For their own benefit, the speed of these guild leaders who came to the teacher’s inquiries is unusually fast. In the blink of an eye, all the laymen in the city left, at least on the The people on the surface have left.

After these people left, Isinger Mobile Fortress immediately carried out a Space Jump, but this time the target of the shuttle was not a city with intact Transmission Formation, but was bombed together with Isinger Mobile Fortress The transnational Transmission Formation on Egypt's side was affected.

The transnational Transmission Formation on the Egyptian side was affected by the explosion like the transnational Transmission Formation on the Isengard Mobile Fortress, but the damage on both sides was relatively minor, just because of the transnational Transmission Formation. Formation itself is too sophisticated, so it can't be used. However, no matter how much damage to the transnational Transmission Formation on both sides is not serious, if voluntary reorganization is carried out, it is not a problem to replace a complete transnational Transmission Formation with the parts on the two transnational Transmission Formations.

Of course, although the method of using two Transmission Formations to form a transnational Transmission Formation is feasible, but the time is not too short, so we do not intend to use this kind of magic cultivator to recover Isinger's movement. The transnational Transmission Formation on the fortress, but intends to throw the transnational Transmission Formation on the side of Isengard Mobile Fortress on the Egyptian side and let them repair the transnational Transmission Formation on the Egyptian side. As for the Isinger Mobile Fortress, it will be after this. Jump to South America.

There are two reasons why you want to change to the transnational Transmission Formation here in South America. First, the wizard city on the South American side has not yet been completed, so there is also a transnational Transmission Formation in a temporary hypothetical state. Although this Transmission Formation is in use, it is not actually fixed on the ground, but is temporarily assembled and used. After the construction of the city is completed, the transnational Transmission Formation will be completely fixed. But now, it is still a mobile transnational Transmission Formation, so we want to obtain this transnational Transmission Formation is the fastest and the easiest, after all, there is no need to disassemble it. The second reason for this is naturally the issue of human flow.

The transnational Transmission Formation of our bank located in other countries is very busy, especially the transnational Transmission Formation in Europe and the United States has appeared on the same level as Isinger Mobile Fortress. Congestion, so in this case, I naturally can't go to the transnational Transmission Formation in those places. In contrast, the transnational Transmission Formation on the South American side is much easier. There are already few players here, and the battle strength is low, and there is no need to open up overseas colonies. Naturally, there are fewer people going to the Isengard mobile fortress. Therefore, the dismantling of the transnational Transmission Formation here has the least impact on us.

At the same time that the plan was made, Isengard Mobile Fortress has used Space Jump to reach Egypt.

"Damn, the temperature difference is a little bit bigger!" Suddenly from Space Jump from the Russian frozen soil to the Egyptian desert, the temperature jumped from minus 20 degrees to nearly 40 degrees, 60 degrees. The temperature difference, if this is estimated in reality, most people will pass out directly. Fortunately, the players' physical fitness in the game is excellent, so everyone is just a sudden surprise, but there is not much reaction.

In the steaming heat of the desert, the mobile fortress of Isengard, with ice skates and a layer of fresh snow, began to slowly descend, while the city managers who had been notified below did it quickly. Ready to receive.

Because the transnational Transmission Formation on Isengard Mobile Fortress has been damaged, you don’t need to be too careful about the disassembly work. I just violently disassembled it and threw it to the maintenance personnel below. Then Isengard Mobile Fortress did not After stopping for an extra second, he jumped directly to the South American side with the melting stagnant water.

Last time I suddenly jumped from extreme cold to Extreme Hot, but this time it was like jumping into a sauna suddenly. Although the desert is also very hot, the air humidity is very low, but South America is full of tropical rain forests. Our city is just built in the depths of Yulin, so the surrounding air humidity is very high, and it feels like being in a bathhouse. The same inside.

Because this side also gets the news synchronously, when we first arrived here, the packaged transnational Transmission Formation was already placed there, and we used large-scale magic pets to put these large-scale The parts were delivered to the original location of the Transnational Transmission Formation on the Isengard Mobile Fortress one by one.

Without waiting for the installation process of the engineers, the Isengard Mobile Fortress jumped back to its previous location in Russia after receiving the new transnational Transmission Formation. The players in the city were trembling again. . The high temperature of 42 degrees in South America and the air humidity of more than 70% suddenly turned into a low temperature of minus 20 degrees and an air humidity of less than 10%. The gap is really big enough. From a cold place to a hot place, people just feel the heat is unbearable, but suddenly from a hot place to such a cold place, everyone can’t help but shiver, and many people’s hair has an extra moment. Layers of ice, this is all sweat in the tropical rain forest, and then it all becomes ice here.

Although it is quite uncomfortable to be caused by the temperature difference, no one complains, and this is not the time to complain. Concentrating the engineering staff, we began to rush to repair the transnational Transmission Formation. Of course, the work is simple now. The transnational Transmission Formation that was just acquired is just disassembled, and it can be used when it is installed back. It does not even need to be debugged, and it can be done in a dozen minutes at most. However, although the engineering staff are very busy, Christina and I are not relaxed, because our surroundings are not safe.

Those people before can attack the transnational Transmission Formation, it means that someone is eyeing our transnational Transmission Formation, so what will these people do if they find that we have fixed the transnational Transmission Formation? The answer is of course to destroy it again. Therefore, although the engineering staff are very busy now, we must also pull ourselves together to keep an eye on the surrounding activities. It’s just that once Transmission Formation resumes operation, it’s even more difficult to keep an eye on those people when the time comes. After all, once the Transnational Transmission Formation starts, the flow of people will reach a terrifying state. By then, it’s impossible for us to check everyone one by one. It can only be a rough observation. Whether the attacker can be detected in advance is really uncertain.

Looking at the surrounding situation with trepidation, I was afraid that someone would suddenly rush out and rush into the engineers with a bomb. After all, in this case, our losses are not just as simple as the transnational Transmission Formation.

Although we do not want to see the attackers, the appearance of the attackers is not subject to our wishes. Just as the installation of the Transnational Transmission Formation was about to be completed, suddenly, a red beam shot down from the top of a building on the periphery of the Transnational Transmission Formation and flew straight to the Transnational Transmission Formation.

Just as the beam was about to hit, the periphery of the Transnational Transmission Formation suddenly lit up, a golden light curtain flashed and extinguished randomly, and the beam disappeared completely. Christina opened her huge wings of energy and slowly rose from the center of the Transnational Transmission Formation, and the light curtain shone under her feet from time to time. The attacker on the opposite side found this situation and immediately turned the target to Christina, because he knew that it would be impossible to penetrate the shield without killing Christina. However, just when he was about to continue to shoot, a cold voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Offend our Frost Rose League, do you think about the consequences?"

The sudden sound made the attacker shake all over, but this guy's mental quality is also very strong, shaking After a while, I immediately calmed down, turned around abruptly and pointed the weapon in my hand at my head.

The weapon used by this attacker is not a cold weapon, at least it does not seem to be. The gripping position of this thing is similar to a rifle, but its shape is more like a weapon used by aliens in science fiction movies. But although this thing looks strange, it can still be seen in the basic shape of a gun. This guy pointed this thing at my head right now, and without the slightest hesitation, he pulled the trigger in the next second.

"If I were you, I wouldn't do that." A plain white and soft hand lightly put on the middle of the gun, and then the guy was horrified to find that the trigger could not be pulled down. .

The person who just appeared is my demon pet Shuangxue. As an evolutionary snow demon, the battle strength in this Extreme Cold environment of minus 20 degrees can be imagined. It seemed that he just put his hand on the gun body lightly, but the whole body of the gun body was frozen in an instant. Although this gun looks like a magic weapon, there should not be much mechanical structure inside, but at least its trigger is mechanical and needs to be pressed to trigger. When the whole gun is frozen, the trigger will naturally be pulled. Not moving anymore. The gun with the trigger locked is just a stick. As a gunman, this guy understands this naturally, so his current fear is very normal.

"I asked you, against our Frost Rose League, do you think about the consequences? But unfortunately, you are obviously an activist, but based on the premise that you have exposed your identity, I I won’t waste the downgrade pill to deal with you. This time it’s cheap for you.” I said, I nodded to Shuangxue, who then moved the small hand from the gun to the opponent’s neck, and then didn’t use much force, it felt like She touched the opponent's neck, but then there was a click. The guy's head fell directly from the neck, and a drop of blood did not flow out at the fracture site. Instead, the entire neck became ice cubes.

Seeing the guy's head rolling on the ground, I connected the communicator. "Rose, your guess is correct. The attacker is an American."

"Can you be sure that it is a gunman?"


< p>"It doesn't matter, anyway, it's probably the spear god. I can even think of the purpose of the opponent's attack."

"I can probably understand the meaning of the spear god. We destroyed them before. He is retaliating against us."

Suddenly Rose asked me: "Do you need us to retaliate?"

After a little thought, I nodded and said: "A little warning, otherwise he would really be bullied by our Frost Rose League."

"I understand."

Just after my conversation with Rose, he is located in Ai The top of Babel Tower above Singh’s Mobile Fortress suddenly stretched out like a flower, and then a thin red ray shot straight toward the sky, first hitting a mirror in the orbit of space, and then being refracted. Going to the next mirror, after four transits, the beam hits a mirror located in the sky above North America, and then folds back to the ground, just shining on the up ahead ground of the Holy Gun League headquarters building, leaving a red spot.

As this light spot appeared, the surrounding American players discovered this thing. After all, this light beam can be seen. Although the photoelectricity on the ground is not large, the beam of light falling from the sky is very conspicuous.

Just when American players were all staring at that beam, the beam emitted from the top of Babel Tower on the side of Isengard’s mobile fortress suddenly turned into a huge ball of light, and then it flashed like lightning. Go straight into the sky. The ball of light was like a string of beads on a rope, flying along the thin light to the sky, and then reflected many times through the mirror, and finally reached the United States, and fell from the sky to accurately land on the landing point of the light beam. However, unlike the completely harmless light beam, as the huge red ball of light fell on the ground, there was an immediate bang on the ground, a small mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and the shock wave instantly knocked down the headquarters building of the Holy Gun League and a circle of surrounding houses. , And then gradually reduced the formidable power and disappeared in the cascading buildings.

Although this one only destroyed some buildings and caused not many casualties, the warning sign of this one is very obvious, because Babel’s attack is not a single shot. It was ten combos. This time it only took one shot to show that we did not intend to expand the situation. As long as the Americans don’t really plan to fight us either the fish dies or the net splits, then they will definitely not do anything to provoke us.

As soon as the attack on this side was over, the Gunmaster received a guild notice from a special channel, and then he froze for a while and his expression became unusually wonderful. After surprise, anger, irritation, helplessness and frustration, In the end, he weakly gave an order to stop the retaliation. However, although the retaliation has stopped, the gun god did not leave Russia. Instead, he swaggered in from the front gate of Isengard's mobile fortress.

As soon as the gun god appeared, he was discovered by people on our side, and then he reported it to me, and I had actually guessed his purpose, so I did not let anyone intercept him, after all Neither the previous attack nor our revenge were completely public. On the surface, everyone still needs to keep that layer of skin.

"Chairman Purple Moon, it’s a good business." After seeing me, the gun god said with a weird voice. The meaning couldn’t be more obvious. It’s just that we eat meat and make me too Give him some soup he he, or he will be reluctant.

"The business is not small, but the cost is not low. In contrast, the business cost of the gun god president is low and the money comes quickly." I deliberately ridiculed, and then looked towards the gun. God waited for him to erupt.

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