The characteristic of this monster is that it will attack all targets within sight, and will give priority to the closest target, but he does not pay much attention to the strength of the target, that is It is said that as long as there is a real goal, even if the strength is weak, it can be attractive.

As long as you master this feature, it is actually very simple to deal with this monster. Of course, the reason why I say it is simple is because this monster has left the crypt where he originally lived. If it is in a place like that kind of maze, this guy's ability

is almost insoluble. But when it comes to this kind of open land, let's talk about it.

I took advantage of the monster being temporarily repelled by me, while I was looking for the next phone meeting, I suddenly gave Yekage out to summon.

Yingying did not teleport to my side, but ran directly from the training space, and ran directly in front of me. Seeing the right time, I put my hand on the saddle on Yeying's back, and followed my body with inertia to be dragged off the ground, and I turned over and landed on Yeying's back.

The monster found out that I was running away, and immediately chased us. However, when the guy suddenly disappeared from the place and emerged from behind me and Yekage, Yekage and I also ran into a small area of ​​mystery at the same time

In the mist. The monster couldn't stop his body following us and plunged into the mist. The thin mist was instantly dispersed by him, but as the mist dissipated, the thing found that the target was missing.

The monster's teleportation ability is indeed very strong, but he is not the only one in the world who can teleport. Night Shadow’s dream shuttle ability really needs to speak of which is actually a higher level ability than teleportation. Although the actual function may not be as practical as teleportation, the night shadow’s ability is indeed higher level. Of an ability.

After losing the target, the monster started looking for the target everywhere, and at this time, he suddenly found a very eye-catching target. This goal is a very huge leopard-shaped devil beast, similar to himself in some respects

. However, compared to this guy's white fur, the goal is to wear black fur. The black fur looked so prominent on the white snow, that he was discovered immediately when he appeared.

Although the target was discovered, the devil beast did not immediately attack the creature, but observed it first. However, while he was still observing the target, the black leopard was the same Suddenly his body shook,

In the next second, it suddenly became two.

The target suddenly increased by one. This change made the monster over there stunned again, but this guy's intelligence was very high. He was obviously aware that this might be an illusion, so he looked down towards the opponent's But the result was even more surprised, because he found that the snow under the feet of the two targets had been stepped on with clear footprints.

Being able to leave footprints on the snow means that this is an actual target, and one target suddenly becomes two. This really makes the devil beast a little puzzled. I don’t know if it should be. Rushed up immediately. However, just when he hesitated

to make a decision, the two creatures made the decision for him because they suddenly started to turn around and run.

The devil beast attracted by the ice-bound Banshee has a very strong desire to kill. It was just out of caution and did not immediately attack my pet cat from summon, but the cat is running away. Immediately afterwards, I chased up without the slightest hesitation

, obviously I don’t want the easy target to disappear again.

Although the big cat is not good at speed as my beast, because it is a devil beast in itself, the speed is relatively fast. However, no matter how fast the speed is, there is no way to compare with the teleportation. The opponent’s teleportation ability that completely ignores the spatial distance is too BUG. It just swoops to catch up with one of the targets, and then Throw it down in one fell swoop. The big cat that was thrown down still planned to resist, but the attribute gap was too big, and his neck was snapped in an instant.

The devil beast didn’t delay time after a hit. He immediately raised his head and started looking for another target, intending to kill that target, but when he lifts the head and started looking for the target, he did it again. stunned. It's not that the target

is missing, but one more.

Originally, this devil beast discovered that two identical targets were running, and then he caught up with one and killed it. He was sure of this, because he even tasted the smell of blood. However, one of the two targets was killed. According to the theory, there should only be one left, but now there are still two left.

I looked down at the corpse under my feet, and confirmed that I did not make a mistake. The devil beast looked towards the target over there again, quite puzzled. However, even though he said hello from his head, he couldn’t wait to see the target go further and further away. Directly, a swoop is the same ability to teleport, and the next second will be there. One of the two targets fell to the ground. But this time because the focus was wrong, he didn’t kill the target immediately. Instead, he rolled around on the ground to get the target. However, he was completely dumbfounded when he looked up for the target again

, Because there are still two targets running ahead.

That is, this devil beast can’t speak, otherwise I guess he will definitely shout "Cheating, this is."

Although it is completely unclear why this target can’t be killed at all Finished, but this guy still admires instinct and rushed out again, so he seemed to be in an endless loop, constantly killing and chasing, but no matter how he kills

, as long as he looks up Look, there are always two identical targets running ahead.

In fact, this situation is completely caused by the Avatar ability of the big cat. The characteristic of the Legion beast is that it can separate many Avatars, and these Avatars are all entities. The recovery speed of this kind of Avatar is very fast, and there is no distinction between primary and secondary. As long as

after the Avatar appears, the one that is killed will not be the primary Avatar, because as long as the Avatar is reduced, the remaining Avatar will be One of them will automatically become the main Avatar, so unless you can kill all the Avatars at once, you will always be impossible and really kill the big cat.

Thanks to this ability, the devil beast was completely led by the nose. Frozen Banshee, what they did after wasting so many lives was done by one of my familiars, and at this time the big cat is leading the devil beast moved towards Frozen Banshee.

We ran over there. They will look good soon.

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