In fact, our intention is very obvious. The ice-bound Banshee is not blind. Of course, the problem has been discovered long ago, but the key problem is that even if she knows, she can’t stop our traction. , Because this monster’s battle method determines that anyone who gets in can only be killed for nothing, and will not produce any positive effects.

Faced with this situation, the ice-bound Banshee can do is to run ahead of time to prevent his personnel from being involved in the battle, because that would mean a meaningless sacrifice. However, we have been staring at them all the time. We immediately followed their movement trajectory after we discovered that they started running. The devil beast at the back saw the target turning in front and turned around naturally. The result is No matter how you run, the devil beast still follows closely behind those Russian players, and the distance is getting closer and closer.

After discovering this situation, Frozen Banshee finally realized that they would not be able to run away even if they went on like this, and they would definitely be involved in the battle. After hesitating for a few seconds, Banshee Frozen made a great decision, and that was to stay behind.

A sudden stop turned to face my big cat and the devil beast, and at the same time shouted to let the companions accelerate, the ice-bound Banshee blocked the path of the big cat and the monster alone, When waiting for the big cat to back to the mountain, stop them and let his own people take the opportunity to run away.

Although Frozen Banshee has made plans to sacrifice herself, this kind of time can't be done by her alone. Just when the big cat was about to come into contact with the frozen Banshee, the big cat that originally had only two Avatars suddenly flickered. In an instant, the two big cats became four, and then flashed again, and the four became eight. So, when the ice-bound Banshee really comes into contact with them, they will have to face 128 big cats. With so many targets, Banshee simply doesn’t know which one to intercept. Although her range attack is also very sharp, it is a pity that only a small part of them was stopped. Most of the Avatars successfully broke through her blockade. .

The big cat ran past the ice-bound Banshee, but the devil beast did not let the ice-bound Banshee go. In his opinion, as long as it is a living thing, it is the target, so simply don’t need to analyze it. Directly moved towards the nearest ice-bound Banshee and pounced on it.

"Damn it!" Frozen Banshee, who realized that he was in a critical condition, suddenly took a step back. An ice wall appeared in front of her to block the monster's sudden attack, but in the next second the thing was He walked around her back, and the ice-bound Banshee moved quickly and turned around to make a heavy cut. Unfortunately, the thing reacted faster, and temporarily stepped back to avoid the ice-bound Banshee's heavy cut, and then changed the angle a little and then pounced again. Up.

Seeing that the movement was a little unable to keep up with the speed of this thing, the ice-bound Banshee suddenly thrust the ice sword in his hand into the ground, and with a bang, a white ice magic ring spread out. Come, the monster unexpectedly encountered a magical attack and was thrown off for a few somersaults. After a few somersaults, the monster landed smoothly like an elegant cat. The only effect of the cold ice attribute spell on him is physical impact, and the low temperature is not lethal to him at all. of.

Frozen Banshee, who realized that he would be at a disadvantage, turned around and ran after he forced the monster back. He simply didn’t intend to fight with this thing, but the thing moved instantly again and again. He jumped up, but Banshee seemed to be prepared this time, suddenly turned around and slashed through the air with a sword, but the monster just emerged from the attack trajectory, which is equivalent to hitting the ice. Banshee's sword edge, but the reaction of this thing was so fast, it actually bit the sword edge in one bite, and stuck the ice-bound Banshee's path forward.

Frozen Banshee reacted quickly after discovering that the weapon was bitten, so he simply let go of one hand and slapped the monster’s forehead with the other, and only heard a click. , The place where the monster's forehead was photographed instantly grew a large piece of ice crystals and quickly spread to the whole body of this guy. Realizing the danger, the monster immediately kicked the ground to face backwards in two consecutive big jumps and pulled apart, and then suddenly shouted at the ice-bound Banshee. The ring-shaped shock waves that can be seen directly with naked eye are like sound waves. Just like a cannon, he directly threw the ice-bound Banshee a few somersaults out. Frozen Banshee, who had not yet fully stabilized his figure, wanted to get up and fight again, but soon realized that this would not work, so he took the opportunity to stand firm and withstand the attack with his back, and was beaten out for dozens of meters. I took advantage of the opportunity to distance himself from that thing.

The idea of ​​freezing Banshee is very good, but it’s a pity that the speed of the thing is too fast, and the distance does not make much sense to him. Although it is a distance, it will be glued in the next second. , Simply can't get rid of it.

Just when I was in a bitter battle on the frozen Banshee, I was able to look at a big tree two kilometers away, but suddenly I felt that a huge energy field was forming rapidly behind me. I was so frightened that I hurriedly turned over from the trunk. Before landing, the person turned around in the air and turned around and threw the sword glow out. But behind, I only heard the sound of the trunk being cut with a click, and no one was found. Hit the sound.

Although I didn't hit the target, the energy fluctuations in my induction did not disappear. On the contrary, this energy field is still increasing, and there is a tendency to get stronger and stronger. Such a terrifying energy field must represent a super battle strength, so I didn’t stay in place at all. I jumped back several times to separate the distance, and then turned on all the anti-stealth and anti-illusion abilities, but I found it In the place where I was up ahead more than a dozen meters away, there was a humanoid object floating there. It seemed to be a humanoid creature in armor, because the proportions of the limbs were all normal.

The other party realized that my eyes had been staring in this direction and immediately realized that I had been discovered, so he no longer remained invisible and directly exposed his figure. At this time, when I saw the whole picture of this guy, I It was stunned for a moment.

The combat unit that appeared in front of him seemed to belong to the melee class, because his armor was also a fully enclosed structure. However, although this guy's armor looks like a combat armor, I'm not sure because there are so many strange places on this guy.

First of all, this person's height is relatively normal, wearing armor is about 1.8 meters, this height is relatively ordinary in Europe. The sturdy limbs seem to be the standard of a normal man. They don't have that kind of muscle, but they are slightly slender, but they don't give people a very fragile feeling. On the whole, his armor is designed in a simple style. It is the opposite of my dragon soul suit. You can hardly see any carvings on this armor. Unlike my armor, the surface is either embossed or engraved. The manufacturing process is so complicated that it is dizzying to see. This set of things on this guy looks quite smooth and tidy, giving people a modern and concise feel, the lines are very smooth, even with a little sense of technology.

Actually, I am still not sure whether this guy is a player or some kind of combat machine, because this thing does not feel like a player, but rather a robot. Although the surface of his succinctly designed armor has no embossments or gravures, it is inlaid with a lot of light bands. This light strip is embedded in the surface of the armor, not embossed, but kept in a plane with the surface of the armor, but because this line is always lit with blue light, it looks like a trendy electronic product surface. It’s the same kind of decorative lights, except that there are not only a lot of lights on this guy’s body, but also a complex array of magic. I seem to have seen this mixture of technology and magic before. It’s just for a while. I can't remember it sometimes.

The unidentified existence hovering in midair just stopped there. Since his eyepiece is a V-shaped crystal strip, I can’t see where his eyes are looking. Knowing that he is probably staring at me, because I can feel that the other party's energy field has been locked on me.

After a stalemate for a few seconds, the light bands on the opponent's body suddenly lit up. Almost at the same time, the guy suddenly appeared in front of me without warning. This ability was actually similar to the devil beast just now.

I didn’t realize that the other party would suddenly appear in front of me. I suddenly realized that the distant target suddenly came in front of me. I almost instinctively hid back a bit, which saved my life. . There was a transparent and unknown attack trajectory in front of the opponent without warning. The thing slashed past me, and the end rubbed on the surface of my armor, making a string of sparks and a rather harsh sound, but because I dodged One click, so it didn't make a full hit. After the side force was applied, instead of cutting into the armor, it pushed me out.

Realizing that the attack method of this thing is quite weird, I simply followed the intensity of the attack and turned back three consecutive backhands to spread the distance, and then stood up again to face this thing, just let me not 't expect that the opponent was forced to come up again while I was flipping backwards, but I had no choice but to stop and fight, because the opponent's speed of floating in the air was obviously faster than my somersault speed. attack.

I posted the thing just after I stood there, and then suddenly two robot-like things popped out of the back without any warning, and there was still something on the front end of the two robot arms. The sharp long blade hit my head directly and cut it off.

I found this situation unambiguous. I squatted down to avoid the cross-cut of the two long knives, and then bounced a Soaring Heavens Fist from the ground and hit the guy’s chin. Smashed up. However, the result surprised me. Just when I was about to hit the target, I felt a barrier blocking my fist. At the same time, the blue light on that guy suddenly became extremely bright, and I was suddenly caught without warning. It was knocked out, without even knowing what it was.

"Damn, what the hell is this?" I rolled my head and flew out dozens of meters away and then crawled out of the snowdrift, while shaking off the snow on my body, I said to myself NS. The thing in front of me is completely beyond the scope of my attempts, no matter whether it is attack or defense, there is no trace of it, and even the way of moving is strange. After playing for so long, I am not even sure if this is a player or an NPC or simply a man-made item like a mobile angel.

I am struggling here, but the thing that didn't expect drifted over slowly, and the guy actually spoke to me. "Everyone says Purple Moon is the number one player in the world. Didn't expect only this! What's the matter? This is not working?"

Okay, now I'm sure, this product is just this Players, NPCs and artifacts will not talk like this.

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