The monster stood at the exit of the ice cellar and looked around constantly. Not far in front of him was a few Russian players jumping and jumping to death, but the monster The monster is quite hesitant. On the one hand, instinct drove him to want to kill, but on the other hand, his attachment to the lair made him wonder if he should leave the place where he originally lived.

After struggling for a while, the monster finally couldn't hold back the attraction of the targets in front of him, and then his figure suddenly became blurred, and then he heard a scream. In fact, when the screams were made, the monster silhouette over there hadn't moved the place, but this guy had actually reached the side of the Russian players and killed one of them.

Because when this Russian player was attacked, Shadow Spring and I were in the vicinity, so we saw the whole process of the attack. To be honest, change the location. If it was me who was attacked, I would not guarantee myself. It must be avoided, because the speed of that thing is too fast, and it seems that it has the ability to move like teleportation.

The ice cellar is completely frozen, and the ground outside is also a large snowfield, so if something walks on the ground, it will inevitably leave traces, after all, the soft new snow It is very easy to leave footprints and the like. However, when the Russian player was attacked just now, although his actions were too fast and he didn't see clearly, the absence of any footprints on the ground already showed that this guy didn't run over, but jumped over or moved over instantly.

No matter what kind of ability, at least one thing is certain is that this thing has extraordinary mobility, and the desire to attack is very strong. This is not much different from the situation in the previous investigation by Shadow Springs. .

After determining the ability of this thing, I also determined one thing is that this monster has a very strong perception ability, because he did not immediately attack the second target after killing the first guy in the raid. Instead, he looked up at where I and Yingquan were hiding. You have to know that the straight-line distance between this place and that guy is more than a thousand meters! This kind of distance is only a little bit bigger without the aid of auxiliary equipment, not to mention that we are still hiding behind two big trees. This thing can find us so far away, which is too exaggerated.

Super perception ability coupled with super high movement speed and strong desire to kill, I understand the Russian players' thinking a little bit now. Once this thing arrives on our territory, it can definitely upset the sky. The Russian player just had no reaction at all and was killed at once, which means that most of the attacks on the player by this thing are one strike certain kill, and the death rate of the player in this case will be quite high. When the time comes, once the guild members who came here to expand the land were killed on a large scale, we need to be forced to mobilize personnel to intercept this monster, and as long as this monster can hold our people, then the Russian players can do it. Do something else.

It can be said that the Russian players’ ideas are good, but they were out of luck. We discovered the existence of this monster in advance. As long as we come, with the characteristics of this thing, the Russian players will think about It is not that simple to lead it to our occupied area.

Although he took a look at us, the monster did not immediately attack us, but first killed several nearby Russian players who seduce him. According to Banshee's plan for the frozen Banshee, after this guy leaves the entrance, there will be many Russian players who will attract this thing to attack them in order, thus playing the role of guiding the way forward. However, after killing a few players in a row, the monster finally approached me and Shadow Spring. At this time, the newly-appearing Russian player who was responsible for attracting him was far away from this guy, which obviously exceeded the distance between us and him. , And this time the monster immediately selected the two of us as targets based on the principle of proximity.

The four claws slammed on the ground, and the monster disappeared in an instant, and then suddenly appeared in front of me like a ball of white light and rushed directly on me. This speed has been completely exceeded Human reflexes have increased, but unfortunately I am not a human, so most players can't get out of this guy's movements, but I can react.

Just as the two front paws of that thing put on my shoulders and pulled me towards him, my left hand clasped this guy’s neck at a faster speed, and then The big mouth he wanted to bite was firmly held.

Because the neck was stuck and the head could not be stretched out, the guy had to temporarily give up the attack on me and changed to kicking. The four claws flew out of me with force, and then landed on the ground. glare like a tiger watching his prey. This in one go movement is as fast as if it had been rehearsed beforehand. The shadow spring next to it hadn’t even reacted to what had happened, and the thing had already jumped to the ground in front of us, showing a picture that might rush again at any time. Upcoming posture.

"President, are you okay?" Shadow Spring asked quickly, knowing that I had been attacked once by the movement of that thing.

I shook my head and said: "It's okay, just got caught, nothing at the worst."

"If you are okay then I will flash it first, I will deal with this thing No, it will distract you here."

Shadow Spring is a combat expert, not an ordinary commoner, so knowing that sometimes walking away is the greatest help to others. It's not a good idea to watch as an ally in a battle where you can't get involved. Of course, this also depends on the situation. If there are many people on your side, it doesn’t matter if you are watching. Instead, you can suppress the enemy in an imposing manner, but if there are only a few people, it’s better to stay away, at least you can let the people on your side fight freely.

In the face of the battle between me and this monster, Shadow Spring couldn't get in at all, so her departure was a good thing for me.

No fake politeness, nodded directly. As soon as Shadow Spring saw my actions, a flicker appeared at a place far away from us several hundred meters, and then unfolded the scroll and teleported back. As for the monster, he did not pay attention to Shadow Spring at all. He seemed to be special to me after he appeared. Interested, I don't know that something in my body stimulated him. But as far as the current situation is concerned, it is actually a good thing for this guy to take me as a target.

I was relieved a lot after seeing Shadow Spring completed the teleportation, and focused all my attention on the monster again. The eternity melted silently, slowly flowing away the blades of my body and attaching them to the surface of these weapons. Fighting with this speed-type enemy, the roots of long weapons and other things are a burden, it is better to use the weapons attached to the armor to be more comfortable.

After feeling that eternity is in place, I slowly stretched out my arms and flicked downwards, oh la la, the claws of both hands popped out and locked automatically, and then I suddenly started moving towards that guy Rushed up, and the monster did not hesitate to start a hedge against me.

Because of the hedging, our relative speed is obviously quite fast. A white energy shock wave burst out between me and the monster, who hit each other in the blink of an eye, but I saw it soon The shock waves that came round and round spread out one after another. It was actually a burst of air caused by the many fights between me and the monster, but because the movements were too fast, we couldn't see our movements clearly. I just saw the spread of the shock waves one after another.

In fact, the Russian players over there already reported our situation at the moment when I first played against this monster, and the ice-bound Banshee was half soft after receiving the news, because She knew that since I discovered this monster, it would be not that simple for them to attract this thing to a predetermined location.

Although her heart is very anxious, Frozen Banshee cannot show it at this time, otherwise the people below will naturally become more flustered. As a high-level, she must learn to be calm.

After a little hesitation, Banshee Frozen quickly made the decision to rush to the scene to direct the battle. In fact, she arrived very quickly. After all, she was not far from here. But when Banshee got here, the ice-bound Banshee found that the situation was far more complicated than he thought. The shock waves that erupted in the area where I was fighting with the monster are really not an existence that ordinary people can ignore, and those terrifying shock waves also confirm our battle strength from the side. With such a high battle strength confrontation, even Frozen Banshee himself did not dare to say that he would be able to intervene, let alone other Russian players, so after seeing this situation, Frozen Banshee was more worried than before.

Although I was very worried that I would ruin the plan, but looking foolishly and doing nothing is obviously not the answer, so the ice-bound Banshee quickly witted in an emergency and thought of some ways to interfere with me and that The battle between monsters.

The battle strengths of the monster and I are too high, so most people can't get in. However, teammates in the battle can do more than just rush to help allies block bullets.

The monster came out of the ice cellar, which means he is very adaptable to the World of Ice and Snow environment. Although this place is a snowy field, the temperature is still higher than that of the ice cave, so the first thing Banshee does is to cool it down. She found a lot of wizards of cold ice attribute. This kind of profession is very common in Russia. After all, everyone knows that the weather in this place is cold, and it is normal for natural cold ice attribute to take advantage.

With the cooperation of many mages, the temperature here began to gradually drop, and soon dropped to a very terrifying low temperature state, even the air began to freeze, if it weren’t for me. Wearing the Dragon Soul suit, I don't expect to talk about fighting now, even people are freezing hard.

After fixing the temperature problem, Banshee Frozen began to plan to recruit curses to attack me with spells, but I am not the type who likes to be pitted by others without fighting back. Looking at the ice-bound Banshee not far away, I had a solution with just a turn of my eyes.

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