Chapter One Hundred 51: The Big Trouble

The sudden attack on Giant Butterfly City is quite strange. It's not that the Giant Butterfly City itself is special, the key is the location of the attack.

Before, the giant butterfly city came to Russia because of the congestion in the Transmission Formation of Isengard Mobile Fortress, and we also hope that we can start mining minerals as soon as possible, so we want to use the border between China and Russia. The advantage of direct air transportation from domestic

a batch of equipment.

This idea was originally no problem, and most of the routes of the giant butterfly city flight are in the country, and after entering Russia, it does not need to go to the front line, but will sail in our control area. In this way, even if there is no guarantee that there will be no hostile forces on the lower flight

line, at least it can be guaranteed that there will be no large-scale attacks. Although the giant butterfly city among the insect fortresses in our guild belongs to the type that is easier to be attacked, its size is large, the defense is low, and the flying speed is slow.

these all are its shortcomings. But no matter how bad it is, it is also our fortress, a large war machine. If this thing is attacked by individual players, it is almost impossible. Being able to be attacked means that the attacker must be a high level existence like me, or that this attacker is not one or two people, but a large group of people.

I think it's impossible to say that it was attacked by a single player.

The Russian side is currently being invaded by us. If Russia has any spare capacity, it must be the priority to intercept our people. It makes no sense to run to our back to do this kind of action, because even if it is relieving a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers

, this kind of thing is completely impossible. After all, since we launched the whole world players to participate in this invasion, the enemy of Russia is not only our family. In this case, relieving a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers is meaningless, because players in all countries of the world have their own weaknesses, and attacking the cities behind our Frost Rose League is at best It will distract us temporarily, and simply cannot solve Russia’s current troubles. So, this is unlikely to be the action of the Russian players.

If it is not a single expert on the Russian side, then group actions are even more impossible. The amount of battle strength in Russia is just that, and the lack of strength is worse than that of high-level players, so the same principle is still true. Such as

If there are people in Russia, it will definitely not be used here.

Since it is not a single high level player from Russia, and it is not their main force, the team that can appear here seems rather strange. All foreign players who arrive on the battlefield through the Isengard Mobile Fortress have signed the Joint Defense Association

, which means that these people don’t say they attack us, even if they see us being attacked, they will be rescued. Obligation, naturally it is even more impossible to attack us proactively. After all, the system agreement is not a display, it is a practical and binding thing.

Then, if the person who did not reach this side through Isengard Mobile Fortress, then it can only be said that the other party came by himself.

Being able to come to Russia on our own, and also attacked our giant butterfly city, this shows that the attackers should not be a large group of personnel, but a small number of elite, because if a large group of people smuggled into Russia, we did not There is no news at all.

Ah. Moreover, the organization and operation of large groups of people are very difficult, so if a large group of people attacked Giant Butterfly City, it can only show that the other party has the ability to predict, otherwise how could they just block here and attack our Giant Butterfly City ?

After all, the movement speed of Giant Butterfly City is not slow. This guy's slow speed is only relative to other insect castles, the real movement speed of this giant butterfly city is not slow at all.

Since those possibilities have been ruled out, the only possibility that I can think of now is only individual attackers from abroad. The battle strength of a single player or a few players can pose a threat to the giant butterfly city. This person’s battle strength is definitely very impressive, and it will definitely not be the kind of melee player, because the giant butterfly city It is a high-speed moving object in the air. The first necessary condition for the opponent to attack Giant Butterfly City is that he must be able to fly.

There are not many people I can think of for this situation, and now there is a qualified guy who happens to be in Russia.

"Damn it, it won't be that guy again! What happened to this guy recently?" After muttering a few words to myself, I flew directly towards the problematic place in Giant Butterfly City In the past, and because it was not far away, I soon discovered the giant butterfly city that was attacked.

When I arrived at the scene, Giant Butterfly City was constantly flying forward with smoke. From here, we can clearly see that at least six large holes appeared on the giant wings of Giant Butterfly City. , Is dragging the billowing smoke forward. I have to say that the giant

The Survival Ability of the Butterfly City is also quite strong, the wings are beaten like this and it can actually fly, and it seems that the speed is not too slow. It is estimated that the attacker himself is quite depressed now, because from the point of view of the attack position, the other party’s purpose is not to sink the giant butterfly city, but to snatch the contents inside, or intend to capture the giant butterfly. City, after all, the opponent’s attack position is all wings. If one or two is an accident, then there are so many attacks, and none of them hits the main part of the center, which shows that the opponent is intentional. To keep the giant butterfly city.

From the attack method of the other party, it can be determined that Giant Butterfly City has not been severely damaged. Although it looks like a lot of smoke, it is actually caused by some parts of the fire. It should not be really big. The question, otherwise the Giant Butterfly City should have fallen down like Aisin's mobile fortress.

In fact, the difference between Giant Butterfly City and Isengard Mobile Fortress is that Giant Butterfly City has certain biological characteristics, so it has one more self-repair ability than Isengard Mobile Fortress. As long as the area to be destroyed is not large, Giant Butterfly City can repair itself after getting enough energy to recharge

, although this speed will not be too fast, it is still possible to do some emergency treatment in the air of. Moreover, compared with Isengard Mobile Fortress, Giant Butterfly City has an excellent aerodynamic shape. The Isenger Mobile Fortress can only fall from the air like a rock when it encounters a problem, but the Giant Butterfly City can still slide and land in the air relying on the action of its huge wings. In contrast, Giant Butterfly City is indeed much stronger than Isinger’s Mobile Fortress in terms of flying ability.

However, even though the flying ability of Giant Butterfly City is much stronger than that of Isengard Mobile Fortress, Giant Butterfly City is still relatively fragile after all. If it is attacked by such a counterattack, it will sooner or later fall. No wonder they desperately asked for help here.

After seeing the giant butterfly city here, I hurriedly speeded up and let the flying birds rush past, but when my side was about to reach the giant butterfly city side, I happened to see from behind the giant butterfly city side Suddenly a straight green beam shot out from the ground,

This beam directly penetrated the stomach balance bar of Giant Butterfly City, and then I saw a sudden ejection from the tail of Giant Butterfly City. A large group of flames, and then the entire giant butterfly city began to tilt to the right in the air and gradually crooked.

Although the butterfly-shaped giant butterfly city does not have a tail section thruster, this location is equipped with a rather special device. This thing is mainly responsible for controlling the steering of the giant butterfly city, and at the same time it has a certain balance and stabilization effect.

And the light beam just now accurately exploded this thing, which led to the whole Giant Butterfly City lost its direction and began to fall.

I was shocked when I saw the giant butterfly city begin to fall, because this giant butterfly city does not have the emergency landing system of Isinger Mobile Fortress, although the giant butterfly city is better than Isinger Mobile Fortress. There is an extra gliding function, but Isengard Mobile Fortress has emergency braking, but Giant Butterfly City does not. Besides, the direction control system of Giant Butterfly City has been broken, and the aerodynamic shape in a constant right-handed state actually does not have much effect.

Fortunately, although it looks scary like this, it is probably the people inside Giant Butterfly City who have adjusted their posture. From a distance, watching Giant Butterfly City, which turned to the right and fell, suddenly stopped before it touched the ground. Tilted, and then started to stabilize the course again, only

is not pulled up.

Seeing this situation, I finally felt relieved, and then I fixed my gaze directly on the spot where the beam flew before.

With the power of thunder, I directly let Asuka throw me from the air to the jungle, and after I landed, the huge shock wave even knocked down the nearby numbers. , It can be seen how big the impact I came down this time. However,

Although I came here with anger, but after I came down, I found that I couldn't find the target of venting at all, because there was no one in it.

"The bastard is hiding his head and showing his tail. Come out soon." I started yelling when I found no one, but I don’t know if the other party ran away or it’s really good for Qi Gongfu. Anyway, no matter what I say to the other party Just won't come out.

In the face of this situation, I am also a little at a loss, but I know that I must never relax at this time, otherwise it is very likely to be attacked by lurking enemies.

Although I also knew the key to this, and carefully searched this place for a while, but after that, I searched in place for more than ten minutes without finding any suspicious targets. Confidently, I'm relatively comfortable with my search results. So I started to practice asking about the attackers on the giant butterfly city, but the giant butterfly city said that I had not been attacked since I arrived.

This strange reaction can only show two possibilities. Either the opponent ran away, or he was afraid of my strength and did not dare to appear, and the opponent must have the ability to evade my detection technique.

Although this probability is very low, the current situation illustrates the problem very well. The other party must have one of the above two situations, otherwise it is impossible to explain why the person disappeared.

After a few minutes of continuing to search, I finally gave up searching for this place, because such a search was obviously meaningless, but soon I knew why no one was found.

"What did you say?" When I heard the voice of the communicator, my voice was instantly higher by an octave.

Military God said in the communicator: "I'm very sorry, this is the truth. The Transnational Transmission Formation in Isengard Mobile Fortress is currently in a paralyzed state."

"What the hell are you What? Why is Isinger Mobile Fortress attacked? Haven't the enemies been expelled? And so many of our Alliance forces nearby, how could the enemy touch the vicinity of Isinger Mobile Fortress?"

"I don’t know how the opponent got to the Isinger Mobile Fortress, but I can be sure that the opponent used a special, unknown method to move to the Isinger Mobile Fortress. Isinger Mobile

The fortress is currently acting as a transportation hub. The abnormally chaotic situation of entering and exiting personnel has taken advantage of our inspection loopholes to mix into the Isinger Mobile Fortress, and then launched terror. Attack."

Yes, the news that the military god just told me is that the transnational Transmission Formation inside Isengard Mobile Fortress was attacked by a terrorist. At present, Isengard Mobile Fortress itself is not a big problem. Singh Mobile Fortress is a fortified city, and its own construction standards are quite abnormal. Besides, the materials used to build Isengard’s mobile fortress are also good things I extorted from Celestial Court, so this degree of solidity is naturally very exaggerated.

However, although the other side's terrorist attack did not cause any harm to Isengard Mobile Fortress itself, it destroyed the Transnational Transmission Formation. Fortunately in the misfortune, the people who came to carry out the terrorist attack were not professional enough, and the knowledge was too good.

He erroneously decided the time of the explosion, and even attempted to use the time during the transmission process to detonate the bomb to reimburse the transnational Transmission Formation inside Isengard Mobile Fortress and the transnational Transmission Formation that did not know where on the other side. However, what he doesn’t know

is that when Transmission Formation is started, what’s on Transmission Formation is actually neither on the transnational Transmission Formation on the transmitting end nor on the transnational Transmission Formation on the receiving end. In the Void Channel.

It can be said that transnational Transmission Formation, like most Transmission Formations, is a combination of a projector and a receiver. As the transmitter, the transnational Transmission Formation is a projector, and the item or lifeform on it can be thrown directly into the space-time pipeline, and the receiver at the other end must be accurately connected in the space-time pipeline. Only when the target is transferred can be completed into a transfer cycle. However, in the process of this cycle, it is actually equivalent to a state in which the projector has completed the transmission, but the receiver has not yet received it.

Because of the wrong estimation of the transmission method, the transnational Transmission Formation is in the process of transmission when this idiot is self-destructing. At this moment, the transnational Transmission Formation is actually almost invincible. , And that guy’s bomb happened to be

in the only Void Channel, neither on the side of Isengard Mobile Fortress nor on the other side of the Transnational Transmission Formation. Therefore, the bomb itself did not have any direct impact on the transnational Transmission Formation on both sides. However, the indirect influence cannot escape.

Although the transnational Transmission Formation on the Isengard Mobile Fortress and the transnational Transmission Formation on the other side were not in the direct formidable power range of the bomb at the moment of the explosion, because the space-time pipeline uses huge energy to Torn, so the energy in this pipe is very large. Therefore, when the bomb is detonated, the transmission channel in the transnational Transmission Formation is blown up, and the excess energy is directly dissipated from both ends of the space pipeline and directly directed to the nearest transnational transmission

The sending array produced a powerful impact of energy.

As a transnational Transmission Formation that often comes into contact with a large amount of energy, whether it is the transnational Transmission Formation on the Isengard Mobile Fortress or the transnational Transmission Formation in other places, it has done strong energy field backflow protection. To deal with it, this design is actually equivalent to

the same as the overload protection used in electrical appliances, to prevent the super energy from burning the electrical appliances. The function of this thing in the game is similar, it is used to protect the structure of the transnational Transmission Formation from being damaged by energy impact.

Because of this protective equipment, the transnational Transmission Formation on the side of Isengard Mobile Fortress has not been devastated, although it has withstood the direct impact of the energy that escapes when the tunnel collapses. , But the transnational

Transmission Formation on the side of Isengard Mobile Fortress is actually only internally burned by a strong energy field. It hasn't really been destroyed.

However, although this energy shock has little effect on the transnational Transmission Formation itself on the Isengard Mobile Fortress, it has caused the internal energy loop of the Transnational Transmission Formation to be inaccurate.

I said before. Transmission Formation this thing is like there are two transmitters, one is connected and the other is connected. If you think about this situation, you can know that the transnational Transmission Formation, like the general Transmission Formation, requires high accuracy at both ends, because you have to make sure that the other party can catch it when you throw it out. Throw it out of the opponent's reach.

Because of this principle, the transnational Transmission Formation is actually designed with a special stable loop to confirm that the energy output of the transnational Transmission Formation just establishes a stable channel without insufficient or Exceeded situation. However,

this so-called stable energy is not a fixed value, but a range value commonly used by all transnational Transmission Formations. It is necessary to adjust the loops of the magic array inside all transnational Transmission Formations many times to allow Their transmission energy is at the same level.

However, the problem now is that the excess energy generated by the bomb explosion impacts the Transnational Transmission Formation on the Isengard Mobile Fortress, causing the internal energy loop of your Transnational Transmission Formation on the Isengard Mobile Fortress. Inaccurate. In other words, now

The transnational Transmission Formation on the Isengard Mobile Fortress is not unable to transmit things, but if the transnational Transmission Formation on the Isengard Mobile Fortress is used to transmit items, then this thing I don't know where it will fly. Although it may be received by transnational Transmission Formation in other places, it is more likely that it will disappear directly into a different-dimensional space. Therefore, although the transnational Transmission Formation on the Isengard Mobile Fortress has not been destroyed, it is actually not much different from being destroyed


Of course, the transnational Transmission Formation on Isengard Mobile Fortress does not mean that it cannot be repaired. The energy misalignment of the magic array circuit is not irreversible. On the contrary, this thing was originally set up with an additional access circuit for adjustment, so the energy size can be adjusted in a simple way.

However, although the transnational Transmission Formation at Isengard Mobile Fortress can adjust the signal and start using it again, the problem still exists, that is, time.

I said before, the key point of this plan is to let more players from all over the world flock to Russia to occupy the land in the shortest possible time, and After the others increase, Russia will have no way

to rebel against us. However, in order to fight the knife, we must guarantee a prerequisite, that is, we must invest as much manpower as possible on the Russian side in the shortest possible time. However, the current situation here illustrates one. /p>

The problem is that we are impossible to send people over in a short time, thinking that the transnational Transmission Formation impossible on the mobile fortress of Isengard will be adjusted in a short time, and this person is obviously not enough. of.

Suddenly, I almost jumped up when I heard such bad news. Now I can't control Giant Butterfly City anymore. On the contrary, I think that the attack on Giant Butterfly City is simply a bait, and the purpose is nothing more than to draw me out so that the planners of this matter can attack Ai

Singh Mobile Fortress. So, you don't need to worry about the giant butterfly city. I jumped on the bird without the slightest hesitation and started to return. However, although I am running back, it is useless even if I go back. The Transnational Transmission Formation of the Isengard Mobile Fortress

has been attacked. Even if I come here, it is impossible to repair it in a short time, so all I can do is expel or destroy it. By. Even I don’t know if there are any saboteurs who can let me kill when I go back.

Because it is said that the other party used suicide attacks, I can’t find anyone even if I look for them now.

"Military God, do you have any other high-level executives in the high-speed guild?"

"I have already asked for a while, everyone is thinking of ways to see if there is any way to do it Quickly fix the transnational Transmission Formation on the Isinger Mobile Fortress. Even if it is another transnational Transmission Formation, you must first repair the Transnational Transmission Formation on the Isinger Mobile Fortress

. "

The military god's statement can be said to be very reasonable. Although the transnational Transmission Formation on the side of Isinger Mobile Fortress was attacked when the other transnational Transmission Formation that established contact with Isinger Mobile Fortress was also destroyed, the transnational Transmission Formation over there was also destroyed. Formation no matter where it is, it only restricts people from one place from reaching here, and as long as the transnational Transmission Formation on the side of Isengard Mobile Fortress is still there, we can continue to send people here, so our plan There is hope

. Therefore, we must ensure that the transnational Transmission Formation on the Isengard Mobile Fortress is repaired as soon as possible, which is the top priority.

Although my idea here is good, this repair method is very difficult. People from all departments of the guild discussed together. Even the large library on Isinger's side has a lot of people from the guild looking through the information to see if there is any way to proceed.

Quick repair, even if it can only be temporarily topped, it is good.

Unfortunately, until I flew to the Transnational Transmission Formation on the mobile fortress Isengard, no one thought of a way, and my side just landed at the mobile fortress Isengard and was immediately caught People were surrounded.

These people surround me not to attack me, but to ask me how to solve this problem.

A Japanese guild leader pulled me and asked: "Purple Moon, what is going on with the transnational Transmission Formation at Isengard Mobile Fortress? When can it be repaired? "

I glanced at the president of the Japanese guild over there and said, "I'm not sure about this issue."

The president immediately stopped doing it. . He said with some excitement: "Our city has already begun to lay the foundation. At this time, you said that the Transnational Transmission Formation of Isengard Mobile Fortress is unavailable. What about our follow-up materials? System is not

What is your objective reason? As long as when the time comes, we did not complete the city construction on time, the system will still start the monster siege. When the time comes, there is no city. Simply cannot stop this wave of monster siege. When the time comes, who will be the loss? That’s right?"

This Japanese president asked the other presidents around him to be very excited. Most of their situation is similar to that of the Japanese guild, because they just started to occupy the territory, or just started. Mining requires manpower or materials. As a result, news suddenly came out from our side that the transnational Transmission Formation at Isengard Mobile Fortress was bombed, and there was no way to continue supplying personnel to transmit. Now those people can't sit still, because the loss caused by this news is too serious, so severe that these guild leaders can't afford such a loss. It can be said that as long as the transnational Transmission Formation on the mobile fortress side of Isengard does not resume use, their investment on the other side will basically be in vain.

In fact, I really want to speak of which, the transnational Transmission Formation of Isengard Mobile Fortress is destroyed, our Frost Rose League is the most anxious. Because what the guild loses is only money, what our Frost Rose League loses is not only money but also credibility, and this matter is also related to our Russian strategy and Japanese strategy, which can be said to be like our Frost An important project of Rose League in the short term. If something goes wrong with such an important project, it is really not a small problem.

At this time, Masaga Matsumoto stepped up to hold the Japanese guild leaders who were emotional around him, and then said, "Calm down, everyone. The attack on the Isengard Mobile Fortress this time is just because people don’t want it. We occupy Russia’s land and do not

want to benefit us, so we must not confuse ourselves. We must be calm and calm, and we need to try our best to solve the problem. Noisy is meaningless. "

The prestige of Masaga Matsumoto in the Japanese regional guilds can be said to be like the sun at high noon. Although the previous technical information has not been released after the snatch, but those Japanese guilds The chairpersons knew that something was in hand, so they had already developed a lot of respect for Masaka Matsumoto in their hearts. Because of this, Masaka Matsumoto suddenly stood up and spoke for me. Such a good effect instantly calmed down the presidents of the Japanese guilds. Unfortunately, the presidents of the Japanese guilds were quiet, but the presidents of other guilds were still noisy.

Looking at the situation at the scene is too chaotic, I had no choice but to call back the high level personnel of the guild, and then isolate the place, let the unrelated people leave first, and then put those people on a higher level. The presidents of large-scale guilds gathered around me

. The advantage of this is that it allows us to talk normally, because the situation on Isengard’s mobile fortress has caused everyone’s emotions to be not very good, but compared with those of small guild leaders or individual players, these medium and large guilds The president of the guild

has some background, so he can calm down and deal with the current problems.

After all these people arrived, I started to say: "First of all, I apologize to everyone here. The transnational Transmission Formation on the mobile fortress of Isengard was blown up, which caused quite serious damage to you. Influence, this is because our work was not done early.

We admit that it was a mistake in the morning."

Compared with that little money, the credibility of the Frost Rose League is only It's the most important thing, so I have a very good attitude at this time, and I am not arrogant at all, just to save my image. Even if we lose money to these guilds afterwards, the financial resources of the Frost Rose League are only one hair from nine oxen, which is not a big deal. However, once the credibility of our Frost Rose League is drained, it will not be so easy to support it.

Because of this situation, I deliberately lowered my stance, just in case something goes wrong and it is really irreparable, I can at least lose some money to protect the credibility of our Frost Rose League Keep it.

After all, our Frost Rose League is the number one guild in the world, and I am also number one in the world battle strength list. I can apologize with this attitude on behalf of the Frost Rose League. The following presidents are more or less willing to sell me some face, so they are calmer than before.

Although these people have been temporarily pacified, this is not a long-term solution. After seeing the home relax a little, I immediately said: "Although this matter is our Frost Rose League’s fault, we are also is not that absolutely does not have any preparations."

Credit is not just about losing money, you have to believe in your strength, otherwise it will be wasted. Therefore, I must give them a promise to make them feel that there is hope.

Those presidents were really excited when they heard what I said, and the situation was much better than before. Many people looked at me with expectant eyes, waiting for my next words.

I deliberately waited for them to watch for a while before I continued: "Although the transnational Transmission Formation on Isengard’s mobile fortress is damaged, our Frost Rose League’s transnational Transmission Formation is not really the only This one, but there are many more. So, the solution

I have actually thought of the solution."

The presidents who heard me were a little confused, among them Masamoto Matsumoto The same is true for He, so Masaga Matsumoto is here as the largest group besides our Frost Rose League. The representative of the Japanese Guild Organization has come forward to ask the question: "Aisin

This is the mobile fortress. The Transnational Transmission Formation was destroyed. What does it have to do with the Frost Rose League’s other transnational Transmission Formations? Please explain to President Purple Moon a little bit, we don’t understand the relationship."

Hear Matsumoto Masaga also asked me the same question and immediately explained: "In fact, this matter is very easy to answer. You may also know. Our Frost Rose League has many cities around the world with transnational Transmission Formation like Isengard Mobile Fortress. These < /p>

There are similar transnational Transmission Formations in cities, and these transnational Transmission Formations are actually usable. There is no distinction between them, as long as they are installed, they can be used." There is a pause for a while. I continued: "The transnational transmission from Isengard Mobile Fortress

Although the sending array is destroyed, Isengard Mobile Fortress is not an ordinary city, it is a flying fortress!"< /p>

As soon as my words came out, the people below immediately reacted. These people are obviously not idiots if they can be senior members of a large guild. They all know what my words mean. Isinger Mobile Fortress is a flying fortress that can move

. Although the Transnational Transmission Formation on Isinger Mobile Fortress is broken, our guild still has transnational Transmission Formation in other places. Then, if the Isengard Mobile Fortress moves to other cities, that is, near the cities where other transnational transmissions are located, then the intact transnational Transmission Formation confidants in those cities can be dismantled. Install it down to the Isengard Mobile Fortress, so that the Isengard Mobile Fortress has a good transnational Transmission Formation.

As we said before, although the bomb destroyed two transnational Transmission Formations, the only thing we really need to repair is the transnational Transmission Formation on Isengard Mobile Fortress, as this transmission The hub of the mission, Isinger Mobile

As long as the transnational Transmission Formation on the side of the fortress can still operate, the loss of one or two transnational Transmission Formations in other places is actually meaningless. Therefore, we can completely disassemble the transnational Transmission Formation from other places and put it on

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