Shadow Spring did not answer my question about her injury, but directly said: "This injury is not a problem, but you had better prepare quickly. The Russians have prepared a copy for us. Great gift."

"Big gift? You mean they are working on some kind of plan?" Gold coin asked.

Shadow Spring nodded and said: "After I went to investigate, I found that the other party was carrying out some kind of large-scale operation, so I went to look at it and found that they were looking for a special devil beast."

"Special devil beast? What devil beast is worthy of them giving up blocking our expansion action to catch this devil beast?" I asked with some doubts.

Yingquan shook his head and said: "I don't know how to say it. Actually, I didn't see what it looked like, but thanks to not seeing it, I just touched it a little bit."

After seeing Yingquan’s injuries, I now have a general impression of the battle strength of that thing. Although Shadow Spring cannot be regarded as a Peak player, because it belongs to a special type of player with more specialization, the actual battle strength is not as low as the battle strength ranking. On the contrary, the actual battle strength of Shadow Spring is much higher than her ranking. After all, assassin players like her who use sneak attacks as the main battle method have a very high crit rate. If one inadvertently catches a critical attack by her and then encounters a crit double, it might be a second. Of course, the defense of assassin itself is very weak, and it takes only a second to get caught by the opponent. Therefore, it is difficult to determine the professional battle strength of assassin. It is not a problem to kill the opponent's main player with good luck. normal.

However, anyway, Shadow Spring’s agility and concealment abilities are there. Such an attribute is made like this just by looking at it from a distance. The battle strength of that thing is absolutely It's pretty scary.

"What did you see when you were in contact?" Rose asked.

Shadow Spring thought for a while and said, "Actually, I didn’t see anything. I knew it was probably a devil beast, and the color of the body surface should be white, not too big. , But not small, it should be regarded as the larger type of the medium-sized devil beast. The speed is very fast, which is certain. It seems to have the area attack ability and the regional suppression skills. I have not seen it before the attribute is It's beginning to be affected."

"So awesome?" Zhen Hong asked in surprise.

Yingquan immediately said: "You know by looking at me."

After a little thought, I looked towards Shadowquan, and then asked: "You know Russia What are people looking for this thing for?"

"Of course, this is the important information I found." Shadow Spring said: "They seem to be planning to use this monster's active attack feature to draw it out of the original Leveling area, and they also prepared a lot of players to attract targets along the way. If I guess correctly, they intend to lead the devil beast to the area occupied by us and let it attack us actively."

"It's just a devil beast, can it affect our expansion plan?" Gold coin said with disdain.

After listening to the rose, she suddenly said: "No, this devil beast might be really okay."

"Do you know this thing?" As soon as I heard the rose, I just said I think she knows this thing.

Sure enough, Rose nodded and said: "I saw it when I was sorting out the information. This devil beast is very famous in Russia. One item is come and go without a shadow or trace. It is known that the battle strength is very exaggerated. Everyone who has been to the activity area of ​​the thing has not taken advantage of it, and has not even really hit it a few times, every time it just wiped it."

" Is it so strong?"

"I don't know if it is very strong or not. I know that this thing has never been defeated in Russia, among which is included ice-bound Banshee."


"I tried the ice-bound Banshee's battle strength, and it is indeed very strong. If she can't even work, the battle strength of this thing is quite impressive." I said.

Christina asked suddenly: "Can we work together to deal with this thing?"

"It should be possible." I am not sure: "The details are still It depends on the type of battle of this thing. The current intelligence is too little to be sure. However, I feel that instead of planning how to kill this thing, it is better to directly destroy the Russian attraction plan and direct this thing to the Russians. On my own territory, when the time comes, let’s see what they do."

After hearing what I said, Rose and they all felt very reasonable. Christina said: "Since this is the case, why don't we act now? No matter what? No matter how powerful that thing is, just don't let it run into our control area."

"But it seems like we can't do it ourselves, right?" Zhenhong asked.

"This is also true!" I said with some embarrassment: "We can't ask our guild people to fill it with our lives like the Russians. They are forced to do so. We don't have such a big crisis. It doesn’t make sense to do it like this! And this thing is an active attack type, which means that no matter who leads it, it will inevitably be chased. As long as the person is not sacrificed directly, it must be something that can hold it. The attacker. But according to Yingquan’s statement, we may simply not be able to handle this attack, so this plan does not seem to be easy to handle!"

"If you don’t want to go, I can go Yes."

"If you don't want to go, I can go." Zhenhong volunteered.

I shook my head and said, "It's not that we don't want to die, but we are worried about this meaningless loss." After I explained it, I said again: "If it's really impossible, let me come. Anyway, I have so many demon pets. , It’s really impossible. I can separate a few familiars and go out to attract the attention of that thing. I can still run away."

Although I said so, everyone also said sorry, "Then you "Go" in this case, but Rose doesn't care, and directly opens the mouth and said: "That's it. Purple Moon, you go to attract the attention of that thing, grab the hatred and bring it directly to the Russian control zone. Now, how to deal with that thing is not our business."

After the plan is made, the defense and development work of Isengard Mobile Fortress is handed over to Rose and the others to manage, and I am I was accompanied by Shadow Spring to the area occupied by the Russians. After all, only Shadow Spring really saw the thing here, so it would be better for her to lead the way.

I have to say that the Russians are still very fast, because when Shadow Spring and I rushed to the ice cellar, the thing had been drawn out, and it was now wandering at the entrance of the cave. Obviously he was hesitant to leave the ice cellar. However, after only hesitating for half a minute, this thing was completely controlled by my own desire to fight, and he gave up the old nest and ran out after the guy who was constantly posing provocative poses in front, as long as the Russians used the baton next. By attracting this thing one by one, it can be said to lead to our territory, but since I am here, it is impossible to let them do it again.

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