After leaving the giant mosquito outpost, I quickly reached the frozen Banshee outside the guild headquarters where they were located. Now this kind of warrior and chaos is really the god horse who enters the city. There is no difficulty at all. Just pretend to run and run in a hurry so that no one will come up and ask you anything. Anyway, there are such people around. However, the city gate is easy to enter, and the guild headquarters is not so easy to enter.

After going around two times in front of the guild gate, I finally borrowed the power of the familiars and used the shadow to move into a shadow near the conference hall, but I just found out when I arrived. Frozen Banshee pushed the door and came out of the conference hall.

"Damn, what's the situation?" Because it took a while for me to stand here from the giant mosquito post, I didn't see anything that happened during this period, so naturally I don't know why the ice-bound Banshee ran out of it. But now is not the time to ask about the situation. I immediately retracted back, because I was in the shadows, so after I leaned back, people outside could not see my position.

The ice-bound Banshee is obviously angry, walking with a windy posture, as if he wants to kill someone. Following the ice-bound Banshee are two beautiful Russian beauties, but their expressions are also quite cold, and they seem to have a feeling that even their hearts are frozen.

After these three energetic and bustling walked out, two male Russian players were immediately chased out in the conference hall over there. They looked like they had met me before, just because they were not special Important people, so I only have a simple impression.

The two players chased the ice-bound Banshee and they ran out, but the rest of the people in the conference hall were silent, and some even came out to help close the door.

"Hey, military god, help me pick up the giant mosquito outpost."

"It's ready."

"I am Purple Moon, just now What's going on here?"

The player at the giant mosquito outpost heard my voice and immediately said: "Boss, you just started to quarrel in the Conference Hall here, and there are One guy also insulted Bingfeng Banshee, saying that her previous command strategy was problematic, and tried to shift all the responsibilities to her. The Bingfeng girl Monster Qi quarreled with the house, but the other party had more supporters. There are also a large group of guys who follow the trend, so Frozen Banshee was mad and ran away."

"Damn, this is really mountain road twists around each new peak! If we follow this rhythm, wouldn’t we not use it? Worried about the Russian counterattack?"

The player at the giant mosquito outpost also said, "I think so too. But the specific situation is uncertain. Now the ice-bound Banshee and the gang of Russian guilds The guild leaders’ mood is unstable, and it’s not weird to do anything."

"It makes sense. You stare here first, I will chase the ice-bound Banshee."



After cutting off the communication, I immediately disappeared completely backwards in the shadow, and walked out in a shadow outside the guild headquarters in the next second. You can see that the ice-bound Banshee is boarding a strange-looking carriage with the two female players. The entire carriage seems to be made of ice. The crystal clear and near-transparent outside sparkles like diamonds, and the appearance of this carriage is exceptionally gorgeous, and it feels like the luxurious carriage in the fairy tale world. However, this is not the point. The point is that this carriage does not have wheels. The entire body is suspended at a height of about one meter from the ground, and as three beauties board the carriage, the body will fluctuate up and down.

Obviously, this is a carriage with a suspension function, and the ability to install the suspension device on such a carriage means that the other party has mastered the most basic anti-gravity technology, and this technology must already be available Quite practical. However, the Russian side has not seen any anti-gravity device weapons so far, so I suspect that this device should have some kind of technology bottleneck, otherwise there is no reason to put such a good technology and not use it.

Although 80% of this technology has some shortcomings, it can be confirmed from the fact that it can be installed on the carriage. Even if this thing cannot be built into a spaceship, at least it should be able to produce something similar to a hovercraft. After all, this carriage can already glide at a low altitude, so as long as the equipment is amplified, it is theoretically certain to create an aircraft that walks on the ground.

Although I am quite interested in this newly discovered thing, I didn't intend to expose myself for such a thing, so I continued to follow the frozen Banshee.

I have to say that the ice-bound Banshee’s carriage is really quite good. I won’t say anything about its gorgeous appearance. After all, the diamond-like material is so handsome, and the suspended cockpit completely eliminates the ground. The friction force, only air friction, plus the eight flying horses pulling the cart in front, this cart runs faster than most war horses, I have to summon out the night after tracking the city on foot. Kage rode up, because the car in front was too fast and I couldn't catch up with my legs and feet alone.

The other party's carriage suddenly left the road and turned into a snow-covered forest after Cyclonus rushed for a while. Although the road in the woodland has been completely blocked by heavy snow, neither the flying horse nor the suspended carriage does not need to touch the ground. Naturally, there is no need to worry about the snow accumulation, and it will directly fly over the snow. Not affected at all.

"Should we follow?" Ye Ying asked me after seeing the other person entering the forest. After all, this kind of place is really not suitable for rushing into it. I found out that nothing at worst would happen, so I didn't worry too much about it.

"Don't worry, we follow." I said.

Yeying immediately speeded up after hearing what I said. As for the snow on the ground, it was not a problem for Yeying. The night shadow with the ability to walk in the void does not need any ground support at all, and it can still walk on the ground even on the water.

Following the ice-covered Banshee and they entered the forest, we found that the snow in this place was quite thick. It disappeared completely, if it weren't for the ice-bound Banshee and their carriage was in front, we simply didn't know where to chase.

Although they can recognize the way, but the ice-bound Banshee and their carriage are, after all, drawn by eight horses. The carriage that uses two horses to pull in parallel has a larger width, so the speed in this place simply cannot be played. Coming out, our side is much simpler in comparison. The speed of Night Shadow is completely unaffected in this kind of place, and we always hang behind that carriage without being thrown away.

After about ten minutes of tracking, the forest floor began to show obvious ups and downs, and the ground was constantly rising, indicating that we were climbing. When the slope rose to a certain level, two cliffs suddenly appeared in the front, and then a small gap appeared in front of the road. The carriage just rubbed the cliff wall and rushed into the gap, and Ye Ying and I were much more spacious. Simply follow in.

Following this passage similar to Heaven's Line not far forward, the road begins to slope downwards. After a short distance, it suddenly turns into a sharp turn, and the road suddenly widens a lot. The degree to which four carriages are paralleled. From here onwards is not a passage, but a small open space. A lot of vehicles have been parked on this open space at this time, but the shape of these vehicles surprised me, because these things are not a common carriage in the game, but a kind of thing similar to a snowmobile. Of course, this is just similar but not exactly the same, because the snowmobile at least has a tracked propeller, and although this thing looks similar to a snowmobile, the bottom is not a track but a device that doesn't know what to do. However, although I don’t know how this thing works, judging from the design of this thing that has no tracks, no wheels, and no legs, this thing must be able to fly unless it can’t move at all, otherwise this thing simply impossible to move. So, even if I don’t know what that thing is, I can probably guess that this is a flying device. In other words, these so-called snowmobiles might all be flying motorcycles.

Actually, the flying motorcycle this thing can be made by Frost Rose League, and we actually have a dozen of these flying motorcycles, and their performance is quite good. However, our guild has not mass-produced flying motorcycles. It is not that these things are useless, but that they are not cost-effective.

Players need to rely on their own skills and combat skills in their battles, unless it is a long-range unit of the Holy Lance League, for most units, super high mobility is not necessary. Although Knight players have requirements for mobility, the problem is that Knights can use skills when riding horses or other devil beasts. Knights riding motorcycles are equivalent to infantry in the system judgment. None of their cavalry skills can be used, which is equivalent to turning the Knight into an infantry. Under such circumstances, how can the Knights fight? Besides, the athletic ability of the various mounts in the game is actually quite good. If the flying ability is not particularly required, for most people, the flying motorcycle may not be much better than the devil beasts even if it is only in terms of mobility. .

In fact, in addition to the above two main problems, there are still many problems with flying motorcycles. For example, the ability to resist damage.

Devil beasts may not have a lot of HP, but they are at least more than these flying motorcycles. After all, these flying motorcycles are classified as auxiliary props rather than city defense weapons in system recognition, so The durability attributes in the attributes are very low, and they cannot be as resistant to beatings as the mobile angels. If they are rubbed a little, they will cause problems. How can you let everyone ride them to fight with this kind of performance?

Also, the devil beasts only need to eat. The players in the game basically have the corresponding life skills, so basically as long as they don’t save time, they can mount and The pet gets enough food, and it doesn't cost extra money. However, flying motorcycles are not devil beasts, they burn magic crystals instead of eating. Everyone knows the value of magic crystal. This thing is a strategic material. Even if a large guild finds minerals, it is used when hoarding and preparing for battle. Small guilds simply have no ability to control the magic crystal mine. The result is the market. There are very few magic crystals in circulation, and if you have a flying motorcycle that burns magic crystals, it basically means that your transportation expenses will reach a terrifying level. Except for the real local tyrants, I guess that few people are willing to spend so much money on flying motorcycles.

Of course, flying motorcycle is not useless, at least as long as you are willing to spend money, you can produce unlimited mass production, and more importantly, devil beast has endurance limit, and flying motorcycle as long as the magic crystal is enough. You can fly non-stop, and you won't be tired at all. Therefore, this thing is not really useless, but its purpose is very narrow. The flying motorcycles that our guild produced have now become everyone’s toys and experimental items, specially used to test special tactics, and will be loaned out for missions when necessary, but mass production has never been put on the agenda. Not many people really know how to use it anyway.

The flying motorcycle on the Russian side may not be the principle of the guild with us, but it is certain that this thing needs to consume energy, and as long as there are ten energy consumption in the game, nine and a half. It uses magic crystal, so I am almost certain that this thing is for burning magic crystal.

I can understand the Russians using this money-burning equipment. After all, every country has its own national conditions. Some things are unreasonable for you, but reasonable for others. For example, those Arab countries use oil as a driving force for seawater desalination, which is completely unimaginable in our country. Everyone will say, how expensive is oil? How cheap is water? Burning oil to desalinate seawater? Is it burnt if there is no money? Yes, this truth is true in our country, but other countries produce oil, and their crude oil prices are almost negligible. On the contrary, because of the scarcity of water resources, the prices of fresh water in oil-producing countries are quite exaggerated, so It is reasonable to burn oil to desalinate seawater in their country, but it is unreasonable in our country.

Russia in the game has a similar situation. Compared with other countries, Russia’s resources are a little too much to use up. Not to mention the huge land area and the huge reserves of resources, and more importantly, there are few people in the family! The result is that there are a lot of minerals but no one is mining. The mining areas of other countries are constantly fighting, just to grab some mines, but Russia has no such problems at all. They have too many ore to be completely busy. , Simply no one is going to mine.

Because of the large number of mines, the output of magic crystals in Russia is quite exaggerated. This determines that Russia’s acceptance of burning magic crystals is much higher than that of us. There is no shortage of this. At the beginning, the liquefied magic crystal steam technology was first developed by the Russians. What's the reason? It’s because people piled up mountains of magic crystals, so they were boring and messing around. As a result, they came up with the liquefied magic crystal steam technology. The magic crystals in other countries are not enough at all. Who would mess with this thing?

In fact, I think there is another reason why flying motorcycles can be popularized in Russia, and that is the harsh natural environment in Russia. Because of the harsh environment, the number of organisms is small. Large area and sparse population is the main feature of Russia, and the devil beast here is actually the same. For example, in our country, it is very common to find thirty to fifty intermediate devil beasts in a forest of one square kilometer, while the number of devil beasts in the forest of more than 100 square kilometers on the Russian side may not reach this number. If there are few devil beasts, it is naturally difficult to catch them. As a result, there are obviously very few flying mounts on the Russian side. If the devil beast mounts are not available, you can only use other things to make up for it, so flying motorcycles have a market. .

In fact, the situation here is far more serious than we thought. The land in Russia is basically flat, there are few mountains, and flying devil beasts rarely like to live. It’s on flat ground, so less mountains means that there are not many things that can fly. This makes it more difficult to catch flying mounts. After a long time, it’s no wonder that Russia will try to find a way to replace flying. The mount device is here.

I was looking at the flying motorcycle over there and thinking about the situation on the Russian side. Suddenly I saw that the door of the carriage of the ice-bound Banshee opened, and the two women followed the ice-bound Banshee. The player jumped off the carriage, but after the two got off, they closed the car door and turned and moved towards me and walked over.

I was staring at their behavior, but suddenly I heard the voice of frozen Banshee coming from behind. "Are you looking for me?"

The sudden appearance of the voice has explained everything, obviously I have been discovered. But I was prepared for this kind of thing. After all, this is a new stronghold for Banshee. It would be strange if there were no special investigative methods in this place. The reason why I know this situation is still running here, first is because my strength is here, it can be said to be confident, this second of course is also a little lucky, maybe people didn't find me?

Anyway, I have been exposed now, so I am quite a bachelor, turned around and looked towards the frozen Banshee behind me, said with a smile: "It was discovered by you, it seems that I am watching The plan can only come to an end. So, we'll meet again some day."

"Do you think I will let you leave here like this?" Banshee said coldly.

I didn’t answer her question but instead asked: "Do you think you can keep me?"

If the battle strength of two people is one hundred and one If it’s eighty, then when two people decide to fight to the death, it’s normal for the one with one hundred to kill the one with eighty. However, if the guy with the eighty battle strength wants to run, the battle strength is one hundred. It may not be able to stop him. Besides, the situation between me and the ice-bound Banshee is completely reversed. I am the one with 100 battle strength, and the ice-bound Banshee is only 80, so don’t say I’m going to run, even if I want to kill the ice. Banshee is not an impossible thing. Of course, this kind of thing has to take a certain risk. After all, this is the door of people's stronghold, so once a battle occurs, Banshee will definitely get the support of his own personnel, even if those people can't directly participate in the war, just come out a large group of priests. I can't stand adding blood to Frozen Banshee.

After hearing what I said, Banshee Frozen did not answer directly, but coldly smiled, and then suddenly saw her stretch out her hand and snap her fingers, and then she suddenly saw both sides of the mountain walls. Suddenly, a large number of snow masses flew down, and the ground vibrated violently. In this shaking, two giants actually stood up on both sides of the mountain wall. No, this is not a giant, it should be said that it is a giant.

The height of these two colossus is more than 20 meters, which is a bit taller than the sixth layer building. Almost all the bodies are made of stone except for the eyes. I haven't found this before. The reason for these two colossus, after all, a major feature of this thing of the golem is that it exhibits the original material characteristics when it is inactive. This stone colossus is just a stone as long as it is not activated. If you hide a pile of stones on a stone mountain, who can find it? However, although it is true that the body is a stone, the two loud eyes are two huge rubies, and I can feel those huge rubies even at such a distance. According to my estimation, this gem may be as big as a washbasin, and the thing is obviously not only decoration, because I can sense that this thing is constantly gathering energy since it is activated.

Although I feel these two golems are quite shocking, but I will not accept it. Besides, I am really not afraid of this thing, just surprised.

"It's just two golems. Is there anything special besides being bigger? You don't just expect this thing to keep me?"

Icebound Banshee laughed when he heard what I said. "Hahahaha, Purple Moon, I admit that your strength is very strong, even strong enough to pervert, but you should not think that you are invincible. The two golems behind me are specifically designed for existence like you. , I promise you will know how good they are in a while."

"It looks like you have confidence in your guild’s toys!"

"Is it a toy for a while? You will know, I don't want to fight with you, now I will let you know how strong the proud work of our Banshee House is." Frozen Banshee said looking towards the previous one and waved and said, "Kill him. "

Following the words of the ice-bound Banshee, the two golems immediately took a step forward, and then walked towards me at the same time. Seeing the reaction of these two things, I did not hide behind. Instead, Ye Ying’s stomach urged him to move forward. Ye Ying is also a veteran, and I just want to cut off one of the two giant golems by accelerating. Charge between the legs. This guy is more than 20 meters tall, and the space between his legs is quite large, so as long as he masters the rhythm, he can pass.

However, this time we are in trouble. After seeing our actions, the golem suddenly moved its legs and blocked the passage in front of us. Seeing this, the night shadow made a very simple horizontal jump and attempted to continue rushing over. As if suddenly turned around, the huge Warhammer in his hand suddenly swung around like a golf ball moved towards We swung it over, the huge hammer head slammed down with exaggerated kinetic energy, the speed was as fast as lightning, I still I already felt the airflow of assaults the senses without being hit.

In this state, if I hit the head like this, I might have nothing to do, but Yekage absolutely must get rid of half-life, so at the last moment before the impact, I suddenly put Yekage away, and at the same time Before the night shadow disappeared, the person jumped up and turned his legs forward. First, he touched the opponent's hammer with the soles of his feet, and then used his legs to counteract his impact. With the help of the hammer that the guy lifted, he bounced back suddenly, and instantly rushed. Up high in the sky, and the ice-bound Banshee below was also surprised that his jaw almost fell off.

Frozen Banshee just thought my fighting skills were very exaggerated, but she didn’t expect my fighting instincts to be so strong, in this case, I can actually do it right. In response, not only was he not smashed into meat sauce by a hammer, he was able to use the power of the hammer to rebound and flee high in the sky. If a normal person is knocked to that height, it will definitely be of no help if I fall down, but the problem is that I can fly, and besides, I still have a bunch of flying familiars, just let me leave safely.

At first, I thought it was safe to do so. Although it was a little dangerous just now, I still got out of the way. However, the identities of me and Banshee Frozen will be swapped in the next second. Before, Banshee's chin almost fell off the ice, but this time it turned into my chin almost fell off.

Just as I stabilized my body in the sky after being knocked into the air, the two golems below suddenly deformed. It's not the exaggerated deformation like the deformed Vajra, but the stone slabs behind the two golems suddenly opened to the sides and two things like backpacks were stretched out, and then their heels were also folded and deformed to make two A fairing-like thing was fixed on both sides of the ankles. In the next second, a loud explosion sound was heard. Thick smoke billowed from the feet of the two giant golems, and the valley below was The earth shook and the The mountain quivered vibrated in general, and with this terrifying loud noise and vibration, the two golems spewed out a large amount of flames from their feet and behind at the same time and slowly rose up.

"I'm...How did you fly so big?"

Don't blame me for being surprised, this thing is not our guild's mobile angel. You know, this thing is a giant golem with a height of more than 20 meters and a weight of thousands of tons! Suddenly flying two of such a big thing, the effect is almost the same as that of a space shuttle launch, and even I think it might be even more spectacular. The valley below was instantly covered by flames, and I couldn't see anything at all, and the two golems moved towards me at a faster and faster speed and flew over.

Although I was taken aback by the horrible lift-off performance of these two things, it is more important to run away now. I’m here to make trouble, but what I mean is to find a chance to create trouble for them by sneak attack. I don’t want to fight against their main force. The two golems behind them are obviously of a very difficult type. So what I need to do now is to get rid of them first, or lead them to places where Russian players can't provide support and then kill these two golems.

After thinking about it, I immediately turned and moved towards Isengard Mobile Fortress and flew in the direction. If I can pull these two things to Isengard Mobile Fortress, I can not only easily Get rid of these two things, maybe you can get some technical information and go back to research and study. You must know that being able to create such a large golem is not as simple as enlarging the magic array. In fact, it is not so easy to zoom in or out, because the interference between magic arrays and the magic damping effect of magic materials are not gradual, but change in steps, so changing the size of the original magic array may produce Many unexpected situations. Because of this situation, any guild that can directly manipulate the magic array is a guild with a certain level, and it is simply impossible for the general guild to do these things.

Of course, even if the same problem is solved, everyone’s methods are not exactly the same, so it is always good to learn from other people’s things.

Originally, I planned to lead these two things to the mobile fortress Isengard, and then let the mobile fortress Isengard use Dragon Clan's lightning cannon to directly blast them down. However, just after flying a short distance, I found that the surroundings suddenly became very noisy. When I looked back, I was surprised to find that the two golems were thinking of me approaching at an unimaginable speed.

"Damn, it's unscientific! It's so big that you can fly so fast!" The rocket boosters used by the two golems have the same effect as the rockets that launch satellites, and the speed is gradually increasing. , Now the speed of these two golems is close to subsonic speed, and they are still increasing. At this speed, these two goods will soon be able to break through the sound barrier.

Although I was taken aback by the speed of these two things, I still reacted immediately, summon Asuka and leaned forward. After catching me, Asuka immediately accelerated to get a distance from the two things, but the two things hadn't tried their best. They immediately increased their output after discovering that I was accelerating, the speed suddenly increased, and a large swath of water exploded in the surrounding area. Fog obviously broke through the sound barrier in an instant, and then moved towards me and rushed over at high speed.

"I say! Asuka, speed up!"

Asuka knew that they could not be overtaken by these two giant golems, so they turned on the afterburner and sprayed out four blue lines instantly. With the white flame, I felt a huge thrust coming from under my feet, and the speed soared in an instant. Compared with the giant golem of several thousand tons, Asuka and I don't add a piece of weight to a ton. Naturally, the power required to increase the speed is much smaller, so the speed changes very quickly.

I originally thought that the two giant golems behind should not be able to catch up after speeding up, but although these two goods have been temporarily stretched away, their speed is still improving. It has quickly increased from one time the speed of sound to three times the speed of sound, and there is a tendency to continue to increase.

"Damn, Frozen Banshee is on the hook, right? It's black technology, right? Asuka, don't speed up, let's take them in a circle. I don't believe in such a big one. Things can be more flexible than us."

Those weighing several thousand tons, three times the speed of sound, I believe everyone can calculate the kinetic energy in this state, and such a large momentum requires If you want to turn, the power required is absolutely terrifying, so if we don't fly straight, these two giant golems will definitely not catch up.

Just do it if you think about it. Asuka’s ability to maneuver in the air is recognized by the world. Although it’s in supersonic mode at this time, so we can’t make too drastic turns, but we are no better than the two buildings behind. The guy is much more flexible. Asuka directly exhausted his body, and then began to maneuver at a small angle. The body began to turn to the side. Although the angle was not great, it could quickly deviate from the opponent's pursuit route at this speed.

At first I thought that this method could easily handle these two silly ones, but just after we started to turn, I suddenly sensed a high-energy reaction behind us.

"Damn, Asuka, turn on the air brake!" After receiving my order, the air brake pads on Asuka suddenly opened, and we suddenly slowed down as if being pulled by someone. I felt All of my blood seemed to rush to my head in an instant, and I felt that the world in front of me had become a piece of red. Fortunately, my physical fitness was abnormal. This feeling only lasted for a few tenths of a second and then passed. However, just as we braked suddenly, two thick red rays suddenly flew past our right side. Thanks to our sudden braking and changing the trajectory, otherwise the two rays would hit me and Asuka accurately.

Obviously, the two giant golems were either remotely controlled by someone or equipped with high level intelligence. Anyway, they discovered our intentions and actively used long-range attacks to suppress our steering behavior. This is a sincere refusal. The rhythm of our running!

Because of the sudden braking, the speed dropped a lot, and the bird’s steering ability recovered. As soon as the wings were pressed, a motion similar to the maneuvering of a cobra came out, and the buttocks were facing downward, and then there was a high-energy reaction in the back. Suddenly igniting all the afterburners, the two of us moved towards the sky and rushed up vertically just like the sky monkey. The speed is not much worse than that of the rocket.

The other party missed another attack, and immediately looked up towards us in the sky, and then the two guys suddenly changed the direction of their bodies in the air, and the thrusters under their feet turned to the front, although they did not stop instantly. Body, but the speed at which the trajectory changes is also quite terrifying, even before we leave the target range, we revised the course again moved towards us and flew up.

To be honest, if you don’t consider the hostile identity of the other party, from a technical point of view, these two giant golems really make me want to like it, especially since they are now chasing us and climbing vertically. At that time, the deep rumbling sound brought by the huge power and the imposing manner brought by the huge body all made the heartbeat quicken the blood boiling. This is the romance of men, the beauty of steel. Of course, this thing is not made of steel, but it still feels like a mechanical creation.

Looking at the two big guys chasing me up continuously, I couldn't bear to destroy them, but this is the enemy's thing after all, and it is absolutely impossible if they are not dealt with.

"Bird, switch the power mode, it's time to dance."


The bird in the ascent stage suddenly closed the propeller, and we rely on inertia After continuing to rise for a certain distance, it started to stall, and then fell backward for a certain distance. After the bird’s own aerodynamic structure automatically adjusted its head, and then began to dive down, the combustion chamber on the bird’s wings also restarted instantly, with the help of gravitational acceleration. We swooped down at a terrifying speed, the two giant golems that were catching up completely didn’t expect us to rush down, and their ascending speed was very fast, plus the speed of our dive, the relative speed of the two at least More than several times the speed of sound, so the two giant

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