leaders heard Matsumoto’s words, they all nodded and said that they made sense, and then they turned around and started to leave. And Masaga Matsumoto turned to me before anyone walked away and said, "Purple Moon, as the representative of these Japanese guilds, I hope to be able to attend your demonstration meeting, don’t you know?"

Obviously, Masaga Matsumoto has something to tell me. His just and honorable request will not arouse people’s suspicion, so I simply nodded and said: “It’s not a need If you keep secrets, you can participate if you want to participate."

"So many thanks." Masaka Matsumoto turned around and said to the presidents of the Japanese guild: "Wait for me. As soon as you get the letter of approval, I will go back and tell you that you should not be too anxious now, but I hope you will not go offline for the time being. I may also announce the result when I go back."

The presidents of the Japanese guilds All of them nodded said they knew, and then left one after another to direct the development and construction of their own guilds. Although these Russian mining areas have been occupied, the Russians are not stupid. Most of the mines were blown up before the evacuation, so although many mining areas have been cleared out, the mining speed is actually very slow, far from it. To reach the normal speed, these presidents need to go back to purchase equipment and arrange for personnel to resume the normal mining speed while mining.

After those people left, Masaka Matsumoto stayed just and honorable. When the gate of the Conference Hall was closed, Masaka Matsumoto immediately relaxed and sat down on the chair next to me. "Hoo...I’m exhausted! These bastards are so greedy. I got them so great that I turned around and started planning to seize power again. Do you think these people are unfamiliar thankless wretch?"

I took out a fairy fruit and threw it to Masaka Matsumoto and said with a smile: "Didn't you know everything when you left Japan to join our Frost and Rose League? What's wrong? Now you are starting to treat them again. Are you looking forward to it?"

After catching the fruit, Masaka Matsumoto leaned back and drove both feet on the table, and then leaned there seemingly casually, and said, "No matter what Looking forward to seeing their faces now, I don’t even dare to think about it anymore."

I laughed and didn’t answer, because I knew that Matsumoto must have something to say. It’s not suitable now. Interrupt him. Sure enough, after more than ten seconds, Masaga Matsumoto began to slowly say: "I just took them to mine the ore, and the faces of these guys immediately changed. Some people started clamoring to continue to expand the occupied area and get More minerals, and then develop your own navy to counterattack the whole world. I really don’t know what those people have in their heads. The main part of this operation was done by the Frost Rose League. Those people thought it was them. I told them that it’s not suitable to continue to expand, and we can’t handle this without the Frost Rose League, but they just don’t believe me. Some people openly accuse me of being timid, saying that I can take a bigger step. Li Yu’s lunatics, they want to run before they walk, and they won’t be killed!"

"Then what do you mean by bringing them to me and asking me to agree to establish an occupation zone in the United States?"

" p>

"My idea is very simple, let them suffer a little loss and take their hearts."

After listening to Matsumoto's words, I thought about it and understood Matsumoto's. Means, but there is one thing I haven't figured out yet. "You let the Japanese guild leaders know that you are correct. I have no objection. But if we take our Frost Rose League to join the battle, this battle that is doomed to fail, how about our Frost Rose League's own losses? Do?"

"Will we lose anything?" Masaka Matsumoto asked suddenly.

I was stunned by this question, because it was like being asked suddenly why one plus one equals two. How do you want me to explain this kind of thing. Our attack on the United States is a matter of unknown outcome. Masaka Matsumoto also said that he would teach the leaders of the Japanese guild a lesson, that is, do not fight. Originally, if you try your best, you are already a five-fifth win. If you don't fight hard, isn't it inevitable to lose? But is it possible to lose nothing in this defeat? For the time being, let’s not talk about the loss of personnel, even the materials we used to establish the colony... Wait, if at first we know that we can’t occupy this place, why do we have to transport the materials there? At that moment, I suddenly understood what Matsumoto Masaka meant.

"You brat's mind turns pretty fast."

"Are you not worried about the loss?" Matsumoto Masaka asked with a smile.

I also laughed. "Anyway, it's a losing battle, why should I send supplies over?"

Masaka Matsumoto said with a smile: "It really deserves to be our Sir President, I know you can definitely think about it. I understand."

"I don’t understand everything, at least I didn’t figure out if you want us to do this, how do we count our battle losses?"

"Fighting Isn’t the loss part of the Frost Rose League controlled after so many years of battle?"

I nodded and said after a little thought: "Yes, if you don’t really intend to stick to it, the loss is actually It can be controlled at a very low level, but the Japanese guilds in this action will be miserable by you, right?"

"I am actually not as bad as you think." Matsumoto Masaga Said: "I actually discussed this issue with August Xun and others before I came here. At that time, Ying Yu Shen Chou gave a more reliable method."

"Tell me, Let me see if it is feasible."

"In fact, it is not a complicated thing." Masaka Matsumoto said: "First of all, you have to announce that the results of the research show that this action is not feasible. In this way, the Frost Rose Alliance will There is no need to invest in construction materials to really establish a colony on the United States, so that the loss on the Frost Rose League can be controlled."

"What about your plan?"

"It’s simple, you just say that you don’t participate, but allow us to follow along. As long as we don’t interfere with your actions, you will not interfere with us, and you will provide Transmission Formation services. Also, I will say that under my lobbying You promised that in case the Americans react fiercely, your Frost Rose Alliance will provide us with a certain degree of cover, so that you can pick all of you clean and ensure that those who are ambitious continue to act. However, I will try my best to persuade those who do Don’t participate in the meeting. When the time comes, those guilds that don’t listen to me go back to establish colonies, and their fiasco just allows the guilds who stayed behind to believe in me to realize the correctness of my leadership, and they will be right in the future. I trust it more, so that they can completely obey my command."

I nodded and said: "A good plan can reduce our losses, and it can strike a part and win some, the most important thing is Whether it’s been beaten or there is no loss, you will have a lot of confidence in you afterwards, and will not dare to say it, but the general order will never be outward devotion but inner opposition. It’s affirmative."

< p>Matsumoto also said with a smile when he heard this: "So I just hinted that you accept this plan before, otherwise the latter part will be hard to say. But, the specific operation You still need to think about it. By the way, Military God should be good at this, let him help, right? "

"This is no problem. "

After a brief exchange with the military god, Masaka Matsumoto explained all the plans. The military god was originally doing this. The plan was extremely fast, and it was completed in less than five minutes. A set of combat plans that are accurate to the combat team, the precision is simply impeccable. After seeing all the plans, Masaka Matsumoto and I discussed again, pointed out some areas for improvement, and let the military god adjust it and finalized it thoroughly. After coming down, of course, this thing will be shown to the senior management of our guild. After all, the action is not something that I can handle alone, it needs someone to cooperate.

After all is finalized, Matsumoto Masaga So he left my side and went to report the situation with the presidents of the Japanese guilds, but there is no way to start this matter for the time being. After all, we have no way to spare the trouble of the Holy Gun League, and the Japanese side I’m also busy robbing mines, and I don’t have much energy to engage in external expansion, but with such a plan, at least those people will be able to settle down a little.

Fixed the plan for Japan, we The main energy of the Russians still needs to come back to Russia. After all, the Russians’ plans were accidentally destroyed. Now they must be planning other methods. Anyway, they are impossible and let us develop with peace of mind. So, the Russians have to counterattack. Inevitably, the difference is only the time and method of activation.

"Military god, has the giant mosquito outpost arrived? "

"It's already time for you to talk to Masaka Matsumoto. "

"Where are you now? "

"It is anchored in the port area behind the Isengard Mobile Fortress, but he has just received an order from the Eagle Vice-President and is preparing to start entering the Russian player's control area for a forward reconnaissance mission. "

I nodded and said: "Tell them to wait a little while, and I will go with them. "

"Understood. "

After making the giant mosquito outpost wait a little longer, I can be regarded as catching up with the giant mosquito outpost's take-off. After installing me, the giant mosquito outpost immediately closed the entrance and began to lift off. When the giant mosquito outpost was less than five meters away from the ground, it gradually became invisible from the protruding parts to the central part. When it was completely raised, the entire giant mosquito outpost had completely disappeared from everyone’s sight. The invisible system of the guild is not the mirage system of our guild, but the advanced skill of the giant mosquito outpost.

When the insect race castle of our guild was first acquired, we have been treated as a giant mobile fortress. It is used, and we also define it as a war weapon, but after using it for a period of time, we were surprised to find that these insect race castles are not pure machines, but living creatures. In fact, not only the body is alive, These insect race castles are developed in the same way as players can be continuously upgraded. However, these things are not players after all, so when they upgrade, the situation is slightly different from the players.

Although these guys don’t The experience bar or something, but they are indeed constantly upgrading. When the giant mosquito outpost is upgraded to Level 2, an additional skill called silent flight is obtained. The effect is the same as the name, and it can make the giant mosquito outpost fly. After getting up, it is completely silent. This silence does not mean that the vibration of the wings of the giant mosquito station itself disappears, but the air friction sound during high-speed flight disappears, and it feels as if it is added outside the giant mosquito station. An invisible noise barrier is the same. This trick can be described as a Supreme weapon for sneaking in at night. After all, everyone’s eyesight will be reduced at night, and a completely silent aircraft becomes the biggest insurance for a night raid.

When the giant mosquito post was upgraded to Level 3, this guy got another skill-Killer Mosquito.

The feature of this ability is that it can be different from the previous scouting mosquitoes and release a special type Mosquitoes used for combat. Although the detection of mosquitoes has a certain attack power, it is really negligible, but this killer mosquito is different. In my opinion, these guys are more suitable to call self-destruct mosquitoes than killer mosquitoes. Some. These guys are actually smaller than scouting mosquitoes, but their flying ability is several times stronger. Not only are they fast, they are extremely flexible, and they can sneak into various places to perform tasks. Once these guys find the target and successfully post it, they can. Self-destruct according to the command of the giant mosquito post. Of course, since they are called killer mosquitoes, the self-destruct formidable power of these guys is absolutely worthy of this title. In fact, the explosive formidable power of every self-destruct mosquito is comparable to an anti-formidable power. Ship-to-ship missiles, when we were experimenting before, even It sinks a large destroyer that our guild will weed out at once. This formidable power is absolutely no problem for ordinary players. Even if it’s a gun god, as long as it’s not a defense system, one is enough for him. Half-life is removed.

However, although this skill is very good, it is a pity that there are too many restrictions. Like ordinary scouting mosquitoes, killer mosquitoes cannot leave the giant mosquito outpost too far, and need remote remote control support, so they can't run around the world. Secondly, this thing can only produce one giant mosquito outpost every time, and this killer mosquito cannot produce a second one without self-destruct. Although there is no cooling time limit for production, and the manufacturing speed is quite fast, but because there can only be one at the same time, after attacking the enemy, the second one needs to be re-manufactured from the giant mosquito outpost and then taken off to the destination. As a result, the frequency of attacks becomes abnormally low, and it can be said that the usefulness is quite limited. But even so this can be considered a very good skill.

Finally, when the giant mosquito post was upgraded to Level 4, the current stealth skill was obtained, which allows the giant mosquito post to be completely optically invisible, and can completely disappear into the air in most environments However, it may still be found in heavy fog or rain. After all, a vacuum area suddenly appeared when it was raining. This fool also knew that there was a problem.

Currently, the giant mosquito outpost at Level 4 has only got three additional skills, but these abilities are very useful abilities, so we are now very much looking forward to what he can get when he reaches Level 5 Skill.

The invisible giant mosquito outpost began to fly all the way towards the depths of the Russian player’s control zone. Our goal this time is to find the headquarters of the ice-bound Banshee, and then proceed with their plan of action. Monitoring, this is very necessary, after all, we can know the other party's actions in advance, we can at least do some preparations in advance, can't we?

Actually, I came out with me this time not to engage in eavesdropping, but to engage in active defense.

It’s different from Hong Yue and Rose. Although I am the real Head President of the Frost Rose League, in fact, apart from some major decisions, I rarely really direct the members to do in the guild. It can be said that I am not good at these things. In contrast, I am better at fighting and formulating grand strategies. Now that the grand strategy has been determined, I don't need to worry about it anymore, so all I can do is fight.

Now that I know that the Russians will inevitably launch a counterattack, I might as well take the initiative. Instead of waiting for them to be ready to attack us, I can do some damage first, as long as I can Disrupting the actions of Russian players can delay their counterattack time, and the later they counterattack, the greater our chances of winning. After all, once our city is fully completed, we will have a three-dimensional defensive ability, if we can persist until three days later. The monster siege on the Russian side will end. When the time comes, Russian players can only fight on their own if they want to attack us, and cannot borrow the opportunity of monster siege. Finally, if the Russians can postpone the counterattack until seven days later, it would be even better, because when the time comes system will recognize our occupation of the region, then the land under our feet will no longer be Russian land. The land of the guilds belonging to the cities in the region became the land of each country.

Don’t forget that the geographical advantage in the game is not just to talk about it, it is really expressed in the form of data. Each guild and the territory of each country has a corresponding attribute effect. Standing on the territory of your own country or your own guild will get the corresponding attribute bonus, while the irrelevant personnel will not have the attribute change, and the enemy will be even more affected. Negative attribute impact. This effect determines which country we are in will have a great impact on the battle. Because this is still a Russian territory, we will all reduce attributes here, and because Russia is a powerful country, in fact, The attribute reduction is quite severe.

In fact, in addition to the above, the change of territory has another advantage, that is, the country's Divine Race can participate in the battle justifiably. According to system regulations, the Divine Race forces of the country are not allowed to participate in expansion wars, that is, when we enter the territory of other countries, we cannot count on the Divine Race of our country, but the opposite is that other countries invade our country’s territory, our country’s Divine Race. But there is an obligation to protect, which creates a huge advantage for the defender. However, according to the rules adjusted after the most recent update, the restrictions on Divine Race in cross-border wars have now been slightly adjusted. The Divine Race on the offensive side is still unable to fight across the border, but if the land in a certain area has just been occupied by another country for less than seven days, then this area will allow both Divine Races to enter at the same time, that is, the territory is lost. The Divine Race of the country can still enter this place to help players from the country grab control of this area. This is a little different from the previous setting. It used to be seven days and the land became the territory of another country. The country’s Divine Race It can't intervene.

Of course, I’m happy about the Divine Race in various countries, but it’s not good news for us in the Frost Rose League, because the Frost Rose League is actually not likely to be invaded. On the contrary, they often invade other countries. With such a change in the system setting, our resistance is much larger. It was only necessary to persist for seven days, but now it has been extended to one month for no reason. Do you think it is troublesome? Fortunately, as long as the first seven days have passed, the Divine Race in the country can come to help. Considering the strength of our Celestial Court in China, we are not too worried about this matter, just unhappy.

In order to postpone the Russian counterattack plan as much as possible, I plan to kill the ice-bound Banshee a few times this time. I am proud to kill all of their command layers several times, or I can consider burning Of course, I would not let go of ordinary players. I can kill as many as I can. Anyway, I just need to let go and make trouble. This is not the first time I have done this kind of thing, I believe the effect must be very good.

The movement speed of the giant mosquito outpost is not too slow. It quickly penetrated into the back of the Russian player's control area, and then reluctantly found a hidden place to land and began to release the scout mosquitoes. We have no way to track the whereabouts of the ice-bound Banshee. Their original headquarters have also been taken down by us. Now it must be a temporary headquarters, so we have no way to know the specific location of their headquarters. But we don't really have a black eye. At least we can determine which places on the Russian side may become new command centers, so we only need to investigate these opponents.

The giant mosquito outpost originally did this. Of course, it was a familiar road. Soon a large group of scouting mosquitoes flew out and sneaked into the headquarters of the Russian guild in a nearby city. Start gathering intelligence. Not to mention, our luck was really good. We found the clue for the first time. Although we didn’t find the ice-bound Banshee directly, we found that a guild leader had received the notice of the meeting, so our scout mosquitoes immediately attached to it. The guy got into a gap in the armor on his clothes and hid.

About a few minutes later, the mosquito detection signal suddenly disappeared. In the previous signal, the detection mosquito entered the other party's body, and the other party finally entered the Transmission Formation, so now that guy must be transmitting When the giant mosquito outpost was outside the acceptance range, it was not that the detection mosquito had died.

In fact, we already knew that this would happen if we let the scout mosquito climb up before, but it’s enough to have a scout mosquito on that guy, because we don’t even know where they are going. You can also turn around other target cities in the vicinity. The communication distance of the scouting mosquito is as high as 100 kilometers. Once we get within this range, the mosquito will immediately restore the connection, so it is actually very easy for us to find that guy. Besides, this is nothing more than a backing technique. Immediately after the guy teleported away, several scout mosquitoes flew next to the Transmission Formation used by that guy, and then one of the scout mosquitoes got in through the cover plate under the Transmission Formation and found it accurately. A very small black stone slab.

This slate is actually similar to a memory storage device, you can completely imagine it as a memory card. Transmission Formation needs to communicate with the other party’s Transmission Formation in order to perform target transmission, and how to accurately define the other party’s Transmission Formation requires a phone number-like thing to distinguish, and this slate records this kind of phone number-like Space coordinates. Because Transmission Formation needs to access the memory card every time it is transmitted, and reading the information will result in residual magic in the corresponding loop on the magic array. This residual magic power is very weak and dissipates very quickly, but the scouting mosquito can read this residual magic power. As long as the time is not more than half an hour and you know exactly which message was sent before, you can check it like a call log. The transfer coordinates of the other party are read out. Apart from our guild’s ability to detect mosquitoes, there is no second such ability, so there is no guild to protect against this, because no one knows at all that it can engage in intelligence like this.

After getting all the information easily, we immediately knew the coordinates of the other party's transmission, but the giant mosquito outpost could not transmit it, and could only fly over it. There was a delay of more than ten minutes during this period, but at least we Still found the frozen Banshee. When the missing scout mosquito suddenly came back online, we knew t

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