Although Banshee Bing said that everyone should find a way, but the situation is so unfavorable, the way is naturally not so easy to think about. Everyone didn't know what to say except for a moment of silence.

This deadly depressive atmosphere lasted for nearly ten minutes before it was suddenly broken by a person's yelling.

"Ah, there is."

"What is there?" Frozen Banshee looked angrily towards the yelling guy. After a few minutes of silence, the guy suddenly yelled out, and everyone was startled.

"There is a way." Without paying attention to the expression on the frozen Banshee, the guy shouted excitedly: "I have a way."

"Come on. What way?" I heard that I came up with a way, and Banshee Frozen wouldn't be angry anymore. Everyone looked at this guy excitedly and waited for his answer.

After hearing Banshee’s question, the guy didn’t directly tell him how to do it. Instead, he asked, “I don’t know if you still remember the icy cellar in Siberia?”< /p>

Suddenly heard such a question, everyone who was waiting for the answer was taken aback, because they didn't expect the other party to jump so much, and suddenly asked such a question that seemed unrelated.

Speaking of which This ice cellar is also considered a slightly famous place in Russia, and the reason is that this place is recognized by Russian players as the most difficult copy.

Actually, the ice cellar is a huge underground passage group, which is inhabited by a large number of ice attribute monsters, and the area of ​​this underground passage group is incomparable gigantic. It is still uncertain how large the total area is. Because the passages in many directions have not seen the end, and the low temperature environment and the huge number of monsters inside have caused the extremely harsh environment here. The average player here is simply impossible to move a single step.

Of course, there are players who go to difficult maps, such as ice-bound Banshee high level players, sometimes it’s necessary to practice in places with high monster levels and high density. After all, if the monster's strength is too low, it means that the EXP is not high, so high-level players like to find this kind of place to practice. And, because there are extra rewards for opening a map, everyone is keen to explore places that no one has been to.

For this reason, the Ice Cellar has also been explored by many high level players. Among them, the ice-bound Banshee has tried this place many times. However, even though the ice-bound Banshee, which claims to be able to compete with me in the icy zone, has been planted many times in the icy cellar, the reason for all this is because of one or the other. Kind of monster.

This creature is an ice attribute devil beast, similar in appearance to a big cat, with a body shape between a tiger and a leopard. However, this guy didn't have markings on his body, but was covered with white hair from head to tail, and no miscellaneous hair was visible.

Although I have witnessed and fought against this creature many times, neither the ice-bound Banshee nor the Russian high level players who are here to stumble upon it know whether they encountered one of a certain monster of a certain series or There is only this monster, because they have never defeated this thing.

Those who have never played virtual online games may not quite clear. Various game maps actually have their own combat characteristics. In addition to the various attributes on the surface, each map area has its own characteristics. For example, air warfare focuses on speed and long-range attack power and accuracy, naval warfare focuses on large corps cooperation, and land warfare focuses on team cooperation and battle formation. In this underground battle environment, the most important thing is personal strength.

It’s different from ground warfare, because under ground fighting is limited by space, the space you can avoid is very small, you can’t fly, you can’t move left and right, either forward or backward, so you must have enough Defensive and offensive capabilities, and must be able to deal with various problems alone, because the space in the tunnels of Underground World is too narrow and it is very difficult to cooperate. , So everyone’s battle strength must be high enough.

Because the battle in Underground World requires personal strength, and there are too many people to give it any advantage, when facing the unknown devil beast, they can only face the enemy alone in the ice-bound Banshee. Even if you want to use the human sea tactics, you can’t use it, and the strength of the ice-bound Banshee is not the opponent of that thing. As a result, they played a lot of times, but they didn’t take advantage of it. A few people ran out. So in this case, there is simply no way to confirm whether they encountered the same monster.

According to the information they currently have in the frozen Banshee, this monster either has a large range of activities or a large ethnic group with a wide range of distribution. Anyway, they have been in many places in this ice cellar. I have encountered this thing, and the distance between the two furthest points in the passage exceeds 300 kilometers. With such a large range of activities, there is no way to determine the whereabouts of this thing. Every time you accidentally hit this thing, you basically win a lottery. However, this prize is not a good thing, but to send you back to the city for free.

Suddenly asked about the ice cellar, Banshee Frozen and their first reaction was to think of this monster, and then looked towards this guy together. Frozen Banshee asked, "What are you talking about?" She really doesn't know what this guy means, because although the ice cellar is dangerous, we won't go to death stupidly, so this is also for them. It doesn't make any sense.

Seeing that everyone didn’t understand, the guy simply said directly: "Aiya, don’t you guys still don’t understand? That snow-white guy has a high battle strength. You have personally experienced the ice-bound Banshee president. Yes, the battle strength definitely surpasses the player’s level. Even Purple Moon shouldn’t take advantage, right?"

Ice-bound Banshee thought for a while and said: "If Purple Moon’s battle strength is only The words that were shown when I was fighting with me are definitely not the opponent of that thing. No, it should be said that even three or four Purple Moons will not work together."

The player said immediately after hearing this:" That's it. The battle strength of that thing is super strong, even if it's like Purple Moon, three or five are nothing difficult, so this thing should have the ability to completely disrupt the Frost Rose League action plan."

"But what about this?" A Russian player asked: "This thing doesn't listen to control, Purple Moon, they won't be stupid, right? They drill into that ice cellar by themselves. No matter how powerful it is, it is useless. "

"No, it works." Bingfeng Banshee suddenly shouted because she had just figured it out. Because I have actually played against this thing, Banshee's understanding of it is relatively comprehensive. This thing is not only super strong in battle strength, but also has the characteristic of being quite bloodthirsty. It likes to attack actively, and will never let go of any target that appears within its sight range. This is also the reason why they have suffered heavy losses after freezing Banshee every time they encountered this thing. However, in a sense, the topographic structure of the ice cellar just limits this characteristic, because the naturally formed underground passage is not straight, but almost all curves, so as long as the distance is a little farther, sometimes it will be 20 meters apart. No one can be seen. In addition, there are a lot of side roads in this place. Every time you encounter this monster, everyone runs separately. This will ensure that you will survive a few good luck. Otherwise, in the open area, this thing will definitely kill as many as you come. Without leaving.

Because this thing is extremely bloodthirsty and will not miss any visible targets, Banshee Frozen suddenly wanted to understand what the player meant. He wanted to lead this thing out, lead it directly to the occupied area, and let it fight with us.

This thing has such a strong killing characteristic, it is actually very easy to attract him. It only needs to arrange more people and then lead the thing to move one by one. It will definitely chase it desperately. Then, as long as there is no interruption in the middle, this guy will be gradually attracted. Of course, the cost of this method is not small, because the speed of this thing is very fast, so many people will definitely die along the way. Moreover, this monster is not the only one in this ice cellar, so in order to find this thing, a lot of sacrifices must be paid. However, this loss is completely negligible compared to the lethality caused by this thing after it reaches the places we occupy.

"It seems that the president understands." The person who proposed the solution looked at the ice-bound Banshee and knew she had figured it out.

Frozen Banshee nodded said: "You intend to let us sacrifice some people to find this thing, and then lead it out, pull it all the way to the area occupied by the Frost Rose League, and then use the killing characteristics of this thing. Let him kill him in the control area of ​​the Frost Rose League, right?"

"haha, the president is indeed the president, and that's what I mean. With the battle strength of that thing, I got there. Bian must be like entering the land of no one, and it can definitely cause chaos to the other party. What we have to do is to wait for the result. If Purple Moon can't beat that thing, it's simple, wait for that thing to chase Frost Rose all the way. People, killing all the people over there will kill them all the way towards China. When the time comes, it has nothing to do with us. As for Purple Moon can hold this monster, then we need to take advantage of Purple Moon launches an attack when he is entangled, so that at least the strongest battle strength of the Frost Rose League will not play any role at all. It is also a good thing for us, isn't it?"

Frozen Banshee nodded Said: "The method is good, we can start the action now, but the coordination work must be done well. There is nothing inside the ice cellar. Once this guy comes out, there must be no people around to interfere with our actions. Once this thing is not cited Going to the Frost Rose League’s territory, but killing it on our territory, then we are really making trouble for ourselves."

"This president can rest assured, as long as we are near the exit All the personnel within the scope of sight were cleared out, and isolation areas were set up along the way, all personnel were isolated, and only the bait was used to attract the other party’s attention, so that they could be taken all the way to the chassis of the Frost Rose League. when the time comes… …Hehehe, there will be a good show."

"That's OK, let's do it like this. It's time to let the people of the Frost Rose League know that we are great."


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