Ice-bound Banshee. After they planned the plan, they were busy implementing this plan. To implement this plan, you need to send a large number of people down to the ice cellar to find that. Strange strong demon beast. Because this matter consumed a lot of manpower from the Russian side and attracted the attention of Banshee to the frozen Banshee, our expansion and aggression plan turned into a state of unregulated. Of course, I don’t mean that there is no one on our side, but that the enemy does not care.

There is no one who cares about the defense problem. Our expansion naturally becomes the same as the reclaiming of wasteland. No one cares about what we are doing. As a result, our development naturally becomes abnormally smooth. No matter what you do, you can come at will, and you don’t have to worry about the Russians being harassed, because they never came.

However, although the situation seems to be very good, Rose and I are quite annoying. The so-called not being in their place and not pursuing their politics, the following people only need to do their own things with peace of mind. They don’t have to worry about anything at all. But as leaders, we can’t feel at home wherever one is like this. We must be forward-looking. It would be better to be able to predict the future like a magic stick. Of course, neither Rose nor I have the ability to predict the future. Although the prophet system of Nuwa can predict the future within a certain range, it is actually very small and the prediction time is very short, and every time half of the Nanjing city is started, there will be power outages, which is definitely a big project. Although Rose and I have completed the Dragon Clan transformation, large programs such as the Prophet system cannot run with our electronic brain.

Although we can't be as noble as Nuwa's prophet system, it is speculated that many people have this kind of ability, but the accuracy is different. Rose and I think we are both masters who can pinch and count. Therefore, at this time, the Russians, who should have been very reactive, are extremely quiet. Such an abnormal situation naturally cannot be regarded as our own good luck. We must speculate. Fan.

However, speculation requires a certain amount of information to support it. If you don’t know anything, just guess at random, that’s called speculation.

Under the current situation, the resistance of Russia is inevitable. It is as if you are stabbing someone with a knife, and the other party has already been stabbed by you. How could there be no response? If the other party did not immediately start to resist, it can only mean that he is looking for a weapon to take advantage of, and in this matter, it is basically certain that the Russians should be planning some way to break our expansion plan in one fell swoop, or even It is quite possible that this plan will succeed, otherwise it is impossible to explain why the Russians would give up blocking our expansion for such a plan.

Because there is such a pre-inference, Rose and I have a headache now. According to this pre-inference, there should be some kind of huge crisis approaching, but the problem is that our ability to obtain intelligence on the Russian side is basically zero, so we can't guess what they are planning. As the offensive side, we will destroy our own eyeliner and intelligence collection route after we have destroyed a large number of actual presence of the enemy. This is a problem that the victorious side will inevitably face, and it can also be regarded as the natural advantage of the invaded side. But the current situation can confirm that the Russians must be planning something, but we have no intelligence at all, which is quite annoying.

"We can't wait like this." Rose said: "You can't send someone to conduct battlefield reconnaissance, right?"

"It doesn't make much sense to conduct battlefield reconnaissance at this time, right?" As I said, I looked towards a player on the other side and asked: "Where is the giant mosquito outpost now?"

"Report to the president, the giant mosquito outpost is still in Europe. I want to come back. It takes at least one day."

"Really, why did the giant mosquito outpost go so far away at this time?" I complained.

The eagle stood up and said: "Don’t blame them, I let the giant mosquito outpost pass by. I heard that some guilds in Europe are infiltrating the mines controlled by our guild, so I just Let the giant mosquito outpost go over to see the situation, didn't expect this situation suddenly happened here!"

"I don't blame anyone, just complain, don't care." I finished again. looked towards Zhenhong and asked: "Where are you Senior Sister?"

"It seems to be on Isinger's side. Why? The president wants her to get information?"

True The red Senior Sister is Shadow Spring, the assassin with the best penetration ability in the industry. Although the battle strength cannot be said to be the number one in the assassin world, the ability to conceal and penetrate is unsurpassed. It can be said that as long as she does not want to be discovered, you will not find out where she is before she puts the knife on your neck. . Moreover, Shadow Springs and True Red have strong body refinement, so the battle strength is a lot higher than the average player under the same attribute, even if it encounters a high level BOSS, it has a fighting power.

I heard that Yingquan was at home, I immediately said: "Yes, tell her to come right away, I have an important task for her."

"Is it really important?" Zhenhong asked: "If it's really important, I can use the jade talisman given by the master to summon her directly."

"It's very important. If you have any method, use it right away, if it's a time. Sex equipment, I will compensate you later."

"That won't be enough." Zhenhong said: "Our jade talisman is given by the master, so I can summon each other to my side. It can repeat itself. The only drawback is that the cooling time is as high as one month."

"Then call her over immediately."

With the red jade talisman, Shadow Spring will soon I was summoned directly, and the shadow spring that just appeared was half-faced, holding two inverted blades in his hand and hung on the ground in a squatting position, giving people a kind of cobra that was coiled up and ready to attack. a feeling of.

Although he was very alert when he first appeared, Shadow Spring reacted quickly and immediately realized that it was not a dangerous environment, so after a large number of people around, he immediately looked towards me and shouted He said hello: "President."

Shadow Spring’s reaction was obviously rather cold, but it was a character issue, and I didn’t care about it. I said directly, “I have a task for you when I came to you.” After I finished speaking, I directly compared the current situation with Shadow Spring probably said something, and Shadow Spring immediately nodded and said after listening: "The mission is clear." After speaking, she just turned around and disappeared.

"I rely on, this speed..."

"Hey hey hey, what shall we do now? Just wait?" Gold coin asked immediately when he saw Shadow Springs gone road.

Rose thought for a while and said: "Of course we can’t wait. The basic defense still has to be carried out, and the state of tightness on the outside must be shown. In addition, I suggest you high level players do not Disperse, gather, and wait for news. Once the Russians launch an attack, you gather together to be an Iron Fist that is no stronghold one cannot overcome. No matter what plan they have, you just need to run over."

Although the words of Rose are crazy, they are not exaggerated at all. Christina, Real Red, and Gold Coin are among the top five in the battle strength list, and some of the high level fighters in our guild are in the vicinity, plus Matsumoto Masaga and August Kazuo who can be called at any time. , And the gun gods who have just joined our alliance. This large group of super high level players gathered together, it is indeed possible to gods block then kill gods if Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas.

After discussing this matter, everyone gathered together and waited for the news according to Rose's request, and this was actually a day.

"Damn, did you make a mistake?" Zhen Hong lay on a chair and said, "Boss, is the Russian side planning to break the can? Why don't you even have a reaction? "

"That's right! It's been a day. What is this busy? Even our enemies who hit the door don't care about it!"

"Right. Really red, you Didn't Senior Sister go to listen to the news? Why haven't you come back?" Gold coin looked at the real red and asked.

"How do I know?" Zhenhong is also quite helpless. Because it is an extraordinary period, we require that the senior staff in the guild must be online for a long time, so that in addition to offline to solve the problem of domestic demand, everyone even sleeps in the game. On the one hand, it is natural to use the game. The internal sleep assist function helps to increase the quality of sleep, but on the other hand, it is also afraid that there will be no one in case something happens. We can wake them up while sleeping in the game. If we go to sleep offline, that's not necessarily the case.

"What should we do now?" Christina glanced at me and asked: "You can't always stay in a daze here, right?"

Because I don’t know when the enemy will launch a counterattack. , So the high-level personnel on our side are afraid to leave, they are all gathered here without moving. And because the Russian side did not interfere with us at all, our expansion operations were extremely smooth, and apart from the conflict with the devil beast, almost no fighting took place. Under this circumstance, we people naturally have nothing to do, and we can only stay in a daze here. We can't help with construction. We can't do anything without fighting. If we go to other places to level up and do tasks, we are afraid that we will not be able to return in an emergency. As a result, we can only wait here. If the time is short, it's fine, but this wait is one day, and no one can stand it!

It’s not bad, just after Christina’s question, before I had time to answer, Shadow Spring suddenly came back, and he fell from in midair with a wound. .

"Chairman, emergency."

"What's wrong with you? What did you find out?" I asked in surprise looking at the bruised Yingquan. .

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