Although everyone in the Holy Lance League realized that they had hit the iron plate this time, it was impossible to do what they wanted at this time. The surrounding passages are all closed, and the people of the Holy Lance League are facing an existence that can easily subdue the gun god and command the mobile angel. This situation is absolutely bad for them and cannot be worse. NS.

"Don't panic." The gun god saw that the situation was unfavorable and wanted to give a reminder, but just opened his mouth and shouted that the strength of the individual panicked back suddenly increased, and the gun god instantly lost his ability to speak. , There was only a hum.

"Are you going to do it yourself or let us do it?" The girl stepping on the gun god suddenly said such a sentence, and the surrounding Holy Gun League players immediately used the action table after a moment of stunner. Named their wishes, but unfortunately their counterattack is too pale here.

As these people started to use their hands, the experimental mobile angel that was suddenly activated immediately squeezed the two players on their hands to death with their fingers, and then it was like throwing rubbish. Throwing away the two corpses, and then rushed to another player of the Holy Lance League like lightning.

It was already quite difficult to deal with a mobile angel, but the player of the Holy Lance League didn’t expect that just after the first mobile angel entered the battle, the remaining mobile angels actually started. Moved up and joined the battle. Faced with various types of mobile angels, these players were almost killed without any decent resistance. But these people probably also know their fate, so they are very hard-hearted to fight to the end, and none of them are soft. After all, they also know that even surrender is unlikely to be let go by us. Besides, death in the game is just a matter of grade drop. No one really cares about this as a major event.

After these players were killed, the gun god was still stepped on by the girl, and the gun god was also very bachelor and said: "Today I admit defeat, this time I will definitely give it back next time. "After speaking, the gun god did nothing, but his body exploded with a bang. The formidable power of this explosion was quite large. Not only did this airtight room be completely blown apart, but the prototype mobile angel here was swept down like wheat. Even the girl who stepped on him was also destroyed. Blasted out. However, although it seemed that the explosion was very difficult to deal with, a few seconds later, when the smoke was slightly dispersed, I saw that the mobile angels who were blown up or knocked over to the ground actually climbed up from the ground one by one. Obviously, they have not been affected much.

Compared to players, mobile angels are siege equipment after all. The defensive ability of this thing is unmatched by players. Naturally, mobile angels can withstand this kind of explosion compared to the player’s endurance. But it's much higher.

The battle here happened suddenly and ended very quickly. When the metal gate suddenly rose, a large group of players and NPC guards from the guild rushed in, but they What you see is not the enemy but the enemy's corpse.

"What's going on here?" Chief-In-Charge, the combat player in the guild who took the lead in rushing in, asked loudly.

A mobile angel replied: "The enemy has been wiped out, and we have zero casualties."

"That's good." I heard that there were no casualties, Chief-In here. -Charge is more relieved, after all, the people here are all researchers, and any loss is a terrible thing.

In fact, it was no one else who beat the Gunners so badly, it was Noreen. Although it looks no different from a normal person, it is just special and beautiful, but in fact Noreen is a completely constructed creature, is a magic puppet, a person with his own thoughts and appearance that is completely indistinguishable from humans. I.

However, don’t look at Noreen’s appearance that seems very weak, but she in the bones is a real Iron Body, and it is a super structure composed of special materials made of magic metal, even if I want Injury to Norin must also be done with the help of the eternal Law Power. Most people who want to hurt her are basically dreaming. If it weren't for Norin's excellent innate talent in the research and development of magic puppet technology, I guess she might become one of our guild's super battle strengths. However, because of this innate talent of Noreen’s research, we all feel that it is too wasteful to let her charge into battle. Besides, Norin herself doesn’t like fighting, so she rarely sends her out on field missions, so people who know her It's very few, so the gun gods didn't recognize her as such a super battle strength.

Although the Gunners and the intruders were unlucky enough to be immediately cleared out, but the entire new continent floating island has not yet been cleaned up. The number of people in the Holy Lance League’s invasion this time was very large, and many of them died and came back. This caused the intruder to feel continuously. In addition, this time the opponent also hired a large number of NPCs to participate in the battle. The pressure on our side is very high. Even if the gun gods and their infiltration troops were killed, there were other roads advancing in other directions, and the main attacking team was not allowed to play a tug of war with our people over there. Despite the heavy casualties, the Holy Lance League has always insisted on not retreating, which made our side quite annoyed.

In fact, the reason why we fight like this is not because our human strength is not good, mainly because of the location of the battle. This is our own territory. Whatever we break is our own loss, so we dare not use heavy weapons at all. Even the skills used in battle are to control the formidable power and strike range as much as possible. It is difficult to produce lethality. Therefore, even if we have the local advantage, we have not been able to quickly expel all the people from the Holy Lance League.

However, although we have no way to drive away the people of the Holy Lance League, the people of the Holy Lance League cannot expand the control area. On the contrary, their control area has been shrinking continuously. , It's just very slow.

"Is the thing in the dangerous item research institute?" Looking at the house in front, I asked the king. He sent the things, so he knew better.

The king nodded and said: "Yes, I sent it here according to your request, and then as soon as I came out, you said you want to take things out, but I didn’t even go back and saw that there were enemies inside. I rushed out, and then you all know everything about it."

After listening to the king’s narration, I nodded, and then looked towards the building over there and said to Christina next to him: "Really red and they How long has it been in?"

"Almost ten minutes."

"Why haven't you completed the task yet?"

"not quite clear, Maybe it's because the enemy's defense is too strict." Christina is also not sure. In fact, when I let True Red, gold coin and Shadow Spring go in to destroy the teleportation device before, I didn’t expect it would take so long. According to my idea, I used True Red’s assault ability plus gold coin’s range to kill, and finally cooperated. Shadow Spring's fixed-point removal ability, the three of them should be able to easily touch the vicinity of the Transmission Gate, but it seems that things are not as simple as I thought now.

& At the end of this loud noise, the two sections began to collapse, but it was strange that none of the people inside ran out except for the shock wave.

This sound came out very suddenly, so we didn't expect this to happen, but anyway, it's better to have a little movement than nothing. As for the building collapsed...I don't care about it. Our guild has a professional engineering team, so building a house is not a problem. As for the technical data and everything in it, there is no need to worry. It is nothing more than a loss of money. Our Frost Rose League doesn't care at all.

Immediately after the explosion, smoke and dust billowed all around, and the building quickly collapsed completely and turned into rubble. After all the collapsed buildings fell silent, the surrounding smoke gradually dispersed, leaving only a piece of rubble on the scene, and the players of the Holy Lance League outside were still putting up a desperate struggle, it was just because their teleporters were being Pressed under the ruins, so the subsequent reinforcements were completely interrupted.

Faced with this situation, the morale of the players of the Holy Lance League outside naturally declined, but no matter what, they still adhered to the previous order, fighting hard and fighting, and they were still very heroic towards us. Collision on the defensive line is nothing but fighting.

Just when the players of the Holy Lance League outside were making their final resistance, the ruins on this side suddenly shook, and then the rubble in one of the locations suddenly bulged up, covering The bricks and rubble on the top began to slide towards the surroundings, and finally a huge stone slab exposed below suddenly flew upwards, and then revealed the silhouette below.

A strangely dressed player appeared under the stone slab. The cloth on the whole body of this guy can be said to be pitiful, because his wearer dress is similar to that of Muay Thai fighters. A pair of fat shorts, bandages wrapped around the wrists and ankles, and nothing else.

This kind of strange dress is not surprising in Thailand, because the standard dress of a Muay Thai boxer is like this. However, the guy in front of him is obviously white, and he still appears in the team of the Holy Gun League, which shows that he is American, at least not Thai. But this guy is dressed as a Muay Thai boxer, which is very strange.

After this guy lifted the slate on top of his head, one after another climbed out of a group of seven or eight players, and these people were all players of the Holy Lance League. However, just after these guys crawled out of the ruins, they suddenly saw a golden light in the ruins of Lingwa rising to the sky, accompanied by scattered rubble fragments, and the real red was gold glittering all over the body. Like a huge gold sculpture in the shape of a human, walked out of the ruins below. Of course, Zhenhong is also followed by Shadow Spring and gold coin.

"Can force me to this point, I have admitted that you have some strength, but unfortunately this strength is still too weak." Zhen Hong said while looking at the Holy Lance League player opposite.

The Holy Lance League personnel over there did not speak, but there was only one person, that was the guy who dressed very strangely, like a Muay Thai boxer.

"I admit that you are a good opponent, but you are not invincible. I can defeat you. If you don't believe it, let us speak with my fists."

True red despising He glanced at the other party, and then continued: "Just to my liking. You can get beaten up and find teeth, but don't cry."

The really red arrogant words did not irritate the other party, but on the contrary. It was to make the other party put on a guard posture of 120,000 points. Obviously they had played against each other before, and although this guy said very hard, but I can see that he suffered a loss in True Red's hands, this action of alert is the best proof.

The two sides immediately rushed out after the cruel words, and then I was surprised that the guy actually punched the red fist against the fist, but the result was even more surprising. True Red didn't move, but the guy took more than ten steps to stabilize his body.

Don’t look at this guy, don’t think that he is weak if he is repelled. In fact, if he is repelled in battle with ordinary people, it may be a weak performance, but He Zhenhong has not been directly broken with his fist. Bone, this in itself is already a symbol of strength. Don't forget that Zhenhong's power is not only relying on her own strength. The key is that the gravity attribute of her pair of fist arms is too scary, and most people are almost impossible to fight against Zhenhong in strength. She is basically a war giant beast in human skin, so that guy was only repelled a few steps. Not only is there no shame, but she can be proud of it.

The two people are separated at the touch of a touch. Zhenhong planned to make another attack with a second meet force with force, but before she could act, a hand was placed on her first. He held her on his shoulders. Zhenhong had planned to struggle, but when she looked back, she stopped and retreated obediently, because she saw me.

"Okay, leave it to me here."

The boxer attribute in front of you should be very difficult to deal with, because the energy intensity of his body is actually very average. But his ability to hold the red fist also shows that his attack and defense are very high, so it can only be understood that the attribute of this guy is very serious, which leads to this kind of battle strength. The energy is very strong. A weak situation occurs.

For players of this kind of partial discipline, I am actually their biggest enemy, because I am the trainer with the most demons. The characteristic of the trainer is that once the familiars reach a certain number, they will complement each other, and the battle strength will tend to be balanced, that is, there are no weaknesses, or there are few weaknesses.

This guy’s attribute is biased towards melee combat, so other aspects must be very weak, and my existence can adapt to any battle method, so that I can easily choose the battle that the opponent is not good at. method to fight with each other. In this case, even if that guy has great abilities, he can't show it, he can only stare.

After knowing that I was going to take action, Zhenhong obediently retreated to the side, but she did not idle, but went to encircle and suppress the remaining members of the Holy Lance League. As for me, I walked towards the seven or eight Holy Lance League players who crawled out of the rubble over there.

To survive the collapse of the previous building, these people are obviously not miscellaneous soldiers, but they are still far away from confronting me head-on. Seeing me approaching step by step, these guys immediately put on a defensive action, but unfortunately their actions did not play any role at all, because the summoner's battle method may not start from the front.

The guys were carefully guarding me for a sudden attack, and suddenly felt all the hairs on the back stand up, but at this time it was too late to look back. These people hardly had any reaction. I was lifted off by the explosion that suddenly appeared behind me. Among them, the three guys who flew towards me were the most unlucky. The moment I passed by my side was cut by the eternity that I suddenly pulled out, and the remaining few people landed. He was also confused by the fall. Only the Muay Thai fighter managed to keep his balance, but before he could move, his limbs were tied up by the cane that got out of the ground, and then Frost appeared in front of him. Reached out and blew a white mist at him, and then the guy didn't know anything.

As I guess, the attribute of this guy is serious, and the melee ability can even match that of true red, but the magic resistance is too low. Frozen alive.

After killing this guy, even if the experts of the Holy Lance League here are completely dead, look back at the remnants of the Holy Lance League, because there is no follow-up personnel to fill, so they are quickly Our troops have almost killed them.

"It looks like it's almost done." Christina said suddenly when she walked behind me.

I looked back at the battle area and said: "The people on the surface are almost the same. Those who are scattered will probably have to be cleaned up, but these people will not be able to overcome any storms. But this time Our guild has been put together like this. Do you think we need to retaliate back?"

"I think retaliation is a must, but we don't seem to be suitable for this now."

< p>Actually, I also understand what Christina said. Now we are fighting against Russian players, and such a large-scale operation has consumed all the energy of our guild. We have no ability and cannot open other battlefields in this situation. The big reason for the failure of the Germans in World War II was that they opened the second battle before ending the first battle. As a result, the troops were exhausted in the two-line battle, which eventually led to failure. Of course, there are many other reasons for this, but two-line combat is definitely one of the key factors that has played a big role.

Our current situation is similar. The battle with Russia has basically consumed all our energy. At this time, fighting with the Holy Gun League is absolutely not good for us.

However, even if we don’t retaliate now, sooner or later we will recover the interest from the Holy Lance League.

Because the battle is nearing the end, we stopped continuing to increase troops here, but began to evacuate the excess teams, but the research work on the new continent floating island may need to return to normal a period of time. The losses caused to us by the Holy Lance League this time can be said to be not small. Although they did not steal anything, many of our research projects were interrupted because of their reasons. The losses caused in this process are incalculable. of. Moreover, in addition to the actual loss, our reputation has also been greatly affected.

For a long time before, our Frost Rose League was an untouchable existence, and this point almost had to reach a consensus in other guilds. Although our guild is not quite clear how this cognition came about, we don't mind getting such a position, because such an identity allows us to take the initiative when we come into contact with other guilds. However, this operation of the Holy Lance League is like a huge sign. They let players all over the world understand that our Frost Rose League is not really invincible. As long as the plan is perfect enough, they can actually defeat us. of. Of course, the cost of this will not be too small.

The influence of public opinion caused by this action of the Holy Lance League and the influence of our guild’s reputation are immeasurable, so although the Holy Lance League did not gain any benefits this time, it lost a lot of it. The amount of battle strength, but our losses are real. How can we give up on such an aggrieved thing?

After waiting for the remaining enemies here to be cleaned up, we handed over the next clean-up task to the local full-time defense forces, and the main guild forces temporarily evacuated this side. speaking of which we were really lucky this time, because when we dealt with the Holy Gun League, the Russians did not take the opportunity to attack our occupied area. If the Russian side and the Holy Lance League colluded to start work together, then we would really be in trouble. But fortunately for us, the Holy Lance League did not contact Frozen Banshee. Otherwise, I guess Frozen Banshee would never miss such a good opportunity.

While the people in the guild were busy with post-disaster reconstruction work, the leadership of the guild and I all gathered in the conference hall on the side of Isengard Mobile Fortress to discuss revenge. The problem.

It's really red and loudly roaring: "Is this something unknown? The Holy Lance League attacked us first. If we don't pay attention to it, wouldn't anyone dare to break ground on us in the future? "

"I agree with the opinion of true red on this point." Christina said: "Retaliation is inevitable. The key is when, in what way, and to what extent. It's what needs to be discussed."

Christina's words can be said to be on the point. Everyone is nodded and starts to think about what to do.

Rose first opened the mouth and said: "Time must not work now, at least we have to wait for our affairs on Russia to end or temporarily come to an end, anyway, we can't fight on two fronts."

This rose is the same as I thought, so I quickly agreed with this opinion, and everyone else felt it made sense. But as for when to retaliate against the Holy Lance League, everyone's opinions on this matter are slightly different.

Some people think that they should wait for the troubles of the Holy Gun League as soon as the affairs on the Russian side are over, but others think that even if the affairs on the Russian side are completed, they should not go immediately. It’s the trouble to find the Holy Lance League, but to find the right time.

"Everyone has their own opinions at this time, so we will put this question aside for now." Because everyone thinks what they say makes sense, so the time is totally unsettling, plus me and Rose does not have a clear goal, so no one can determine it. But fortunately, this matter is not in a hurry. At least everyone thinks that we should wait for the affairs of Russia to finish before we start to consider the matter of the Holy Gun League, so we can completely push this matter back.

"Time can't be set, so how to fight back, and how far do you want to fight back?" Rose asked again.

This time Christina still spoke. "I don't think the way to counterattack is too much trouble, just go to their city to have a siege war. The purpose of our operation is mainly to maintain the image of our Frost Rose League, so we can't do that kind of sneaky or If you want to fight, you have to be just and honorable. We must let other guilds know that our Frost Rose League has grievances and we have the ability. Only when this meaning is conveyed, others will revert to it. Recognize our status."

After listening to Christina’s words, gold coin also said that it made sense. Others thought for a while and agreed with this point of view, so everyone decided to take revenge. Defined as a siege war, directly impacting a guild city of the Holy Lance League. However, the choice of this city has not been finalized for the time being, because we need to do some research first to figure out the specific situation of other people's cities before we can draw a conclusion.

After finalizing the retaliation plan, what is left is the degree of retaliation. Our opinions on this matter are still very unified. The goal is to disband the Holy Lance League completely, or be disbanded by another guild. Merger, in short, is to completely defeat this guild.

If it was before, I am not sure whether this goal can be accomplished, but now it is different. Because of the BUFF mission, the guilds of various countries are vying for the status of the hegemonic guild or the ruling guild. Therefore, there are constant civil wars within each country. Therefore, what we actually need is to light a fire on the American side, and then we can completely throw it to them to do it themselves. I believe that as long as the Holy Lance League is attacked by us, other American guilds who want to be hegemonic guilds or ruling guilds will definitely gather like sharks smelling blood. When the time comes, even if we are no longer Participating in the war, it is estimated that the Holy Lance League is also over.

This retaliation plan can be said to be very ruthless, but everyone's opinions are very unified. Anyway, they have already forged such a big enmity with the Holy Lance League, and the future reconciliation may be minimal, so instead of keeping such a disaster, it is better to just solve them directly. This is the best choice.

After roughly finalizing the plan, our meeting is over. Everyone is going to work on their own affairs, and since there are other things to be determined, since everyone can't agree, then I can only make the decision. The position of president is not just for enjoying privileges. You have to take responsibility at critical moments. The only thing that others can't decide is that the president comes. This is the obligation corresponding to the benefits that the president enjoys.

After everyone went to work on their own, I didn't catch my leisure. As soon as I left the Conference Hall, Matsumoto Masaka brought a group of people back.

"I said, the presidents of the Japanese guilds, what are you doing?" I looked at the gang of Japanese guild leaders, pretending to be surprised.

After hearing my question, those people immediately started everyone talking at once and answered, but the result of a group of people yelling together, everyone should know, simply can’t hear anything.

"Be quiet." After a sudden roar, I stopped these people and I pointed to Masaka Matsumoto and said, "Are you not their Alliance Leader, Masaka Matsumoto? What is it? Can you tell me something?"

Matsumoto actually planned to say it a long time ago, but he has never had a chance, so he immediately turned around and said to the presidents of the Japanese guild: "You are all quiet, so Talking nonsense, the chairman of Purple Moon doesn’t really understand what you’re talking about, or let me say it alone, you just listen."

The chairmen of the Japanese guild also know that they are like this. There was indeed no way to clarify the matter, so after hearing Matsumoto's words, we all fell silent, but together we watched Matsumoto's and waited for him to clarify the details of the matter with me.

After seeing that the house was quiet, Masaka Matsumoto turned around and said to me: "President Purple Moon, in fact, the reason for our visit is this..."

Masaka Matsumoto He said this to me for more than ten minutes, and I couldn't put my mouth in at all, but at least I probably understood what they meant.

Matsumoto Masaga told me for a long time, there are only two things in translation. First, the Japanese side hopes to extend this cooperative relationship, and they hope that we can at least maintain this cooperative relationship for a longer period of time.

I am not surprised at this request from Japan. In fact, I have guessed the inevitability of this kind of thing before. Although I have been busy with other things before, I haven't put aside the development work of this occupied area. The military god has been reporting to me the development situation here. According to the situation reported by the military gods, because there are more people coming from Japan, and the development locations are all good places, the mines are many and shallow, so now they have begun to mine.

No matter how realistic the flatbread Matsumoto drew for them before, it was a fictitious and unreliable one. However, as the development progress of the occupied areas of these Japanese guilds has accelerated, some of the shallower buried mining areas have begun to produce ore. After these real benefits were obtained, the leaders of the Japanese guild finally realized that the huge benefits were in front of them, so they instantly ignored the relationship between the Frost Rose League and the Japanese side, and unexpectedly came so enthusiastically and actively. Let us extend the cooperation status.

I’m not surprised by the attitude of Japan. If they are still indifferent after seeing the benefits, then we should be surprised, but now this situation does not need to worry, because this is normal. reaction.

"I don't mind if you want to extend the cooperation time, but what I want to tell you is, do you really think it is necessary?" I looked at the presidents of the Japanese guild and asked .

When I heard my question, the presidents of the Japanese guilds immediately began to answer everyone talking at once. As a result, the Conference Hall became a vegetable market in an instant. In the end, it was Matsumoto Masahiro. The yelling suppressed the presidents of these Japanese guilds, and then Masaka Matsumoto as a representative said to me: "President Purple Moon, in fact, you don’t have to conceal this matter. We are not blind. There are some things. Just ask!"

"What do you know?" I actually know what they are talking about, but I deliberately did not say it. Of course, this is not to embarrass Matsumoto Masaka, but to make The presidents of those Japanese guilds thought I didn’t want to talk about it. After all, they didn’t know the relationship between Masaka Matsumoto and me. It would be bad if I were too polite to Masaka Matsumoto.

Matsumoto Masaka has already discussed the specific countermeasures with the presidents of the Japanese guilds, so after I mentioned this issue, he immediately said: "Purple Moon President, we Just not to mince words? Earlier, the Holy Lance League used some method to sneak attack on your research base of the Frost Rose League. Is this news okay?"

"How did you know?" I pretended Asked in surprise.

"Forget President Purple Moon, this is not a terrible secret, and there is no point in keeping it secret? Besides, your guild is now the backbone of this place. You suddenly have such a large scale. The transfer, really when we are all blind and deaf?"

"Well, since you all have a clear understanding, then I won’t say anything. I admit that this time we Frost Rose League His research base was invaded by the Holy Lance League using tactics. The most damning thing is that the damn invasion of Transmission Gate was brought in by me!” I said that I deliberately hammered the table with an angry look.

Matsumoto Masaga immediately pretended to be comfortable: "Don't be angry, since this kind of thing has happened, it's useless to be angry! Besides, haven't you successfully intercepted it?"

"I said, did you put a spy in our Frost Rose League? Why do you know everything?" I looked at Matsumoto Masaka, deliberately angry. This is actually to help Matsumoto Masaga on the side of advertising, making those Japanese guild presidents think that Matsumoto Masaka’s spies are lurking in our Frost Rose League, but they don’t know that Matsumoto Masaga himself is the biggest spy in the world.

"Aiya, President Purple Moon, why are you so suspicious?" Masaka Matsumoto said, "Do you still need me to send a spy to listen to the news of your victory? Just look at your expression on this kind of thing. Do you know? If your research base is really picked up by the Holy Lance League, can you sit here and talk to me so calmly?" Masaka Matsumoto said immediately after finishing his speech, "However, these are not the main points. In addition to the extended cooperation plan we have mentioned before, we also hope that we can cooperate with you Frost Rose to develop the land in the United States."

After hearing Matsumoto’s words I was really taken aback, because I didn't know their plan before, but I just knew it wasn't a bad thing. They didn't expect that they could actually think of such a thing. I have to say that the pioneering spirit of the Japanese is really very strong, which may have something to do with Japan's narrow living space. Because the original place is too crowded, I am always thinking about expansion.

One of the presidents of those Japanese guilds finally couldn’t help but stand up before Masaka Matsumoto and said: "President Purple Moon, we all know that your Frost Rose League was attacked. This news is not a secret, and it will soon be known to the whole world. After all, your Frost Rose League is a star guild, and you have received too much attention in the world, so your every move can be said to be It’s all exposed to everyone’s sight."

I really want to refute what this guy said. Our actions, even Celestial Court and Divine Race, we dare to lie, I don't know how they will feel.

"Even if our actions are exposed to the public, but this time we are the one being attacked. There is nothing wrong with it, right?" I said.

The president of the Japanese guild immediately said: "Yes, as a person, if you are attacked by others, then you are a victim. There is no shame. However, as an organization, you have been attacked by others. , Then it’s not a trivial matter. Even if

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